My Little Rabbit (2 page)

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Authors: James DeSantis

Tags: #horror, #james desantis, #killing your boss, #my little rabbit

BOOK: My Little Rabbit
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“Come on, say it!” I demand.

“A-a-a-a-a-r-r-r-e” he finally gets out.

I wipe my sweaty palms on my pants and step
forward towards the man in a white coat. “Are?”


“You?” I finish for him.


“Oh?” I try to fit in but he vicariously
shakes his head back and forth. His eyes narrow and he latches on
to me. I scream, jump, but don't run. I look him in the eyes, the
blackness that now lives there. So empty, yet his face off gives
off the sense of grief.


“Are you okay?”

He nods with such joy. He has asked the
question he's being dying to get rolled off his tongue. However, I
have no answer for him. “Are you okay?” I repeat, as if not
understanding the meaning. How could I be okay? I'm being chased by
a clown freak and some guy with no eyes. “No...” I finally
announced, less angry than I picture.

“R-r-r-r-u-” he begins.

Then a knife appears right through the left
empty eye socket. Blood splatters all over my shirt. I jump back
from him, his grip completely gone. The eyeless man reaches out to
me one more time before falling to his knees and toppling over.
Behind him stands the clown, its snake-like tongue making the
rounds again for a taste of me.

“You sick fuck!” I scream.

“Getting to attached to unimportant things.
Me, you, that's what needs to be on your list of priorities. Now,
my little rabbit, are you going to come here and give me a big
kissy or what?” With each advancement he makes I take another step
back. This freak wants to kiss me, and I'm sure a lot worse

“Screw you!” I bellow and fly the opposite
way. Through the field I push away anything in my way. I refuse to
let this thing take me. It wants my body, I just have to figure out
how to get away from its clutches. There's always a way, I need to
get out of the field of hell.




It was earlier today that my sister and I
came to an agreement. I woke up early, as always, and started
brewing up some coffee. I placed two waffles in the toaster and
leaned on my counter as I counted the lines that ran through the
tiles on the floor. It was a habit I picked up ever since I moved
in to this place. Start my coffee, start breakfast, and count the
lines. Every single day. Nothing changed.
My sister came down the stairs, hair as messy as could be, yawning
as she reached the bottom step. She waved, rubbing her sleepy eyes,
and sat in the chair across from me. She looked so tired, the long
drive must have gotten to her. She came all the way to see me, and
here I was being a total jackass.

“Sorry about yesterday,” I spoke up and
began to pour some coffee for myself.

“It's okay, I just don't know why you get so
snappy. You know I'm here to help you, right?”

“I know,” I respond, taking a sip of my

“How's Kathy? I forgot to ask.”

“Fine.” I answered curtly.

“Sounds like it's going well.” My sister
sarcastically responded.

“I don't want to talk about it.”

“You really don't like to talk about
anything, do you?”

“No.” And like clockwork my waffles popped
out of the toaster. I grab both, throw them on a plate, and make my
way to the table. I began chowing down, eying my sister, waiting
for her barrage of questioning.

“How's work going?”


She huffed. “Really, I love how
conversational you are nowdays.”


Her eyebrows narrow. “Can I have a

I groan and move the plate towards her.

She takes a bite. “Sorry to intrude on your
life but I just thought having somebody to help you these days
would be nice.”

“I don't need help. I'm coping with my life
the way I see fit.” I leaned back on the chair. “How's work going
for you?”

“Not bad. Long hours but it's working out.”
She took another bite.

“I visited mom last week,” I announced.

“Yeah? How was that?”

“Fine, I guess. We should have picked a
better place.”

“Money issues.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.”

“What do you say we go out tonight? Have a
nice dinner out.”


“I don't care, wherever you want.”

“You're paying?”

“Yes...I'll pay.” Megan said bitterly. She
wasn't upset that she had to pay, but at my response.

“It sounds fun.” I added a bit of jib in to

“Really?” Her face lit up. “I mean, don't do
this for me. I'm thinking it would be nice just to spend some time

“I want to. No seafood and sign me up.” I
get up from my seat.

“Great.” She got up and began heading up
stairs. “What time do you get out of work tonight?”

“Six.” I looked up at my sister. She seems
so happy over the smallest thing. Dinner out? What's so special
about a night out grabbing food? People do that all the time. So
dumb to get so excited, yet it was contagious. The glow on her face
made me want to get dressed and head out.

“Okay, be ready by seven-thirty, fair?”

I laughed. “Yeah, sure.”

“Good!” She ran up the stairs.

You'd wonder who was the older sister in
this relationship sometimes. Dinner sounded nice, though. A night
out with big sister and just let the stress slip away. It's always
better than wallow in my misery, right?
Too bad it never happened.


The Bed




The crops were thinning the longer I ran.
After, what feels like hours, I reach the end of the field. I'm out
of it and in front of me stands a house. I march up the stairs and
began bashing my hand on the door. “Hello! Help! Anyone!” I yell,
my voice scratchy from the consistent screaming in the field. As I
should expect, no one answered. I moan, turn around, and look into
the yellowish field I just escaped. In the distance I could see
certain crops swaying, and I know the clown is the one doing

I twirl around, and with my body weight,
smash into the door. It flings open and I fall to the ground.
Quickly picking myself up I lock the door and take the house in. A
staircase in front of me, to my left is a empty room, and to my
right is a nasty smelling kitchen. I don't care enough to search
either, so I head forward. As I reach the top step I look down the
hall to see one room.

My heart skips a beat and my eyes narrow.
This place felt familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I've
been here, but I hadn't. It's like I'm retracing steps but I can't
recall ever being here in the first place. Either way I hear the
sound that makes me press forward.


I look down the stairs. It's him. It's the
freak. My eyes dart from the door to the room. Wherever I'm going
has to be better than the alternative. I rush onward and hope that
whatever I encounter is less traumatizing than what's at the front

I use my back to shut the door behind me.
With my right hand I fumble till I feel a lock, turn, and finally
breath. I'm inside the room at the end of the hall. First thing I
take notice is the bed, with a person inside it. They're turned to
face the window at the opposite end. He or she is covered in all
black with long blond hair that reaches her bottom. I can't see any
facial features but for some reason I get this chill down my


On the first floor. He got
in. I curse under my breath.

I edge towards the bed, trying to figure out
how to approach the person laying down. I check left to right, but
there's nothing to grab. It's as empty as could be. I had hope to
find a weapon to defend myself against the crazed lunatic with the
clown makeup but to no avail.

My hands shake as I get closer. I don't even
know who or what it is. Could be another clown maniac. My stomach
turns, and I feel like throwing up everywhere. Instead I force my
legs to work and continue to my destination.

I reach over to tap the
shoulder of the unconscious person. As soon as my fingers are only
inches away they turn. Eyeballs missing just like the doctor, face
smudged like a burn victim, mouth wide open but no teeth to be
found. A loud sound erupting from within: “
!” it screeches and I
fumble backwards.

Landing hard on my rear, I look at the
ghastly thing. I was never one to judge on appearances, but the
thing in front of me looked like it had come straight out of a
horror flick. My mind told me to get up and run, but I wasn't able
to move a inch. This thing in front of me made me stiff as a doll.
It shut its mouth and looked at me, its eyes eating away at my

It looked sad.

“What are you...” I mutter.

!” It preaches again but
the sound is so muffled it sounds more like noise. I shake my head
to try to show I don't understand but instead it repeats the same
phrase. I cover my ears and begin to crawl the opposite


My heart doesn't skip a
beat, it stops completely. I crank my head slowly behind me to hear
a soft knock at the door. The thing in the bed becomes mute, also
intent on knowing what lays outside of its room.

“Sweet Rabbit, why are you hiding from me?”
his voice is as sinister as ever.

“Leave me alone!” I shout.

The thing in the bed shouts with me, but the
words are impossible to understand. It just sounds like a bunch of
letters stuck together but the tone is undeniably angry. I watch it
point to the door, howling, then it turns back to me.

It's a woman. Her face is still ruined but I
can tell now. Her features are there, just covered in destruction.
I use the wall behind me to bounce myself back up. I step closer to
her, trying to get a better look. I know it's someone I have met
but I can't, for the life of me, figure out who.

“Hey...hey...” soft knocks accompany his
persistent calling. I try my best to ignore him as I investigate
closer to the woman. Her eyes are missing, but I felt like I might
be able to remember. Hazel? No. Green? Maybe.

“Hey, rabbuuuuut...I'm going to slither my
way into your body, eat away your large intestine and than gnaw
down on your uterus. How's that sound?” He breaks out in a laughing
fit, my attention is focused on the women however.

I'm now hovering over the women in black,
her eyes empty but her brows giving her a look of sadness. She
reaches up to me and at first I jump back. She pulls her hand back
as if she touched at hot stove. I shiver and step closer, this time
letting her hand come near me. It rest on my cheek and she


My head shoots to the door
as it shakes.

“No more games. I'm coming in there! No more


My head turns back towards
the woman, who's looking at the door with such ferocity I wonder if
she wants to challenge the clown. I place my hand on hers and
smile. “It's fine. He can't get us.” I reassure her.

Another bang, another warning, I ignore him
once more.

“Who are you?”

The women looks at me and
opens her mouth. “

“My?” I finish for her. She nods.

“lllllllllllllllll...ttttt....” she shakes
her head violently, frustrated the words won't come out.

“I will pick your bones with my teeth if you
don't let me in. You hear me?” he threatens.

I hold her hand tightly. “Try again.”

She lets out a breath and tries once more.
“Mmmmyyy llllllllliiittttlllleeee”

My heart races, not because of the banging,
but the words that she begins to pronounce.

“What did you say?” I ask, my eyes watering

“You fucking bitch, I will tear you up, you
hear me? I will work my way through your entire body and eat every
last part of you till you're nothing but bone dust. I will--” He
continues with his screams and warnings but my focus is only on the

“What were you trying to say?” I ask but I
already have a feeling. I know what it is.

A tear falls down her cheek as she opens her
mouth once more. “Mmmyyy Liittllee Rabbiiiitttt” she finally gets

My head is pounding from my heart racing so
quickly. My hands are trembling and my feet are shaking. The words
strike me like thrones on a flower, and I shut my eyes. I know what
it is now. I know what she's trying to tell me.


The door shatters open. The
clown comes rushing in like a bull. It reaches out for me. I turn
to face him. Readying myself for my doom. The woman screeches,
inaudible but furious. I watch as the clown is only mere inches
away from me. I look into his eyes, and for the first time I see
him nervous. Nothing is under his control. He lost it. The one
thing he had since he's been chasing me is gone.

I smile.

He latches on to my body, as does the woman
behind me. I gasp.


The Photo



My body is shaking uncontrollably. I'm in a
room of darkness. I can't see a thing around me. My insides hurt
like hell, my head is spinning, and my mouth is dry. I'm feeling
week, as if I hadn't slept in days. My nose crinkles up, and I
brush it off. I can't stop shaking. It's like someone is pulling on
me. I try to speak but nothing comes out. I try to hold myself
tight to stop the tremors my body is experiencing but no dice.

“Hey! Hey Jenna, JENNA!” That voice. I know
that voice. Why can't I visualize who that is. Think...come

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