My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (55 page)

BOOK: My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance
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“Oh you look so beautiful and we have not even done your hair or put the mask on you yet,” the woman said.

“Thank you. It is a beautiful gown. You are a true artist,” I said to her in appreciation of her work.

“Thank you, thank you,” she said as she put the finishing touches on the hem and laces. The other woman began to pull the rollers out of my hair and then sat me down once more. They piled my curled tendrils of hair on my head and pinned them into place with the most delicate pins with small white flowers on them. I smiled at my reflection. I almost looked like a different person. Then they pulled on the mask. It was an off white color like my dress and the massive white feathers stuck out from the top and it made me look like a swan. I loved it. They tied it around my head and secured it into place with pins. Then I slipped on the delicate crème colored slippers. The women stepped back and looked at me, their masterpiece with their hands clasped and had excitement in their voices as they spoke in French. I smiled and was very happy. I was going to have a lot of fun tonight. I could feel it.

A few minutes later I was descending the stairs. My breath caught in my throat when I saw Mason. No matter how much he acted like a filthy scoundrel, I was still incredibly attracted to him. Now he looked dashing in his trim waistcoat with long coat tails. His fitted trousers fit his trim body well and his white fitted shirt was elegant with what looked like diamond cufflinks. His locks were wild and unruly and I swear he could be Casanova himself with the way he looked. Many women would tear their clothes off if he asked them to. He stared at me as I walked down the stairs and I felt very beautiful. Then he said, “You are perfect. I have never seen anything so beautiful.”

“Thank you. I mean, merci,” I said with a curtsy.

“But it is missing something,” he said. “Here,” as he trailed his finger over my collarbone and down my cleavage. I sighed a little and I felt my body come alive under his touch. Damn him. He still had this effect on me. I was so turned on.

“Here, this is what’s missing. It’s your reward for passing the last test,” he said as he held out a small black velvet jewelry box.

I gasped, “For me? I thought I wasn’t getting a reward until we returned?”

“Yes, but I had my security men fly this over on my jet so that you could wear it to the ball, and as part of my apology for my behavior.”

I looked at him suspiciously and then opened it. I nearly fell over with what I saw. It was a diamond necklace with matching earrings. But it wasn’t just any diamonds. They were huge diamonds in the shape of teardrops and about the size of a dime, all lined up in a row hanging off of an antique chain. There were five diamonds. Then the earrings were also large teardrop diamonds. It all looked very old and almost priceless.

“This, is my reward?” I asked arching my eyebrows.

“Yes, it is yours. It is worth much more than the painting I gave you, but this is much older. It is antique. May I?” he asked implying to put the necklace on me.

“Yes, please. And Mason… thank you. It is the most beautiful piece of jewelry I have ever seen.”

“Bienvenue,” he whispered in my ear as he stood behind me fastening the clasp of the necklace. I could feel the heat from his body on mine as he leaned in close. Then he grabbed his white porcelain mask and we were on our way.


Thirty minutes later we were walking into a grand ballroom. I was in awe of it. There were about two hundred people in attendance and there were many parlor rooms off the ballroom where people were eating, drinking, playing card games, and socializing. It was beautiful and it was everything I could have ever imagined. I noticed that people were looking in our direction, and did not blame them, we looked amazing. However it was strange not being able to see people’s faces. Everyone was in a mask.

“Would you like a drink first?” Mason asked.

“Yes, or three,” I said.

He laughed. It felt good to be friends again. I followed Mason to a room where white linen covered tables held many crystal glasses of wine and champagne. He picked up two and handed one to me. I drank it very fast and was on to another, as I looked at all the delicacies on the tables. No expense was spared in setting up this ball.

“Shall we?” Mason said as the stringed musicians began to play and people took to the ballroom floor.

“Yes,” I said feeling very excited that I was going to dance at my first ball.

Mason took me in his arms and led me in a waltz around the floor. My massive dress swayed and swirled with the turns. It was everything that I had pictured it to be. I laughed at all my mistakes because I did not know how to do these dances, but it was all in good fun. Finally after the first three dances, we made our way to more champagne.

“May I have the next dance my dear Swan?” an older Italian man with grey silver hair sticking out from his mask asked Mason for permission.

“Yes, if the Swan agrees,” Mason said. I was pleasantly surprised at his behavior.

“I would love to,” I said. Then I was whisked away onto the floor. After the dance with the silver haired man, more and more men asked me to dance. Mason was very obliging to all of them. I thought it was because he wanted to go flirt with other women but he just watched holding my champagne glass for me. It was astonishing behavior and I wondered if he was up to something. Then the night kept on and I danced with Mason and then with more strangers, then Mason again.

I was starting to feel very buzzed and I was having a grand time dancing with so many masked men. I saw Mason standing against the wall watching me and smiling. I was impressed that he wasn’t using this time to flirt with other women. Maybe he was being honest before about flirting with the Viscountess to punish me. He was being a very loyal date tonight and did not dance with any other woman. Finally, I was very exhausted and needed a break. As the song ended I made my way over to Mason.

“I think I need to sit for a while,” I said.

“Yes, let me find a seat for us,” he said as he took my hand and led me out of the ballroom. He led me into a darker parlor room. He walked toward a large winged chair in the corner and sat down.

“But there is no room for me,” I said.

“Here,” he said as he patted his leg. I laughed and then sat down on his lap.

“Are you having fun here?” he asked whispering in my ear.

“I am. I think it is the best night of my life,” I said happily.

“You look amazing. This necklace suits you. It was made for you,” he said as he toyed with it. His movement on my neck and cleavage was soft and slow as he trailed his finger along the necklace. I closed my eyes and let his hands roam. I wanted this. Maybe it was the champagne and the feeling of being so giddy of being at a masked ball, but all my anger toward him melted away in that moment. I moaned a little as his hands moved down my corset. Even through the length of the fabric of my dress I could feel that he was now hard. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. There were only a few people and they were focused on their card games and entertaining each other. I felt bold in my mask. No one knew who I was, or who Mason was. We were free of inhibitions here. I reached under me and grabbed his hard cock through his trousers. I heard him suck in a sharp breath of air and then he whispered in my ear, “I’ve missed you. I want you so bad, Alicia. I could take you right here.” Then he trailed kisses down my neck and held on tight to my waist. I let my hand move up and down under me on his cock then I did something very bold. I said, “then do it. Take me right here, in secret. What’s a big dress like this for anyway?” I giggled.

“Are you sure? I want too, but only if you want too,” he said as he kissed my neck.

“I’ll do it,” I said as I unzipped his pants and pulled out his hard cock. I looked around the room and said, “Do it now, while no one is watching.”

I hovered above him and he pushed up my long dress from behind. I grabbed the fabric in my hands and held it up, but from the front it was perfectly in place. If someone were standing behind us they would have a clear view of my ass, but in front, only my dress. I felt Mason grab my panties and tear them off with one snap. Then he said, “Go lower now.”

I lowered my body back down toward his lap and I felt the tip of his hard cock enter me. He moaned and groaned as inch by inch it entered me more and more as I proceeded to get lower and finally sit on him. We both sighed as I sat flush against him with his cock all the way inside of me. I looked around at the room again and no one was watching us. “This is very hot,” Mason whispered. “I don’t know how much I can restrain myself.”

“Try…” I said playfully as I began to slowly roll my hips on top of him. He put his hands on my waist and guided me. I was glad that the music was loud and that the crowd was loud because it hid our loud moans and groans.  Then I felt the familiar sensation inside of me. I tensed up. I was going to cum. It was the fact that we were doing it in public and yet trying to keep our normal appearance that was making me so hot. We were fucking in secret. I had missed Mason’s fat cock inside of me, and depriving ourselves the night before and all day may have been a good thing, because now we both appreciated it more. Then I released into sweet orgasm with a very loud moan. Mason kissed my neck and pushed his fingers into my corset as he whispered, “Yes, cum for me Alicia, cum all over my cock. No one is watching us. Let go.”

With those filthy words I was at the height of my climax. Then I felt Mason grab my waist and bob me up and down on top of his cock in short small movements that were still small enough for no one to notice. Then he groaned like an animal as I felt him release inside of me and his warm fluid entered me. I rested my back against his chest and relaxed on him.

“Oh fuck Alicia! That was so fucking hot and good.”

“Yes,” was all I could say as I was still enjoying the remnants of my orgasm.


Minutes later, we were giggling about our secret rendezvous in the dark corner of the ball. I did like fucking in public. I had never done it before, but the possibility of getting caught was very hot. It made me cum faster than I ever had before. Wearing the mask and being in a place where everyone was anonymous was also a turn on. I could do this again and again. Finally we got up and rejoined the ball. We made a large tray of foods and sat down and ate it on a long table with bench chairs. It was good to eat after feeling so drunk, and after having such epic and amazing sex.





She had no idea what I was doing. I had planned on telling her, but since she was pissed at me, I knew that she wouldn’t go through with it. I was just lucky that it played out the way it did. She had gone through test number four, and had passed it. But she was the one that said to do it. I only set up the right conditions for it. Then she added in what needed to be said and done, and soon we were fucking in public but keeping up appearances. That was test number four. Fuck in a public place but not let anyone see or know what was happening. Usually I did this test in a movie theater or maybe in a private skybox at a stadium, but the ball was the perfect place for it. Everyone was wearing a mask, so it was very private. Her dress was massive and provided the necessary cover, and the rooms were dark and loud. It was all that we needed. She did well, hardly making any noise or any notion that we were having sex. It only looked like we were kissing heavily, and touching. It was perfect. Not to mention that we were actually having fun here. I was learning. I learned to give her space as she danced with many men. Which did make me jealous, but I knew that it was her first ball and she would want that experience. So I sat back and watched with a smile like any good man would. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I only knew that I was not happy when she was mad at me. Therefore I did not want to make her angry again. I was treating this as though she was my date and only she mattered. It seemed to be working. She seemed to be forgiving me. The next morning we would be on our way back to Paris and I wanted things to be right when we arrived. Though I wasn’t sure how she would react to knowing she already went through test number four without knowing it. Maybe I wouldn’t tell her at all. I could just say test three was the last one or that I didn’t want to play tests anymore.

“What are you thinking about? I’ve never seen you so deep in thought,” she said as she nudged me.

“Oh, I was just thinking that I am starting to feel a bit drunk and tired,” I said lying as I always did.

“Me too, but I don’t want the night to end. Can we have one more dance before we go?” she asked.

“I will dance with you,” a man in a golden mask leaned over her.

“Oh it’s you. I remember you,” she said in a drunken way.

My blood boiled. I knew who this man was, but how did she know him? I hated him. He was Antonio Merciato, and he was an Italian financial billionaire that competed with my company on many levels. Now he was trying to steal my girl.

“I would love too,” Alicia said jumping up and into his arms before I could say anything. Watching Antonio put his hand on the small of her back as he led her to the dance floor made me really angry. I wondered if they had met at the dinner. He was there, but I was so concerned with my ego and proving to myself that I wasn’t in love with Alicia that I didn’t pay attention to Antonio. He could have been putting the moves on her while I was busy with the countess. Then the glass dropped out of my hand. Everyone looked at me briefly as the sound of breaking glass echoed. I had just admitted to myself that I loved Alicia. What the fuck? Who the hell was I? This was not me. I had to do something about this before it got out of hand. We needed to get back to Paris and I needed to distance myself from her. I would fall out of love with her if I stayed away from her long enough. That was the plan. I watched as she circled the room dancing with Antonio. She was smiling and giggling in his arms. I restrained myself to not go over and punch him in the face. He was only doing this to get back at me. This was competition to him and had nothing to do with Alicia. How dare he use her in this manner.

BOOK: My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance
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