My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (169 page)

BOOK: My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance
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“What is your name girl?”


“College girl Kendra?”

“No, I should be, but I don’t know what I want to do yet, so I’m just…”

“Picking up glasses and cleaning up water,” I said, finishing her sentence. Her face dropped and her eyes narrowed at me. I knew that look, a woman scorned. It turned me on. She was practically shooting fire at me, and I liked it. I was used to most women kissing my ass, but I could tell this one was different.

“It’s an HONEST living,” she said as she went back to her work. What the hell did she mean when she said that? I grabbed her by the arm and looked down at her. “Why did you say that? What do you know?!”

She started to tremble in my arms and I suddenly felt like an ass. Her bottom lip was quivering and all I could think was that I probably took it too far. She only made a simple statement and I jumped to conclusions and scared this poor girl senseless. So why was I still holding onto her? Then before I knew it, I planted my lips on her. I couldn’t help myself, her quivering lips were just calling for me to press mine against them. She tasted like cherry and I heard a soft moan escape from her as she went from tense to weak. I wrapped my arm around the small of her back to keep her standing upright as her knees went weak. Then, she kissed me back, after her shock wore off. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and she welcomed it as she slowly slid hers against mine. I pulled her toward me because I needed to rub my hard cock against her body. She was warm and shivering when her body came against mine and I felt some relief as my cock grazed against her. I wanted to push it into her hot quivering pussy this second. I was so damned turned on that I couldn’t figure out what to do next, but I didn’t need to, because she did. She pulled herself away from me with her eyes wide and offended. Then, whack! She slapped me. I was shocked! No woman dared to ever do such a thing! But I liked it. I just smiled at her, and she turned and stormed out of the room with a trey of muffins in her hands. I was about to follow her out, I needed to know more, but when I got to the doorway I saw Mrs. Stryker coming down the hall toward us.










The arrogant bastard! Who did he think he was talking to me like that? Who did he think he was that he could just kiss me like that? I thought as I slammed the dirty dishes into the sink. “Did everything go accordingly?”

I turned to see Mrs. Stryker standing behind me. “Oh, Mrs. Stryker, I did not hear you come in. Yes, it all went very well. A man spilled water on himself but I quickly cleaned it up and the meeting continued. I’m just cleaning up the conference room now,” I said trying to avert her gaze because I knew that I must be flushed.

“Well, you must have done something right because you made quite an impression on Mr. Rubic,” she said smiling.

My eyes grew wide and I began to panic, “What? What do you mean?”

“Mr. Rubic has requested that you be the client services attendant that attends his office on the top floor. You will bring his meals to his office, when he is in the building. He also has a private apartment attached to his office, however you will not enter those quarters. Except on Mondays to restock his kitchen, is that understood?” she said sternly. “I, um…well… I…do you think I should? This is only my first day,” I said, trying to get out of it.

“Yes, you will be just fine. It’s not rocket science girl, it’s just food,” she said as she walked out. “When you’re done here find me and I will show you his office and apartment.”

“Yes, Mrs. Styker, thank you.”

After she walked out I was in shock. What was Mr. Rubic thinking? What was he planning? He only meant to toy with me more. I could feel it. It both frightened and excited me. I must not let him do those things to me again. It was too dangerous. He would use me for his pleasure, and as much as I would like it, I knew that I would be offended when he dropped me after. However, there was no getting out of it. If I asked to not do it, it would be too suspicious and I would probably be fired. I had to do it.

A whole week passed and I did not see Mr. Rubic again. I was relieved. Apparently, he was out of town attending meetings in New York. I used the time to get acquainted with client services on his floor. I was fitting right in and I kept to myself. Then, just when I thought that everything would be okay, it wasn’t.

“Kendra, Mr. Rubic will be in today and will need breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as anything else he requests in between,” Mrs. Stryker said as she walked by me.

“Yes, understood,” I said panicking. I went straight to the ladies room and fixed my hair, my lip-gloss, and brushed an extra coat of mascara on my lashes. I straightened my black stockings. I was wearing thigh high stockings today and a garter, but with my knee length pencil skirt they were well hidden. Then I went into Mr. Rubic’s office and made a fresh pot of hot coffee on his coffee bar and set out pastries. I wanted to try to do it before he stepped in. “Is it hot?”

I turned to see him walk into the office. He closed the door behind him and I suddenly felt excited and nervous by his presence, and the closed door.

“What?” I asked, confused by his sexual question.

“The coffee? Is it hot?” he said arching his eyebrows at me as though I was the dirty one. I guess I was. “Oh yes, I just made it,” I said.

“Great, pour me a cup. I liked it strong and black,” he said. “But of course I am sure Mrs. Stryker already told you that. You know a lot about what I like don’t you?” he said as he walked over to his desk and sat in the office chair.

I poured a cup of coffee and said, “She did brief me on some of your likes and preferences.”

“But I bet not the most important ones,” he said playfully, and I knew exactly what he was implying. I set the coffee down in front of him on his desk. “Can I get you anything else?” I asked.

“I would like a croissant,” he said as he smiled at me and looked me up and down. I remembered how he kissed me in the conference room and I felt myself becoming aroused just by the thought of it. Get a hold of yourself, Kendra. I thought to myself. I plated a croissant and brought it to him. “Anything else, or can I go?” I said sternly.

“I see what’s going on here. You’re still mad at me. Really, I should be the one who’s mad, you did slap me after all. That’s grounds for firing you, but instead I promoted you,” he said.

“I’m not angry,” I said angrily. He just laughed at my response. He got up from his desk and said, “Sit. Here take my chair.”

“What? Why?” I asked confused by his request. Why would I sit behind his desk? That was ridiculous.

“Because I have something for you, an apology,” he said. “Please, just sit.”

I sat down at his desk feeling very confused, aroused, and scared that someone would walk in any second.

“You are right to be angry with me. I acted like a scoundrel, because I am a scoundrel. But if you will just let me, I’d like to offer you a sincere apology.”

He stood behind me and my breathing grew heavier. I was nervous, and then he leaned over me from behind. I could smell him. He smelled clean and delicious. He put his arms out in front of my eyes and dropped a chain that dangled from his hand. On the end of the sparkling silver chain, a large emerald hung catching the light. “This apology matches your eyes,” he said as he clasped it around my neck as I gasped. “It’s beautiful.”

“Beautiful like you,” he whispered in my ear. I felt myself getting hotter, wetter. Then he grabbed the emerald and said, “Now, I had this stone placed on a long chain so that you can wear it under your clothes every day and hide it. Only you and I will know that you are wearing it. It will be our secret,” he said as he pushed the emerald down my V-necked bloused and placed the emerald and his hand between my breasts. “Is that okay?” he asked.

I breathed out the word instead of saying it, “Yes.”

Then he moved his hand to the right slowly and I moaned as his hand cupped my breast. His thumb grazed across my erect nipple. I could barely stand it anymore. I wanted him to throw me on the desk and fuck me. He massaged my breast and moaned as he did so. This man did whatever he wanted, when he wanted. It was hot in a cocky arrogant kind of way that I should have despised, but I loved it. Mr. Rubic stopped and pulled his hand out of my blouse and spun the chair fast to face him. Now he loomed over me. His cock was directly in my face, and I restrained myself to not reach out and grab it. I wanted to put his cock in my mouth. He smiled down at me as though he knew what I was thinking. I expected him to unzip and push it in my face, but he didn’t. Instead he surprised me. He went down to his knees and pushed his face between my thighs so fast that I didn’t even know what was happening.

I moaned at his actions as I felt his stubble rub against the inside of my thighs. He kissed at my pussy through my panties over and over again, and then he pulled out. His hands pushed up my skirt high and upon seeing my thigh high stockings and garter belts he said, “Oh, you are a naughty girl aren’t you. You only look innocent, but you like fucking don’t you. You like it just as much as I do, I can tell,” he smiled. I didn’t answer him. I couldn’t. I was so lost in lust and desire that I couldn’t speak. His hands reached my panties and pushed them to one side. “Ah!” I yelled out. I was not expecting his touch to set me on fire and startle me, but it did. He loved it and said, “You haven’t seen anything yet,” then he pushed his face between my thighs again and begin to slowly lick me. I bit my lip so that I didn’t yell at the top of my lungs. I was in fact in an office environment. This was wrong, but felt so good. His tongue slid up and down my wet slit like he was eating an ice cream cone. I grasped onto the chair to steady myself. I could not believe this was happening. First the emerald, and now the billionaire, Jaysun Rubic was on his knees pleasing me, worshipping my pussy. Was this real life? I had never had this kind of attention from a man as attractive as him before, let alone a billionaire. It was not something that happened to me. It just wasn’t. I felt myself on the brink of orgasm in an instant and a part of me felt ashamed that I was going to cum so quickly. I tried to fight it. I could hear Jaysun moaning and groaning as he licked me as though I was the best thing he had ever licked.

“Damn you taste so good,” he moaned and then his tongue moved to my clitoris. I jumped a bit at the sensation. I was so sensitive and turned on. Then I felt it happening in slow motion. My body tensed up as I felt myself reaching the brink as his tongue flicked my clitoris. He was very skilled and knew exactly what he was doing. I bit my hand to cover the sounds of my moans as I came in an explosive orgasm. I wrapped my legs around his head as I squirmed in orgasm and as he drank up my liquid honey. Then I finally relaxed and slumped in the chair as I let the lovely sensations wash over me. Mr. Rubic sat back on his knees and gave me a lusty look. I could not believe what had just happened. He stood up and I could see his cock was hard through his pants. Then, knock! Knock!

There was someone at the door. “Mr. Rubic, we’re ready for you in the conference room.”

I jumped up from the chair and move over to the coffee pot, and Mr. Rubic sat in his chair just in time for the door to open. “Sorry, for the intrusion sir, but we’re ready for you,” the man said at the door. I used this opportunity to escape. I grabbed a trey and moved around the man and out the door.










She was unbelievable! To leave me with a hard cock like that after I had pleasured her. I had even given her a damn emerald that cost more than she would earn in five years at this job. I wanted to be mad at her for it, but it only made me want her more. “I’ll be right there,” I told my man waiting for me in the doorway. I needed to get rid of this boner. I couldn’t exactly walk down the hall like this, even if it was my company. I went to my private quarters. I washed her sweet juices off of my face and waited for blue balls to set in before I made my way to the meeting. Another boring meeting that I had to make an appearance at. If they only knew my secret, they would lose all respect for me, but at least I wouldn’t have to attend the meetings.

Later, after I was done with the morning’s walk through of the tech floor and all of my scheduled meetings, I went back to my office. I was scheduled to have a working lunch, which meant that I would take lunch in my office while I worked, and I knew exactly who would be bringing that lunch to me. When she stepped in carrying a trey of sushi, it was as if the whole room just lit up. I was on the phone, but it didn’t stop me from taking in an eyeful as she moved about the room. She was blushing and I knew why. My desire for her had only grown stronger since the first time I saw her. I dropped a pencil on the floor. She looked over at me. Then she bent over and picked it up. She placed it back on my desk. I continued with my phone conversation, and I liked having this control over her. Maybe it was a sordid thing to like, but I did.

I covered the mouthpiece of the phone and said, “Oh client services, I will be staying late tonight for work. Make sure you are here. I usually have dinner served at nine o’ clock when I work late. Mrs. Stryker can fill you in.” I smiled at her as her mouth dropped open. “That will be all,” I said as I shooed her out of my office and went back to my call. I wasn’t lying to her. I really did have to work late, and when I did someone always stayed to attend to client services. However, I usually informed my secretary and she saw to organizing it with the client services department, but I wanted to see the look on Kendra’s face, and it paid off. It had the affect I desired.

BOOK: My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance
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