My Mind's Eye (Pub Fiction #1) (11 page)

BOOK: My Mind's Eye (Pub Fiction #1)
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I listen, trying hard not to let Claire see just how interested I might be, but I also think back on how nonchalant he can be and, well, it confuses and irritates me. Plus, just thinking about the way he spoke to Luke while he trained me—which Luke let slip the other day, was supposed to be Ryker’s job—only serves to prove that he isn’t the one for me. I have yet to see this funny or sweet side of him that Claire claims exists. Okay, well, maybe I saw a glimpse of his sweet side the other day with Jacob, but he’s been nothing but an ass to me. Therefore, I remain skeptical of its existence. My first memory of Ryker Eddison is when he couldn’t be bothered to introduce himself to me, which served to show me what a big jerkface he can be.

Claire has no idea about my awkward encounters with Ryker, and I intend on keeping it that way as long as I can. Not that it’s a big deal, it’s just that Claire is always trying to hook me up, or trying to convince me I need a “fuck buddy” to tide me over until Mr. Right comes along for my next relationship. She tells me to think of fuck buddies as weekly appointments to help keep me de-stressed and relaxed. Claire is big on women exercising their libidos as much as men do, so her pressuring me to hook up with Ryker makes me a bit uncomfortable because my feelings about him are all over the place right now. The last thing I need is her pushing the idea of Ryker and me hooking up every chance she gets.

Here I am, harbouring thoughts of Ryker while Claire is clueless as to how hearing about him affects me. Between the memories I’ve stored and Claire’s stories, each one only serves to feed my brain with enough Rykerisms to allow him to slip into my mind in order to torment my thoughts almost daily at this point.

“I’m telling you, Kat, I have never seen bigger players then Ryker and Luke. They are seriously delicious to look at, like clenching yummy, and I can only imagine what good fucks they must be, especially Ryker. That one’s always fending off the ladies; it’s hilarious when he has to deal with chicks wanting repeats.”

I sit in our living room one night after her shift, cringing at how this makes me feel. I hate to admit it, but even though I don’t want him, I still want him, but I really wish I didn’t, and it bugs me. A lot.

“Then, tonight, this chick—Paula—comes up to him,
to speak to him, and he reminds her of his rule, pretty much
-ing her for thinking she’d be any different.”

“Rule? What rule does he have?” I ask.

“One. Night. Only.” Claire says, enunciating each word slowly. “And believe me, some chicks just do not get it. Just the other night, some chick was almost removed by Big Jim for trying to come around the bar to try and make him talk to her.”

See? This is why I cannot allow myself to think about this man.

“But being honest, Kat, I really do think he’s great, and maybe he just needs to meet the right girl to get him on the straight and narrow. I see the real him under the player front, and he’s got a lot to offer
.” Funny, that seems to be a thought Claire and Naomi both share, why can’t I see it?

“Like what?” I challenge.

“Well, aside from being gorgeous, he’s funny, super sweet, and he really does have a good head on his shoulders, Kat. He’s ambitious and, best of all, I heard he’s hung and could give you the ride of your life.”

With that, she pats my knee before uttering goodnight.

Chapter 10


at, oh my God. You’re hot and Ryker’s hot. Holy shit, you two need to hook up! This would be your perfect opportunity to have fun and experience the world of no strings attached,” Claire practically squeals, like she’s had the best idea ever. We’re sitting around the kitchen table with our other roommates, Kym, Amanda, Radha, and Beth eating Chinese food, drinking beer, chitchatting, and laughing.

Claire was sharing a bunch of funny work stories, seeing as she works the bar and gets to meet some pretty interesting people, ones who think she has time to listen to their life stories and ones who like to pour their hearts out to her. I meet some interesting characters too, but the ones I meet tend to try and talk more with their hands. Right in the middle of a story, in mid-sentence, she’d suddenly turned to me as if she’d had a revelation, and blurted out that crazy idea of Ryker and me getting together.
Where the hell did
come from, all of a sudden?
It was as if she’d finally pieced together some great puzzle in her little matchmaker mind; her brain had suddenly concocted this little epiphany as some last piece clicked into place in her subconscious. And, Claire being Claire, of course she felt compelled to blurt it out in front of everybody the second she thought of it. I immediately feel myself flush.

“Hmm. Who’s this Ryker guy? And does he have any cute friends? I swear, I’m dusty from living at home most of the summer, and I haven’t gotten out much yet to meet anyone,” Amanda asks, joining this bullshit of a conversation.

“Count me in, too, ladies. I could use a little dusting myself,” Kym adds, brows raised with interest.

“Well, Ryker is just this total fuckin’ mountain o’ sex that Kat needs to climb and conquer, ’cause I am telling you, they would be H-O-T together, I just know it,” Claire shares, way too enthusiastically. “And yes, I’m sure he has a whole entourage of hottie progeny that we could infiltrate.”

“Claire! Did you just really say that? ‘A mountain o’ sex,’ really?” Radha can’t help but ask after she chokes a bit on her beer. “Well, hell, count me in, too, then. I’m not dusty, but I like a good shag, too.” She coughs, still recovering.

“Yep, I sure as hell did say it.” Claire raises her hands in mock surrender. “What? It’s the truth. Ryker Eddison is
Wait ’til you guys come to the club, you’ll see he’s the perfect specimen for our little Kitty Witty Kat. Hopefully, he’ll have some friends there, too. If not, we could always take up stalkin’

“Well, Kat, you have been crabby lately, maybe you should listen to wing-woman Claire. She seems to think you’re kinda dusty, too, from the way she’s been going on,” Amanda teases.

“I totally agree,” adds Kym before I can say a word. “I’d love to see you doing the walk of shame, sneaking into the house all tousled hair, trying not to be seen. I’d pay money to see that!” She laughs, as do the others.

“You guys are sooo hilarious,” I quip, but can’t help but laugh along with them.

Unfortunately for me, the girls are enjoying this way too much to let it go now; they continue to joke regardless of the dirty looks I send their way.

“Are you insane, Claire? No way! Aren’t you the one always telling me what a player he is?” I laugh. “I have zero interest in him whatsoever. You need to give up on this idea right the hell now, missy. Girls, do not let Claire Knox try to set you up. Trust me, you will create a matchmaking monster.”

Claire just shakes her head, and we all have a good laugh.

“I’m telling you, Kat, you should get in there—and fast—if you want a turn. And I so think you need a turn, ’cause let me tell you, that man is like catnip to some of these bitches.”

I shake my head at her. “No way. Not happening, my friend, there is no way I want to be somebody’s next bitch.”

“I honestly think you should be all like, ‘Hey, Ryker, my body has 206 bones in it, but I could use one more,’ then blow a kiss at him.”

“Oh, God, Claire, what is wrong with you? You are so crass! There is no way I’d ever repeat that! I don’t really want to really talk to the guy, let alone proposition him! Where the hell do you get this stuff from, anyway?”

We all laugh. I can barely believe the shit that comes out of this girl’s mouth. Claire should’ve been a guy.

Standing proudly as she grabs more beer for the table, Claire tells us she thinks it was from an article in Cosmo about raunchy pick-up lines for girls.

“But, for real, Kat, think about it. A little Ryker might do you some good; you sure could use some release, right? I mean, you’ haven’t been with a guy since you-know-who, and that is not okay, my friend,” she says before sitting back down and pouring her Shock Top into her favourite BrockU beer mug. I manage to steal her full mug and take a huge gulp of the tasty cool blonde goodness, the taste of citrus dancing on my tongue.

“Maybe you’re just what he needs. Maybe you can be
that girl,
as much as he’s what you need, which is one hell of a good fuck. Come on, at least take a ride on the Ryker Express:
Toot, toot!

Did that bitch actually just fucking
at the thought of Ryker and I hooking up?
Then she tries to high-five me.
Not a chance, lady.

“No way, Claire, don’t talk to me about me wanting
‘a ride.’”
I air quote. “I know he’s fucking hot, but I’m not interested in being a notch on a proverbial bedpost.”

I go on with my rant. “Like I’ve said before, I might be ready for a one-night stand or two eventually, but not with Ryker; that would just be intense. I’m definitely not in the market for getting myself all caught up in the girl drama that I can only imagine attaches itself to ‘catnip’ like that, as you call it,” I say, directing the last comment specifically to Claire. I hope I’ve done a good enough job concealing my thoughts about the man in question, especially from Claire. If Claire or the other girls caught wind of my true feelings, I’d never hear the end of it. Already I’m feeling my chest get a bit tight when Claire goes on and on about Ryker and me hooking up or with her pressuring me to just hook up with anyone for that matter. I have no idea how she thinks casual sex is something I can easily handle; she knows me better than that.

Finally, the topic shifts to Beth’s sister’s wedding, which she’s dreading going home for. “I love my sister, don’t get me wrong, but she has turned into Bridezilla on ’roids,” Beth giggles, popping a handful of nuts into her mouth before going on. Beth tells us all the crazy things her sister has been doing over the last few months, from wanting live doves flying around the venue to demanding the bridesmaids learn a choreographed routine, which they will perform in front of all the guests. I sigh, starting to actually relax as I sit at the table, sipping my beer, listening to Beth and the others ramble on about boys, work, and everything else.

Sitting there now, listening to them chat about I couldn’t even tell you what, I can’t help but think about
how strong and sexy he is. How when he held me close the day we bumped into each other in the hall, just how well I fit into him. I remember his scent—the traces of laundry detergent mixed with hints of sandalwood that tickles my nose. Taking a sip of my drink, I remind myself of his firm grip and how his solid body wrapped me in a safe cocoon. How he felt nice…right. Thinking of him like this makes me question everything Claire has told me about him. Maybe I just need to give in and see what happens? Maybe I need to put myself out there with him, take the lead?
God, I think I need to stop drinking before I do something crazy, like tell her I want to hook up with Ryker Eddison

God, he is hot. Maybe Claire’s onto something…

“Hello? Earth to Kat. Dude, are you
even fucking listening to me?
” I hear Claire shouting, breaking me out of my Ryker-induced thoughts, which, against all normal logic, seem to be creeping into my mind more and more. It must be from the way he breathed me in deep or the way he growls from deep in his throat.
God, that man confuses me.


The few times he showed up at the pub unexpectedly, it was uncomfortable, but also so…something else entirely. I would try to avoid looking at him, but of course every time I did sneak a peek in his direction, he’d catch me. He’d stare back at me, as if he was calling me out, and then he’d smirk, which in turn only left me standing there among all the staff and customers, blushing like an idiot for having been caught. Not that anyone seemed to notice our interactions, but still, I don’t want to.

“Kat,” Claire calls in my direction. “Well, will you?”

“Uh, sorry, yes! Yes, of course I will,” I reply, hoping to make her think I was, in fact, listening.

“Oh, good! It’s this Friday, coming. I can’t wait for this party with Colby. Thanks for covering my shift, Kat. You’re the best!” Claire gushes and gives me a sloppy, beer-soaked hug.

Oh. Hell. No.

I pat her shoulder awkwardly and try to not act as annoyed as I am after realizing what I just agreed to.
Friday night. Working. Great.
I had been planning to study at the library, and then go for dinner with Jenn this Friday, but I guess not. I sigh and watch Claire bounce into the living room, already sharing the good news to Colby on her iPhone. We decide to call it a night and begin clearing off the table and cleaning up. I really do need to get these wayward thoughts under control before I end up agreeing to something truly awful, like allowing Claire to set me up on one of those blind dates she’s always threatening me with, or—even worse—hooking me up with Ryker.

But then I realize that’s exactly what she’s just done. Ryker is scheduled to work every Friday.


Chapter 11


t’s Friday night and I walk into Pub Fiction for my shift about forty-five minutes early, after hanging out with Jacob. I’ve been tutoring Jac now for over a year, and lately, I’ve been taking on more of a mentor role, as well I like that kid, and seeing him make progress has been pretty rewarding. His dad bailed two years ago, I try to do things with him now and again. He’s thirteen and going through a rough time. Levi and I met him and his mom, Cheryl, at The Centre where we both volunteer with their youth programs when we can. The Centre is a non-profit organization that focuses its resources on helping and working with troubled youth. They offer a variety of programs that range from simple homework help to organized sports and counselling. It’s an amazing organization, and Levi and I both really enjoy helping out. Not having had the most positive male role model in our lives, we figured it was a great way to make sure that at least some other kid will get one. It was a good fit, seeing as he needed help with math and basketball and I’m a whiz at both.

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