My Brother's Crown (53 page)

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Authors: Mindy Starns Clark

BOOK: My Brother's Crown
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Now that her story had been brought to mind, I realized it was time for my own to begin. And though I wasn't sure where it might lead, at least I was finally willing to take a leap and find out.


My Brother's Crown
takes place in two different time periods, alternating between Catherine's story in 1685 and Renee's in the modern day. Did you like this format? Why or why not? How did the structure allow these concurrently unfolding narratives to inform and enhance each other?

2. Before reading this book, did you know much about the struggle of the Huguenots in seventeenth-century France? If so, did this story provide new insights? Do you feel that you have a better understanding of that era and the situation now that you've read
My Brother's Crown

3. When Renee and her cousins are young, they come upon a grisly scene in the woods that has somehow been cleaned up and rearranged by the time police arrive. Which part of that event do you think would be more damaging: witnessing something that horrific at such a young age or having no one else believe that it was ever actually there?

4. A running theme in the historical portion of
My Brother's Crown
involves the decision of where to relocate if forced to leave France. Catherine longs for city life in London, while her brother and fiancé both seem to be leaning toward the Plateau, one of the most rural parts of France. Which location would you prefer? Why?

5. How did the life of Suzanne de Naivailles as a member of the court of King Louis XIV differ from Grand-Mère's life as a Huguenot living in Lyon? Which lifestyle would you have preferred?

6. As a scientist, Renee has a very unique perspective of the world. Did you find her various science-related thoughts and dialogue contributed to her characterization? Which did you find to be the most memorable?

7. Grand-Mère was raised Catholic but became Protestant as a young woman. Did the authors handle this dynamic with sensitivity? What were some of the things Grand-Mère appreciated about her Catholic upbringing?

8. Catherine is by nature—and by circumstance—a brave person, while Renee considers herself to be the very opposite. How do you think our experiences in life play into our levels of courage? What impact do our personalities have on our bravery?

9. In what ways was Jules pragmatic? As you were reading the story did you find yourself agreeing with Catherine's frustration toward him, or did you believe he had a viable plan to save his family and care for his employees? Did you agree with the decisions he made by the end of the story? Could you do the same? Why or why not?

10. Did you empathize with Catherine's helplessness and lack of rights as a woman in the seventeenth-century? How do you think you would have dealt with the limits put on women in that era if you were in her shoes?

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Book 2 in the Cousins of the Dove Series

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Continue the discovery of what truly happened in the Dark Woods and join the next generation of Talbots as they come to America, only to be met with a shocking turn of events.


Mindy thanks

John Clark, my husband, who never ceases to amaze me with his infinite skills, support, and love.

Emily Clark, my older daughter, who always helps during the writing process but really went the extra mile on this one.

Lauren Clark, my younger daughter, who has an uncanny gift for helping me think my way to the answers I need.

Tara Kenny, my ever-helpful assistant.

Joey Starns, my brother, and Andrew Starns, my nephew, who are always quick to respond to my cries for information and input on book-related issues.

Charlotte Hrncir of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

The helpful staff and volunteers of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History and the National Portrait Gallery.

The Smithsonian American Art Museum, in particular the gifted experts at the Lunder Conservation Center.

Leslie thanks

Peter, my husband, for his enthusiasm and delight as he traveled with me to gather the needed elements for the historical thread of this story.

Linda Mordell Letsom, a reader and friend, for sharing about her Huguenot heritage.

Anaïs, Francois, Evan, and Deborah Edom, for their hospitality, love, and inspiration in Lyon, and also for the French language help. (Any mistakes in the story are mine and mine alone.)

Jean-Louis and Sylviane Theron, for taking us to Le Chambon-sur-Lignon and the paper mill in Annonay (along with many other sites), answering my endless questions, and sharing stories of their own ancestors, both Huguenot and Catholic.

Monsieur Vincent de Montgolfier, for the tour of the Museum of the Paper Mills, Canson and Montgolfier, in Annonay; the lesson in old-fashioned paper making; and for answering my questions. (The Montgolfiers have owned paper mills in France since the mid-sixteenth century. The Canson family was added to the enterprise by marriage. We knew none of this when we first came up with the story of the Gillet and Talbot families, but learning the history of the Montgolfiers and Cansons confirmed that a centuries-old business that crossed the Atlantic was, indeed, a possibility.)

Laurie Snyder for reading an early version of the historical thread and for her continued encouragement and support.

Mindy and Leslie thank

Chip MacGregor, our agent, for all his efforts on our behalf.

Kim Moore, our editor and friend, for her expertise and encouragement.

All of the fine folks at Harvest House, for their hard work, dedication, and much-appreciated support.


Mindy Starns Clark
is the bestselling author of more than 20 books, both fiction and nonfiction (over 1 million copies sold) including coauthoring the Christy Award-winning
The Amish Midwife
with Leslie Gould. Mindy and her husband, John, have two adult children and live in Pennsylvania.

Leslie Gould
is the author of twenty novels. She received her master of fine arts degree from Portland State University and lives in Oregon with her husband, Peter, and their four children.

To connect with the authors, visit Mindy's and Leslie's websites at


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