Read My Immortal Online

Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

My Immortal (16 page)

BOOK: My Immortal
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She smiled without a reply.

“What are you thinking, bad girl?” No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get a read on her. He crooked a brow. So she wanted to play coy and figured out how to block him.
He’d kiss her into submission later.

“If you can read my mind, then what are you waiting for?”

Flashes of her nude body riding his slid into his mind, accompanied by the vision of her staring up from between his legs. He clicked his tongue.
“Yes, ma’am.”


* * * *


After a nap, another round of love making and a shower, Storm strode into her bathroom. The heavy weight he carried on his shoulders for the last five nights faded into oblivion. He grinned and watched Stevie straighten her dark locks with her flat iron.

“You don’t have to smooth all the curls out for me, babe,” he murmured and nuzzled her hair. “I like the natural style.”

Stevie squared her shoulders and stared at their reflection in the mirror. “I do if I don’t want to look like a poodle who just suffered an electric shock.”

Storm moved a lock of hair from her neck and kissed the bruises. Stevie winced and rubbed the purple spots. “I always figured it would look like two pock marks or scratches like they say in those sci-fi books. I never imagined a bruise with a pair of puncture wounds in the middle.”

“Sci-fi books?
Shit.” Storm licked the damage and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I wanted it to look normal so people wouldn’t question you. Not everyone believes people like me exist and I don’t want someone to harm you when I can’t be there. Besides, you have hickeys from me in other spots and that never bothered you.”

She placed the hot flat iron on the counter and cupped his chin. “I like those very much.”

Storm gazed into her eyes in the mirror’s reflection. Beyond the love and passion, he saw something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. “Are you disappointed?”

“To be your mate?”

He worked the muscle in his jaw.
Are you having second thoughts?” She still hadn’t told him she loved him. Maybe the more he showered her with kind words and displays of
she’d be able to profess what lay in her heart.

Being your mate is more than I could ever ask for.”

“Good because I have some lousy news, my love.” He sighed. He’d rather slip her into his arms and lose himself in her sweetness. “The outside world intrudes on our bliss once again.”

“Who this time?” Stevie sprayed hairspray and smoothed her fingers through her straight tresses.

“I don’t know and I don’t care.” Storm brushed her hair aside and nibbled on her neck, indulging in her sweet taste. “I’m busy.” The intoxicating scent of her perfume and her arousal diffused his thoughts.


When he met her playful gaze in the mirror, he propped his chin on her shoulder.
Edie doesn’t believe our evidence. I swear the woman won’t come to terms with the obvious.”

“I’d say it’s time to head to the office and set up a meeting.” She unplugged the flat iron and put her brush in the vanity drawer. A wicked sparkle glinted in her eyes. “When we get our work done, then we can play.”

“That’s why I love you.” His cock tented his jeans as he tugged her into his arms. What a vixen! She knew every little way to turn him inside out. “You keep me grounded until the moment you let me loose to misbehave.”

“So let’s get moving so we

“Yes, ma’am.”

Chapter Fourteen




The next evening, Storm sat in his office and shuffled through his rumpled datebook without reading a word on the pages. The wood panelled walls seemed less antiseptic and more like a home away from home with Stevie there. When she raked her fingers through her dark tresses, he longed to toss his cell across the room and ease her strain. He listened half-heartedly to the person on the other end of the line. He closed his eyes and took a long draw of breath. The scent of mint wafted through the air. When he opened his eyes and glanced at Stevie, her brows crinkled as she blew a lock of hair off her forehead.

As soon as the phone conversation ended, Storm dropped the phone onto the scarred pine desktop.
We meet with Edie tomorrow to discuss the final report.”

“Good.” Stevie closed the lid on her laptop and stretched her arms high over her head. “And we meet with Noreen on Thursday to discuss her case, correct?”

“Yes, because I need a vacation.” He sighed and scrubbed a hand down his face. His teeth ached for a taste of her. “I haven’t had nearly enough time alone with you.”

When she stood and swept her palms down her hips, his mouth watered. “We’re done with the paperwork and it’s only eleven-twelve.”

“We have a lot of evening ahead of us.” He nodded and wriggled his fingers. “Do you have something you’d like to do?” He peeked into her mind and saw nothing. “Are you blocking me, my little vixen?”

She inched around the desk. “I believe you wanted something before we left the house.”

The rosy scent of her arousal swirled around him, sending his desires into hyper drive. “I put in an order for a brunette, about five-three, blue eyes and smart as hell. Know anyone like her?” His cock swelled within his jeans. When he shifted, the strain of the denim created a delicious friction only she could slake.

“I might.” When she settled down onto his thighs, he shoved his hands under her tank top to caress her heated flesh. She sighed and licked her bottom lip. “But she’s not available, so will I do instead?”

“Only you.”
Storm nuzzled her neck, nipping at the soft spot behind her ear.
“My mate.”

She slid between his knees and fumbled with his zipper. “Let me taste you.” Her words sent shivers down his spine.

As Storm shifted in his seat, Stevie tugged the metal tab and opened his jeans. Freed from the constriction of his pants, Storm’s dick bobbed. A pearl of clear liquid shone on the blunt, purple tip. While she ran her tongue up the thick vein on the underside of his dick, she massaged his balls through the denim. He dug his nails into the armrests and succumbed to her ministrations.

When she licked him clean, he groaned. “Yes, my love.” His eyelids drooped. “Oh, yes.”

As she leant forward to take him into her mouth, his eyes opened and he covered his erection. Without her warmth, his hard-on wilted. Company—shit.

“What?” Loose strands of her hair slipped forward over her eyes. Crimson suffused her cheeks.

“Someone’s here.” He stuffed himself back into his pants and stood. Irritation flooded his nerve endings. “She’d better have a damn good reason for interrupting.”

“What are you talking about?” Scrambling off her knees, Stevie adjusted her shirt. “Who’s here?”

“Your sister.”
Storm growled low in his throat. “It’s almost midnight, dammit.” An uneasy feeling skated through his system. Although he wasn’t sure what, something felt off. Gypsy never came within ten feet of her sister unless she wanted money or a place to crash.

As he spoke, Gypsy pounded on the outer glass door. “Let me in! It’s not safe out here!” she screamed. “Please!”

“She’s got a flair for theatrics.” Storm raked a hand through his hair and strode to the foyer. “But I don’t sense anyone else out there.” He flicked the deadbolt and closed his eyes. “Come on in, Gypsy. It’s safe for now.”

When he opened his eyes, Gypsy skinnied through the open door and cowered away from the bank of windows. “My life is over and I’ll never be able to show my face in town again.”

“How did you find us?” He clicked the lock shut and herded her to the inner office. Gypsy’s panic and trepidation radiated around her like a blood red aura.

Instead of answering the question, Gypsy burst into tears and yanked the picture frame containing his certification off the wall. She slammed the glass against his desk and held a shard to her wrist. Stevie gasped.

“All I asked was how she found us.” Storm held out both hands. “Gypsy, it won’t kill you.”

“What’s wrong, Gypsy?” Stevie edged up next to Storm. “Please, I’ll help you if I can. Just put the glass down”

“I know about
.” The younger woman slashed the shard of glass through the air and aimed it at Storm. ”I know the truth.”

Storm opened his mouth to question her further and snapped it back shut. The air sizzled with understanding and his anxiety. A vision sharpened in his mind—
. Storm bit back a snarl. “You’re one of his.”

Stevie’s gaze vacillated between her sister and Storm. “What?” Panic infused her voice.

“O’Toole sired her.” Storm folded his arms and dropped his chin to his chest. “He’s gaining strength.” His stomach soured. Soon, Jamison would have a whole damned army.

Stevie’s complexion paled. She grabbed the glass from Gypsy’s hand. “I need details.”

Gypsy whirled around and grabbed a tissue from the coffee table. She squared her shoulders. “You sure know how to be blunt. I’ll bet you learned it from the blood sucker. I oughta tear you limb from disgusting limb, Storm Richardson.”

“Although you’re the sibling to my mate, I don’t have to take your shit, Gypsy. Save the bitchiness for when it counts.” Storm squeezed Stevie’s shoulder for reassurance. “He did a number on her, but she’ll be fine—eventually.” Gypsy didn’t ask to lose her life. She had every right to harbour anger, just not by destroying his office.

Stevie shot him a dirty look, silencing him in an instant. The spicy scent of her irritation crackled around him. Instead of direct confrontation, he spoke through her mind. “
She’ll be okay, love. It’s just a big transition and she’s ballistic. Trust me.”

When he pressed a kiss to her temple, her response came to him loud and clear. “
I trust you, Storm.”

Stevie puffed out a long breath. “How long have you been… a vampire?”

“Four days. Jamie told me he wanted to take our relationship to the next level. The sex was okay, but I didn’t want to be tied down and fought him on it.” Gypsy brushed her tangled blond hair from her eyes and collapsed onto the couch. Her irises blazed crimson and her lips curled in a sneer.
He fucking used me!” Her fists balled. “Don’t fall for Storm’s bullshit, Stevie. He’ll use you and just like that worthless—”

“Enough!” Storm arched a brow. “You have no idea what I’ll do or how I feel. I love your sister and would take a stake to the heart for her.”

“I should still dismember you,” Gypsy snapped.

“Aim your temper at Jamison.” Storm swallowed his building fury and smoothed a lock of Stevie’s hair between his fingers. “Until then, I’d rather drown in your sister.”

“I’ll deal with you later.” Stevie rolled her eyes.

Storm leaned close to his mate. “I hope so.” He grinned when she shivered. A faint hint of rose swirled around him, toying with his ragged nerves. Although he preferred to indulge in Stevie, Storm turned his attention back to Gypsy. “Now, why did he sire you?”

Gypsy forked her fingers into her hair. “I don’t know. He said something about a turf war and revenge.”

Shit. The battle wasn’t far off if Jamieson needed recruits. Storm grabbed his phone off the counter. Even with Stevie’s help, he couldn’t beat Jamison if he tried.

“What are you doing?” She touched his arm with a trembling hand.

He kept his voice calm. “We need help.”


* * * *


Thirty minutes later, Storm stood with his fingers threaded together behind his head. He knew he’d have to face Jamison—the question was when. Storm drew a jagged breath into his lungs as Todd and Allan strode into the main room of his office. He trusted the men with his very soul. He rolled his tongue around his dry mouth. A sip of his sweet blood wine would take the edge off his frayed nerves, but he’d rather taste Stevie’s kiss.

A moment later, Stevie elbowed her sister through the doorway with a tray full of glasses. She placed red plastic cups in front of Allan and Todd. She took the third cup from the tray and handed it to Storm. He dropped his arms and nuzzled Stevie’s neck. Her natural rose perfume lingered in the air around her. When she slipped her hand into the back pocket of his jeans and squeezed, a low growl rumbled in his throat.

With the utmost care, Allan pulled a folding chair close to the desk and offered it to Gypsy. She inched out from behind Stevie and plopped into the seat.

“Emergency meeting.”
Storm stepped up to his desk and placed the plastic cup on the glass surface. He raked his fingers through his hair. “We need a plan.”

“We’ll figure something out.” Stevie rubbed his back, easing some of his growing tension.

Once he pushed his dented drink ware towards the middle of the table, Todd folded his arms. The muscles of his biceps bulged. “We need to lure that ass out into the open.”

BOOK: My Immortal
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