My Last - Riley & Chelle (26 page)

Read My Last - Riley & Chelle Online

Authors: Melanie Shawn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: My Last - Riley & Chelle
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As hard as it was, he made himself stop showering her with soft kisses. When he looked into her eyes now, he didn’t see tears there, just passion. God, he loved her so much.

“Chelle, will you please marry me, be my wife, have my baby, raise a family with me?” He wanted to strip her out of her clothes and make love to her. He needed to feel her, to be inside of her. But first he desperately needed to hear her say yes.

She looked conflicted, unsure. Her breathing was labored and he thought she might be about to cry again.

“What?” He asked, “What’s wrong baby?”

“What about New Orleans? Your bar?” she asked.

“I already told them I was moving back home. I’m still an owner, I’ll probably need to take trips down there every once in a while but I can do a lot of what I need to from here. Honestly, they were so tired of me moping around the place that I'm about half convinced they were planning to ask me to go back to 'silent partner' status, anyway,” he concluded ruefully.

She nodded, but still didn’t look convinced. He knew something else must be bothering her, and he needed to get to the bottom of it. “Chelle, what’s really wrong?”

Her lip started to quiver again, and she said in a small voice, “You’ve never even said if you love me.”

Oh God, he felt like such an ass. How could he be screwing this up so badly?

He looked straight in her gorgeous almond shaped eyes and tried to convey what he felt inside for her, “I love you Chelle. I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love someone. I love you so much it didn’t even occur to me that you wouldn’t know how much I love you.

“Chelle, baby, I don’t deserve you and I know I messed things up by leaving. I am so sorry for that. I am so sorry I didn’t believe enough in myself to stay and fight for us. I know I hurt you but please...please let me make it up to you for the rest of our lives.”

She smiled up at him and he knew for a fact that making her smile was what he was put on this earth to do.

“Did you mean what you just said?” She said, mimicking back the question he had asked her in San Francisco when he overheard her conversation with Katie.

“Yes,” He parroted back the answer she had given to him.

“Ask me again.”

He smiled as his heart filled to capacity with love for this woman.

“Rachelle Thomas, you are the most amazing woman I have ever met. You are caring, loving, funny, and sexy as hell. I love you. I love your heart. I love your mind. And, God, I love your smile. I want to make you smile for the rest of our lives.”

He wiped the tears from her face as she smiled up at him, “I want to go to bed every night with you in my arms, where you belong. I want to make you breakfast and make sure you always remember your jacket and your keys.” She laughed through her tears as he got down on one knee, “I want to take care of you and our baby always, forever. Chelle will you marry me?”

Her smile widened as she lifted one shoulder in a shrug, “Well since you threw in breakfast...yes, I will.”

Relief and elation coursed through his body. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his cheek to her stomach. She ran her fingers through his hair.

“God, I missed you,” he said, holding her tightly. He never wanted to let her go.

“I missed you, too.” She continued to rake her fingers through his hair.

“There’s really a baby in there? Our baby’s in there?” He asked, his voice filled with wonderment, his face still pressed against her belly. He just needed to hear her say it again.

“Yes, our baby’s in there,” She smiled down at him, her beautiful brown eyes dancing , “I love you, Riley. I love you so much.”

He stood and picked her up, carrying her into the bedroom where he planned on starting his make-it-up-to-her plan. She giggled and smiled up at him, her eyes gleaming with love and trust. She was looking at him like he was truly her hero. He felt it all the way to the deepest part of his soul.

He realized that, for the first time in his life, he felt whole. He had everything he needed wrapped in his arms. She was his forever. She was his world. She was his home.

Sneak Peek: My Only - Alex & Jamie


Coming August 2013

Sneak Peak from My Only

The alarm on Jamie’s watch beeped and she was glad that she had taken the extra precaution to set it. She had been so wrapped up in reading the patient chart, she hadn’t even noticed that the hour had flown by. Alex Sloan’s history was fascinating. Between his mother’s illness, his four brothers, his time in the service, and his father’s ailing health she concluded that this man must have quite a life story. Add to that he was only twenty-six, just two years older than her.

The crowd parted as Jamie made her way towards the bed. She smiled at the family and friends as she passed them. She had inadvertently eavesdropped over the last hour (hey, they were in a small confined space) and to say that these people were colorful and amusing was the understatement of the century! After listening to them she knew one thing to be absolutely true, these people loved each other and would do anything for one another.

She had never had that kind of support system in her life. It had been her and her mom and whatever boyfriend her mom happened to have at the time. She had never had a group of people that she could depend on. In fact the one certainty that had never changed in her life was that Jamie could depend on one person and one person only…Jamie.

The couple she thought she remembered being Jason and Katie were standing beside Alex’s bed and were the last barrier she had between her and the patient. They moved out of her way and Jamie saw Alex Sloan for the first time.

She stood, momentarily paralyzed. Completely breathless by what she saw. Unable to move. Unable to think. He was…beautiful.

Lying perfectly still with his eyes closed, she stared, looking at his long dark lashes that lay resting on his cheek. His strong jawline was peppered with stubble. His skin was probably a bit pale but was still a lovely olive tone. His lips, she didn’t even know where to begin with his lips. They were perfect. His chestnut brown hair looked so full and inviting she wanted to run her fingers through it. And even though he had a cast on one arm and an awful hospital gown on, she could see that he had a broad strong chest. He had shoulders that looked made for someone to lean on. Her knees went weak.

Her watch beeped once again and it snapped her out of her massive lust-induced trance. She forced herself to move into action, checking his vital signs almost on auto-pilot. She was so embarrassed by her reaction to him she didn’t dare glance around the room at her captive audience. She knew they must think she was ridiculous. And they wouldn’t be wrong, because right now she

Never had she experienced a physical reaction to just
someone. And she most definitely had never been rendered speech-less, motion-less, thought-less at the simple sight of another human being.

After checking some of his vitals she knew it was time to wake him up. She spoke loudly, “Hey Alex, time to wake up.”

He didn’t move, she spoke again, a little louder this time, “Alex, can you open your eyes for me?”

He stirred and opened his eyes. The moment they locked with hers she felt like she couldn’t catch her breath.
They were gorgeous. A light emerald shade in the center rimmed with a darker hue of green. Whoa nelly, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

Work, she reminded herself, she had to work. She got her mini flashlight out of her pocket and leaned over him to check his irises.

“Hi,” He said smiling at her as she examined his eyes.

His voice caused a flutter in her belly and lower, “Hi.” She repeated as an unintentional smile spread across her face.

She was having a hard time concentrating on her job. He stared at her and made her feel things that she hadn’t felt…ever. But she had to

“Do you know where you are?” She asked, trying to judge his mental awareness.

“Yes.” He replied.

“Where are you?”
She asked, being more specific.

He smiled even though she could tell by his countenance that he was in a significant amount of pain. Even with the medication he was on, he had to be seriously uncomfortable.

“Lying down, in bed, looking at the most beautiful girl in the world.” He winked at her.

Laughter spread throughout the room and she heard several people comment on his answer.

“He’s going to be fine.” His dad said.

“Well at least we know the head trauma didn’t do too much damage.” One of his brother’s said.

“Yep, that’s Alex.” Another brother added.

“Not even a beam can knock sense into that boy.” She heard Grandpa J say.

She laughed a little and shook her head. “Do you know what year it is?”

“Yes.” He continued smiling, either unaware or just completely ignoring his family's comments.

“What year is it?” She asked, again more specifically.

“2013.” He answered correctly.

“Do you know your name?”


“What’s your name?” She asked as she pressed the stethoscope to his chest.

“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” He smiled again, staring directly into her eyes as she listened to his heart.

Tremors spread through her like a wild fire. She was glad no one had a stethoscope on her chest right now because he had just made her heart jump, and her pulse race. Even her palms were getting a little sweaty. Wow, how this guy was pulling off cheesy lines like this after what he had been through she had no idea. But, it was impressive.

“Jamie.” She smiled as she stared at his chest, trying to hide the twinkle she felt sparkling in her eyes.

He lifted his head and she glanced up. He was smiling a smile that let her know he hadn’t missed her reaction and he definitely had a twinkle of his own in his eye, “Alex.”

“Deep breath, Alex.” She instructed.

She saw him wince as he inhaled.

“How is your pain on a scale from one to ten, ten being the worst?” She asked trying to get back on track.

Professional. She was a professional, she reminded herself. She was a nurse. She was here to help him.

“Six.” He answered.

“Okay this is a PCA,” She lifted the small hand held button that was connected to his IV of Fentanyl, “when you need a hit just press the button.”

“Got it.” He laid his head back as she placed the device close to his right hand.

His fingers brushed against hers as she pulled her hand away and a chill ran the complete length of her body. She had no idea what was going on with her! Maybe she needed to have sex even more than she had originally thought.

She took a deep breath to try and steady herself, “I want you to be as comfortable as possible. So if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”

“That’s a loaded statement.” He said smiling, his eyes drifting down her body as he looked to be studying every inch of her.

She thought she might be in serious danger of blushing. She didn’t know how he managed to be charming when those lines coming out of other guy’s mouths would have her rolling her eyes with disgust.

As his eyes traveled back up to her face she noticed that they were beginning to droop, and he had dark circles underneath them. He needed to rest. But first she was sure there were a few people here that would like to talk to him.

kay, well my work here is done, I’ll let you visit with your family.” She said as she started to back away to make room for his visitors.

He reached out and grabbed her hand before she had a chance to slip away, “Jamie.”

She turned and looked down at him, “Yes.”

“Can I ask
something now?”

“Yes.” She replied, unable to tear her gaze away from his intoxicating
, vivid green eyes.

“Will you marry me?” He asked with a sexy tempting half-smile on his face as his eyes were drifting shut.

“Yes.” She heard herself reply in a whisper.

“Good.” He said, his smile widening right before he shut his eyes and passed back out.

As soon as his eyes were closed and the spell that he had somehow managed to cast over her was broken, Jamie realized what she had just said.

Oh. My. God. She wanted to die.
Well, not die, but she definitely wanted to crawl under a rock and live out the rest of her life of complete and total humiliation in peace.

Grace stepped beside her, she patted Alex’s leg, “Thanks for humoring him sweetie. I once had to tell a patient that I knew where his buried treasure was and was going to go dig it up for him.”

There were chuckles in the room, Chelle laughed. “I once had to tell a woman in labor that I would call the police and have her husband arrested for impregnating her and putting her in so much pain.”

“Are you going to try and get me arrested?” Her husband, Riley she thought it was, put his arms lovingly around his wife.

“Maybe, so you better be nice to me.” She teased.

“Forever.” He said staring deeply into her eyes.

“Forever.” She smiled as he bent down and kissed her softly.

, obviously they were having a private moment, Jamie thought to herself. She stepped back into her corner as the crowd began dispersing. Now that Alex had woken up some of them decided to head home.

She took the chance while everyone was distracted, saying their goodbyes, to try and catch her breath from what had just happened. She knew it wasn’t a
proposal. Alex had not just
proposed to her. But she couldn’t shake the feeling that had just washed over her when he had asked her. And she couldn’t, for the life of her, begin to understand why she had said, YES!

She appreciated the fact that Grace had bailed her out of the rather embarrassing faux-pas but she hadn’t been ‘humoring the patient’. Nope, she had really been completely swept up in his eyes and the way he was looking at her and said yes! She needed to get control over whatever was going on with her and quick. He needed her to be professional and on top of her game. Not love-sick and delusional.

Oh Lord! It was going to be a long night.

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