My Last - Riley & Chelle (8 page)

Read My Last - Riley & Chelle Online

Authors: Melanie Shawn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: My Last - Riley & Chelle
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As they exited the cable car on Bay Street, Chelle was still having a tough time wrapping her mind around the fact that Riley was here, beside her. He was safe and sound, she was standing right next to him. She could reach out and touch him, although she was trying her best not to.

There were too many nights to count, over the years since Riley had left for basic training, that Chelle had lain awake and wondered where he was. If he was okay. If she was ever going to see him again.

She would pray that God would make sure that he got home safely. Not only physically, either, but that he would come home emotionally intact as well.

She would catch herself casually trying to work Riley’s name into conversations and ask Eddie if he had spoken to him. At first, her brother would always tell her where Riley was and what he was doing. But once Riley had become a part of a Special Ops team about seven years ago, the updates were few and far between. Eddie not only heard from him less, he rarely knew where Riley was or how long he would be there.

Then, a year ago, everything had changed. That was when Riley had gotten a Facebook page. Once she had seen the update in her feed that informed the world (well, all of their friends, at any rate...) that Eddie and Riley had become friends on the social networking site, she had to admit she had cyber-stalked him a teensy weensy little bit.

Not in the hey-baby-I-wanna-hook-up way or anything. She was, after all, an engaged woman. Not to mention, that just wasn’t her style. No, she had just been checking in on him, looking at his posts and...OKAY...maybe a picture or two as well. Or maybe three. Or...maybe all forty-seven that he had either posted or been tagged in. But not all the time! Just…daily. Or so.

She couldn't help it! Seeing him alive and well gave her a sense of peace she hadn’t realized she had been missing. But, she guessed it made sense, because not a day had gone by since he had gotten on that bus to leave for basic training twelve years ago, in which she hadn’t thought about him, worried about him, and wanted to make sure that he was alive and well...and happy. Yes, happy, too. He deserved to be happy.

Everyone in Harper’s Crossing had always seemed to think that he was this big, infamous troublemaker. They treated him like a delinquent. But that’s not the Riley she knew. She had never understood why everyone else didn’t see what she saw.

She heard how people talked about him all the time growing up. Of all the Sloan boys, he definitely had the worst reputation...and that was really saying something!

She had never known much about Seth, the oldest. She just remembered him being quiet and mysterious. People always referred to him as “brooding”.

Then there was Riley, the bad boy. He never followed rules. Between breaking and entering, getting in brawls at local bars, and “borrowing” cars to go joyriding before he was even old enough to have a license...well, he had had his fair share of scrapes with the law. People were always talking about how dangerous he was.

But Chelle had never seen him like that, not really. Although she had to admit he had starred in many of the bad-boy-with-a-heart-of-gold fantasies.

Then there was Jason, the charmer in the bunch, who was aptly nicknamed Romeo. He had a natural charisma. Guys wanted to be friends with him and girls wanted to be with him. To the dismay of most of the female population of Harper’s Crossing, the only girl that was on Jason’s radar was his new bride Katie. Since the day he met her in kindergarten, he had been head over heels for that girl.

Alex was next. He was the player. He went through women like most guys went through deodorant.

And finally the youngest, Bobby. He was the strong, silent type.

Chelle hoped that when Riley went back home, people would see him for the man he was today and not try to put him back in the box they had placed him in during his adolescence. She wasn’t holding her breath on that count, though, because Alex had been away and when he returned, everyone just expected him to be the same womanizer he was in his teens. That might be a different story, though, because so far it seemed like Alex was living up to his reputation.

Wait, what was she doing? She was imagining a whole scenario where Riley came home and built a life, and she wasn’t even sure if Riley was planning on going back to Harper’s Crossing! For all she knew, he never planned on stepping foot there again!

Whoa. That thought suddenly made her feel really sad. Why was that? It shouldn't matter to her...should it?

She tried to shake off the sudden melancholy. No, it
matter to her what his plans, now that he was out of the Marines, might be. They didn’t affect her at all. Or...they
affect her at all. Her mind knew that. Now someone just needed to give her heart the memo.

But, now that she had started thinking about what Riley’s plans were in the future, the curiosity was driving her absolutely bonkers. Hmmmm....she would have to try to think of a way to subtly work in some reference to his future plans, hoping to get some clue as to what they might be without actually coming straight out and asking. She could be subtle. Just like she used to be with Eddie!

Chelle looked over at him as they made their way around the crowds at Fisherman’s Wharf, trying to plot and plan her oh-so-subtle inquiry as to what the future might hold for him...and completely lost her train of thought. He was
so gorgeous!

His light brown eyes had flecks of hidden green in them, which she had always found intriguing. Mesmerizing, really. They looked nearly iridescent in the sun. And, although she never before would have considered a jawline sexy, Riley was making her rethink that assessment. Because...yeah. His jawline was inspiring all
of thoughts in her mind, and not one of them was of the innocent variety. She wanted to reach out and touch it, she wanted to press her lips to it and pepper kisses up and down it...

She was beginning to get all hot and bothered just picturing it.

Stop! She commanded herself. She needed to stop this line of thinking immediately. Riley was being a good friend to her, to Jason, to Eddie, to Katie...and how was she repaying him? By having all kinds of naughty thoughts! Way to go Chelle, she thought, real classy.

, new plan. Distraction through conversation.

“So Riley, now that you’re out what are your plans?”

Oops! Hadn't she just been trying to mentally manufacture a more subtle way to go about sussing that out? Oh, well, she thought. At least Riley doesn't seem thrown by her directness.

“Well, I'm headed back home for a week or two. You know, visit the family for a little bit. And then, after that, down to New Orleans.”

Chelle’s heart sank. She knew it was utterly ridiculous to be disappointed that he didn’t plan on moving back to Harper’s Crossing. Still, that didn’t change the fact that she was.

Wait a minute...he hadn’t said he planned on
in New Orleans. Maybe he just wanted to visit there.

“For vacation? Or are you planning on staying?” She mustered every ounce of strength she possessed (and it definitely took every ounce!) in order to keep her tone sounding blasé. She knew that her whole life’s happiness did not rest in his answer...but it certainly felt like it did.

“To live. For a while at least. A few buddies of mine from the Corp moved down there and opened a bar. I invested in it, and I'm a partner. So far I’ve just been a silent partner since I was still enlisted.”

Chelle tried to mask the feeling of sadness that washed over her. Why did she feel like someone had just run over her dog?

“That’s great!” She said, maybe just a tad too heartily. She pasted on her best ‘fake’ smile and started walking a little faster.

She felt her hand being pulled and she was stopped short as Riley spun her to look at him.

“Hey,” he said, his face etched with concern, “is everything alright?”

Chelle nodded enthusiastically, “Yep, I’m good.”

He did not look the slightest bit convinced as his brow furrowed and he reached out and tucked a strand of hair that was flapping wildly across her face behind her ear. “Are you sure? You seem like something’s wrong.”

A rush of warmth raced through her as his fingers lightly brushed her neck. She closed her eyes.

How could such an innocent gesture feel so erotic? It seemed that her body was wired to respond to even the slightest contact with his. She couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like if he
touched her.

She felt his stare and looked up into his eyes. She couldn’t read precisely what was behind his expression, but his gaze was definitely filled with emotion.

Why in the name of all that is holy did he have to be so perceptive?

She had never been around any guy that had been so in tune to what she was feeling. Every other relationship that she had ever been in (which, if we were talking ‘serious’ relationships, was sadly just the one) had been nothing like this.

If she was mad, or upset, or had hurt feelings – well, she would always have to spell it all out for David. Even after she had, he usually responded by either ignoring her, or justifying his behavior and listing the reasons why she
be feeling the way she was.

But not Riley. Nope. He was tuned to her like a fine instrument.

“I’ve missed you,” she breathed. She wasn’t sure what prompted that, and she probably shouldn’t have said it. But she just needed to tell him.

His mouth curved at the corners and a small smile appeared on his face, “I've missed you, too.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “Really?” She wasn’t sure what she had expected him to say, but it hadn’t been that!

Maybe he was just saying it to be nice. Yep, he had probably just said it out of politeness. It was a courtesy ‘Missed you.’

His expression turned serious and his voice a little shaky as he leaned in and said quietly, “More than you know.”

Chelle's mind started racing a mile a minute.

She was having trouble processing what he had just said.

What did he mean, ‘more than you know?' She didn’t know that he missed her at
so any amount of missing would have been more that she knew!

She wasn’t sure about the significance of his admission, but there was one thing she
sure about: those words had definitely made her heart skip a beat.


As Chelle and Riley walked around Fisherman’s Wharf, Riley could honestly say he didn't know when the last time was that he had had this much fun. He loved watching Chelle interact with people. Everyone just seemed drawn to her.

She didn’t seem to notice the effect that she had on people. To her, it probably just felt normal. But Riley had been around the world. He had met a lot of people, and he knew how special it was. He knew how special

After they had lunch, as they were walking along the pier, they passed a mom of three trying to change her infant's diaper and keep her other two little ones corralled close by. Chelle didn't miss a beat. She stopped, kneeling down and asking the young boy and girl their names and ages. Then she started talking to them about their favorite movies.

The children were enamored of her, of course, and when the mom had finished attending to the infant, she looked up at Chelle and said gratefully, “Thanks, you’re a lifesaver!”

Chelle smiled and waved it off like it was no big deal before saying goodbye to her two new little friends and cooing over the baby.

As the afternoon wore on, Riley and Chelle went into pretty much every single souvenir shop they passed. Chelle bought a pink stuffed seal for Emily, a shirt and hat for Eddie, a snow globe for Katie and several other trinkets for other friends and co-workers - and even some for long-term patients she had gotten to know in the hospital.

She happily shopped, explaining why she was choosing each gift specifically for each person. Every time she relayed the story of why each gift had a personal meaning, her face lit up and she smiled.

Damn, Riley thought. Her smiles were becoming like a drug to him. With every single one he felt himself getting more and more addicted.

After their afternoon spent shopping, they sat together on a bench, gazing out at the azure blue sea. He drank coffee, and Chelle ate a caramel apple, giggling as she explained that she was able to eat it guilt-free because the apple had fiber and the nuts had protein.

He smiled. God, she was so cute.

Suddenly she gasped and almost choked on her 'nutritious' treat. “Oh my gosh, what time is it?” She looked at her watch, alarmed. “Your flight is…Oh God! We need to head back! If we hurry, you can make it!”

Chelle never ceased to amaze him. He just couldn’t get over how she was always worried about other people! He knew that she was having fun, enjoying herself - but her first concern was getting
to his flight on time.

It was a stark contrast to the women he usually dated. Well...let's be honest, he thought - 'dated' is strong term. 'Spent time with' would be more accurate.

Those women would never have worried about him making a flight. Not in a million years! If they had thought about it at all, it only would have been in the context of trying to figure out how they could make him
his flight. He had had girls hide his keys, hide his phone, and employ a number of other sneaky tactics if they knew he had to leave and they didn’t want him to go.

But not Chelle. She always put others first, even someone she hadn’t seen in over a decade. What the hell had douchebag David been thinking to throw that kind of love away? David Price literally might be the stupidest person on the face of the earth.

“Are you coming?” Chelle asked anxiously. She was already off the bench and a few feet away from him, headed back in the direction they had come, toward the place where they would catch the cable car that would take them back up to Powell St.

“No,” he answered simply.

“No, you’re not coming?” She stopped, a look of confusion clouding her face.

He shook his head.

She waited, then tilted her head continuing to explain, “Riley if we don’t leave now you’ll miss your flight.”

“I canceled it.”

“You canceled your flight?”



“While you were talking to that elderly couple, when we were watching the seals sunbathe.”


“Because, the last thing I want to do is get on a plane that takes me away from you.”

Her eyes widened.



“Oh.” A flush crept up her cheeks and she slowly walked back to the bench where he had remained seated and sat back down next to him.

She was completely silent and he suddenly realized that she may not want his company. He wasn't, after all, exactly an invited guest.

He didn’t know what had possessed him to say what he did. He should have just said that he wanted to do more sightseeing, or that he was extending his vacation. Something neutral. Or he could have made something up! He could have said that Jason had asked him to stay...which he had, as a matter of fact.

But, no. He had to go and say that he didn't want to leave her.

The tension between them was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

He turned towards her, saying awkwardly, “Look...I don’t have to stay. I could…”

She put her hand on his thigh, he stopped talking.

She turned and smiled at him, then leaned over and pressed her lips to his. For a moment, he wondered if he imagined that part, though, because in a blink of an eye she was up and off the bench again.

“I want to go on the Ferris wheel!” she said brightly.

“The Ferris wheel?” He repeated, still in shock from the indescribable feeling of her soft full lips pressed against his, no matter how short the duration of the kiss.

“Yep,” she grinned, and then she was off, headed down to the Ferris wheel.

Unable to come up with a better plan, he shrugged and followed her.


--- ~ ---


Chelle still couldn’t believe that she had kissed him. She...Rachelle Thomas...had kissed Riley Sloan on the mouth. In broad daylight, in front of God and everybody.

Well 'kiss' might be overselling it. But she
given him a peck on the lips. She wished that instead of half-assing it, she would have had the courage to woman up and really go for it! At least then she would have known for sure if there was going to be
kiss at some point.

In fairness to her, she hadn’t ended the kiss so abruptly solely because she was a big chicken. The other contributing factor had to do with the fact that, the minute she came into
contact with him a sweet shock of bliss washed over her entire body like a wave crashing over her being. It was intense.

Nevertheless, she was still kicking herself for retreating. If she hadn’t done that.
..if she had
kissed him...then the ball would have been in his court. He would have either had to kiss her back, or end the kiss. It would have been clear-cut, one way or another. Although the second option would have been disappointing (in the extreme) it would have at least been

At this point in the program, the entire incident was just being completely ignored. By both of them.

He hadn’t mentioned it, and they both seemed to be acting normally. ‘Acting’ being the appropriate term, for her at least, because that was definitely what she knew she was doing.

After that all too brief smooch, all she could think about was if their lips would ever touch again. It was consuming her thoughts. As soon as they got off the Ferris wheel Riley suggested they go take one of those old-timey photos where you dress up.

Ooookaay, Chelle thought, so maybe
was not having the same issues getting over her sad excuse for a kiss as she was.

Chelle agreed to the idea and they found a photo shop that did Wild West pictures. Chelle dressed up like a saloon girl and Riley was in chaps and a cowboy hat, holding a rifle.

Hmmmm....Chelle thought. He looks good.

The photographer posed them so that Riley was seated on a bar stool and Chelle’s heel-booted foot was resting on Riley’s firm leg. As soon as the photographer directed Chelle to place her foot on him, she felt his hand wrap possessively around her calf.

Her dress was pulled up to reveal a garter that she had placed mid-thigh.

Riley held a rifle in one hand, the base of which rested against his opposite leg.

As they waited while the photographer placed props around them and the lighting was set up, Chelle felt Riley’s strong fingers begin moving slightly, massaging her skin. She didn’t know if he was purposely trying to torture her or if he was just doing what felt natural to him...but either way, it felt amazing.

Who knew that a person could have so many nerves in their calf? Chelle had never before thought of her lower leg as an erogenous zone, but now she knew that it definitely was. The
gentle movements of Riley's fingers felt so good, in fact, that she was having a hard time holding still.

“You look good in that dress,” Riley said in a deep, low voice that rumbled from his chest.

Just those few well-chosen words, combined with the pressure of his fingers caressing her leg, were almost too much for Chelle to handle. Her body trembled and she found herself having a hard time standing with only one leg to support her.

Feeling that the moment was getting a little too intense, she thought it was probably a good idea to lighten the mood. She teased, “You’re not so bad yourself, cowboy.”

She looked down at him, forcing herself to smile brightly and she felt his grip tighten around her calf, causing a lightning bolt of pleasure to run all the way up her leg to her core. She heard a gasp escape from her mouth.

The photographer stepped behind the camera and told them to look up.

Chelle did, and the photographer counted down three, two, one before snapping the pic.

She then took several more before smiling and letting them to go change out of their western gear.

The dressing rooms were on opposite sides of the studio, so - without sparing a glance in Riley’s direction - Chelle headed to her side to change out of her dress and try to get a handle on her out of control hormones.

She had never really considered herself a sexually-charged person. Sure, she enjoyed sex. She thought it was nice when it happened. But, by the same token, she had gone long stretches without it and never even missed it.

And she had never
before been in danger of having an orgasm from a simple touch of her leg!

She knew, now more than ever, that the feelings she had for Riley were beyond dangerous. It would be smart for her to keep her distance, both emotionally and physically.

That might be difficult, though, considering the fact that he was staying one more night (at least!) because he hadn’t wanted to leave her. SWOON!

As she walked out of the dressing room, Riley was leaning against the doorway of the small hallway waiting for her.

“We should probably head back, the last cable car leaves in about forty-five minutes.”

Sounds good, let me just get the picture.”

“Already got it.” Riley held up a bag that Chelle had not noticed him carrying.

“Oh,” She said trying to hide her surprise at the fact that he had actually taken care of getting the photo. That was yet another thing that Chelle had never experienced.

First of all, David would have never - not in a million years! - suggested getting the photo taken. And even if he did finally agree to do it, he would never have taken it upon himself to pick out the picture and purchase it. He had never even made dinner reservations for her.

In fact, now that she thought about it, any time they did anything - from simply going to a movie, to going out for dinner, or all the way up to a week-end getaway - Chelle was the one to plan it. It was always left to her to find out the show times, pick out the movie, choose the restaurant, make the reservations, find the hotel, etc. David had never done any of that.

Now, after spending less than twenty-four hours with Riley, Chelle promised herself that she would never settle for less than the bar he had unintentionally set.

All day, he had opened doors for her and placed his hand on her lower back to guide her through crowds. He had even bought her a zip-up hoodie when he thought she was cold.

In reality, it had not been the cold that was making her shudder, it was him. Every time she came into contact with him, no matter how brief or innocent that contact was, her body responded.

She knew that kind of chemistry was not easy to find, but now she also knew that she would rather be alone than in a relationship which didn’t generate that kind of heat.



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