My Chameleon Loves [Galactic Nuptials 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (5 page)

BOOK: My Chameleon Loves [Galactic Nuptials 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Rmantk gave a slight bow. “He’s fine, Prince Zintssar. When he heard you’d found your Laan Asawa, he put us on the first shuttle to join you. We’re to be the security detail for the new princess.”

Kernz groaned. “As the Earthers would say, the shit is about to hit the fan big time.”

Tenik moved closer. “What is he talking about?”

Zin rubbed his head where a headache was making itself known. “Jeni doesn’t know we come from the ruling family of Arridia.”

“Who does she think you are?” asked Rmantk.

Zin winced and lowered his eyes. “She thinks we’re simple farmers sent to grow food for our world.”

“That’s not really a lie.” Quenk chuckled. “That is why you’re here. What will you tell her about us?”

Kernz placed his hand on Zin’s shoulder. “We’ll just have to tell her they’re friends visiting from Arridia. She’ll be here any minute, and there’s no time to think of anything else and make it seem real.”

“What do you mean she’ll arrive any minute?” Rmantk glanced around the clearing. “We thought she was here with you. Where is she?”

Zin shook his head. “It’s a long story, Rmantk. Did Father tell you about the troubles she had on Earth?”

“Yes. I understand she was given the choice of being incarcerated or coming here with you. It’s no small surprise she chose you. Why didn’t she travel with you on your shuttle?”

Kernz growled. “Because the assholes in charge of their judicial system wanted to flex their muscles. Apparently, if she’d been sent to prison she would have to be escorted there by some type of law enforcement officers. The judge said that since this is taking the place of her sentence, she would have to be escorted here to make sure she made it and was turned over to us legally. They’re acting like we’re some sort of parole officers instead of mates.”

Zin pointed toward the station. “Look! The shuttle from Earth is landing. We’ll have her in our embrace in just a few moments.” The warm breeze stirred the hairs on Zin’s arm. He kept his face carefully schooled as the large craft settled softly on the ground. Two men armed with weapon detector wands approached the closed doors ready to scan each of the departing passengers. The acrid sharp smell of hot metal filled the air while the hiss of hydraulics had him stepping forward as the huge metal doors slid open.

“Let me lead, my prince.” Rmantk moved forward. “Tenik and Quenk will follow closely behind.”

Zin rolled his eyes. “It’s fine to surround us and protect us, but stop calling me prince. I’ll let you know when we tell Jeni who we are. Until then, you’re just simple friends from Arridia.”

“Oh, Goddess! Look, Zin.”

Zin turned to see what upset Kernz. He felt his canines drop as he let out a vicious growl. A strange man pulled Jeni from the shuttle. The chains were back around her waist, with small metal bracelets to confine her wrists. Her short, stumbling steps had his gaze dropping to her feet where he spotted more shackles.

“Who do we kill for disrespecting the princess so badly?” Rmantk put his hand on his weapon.

Zin pushed Rmantk aside as a second man exited the shuttle. Together the two men moved her roughly down the ramp. Zin approached his mate and stopped when the men moved their hands to the weapons strapped to their sides. “What is the meaning of this? Unhand our Laan Asawa at once.”

The larger of the two men jerked on her arm, pulling her against his side. “Back off, space boy. I’m Rich Blue, and this is my partner, Danny Effridge. We’re the guards chosen to escort this prisoner.”

“She’s not a prisoner anymore.” Zin took two more steps closer. “She’s our mate, and I demand you take off those chains at once.”

Rich snorted. “Just because she’s getting out of her punishment by getting married doesn’t mean she should be treated like a princess. It’s our job to remain here on this planet for two weeks to make sure she doesn’t try to escape.”

“That was not part of the deal we made with your State Department.”

Rmantk moved to lean in close. “Go along with them for now, Zintssar. Keep them happy until we get the princess away from them. Right now they have the advantage.”

Zin looked at Jeni and felt his heart break when a single tear slid down her cheek. He closed his eyes for a moment and then relaxed. “Very well. We’ll make sure you have excellent accommodations here in one of their suites for the remainder of your stay.”

“Wait a minute,” Rich said. “We’re supposed to stay with the prisoner.”

Zin laughed. “This port is the only way off the planet. There are no other places capable of receiving shuttles. If you remain here you won’t miss her if she decides she wants to leave.”

Danny shook his head. “Sorry, but we’re supposed to be guarding Ms. Montgomery for the next two weeks. We have to be near enough to watch her to do that.”

“Then we’ll fix up some rooms at the homestead for you. But for now, she can’t go anywhere, so please take off her manacles.”

Rich shrugged and pulled a key out of his pocket. “Fine by me.” He pulled her around to face him, leaving fingerprint bruises on her arm. “I’m gonna be watching you very closely for the next few days.” He unlocked the chains and pulled the bracelets from her wrists.

Zin pushed the guard aside and pulled Jeni into his arms. “Welcome, flower. It’s wonderful to have you here at last.”

Kernz moved in on her other side, his arms slipping around her waist. “I’m so happy to see you here, Jeni. You’ve already managed to brighten up this world.”

Rich picked up the chains and looked toward the spaceport station. “I have to send a message through the wormhole. My partner will stay with the prisoner. Please do not attempt to leave without me. We can still revoke her parole if we believe she’s not adhering to the rules.” He turned and walked into the station.

Zin lowered his face to Jeni’s hair and breathed in deeply. He could feel his groin tighten as her scent invaded his senses. He pulled her closer and sighed. “I want you to meet some people.” He watched her take a shaky breath and rub her hand across her eyes.
I will find a way to make them pay for hurting you, flower.
“These are some friends who’ve come to visit and help with the harvest. This is Teniktrraam, but his friends call him Tenik.”

Tenik bowed low with his right hand across his chest. “A very great pleasure, my lady.”

“This is Quenktsseet, otherwise known as Quenk.” The tall guard repeated the greeting, and Zin turned to Rmantk. “And finally, this is Rmantkssool. We call him Rmantk for short. Gentlemen, this is our Laan Asawa, Jenilyn Montgomery.”

Jeni looked down, her long brown hair covering her face. “Pleasure to meet you, gentlemen. Please, call me Jeni.”

“Zin, wait up.”

Zin turned to see his neighbors striding toward them. “What are you guys doing here? Are you heading off-world?” He pulled Jeni closer and gazed into her face. “These are our neighbors, flower. This is the Kenta Clan. This is Freya, and her mates Aldo and Chaim.”

“Wow! You must have something in the water here to grow such big men.” Jeni blushed when Zin threw back his head and laughed. She held out her hand to Freya. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Freya took her hand and squeezed. “It’s our pleasure. We come bearing an invitation.”

“What kind of invitation?” asked Kernz.

“We’ve prepared a feast to welcome your mate to Kilara. We ask that you join us so we can honor and bless your new union.”

Zin hugged Jeni closer. “What do you say, flower. Would you like to join them for a welcome dinner?”

She smiled and nodded. “I’d love for us to join you.”

“Not happening.” Rich pushed his way forward to take Jeni by the arm.

Chapter 3


“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Zin grabbed Rich’s arm and thrust it away. “Keep your hands off my mate.”

“She can’t go anywhere without us for forty-eight hours. Those are the rules whether you like them or not.” He put his hand on his weapon. “Are we going to have a problem?”

Freya stepped forward. “Zin, it’s fine if they come along.”

Zin looked at Chaim and Aldo. “They’ll have to join us if it’s all right with your family.”

Chaim narrowed his eyes, his nostrils flaring. “Of course, Zin. We’re happy to accommodate your entire group. There’s plenty of food.”

Freya frowned. “Sure, the more the merrier. We’re going to head on home and we’ll meet you there.”

Zin watched as their friends walked away. They would want an explanation before the evening was over. He glanced down at Jeni and smiled. “Let’s get your papers cleared, love. The sooner we get you home, the happier we’ll be.


* * * *


Jeni looked around the table laden with food and sighed. It all smelled heavenly, but she didn’t recognize any of the dishes.
What I wouldn’t give for a cheeseburger with everything right about now.

“Don’t worry, sweetie.” Freya sank into the chair next to Jeni. She was tall for a woman, with long blonde hair and deep azure blue eyes. “We’ve studied your culture well, and nothing on this table is harmful to you. Please feel free to try anything, but don’t worry about hurting our feelings if you don’t like something. My friend, Caleigh, says people from Earth sometimes eat things they don’t like out of politeness.”

“Where are Tarik, Andon, and Caleigh?” asked Zin. “I would have thought they would be here for this.”

Chaim walked around the table filling glasses from a large carafe. He and Aldo were obviously brothers. Each of them stood well over six feet with dark-brown hair and eyes. “Caleigh’s brother had a friend visiting from Earth, and they all took the shuttle to take him home last week. We expect them back on the next one in three weeks.”

“How is the lad doing?” asked Zin.

“Better now,” Aldo said. “He had some difficulties when he first arrived. Tarik said the poor boy suffered from nightmares after that mess with his father.”

“That’s actually how we came to find you, flower.” Zin ran his knuckle along Jeni’s cheek. “The boy’s father had kidnapped him in an effort to get Caleigh to do something illegal. We went to Earth with Tarik and Andon to help rescue Caleigh and Kevin. We were in court to testify as to how we captured him when I caught your scent.”

Jeni turned sharply when Rich snorted. Danny blushed and looked down at his plate. The guards from Earth and their friends from Arridia were sharing a separate table. They hadn’t contributed much to the conversation. All three of Zin’s friends were intimidating. They looked to be near seven feet tall and solid muscle. Two of them had dark-brown hair and eyes while Quenk had blond hair and blue eyes. All three were handsome, but not as virile and exciting as Zin and Kernz.
I don’t know what it is about my future husbands that pulls me. I feel as if I’m not complete unless I’m touching them in some way. When Zin touched my cheek, I could feel an electrical charge pulse through my body. Considering how we met, I shouldn’t have any feelings for them at all. And yet, I feel like I wanna wrap around their bodies and protect them from the world.

Kernz covered her hand with his. “Tell me, Jeni. What did you think about the book on Arridia?”

She glanced at Rich and lowered her eyes. “I haven’t had a chance to read it.”

Zin leaned closer. “Why not, love? You had plenty of time on the trip here.”

Rich pushed his chair back and stood. “Because she’s being punished. Do you get that? The woman’s a prisoner. She didn’t deserve to know where she’s going.”

Jeni turned when Freya gasped. She blinked back tears and lowered her gaze to her clenched fists.

“Be careful of your tongue, off-worlder. You’re no longer in your jurisdiction. Here, you could find yourself in grave danger if you disrespect our Laan Asawa.” Kernz crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Rich.

Zin placed his hand on Jeni’s knee and looked at Chaim. “I understand Tarik’s plants are doing well.”

Chaim stared at Rich for a moment and then cleared his throat. “Yes, he paid a pretty price for the paladda plants, but they seem to have been worth the expense. They had some rough times after an early hail storm, but some quick thinking on Caleigh’s part saved a good third of their crop.”

Jeni scooted closer to Zin and sighed. “What’s a paladda?”

“It’s similar to the potato on Earth. Except the paladda have all the nutrients necessary to sustain life on Roderia or Errydenia. We couldn’t afford the plants on our own, but Andon has promised some cuttings and fresh plants from their fall harvest so we can start our own.” Chaim put some more food on his wife’s plate and nudged her arm.

“What do you plan on growing, Zin?” asked Aldo.

“Several plants from our home world. We’re going to see which one does best and then decide from there.”

Chaim slapped him on the back. “Well, if you need any advice, just let us know.”

Zin chuckled when Jeni yawned. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be rude. I guess I just didn’t get much sleep on the trip here.”

“Really?” Freya pushed her plate away and smiled at Chaim. “I thought the beds in their cabins were wonderful. They had the softest mattresses I’ve ever slept on.”

“Well, I…um…I…”

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