My Charming Valentine (7 page)

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Authors: Maggie Ryan

BOOK: My Charming Valentine
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When she fell asleep, her head on his
chest, Patrick allowed himself a final smile. Everything had worked out
perfectly thanks to the help of their friends and his wife’s unflagging
enthusiasm to play the game.


They next morning, he served her
breakfast in bed. Sitting against the headboard, he fed her strawberries and
toasted her again with flutes of champagne.

“Aren’t you afraid I might become
spoiled?” she asked, as she sipped the bubbly wine.

“Not at all,” Patrick answered honestly.
“You are probably the most selfless, unspoiled person I’ve ever known. It has
been my pleasure to spoil you just a bit.”

They spent the morning together, napping
and then watching her choice of movies. She’d chosen
You’ve Got
she liked to think Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks had fallen in love as they had.
Though they’d communicated by email and not snail mail, the couple exchanged
letters long before they actually met.

After lunch, which she insisted on
preparing, he was on the couch reading the newspaper when she spoke from behind

“Want to play a game?”

He started to turn, but she put her hand
on his head. “No, don’t turn around. Just answer.”

“What sort of game?”

She laughed at hearing her own question
repeated. “I guarantee it’s one you’ll enjoy.”

“Then, yes, of course.”

When she asked if he’d close his eyes and
keep them closed, or whether he wanted a blindfold, he chuckled. “I’ll keep
them closed.” He listened as she came around the couch.

He felt her hands on his thighs, urging
him to open his legs. Doing so, he could feel her kneeling between them. His
breath caught when he felt his zipper being tugged down and had to force
himself to keep his eyes closed as promised when she reached into his boxers
and pulled his cock free.

With his eyes closed, it really was an
incredible sensation as her mouth encircled his cockhead and her tongue began
to lick all across the surface. It didn’t take long before his cock was at full
attention and he listened to her charm bracelet jingle as she used her hand to
stroke up and down his shaft. He placed a hand on the back of her head when he
felt ready to explode and when she took most of his length down her throat, he
groaned as she brought him to climax, her throat muscles drawing every bit of
his seed from him.

He was released, tucked back inside and
his pants zipped up. “Don’t open your eyes,” she said, as he felt her move

It was a tough request to keep but he was
definitely willing to comply. He felt something being laid on his lap.

“Okay, in a minute you can open them, but
only look down at your gift, okay?”

Patrick nodded, intrigued.

“Okay, you can open them.”

He kept his eyes lowered as he looked at
the box. He grinned seeing the stamp on the box, the W&C telling him that
yesterday’s visit to Vance’s house had not been her first. Lifting the lid, he
pushed aside the tissue to reveal a beautifully crafted leather belt. Picking
it up, he ran his hand over the black leather and then noticed something had
been engraved on the inside.
Pain or

“You can look up now.”

When he did it was to see his wife
wearing the coat he’d given her the day before. He watched as she untied the
belt and slowly drew the coat apart to reveal that she was completely naked
beneath it.

His heart pounded as he grinned, the belt
in his hand giving him his own clue. “So, my charming little Valentine, which
is it to be? Pain or pleasure?”

“You decide the rules of our game, Sir.”

Looping the belt around his neck, he
stood and pulled her to him, his mouth descending onto hers, kissing her until
she was breathless. Releasing her, he slipped the coat from her shoulders,
bending forward to kiss her bare skin before tossing the coat onto the couch.
Keeping his eyes on hers, he slowly pulled the belt from around his neck and
wrapped it around her waist, slowly guiding the tongue through the buckle. He
loved the moan she gave as the supple leather touched her skin for the first
time. Giving the end a tug, he pulled her tight against his chest.

“Then the answer is both.”

He could hear the jingle of the charms as
her hand lifted, her fingers running across his lips before she gave him a
smile that would never fail to fill his soul.

Leading her into the bedroom, he couldn’t
help but think – not only had they been blessed to find each other, they
had been blessed with a very charmed life.




Maggie Ryan


for Blushing Books.
I write both
contemporary erotica and historical spanking romances.
I enjoy writing about characters that
enjoy the provocative D/S lifestyle of today’s times as well as taking a step
back into the past to write stories that take place in the Victorian era with
age-play as a theme.

I live in the great Lone Star state with my wonderful husband.
I have always loved reading.
Growing up in a family with four
children, it was difficult finding a place to be alone.
I was probably one of the squeakiest clean
girls on the planet as I would spend hours in the tub so I could read without
being bothered.
It wasn’t long
before I began to make up my own endings to the books I was reading.
From there, it just seemed natural to
begin writing my own stories.

I never try to restrict myself to any one genre because there are just
too many delicious possibilities out there and inside my head.
I admit to being somewhat of a romantic
though as my stories always must have a great deal of love, passion, corporal
discipline and, of course, great, mind-blowing sex.
I want my readers to be able to see,
hear, feel and know the characters that I’m creating as well as I do when I
bring them to life and transfer their stories to paper.
I want my women to be strong of
character but also strong enough to know that submission given in love and
trust to your partner does not make you weaker, it makes you far stronger.
I want my men to be sexy,
strong, demanding alpha males who know how to take what they want while
acknowledging it is a gift they have been blessed with by the women that have
chosen to submit to them.
I want
there to be no doubt that they truly would die for the other no matter how
others might view their relationship.


her on Twitter:

[email protected]

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Women of Wintercrest Book 3

Women of Wintercrest
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His: The Teaching of Rebecca

Journey Home:
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Hunter’s Ridge Book 2

for Submission: Divine Designs Book 1

Submissive's Dream: Divine Designs Book 2


Promise: Divine Designs Book 3

Christmas Pickle

Submissive’s Gift: Divine Designs Book 4

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