My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)

BOOK: My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)
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“My Decadent Demon”



Alicia Dawn and Nikita Jakz


Copyright © June 2013

y Alicia Dawn and Nikita Jakz

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the authors. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional. Any similarity to real persons, living and or dead is coincidental and not intended by the authors.






Nikita Jakz
There are so many people I want to thank, I better get cracking! First and foremost, Alicia- you da bomb, baby! I had a blast writing this with you. You inspire me in ways no one else can. A great big shout out to all my other writing partners, too. Meagen, Judi, Teri, Jeanie and Olga; you guys keep my brain juices flowing, giving me highs like nothing else on Earth. To our betas, Teri and Brooke; thank you for helping us perfect our little masterpiece. Your insight was invaluable in ways I never expected.  A mighty ‘Hoorah’ to our Decadent Street Divas! You all are priceless, the wind beneath our wings.  And last but not least, thank you my sweet, wonderful, understanding family. Your patience while waiting on me to finish editing ‘just one more paragraph’ or writing ‘just one last post’ will never be forgotten. I love you with all my heart.


Alicia Dawn:
I, too, would like to thank everyone who helped Nikita and me with the writing of this book. In the RP world: Angela, who when I was down, would kick me in the ass and tell me to get up and move along. Mad love to you, toots. Jeanie, you and I have been through a lot of ups and downs; along with everything else real life has tossed at us. Meg, yes even you, my great mate. I will always love making you laugh. To our beta readers; you've helped us out in ways that are greatly appreciated. Thank you so much, Brooke and Teri. Our Decadent Street Divas, thank you for all your time and effort. You all are awesome! To all the other wonderful friends I have made in the last three years, I thank you for being the great people that you are. I also want to thank my husband who grouched about me spending so many hours writing, but was supportive and has always been no matter what I have wanted to do in life. To my co-author, you ma'am, are the best. We've been at this for so long, I'm grateful to have had you with me down this fun road we've been traveling. You da bomb at editing and it makes me super excited to see all our hard work finally coming to life. Thank you.




“Sweet stars, you’re a what?



Seraphina Orielle, an oracle in training for the Seraphim Order, was of the highest ranking celestial beings in the angel hierarchy. Gifted with foresight, she could see into the future of others, and as angels of divine fire, love and light, would one day be decreed worthy to become the caretaker of the Most High’s throne. In this most elevated position, stationed around their almighty King, no other angels would be able to look upon her, lest her seraphim light render them blind.

With only five centuries in existence, Seraphina was still considered an adolescent among her peers. It would be many more millennia before she earned her second and third set of wings, or began receiving regular visions of the future. Her schooling in the angelic arts was extensive, and at times downright tedious, which is partially how her story came to be.

It was one hundred human years ago when she had finally mastered the art of illumination, advancing on to begin the diligent memorization of the Seraphim’s sacred song, the ‘Trisagion.’  It was during one of these particularly grueling lessons that her undeveloped gift of foresight unexpectedly manifested itself.

She’d nearly toppled off her marble pew as a strikingly handsome young male came into focus. Tall and strapping, his brown, unkempt locks were the perfect complement to the warmest of hazel eyes. A dusting of carefree stubble shadowed his strong, chiseled jaw as a smile ─that could only be described as sinful─ showcased a span of dazzling white teeth.

But his stunning splendor wasn’t what had stolen her breath. It was the fact that his destiny, unfolding before her eyes, had been linked to that of her own.

Frozen in place, she’d watched as he’d gazed into her eyes, unbearably strong arms holding her possessively tight. And yet she had been far from trying to flee. Sera had gaped, realizing that in her vision, she liked his close proximity. Liked
. On a startling level. Spellbound, she’d become positively convinced that this man was her not-yet-met soul mate, even if such a thing was unheard of among angels. Verily, he must somehow be part of her life’s purpose.

The next few weeks had proved utterly unproductive for Sera, unable to get her mind off the mysterious male long enough to concentrate on anything. His face had plagued her every thought. He wasn’t an angel, of that she’d been certain. Angels didn’t evoke such intense feelings. And while her studies had yet to cover the intrinsic nature of mankind, she had heard enough about them to assume he was one. But it would not have mattered, regardless. Mortal or no, the mere thought of him had made her breath quicken and her pulse race. For every time she’d envisioned his smile, her heart would leap in her chest.

She’d needed to find him. If she didn’t, she would surely have lost her sanity. And how could she ever complete her Seraph training without sound reason?

So she’d decided to seek out her beautiful stranger. Although such an endeavor was forbidden, she’d truly believed that she’d
had no choice. Desperate times called for desperate measures, after all.  And she’d been nothing if not desperate. Without a backward glance, she’d descended to Earth, determined to find the keeper of her heart…


ew York City, Central Park


Kicked back against a tree, Cole was tired and frustrated. He’d been discovered by The Master after having long escaped his notice, and now had only one week to make the ultimate decision: die or live the rest of his days in servitude.  Sighing, he leaned his head back, lost in thought.  His whole life was one big cluster fuck. He didn't want to die but was wary, not only about the fate of his future, but also about this new power building inside him. The darkness was like a ball of hot wax, waiting to be molded and formed.

Absently, he rubbed his stomach, grimacing as he tilted his head to let the sun warm his face.


Sera watched him from afar, concealed in the tree line as she nervously chewed on her thumbnail. He looked so… intriguing. And lonely. Unable to stand it any longer, she emerged from her hiding spot and quietly made her way over.

He was so deep in thought he didn’t seem to notice her approaching. Gently she cleared her throat. “Hello.”

Visibly startled from his reverie, Cole looked up at her. “Hello.”

She smiled as he quickly stood up. Brushing off his pants, he frowned, glancing warily around. When he looked back at her, confusion etched his features.  “Are you lost?”

assailed Sera’s stomach. He was even more beautiful than in her vision. Oh, to drown in such yumminess, she sighed, envisioning herself playing in the thick, dark waves of his hair, or nibbling along his swoon-inducing jawline. And that adorably nervous expression he was wearing, how it made her grin like a smitten cherub. Did he realize how positively glorious he was?

She shook her head, barely able to focus as she stood there taking him in. “No, I am not lost. Not anymore.”

Cole gave her a quick perusal then licked his lips and swallowed. “Is there anything I can help you with then?”

When his brows lowered, clearly c
onfused as to why she was there talking to him in the middle of nowhere, Sera realized she needed to explain. And carefully. She didn’t want to scare him away with her wild tales of visions and destinies.

She smiled, shaking her head again. “You are very kind, but no. I have traveled far this day and simply require rest. Some pleasant company, however, would be lovely.”
She glanced to the ground where he’d been sitting just moments before. “Would you mind if I sat with you for a while?”

Cole motioned down at the
grass. “Of course. Please, sit.”

Only when she took her seat did he do the same, leaving plenty of space between them.

Long fingers raked through his hair as he continued to curiously eye her. As if realizing he was staring, he blinked and let out an awkward chuckle. “I'm sorry. I didn't introduce myself.” He held out his hand. “I’m Cole.”

” Sera murmured. “What a handsome name.” So close to him, she felt overwhelmed with an emotion she'd never experienced before. She bit her lip then timidly shook his hand. 


She was so warm and soft, Cole never wanted to let go. He gazed into her eyes, pools of rich milk chocolate, and waited for her sweet, angelic name. Angelic, because that was how she felt to him. Above all those tendrils of mocha, cascading like rivulets over delicate shoulders, he could easily imagine a halo. Beautiful white wings immediately came to mind, emerging gracefully from her back. He blinked, looking down, confused at where such an image had come from. But then quickly, he looked back up. He needed to hear her name, from those lips that seemed to beg for his kiss.

“I am Seraphina Orielle,” she smiled. “It is truly a pleasure to meet you. And thank you for sharing
your tranquility with me.” Her eyes traveled over him with a seemingly innocent captivation.  He reclined back, his hands propping him up from behind. She mimicked his pose. “So enlighten me, Cole. Why have I found you in such solitude, where no one can enjoy your company?”

Cole huffed out a laugh. “Funny you should ask. I was just wondering the same thing about you.” For a woman of her stature to go out of her way to talk to him was something completely new. True, he'd
been around his fair share of females, but none had ever been like her.

He peered up into the tree canopy overhead and sighed. “I was also thinking that life is too short.” He smiled at her and shook his
head. “But enough about me. What are you doing alone in the park, Seraphina?”

Before she could answer, a small breeze blew a wisp hair across her face.  Without thinking,
he reached out and brushed it from her eyes. Sheepishly, he drew his hand back, sitting up to wrap his arms around his knees.

His unexpected touch must have affected her, because she
quickly sat up, too, only to playfully imitate his newest pose. When he gave her a curious look, she grinned impishly and laughed.  “I am on a treasure hunt, seeking a very special gem.” Her smile reached to her eyes, but then quickly faded. “But my lack of an escort is because my search is rather… frowned upon.”  His puzzled expression seemed to make her anxious. Quickly, she clarified. “But─ but I assure you my intentions are pure. I have no ill plans. This treasure I seek is just…” she looked down at her fiddling fingers and smiled, “let us just say it was necessary that I find it.”

Cole’s brow lifted in intrigue. “Do you need help?”
He quickly rephrased his question, fearing he might have over-stepped his bounds. “I mean, I could help, if you needed it, finding this treasure.” He tilted his head. “What kind of gem is it, anyway?”

When her gaze returned to her fingers, he shook his head and laughed,
turning to watch a stray leaf roll across the grass. “I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry. Just my stupid curiosity.” He picked up a twig and twirled it in his hands to give them something to do. “I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.” He suddenly felt fidgety around her and he wasn’t sure why. All he wanted to do was look at her, but he knew no woman was comfortable being stared at. And yet, when he cast a side long glance at her, he found
staring at
. He smiled, wondering what she was thinking.


Sera had absolutely no idea how to act around this male. He made her restless, but in a good way. As she admired him openly while he played with his stick, she suddenly had the strongest urge to touch him. And smell him. How strange.

Inching closer, she leaned
in, savoring his voice as he spoke. It was like soft, warm velvet rubbing across her skin. Her lids slid closed as she inhaled his scent. Oh Heavens, he smelled raw and wild and intoxicating. Like thunderstorms and forest fires and the finest ambrosia...

But when she opened
her eyes again, she stilled in surprise. He was watching her. Warily.

Sitting up straight, she cleared her throat. “Thank you for your kind offe
r, but as destiny would have it, I have already found my treasure.” With no prudent forethought whatsoever, she went on to answer his query. “This gem that I sought after…” her lips curved as her gaze dropped, “it is in the form of flesh and blood and is sitting before me now.” Her large eyes peered up at him through thick, black lashes.

Clearly confused, Cole frowned, turning to face her full
y as he tossed his twig aside. “What do you mean, sitting before you now?”

Her gaze dropped to his
mouth. He wanted answers that she had not planned to give. Absently, she licked her lips, her whisper barely discernible. “What I mean is ... I've been looking for... you.”

tensed with a frown, leaning closer to look her suspiciously in the eye. “Why are you truly here?”

nable to stop herself, Sera leaned closer, too. “I am here because I could not stay away any longer.” Her eyes held his, her spirit summersaulting nervously as she waited for his reaction. Was this considered inappropriate behavior? She did not know. Quietly she asked, “May I…” her gaze dropped back down to his mouth as she inched even closer. “May I… taste your lips?”

‘lips’ parted in obvious surprise. And then he was bending down to brush them over hers. Just once, as if testing how soft they were. His tongue flicked out, licking her bottom lip. He groaned when Sera’s own tongue emerged a second later, timidly responding to his touch.

Large hands cupped her face as his kiss turned
swiftly searing, like he’d die if he didn’t taste more of her. Tongue sliding between her lips, he angled his head further, his breath mingling with hers in the heat of the moment.

Little did he realize, but Sera was in total, mind-boggling awe. She had never been kissed before, let alone experienced such unadulterated passion. And Cole was blindsiding her with his. So potent. Her entire body
thrummed, inundated with raw, euphoric energy.

When she emitted a faint, breathless sound, Cole instantly pulled away, his eyes looking dazed, his cheeks gloriously flushed. “Ser
a,” he rasped, “I'm sorry. I─” He cleared his throat, as if buying time to search for what to say.

She could practically feel his
body humming, just like hers. But the pitifully contrite look on his face sent her swiftly into laughter. “Why are you sorry, you silly male? You gave me precisely what I asked for. More so, even!” She touched her sheepish smile then abruptly rose to her knees. Taking his hand in hers, she beamed. “I do not know what your kiss has done to me, but I suddenly feel like running! And dancing!” She squeezed his fingers. “Oh please! Let us be lively on this most wonderful day!”

dly, she tugged him to his feet then spun around with her arms extended wide. With her face toward the heavens, she laughed in untainted joy.

Cole laughed, too, watching her
twirl in dizzying circles. But his smile faded when she suddenly sprinted away.

Headed for the opening of a small, nearby wood, she called to him over her shoulder. “Cole! Are your legs as skilled as your lips? Catch me and I shall reward you handsomely!”

With shining eyes and an even brighter smile, he took off after her, her happy squeals echoing through the trees as he made quick work of catching her.

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