Must Love Kilts

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Authors: Allie MacKay

BOOK: Must Love Kilts
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Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20


Teaser chapter



Praise for the Novels of Allie Mackay

Some Like It Kilted

“I’m a kilt convert! After plunging into the rowdy world of
Some Like It Kilted
, I would follow Allie Mackay’s hot Scot anywhere!”

New York Times
bestselling author Vicki Lewis Thompson

“If you want a fun and passionate ghost love story look no further than Allie Mackay!”

—Sapphire Romance Realm

Tall, Dark, and Kilted

“An engaging urban romantic fantasy with a touch of a mystery and a terrific twist. ... The story line is brisk and breezy from the moment the ghost and the American meet, and never slows down. With a strong cast, paranormal and human, fans will enjoy Cilla’s Scottish adventure in love.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

Highlander in Her Dreams

“Scottish charm, humor, and . . . hot romance.”

—Night Owl Romance

“Sexy . . . imaginative . . . a fascinating mix of exciting action and passionate romance.”

—Romance Reader at Heart

“Cleverly plotted and well written . . . a fun, sexy story.”

Romantic Times

“[A] pleasing blend of wit, passion, and the paranormal. . . a steamy romance that packs emotional punch.”

—Romance Reviews Today

“A fabulous mixture of magic and romance. Allie Mackay has penned an enchanting romance of lovers from different times . . . a captivating paranormal romance and a wonderful addition to a book lover’s library.”

—Fresh Fiction

Highlander in Her Bed

“[A] randy paranormal romance. . . . The premise is charming and innovative. ... This novel definitely delivers a blast of Scottish steam.”


“A yummy paranormal romp.”

USA Today
bestselling author Angela Knight

“A delightful paranormal romance. The writing is poetic, compelling, and fun, and the story features an imaginative premise, crisp dialogue, and sexy characters whose narrative voices are both believable and memorable. HOT.”

Romantic Times

“A superb paranormal romance.”

Midwest Book

“A sexy, humor-filled romance with delightfully amusing characters. Artfully blending past and present,
Highlander in Her Bed
is an entertaining read. Well written. Readers will enjoy this one!”

—Fresh Fiction

“Appealing and amusing. Sizzles with passion.”

—Romance Reviews Today

“A whimsical read that will have you panting from start to finish! Mackay knows what a Scottish romance novel needs and socks it to you! Red-hot sizzling chemistry ignites from the moment Sir Alex materializes in front of feisty Mara . . . a sure-bet bestseller.”—A Romance Review



Some Like It Kilted

Tall, Dark, and Kilted

Highlander in Her Dreams

Highlander in Her Bed





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eISBN: 9781101480977



This one is for Horatio, Hercules, and the gang, for everything they are and do. Only their intrepid leader knows how much their extraordinary support means to me. Hopefully she also knows how much I love and appreciate her.



This book’s heroine loves Scotland passionately. I share that love and have done so all my life. My family hails from the Hebrides, so loving Scotland comes naturally to me. So does yearning to be there, to return again and again to the special places that beckon so strongly. Scotland is extraordinary, a magical place held in awe by so many. The mere mention of words like “glen,” “heather,” or “mist” can make someone’s face light up. Eyes then glisten, and pulses race, the longing for the Highlands touching hearts. Toss in a kilted man with a sexy Scottish accent, let the pipes skirl and the drums roll, and women everywhere swoon.

In my previous career as a flight attendant, I was fortunate to travel the world for decades, visiting many fascinating lands. Beauty can be found everywhere.

Yet I cannot name one place that stirs souls like Scotland. Even those who have never set foot there, like Margo Menlove at this book’s beginning, are fierce in their love of the Highlands.

Margo is my nod to dedicated Scotophiles everywhere. I hope that, like her, you’ll someday visit the land of your dreams. And if, like me, you’re already a frequent Scotland visitor, I know you’ll agree that the magic never fades. Each trip proves anew that Scotland is so much more than a destination. It’s a passion that burns forever.

Margo’s journey will take you to some of my favorite West Highland places. Gairloch, Badcall, Badachro, and Redpoint, as well as other locations, all exist. I’ve changed hotel names, and Badcall Castle is pure fiction. But even these fictitious places are based on a blending of real hotels and castles I know and love in this area. If you visit, you’ll be as enchanted as Margo.

I just hope that you don’t land on one of Wee Hughie’s whirlwind tours. Scotland is meant to be savored, enjoyed with leisure and lots of

For the curious, Magnus MacBride could’ve existed. The Norse ruled the Hebrides for several hundred years and their fierce assaults on Scotland’s isles and mainland coasts lasted even longer.

Somerled, the great warrior chief of Clan Donald in the twelfth century, fought the Vikings tirelessly and eventually chased them from the Hebrides. He comes closest to how I envisioned Magnus. The book’s setting is an area that was a frequent and favored target of Viking raiders. Their legacy lives on in a wealth of culture and tradition, place-names, wealth of culture and tradition, place-names, archaeological finds, and even character traits and physical features. The melding of Celtic and Norse gives us the Highlander so beloved today.

Three special women helped me take Margo to Scotland. Roberta Brown, agent extraordinaire, who is also my dearest friend. She is an angel on earth.

Kerry Donovan, my supertalented editor, for her excellent input and direction. Thanks, too, to my copy editor, Michele Alpern, for her sharp eye and skill.

Ladies, I’m grateful.

Much love and appreciation to my very handsome husband, Manfred. He might not slay Vikings, but he keeps all trouble from my door and guards my turret, always. I couldn’t do this without him. As ever, my little Jack Russell, Em. My four-legged soul mate, he holds my heart in his paws. I hope he knows how much I love him.


“Loving Scotland isn’t just my greatest passion.

It’s who I am.”

—Margo Menlove, founder of the Bucks County Kilt Appreciation Society


Badcall Bay in the Northwest Highlands

A fine summer’s eve, 1250

“Spawn of Satan!”

Magnus MacBride, proud Highland chieftain, drew rein on the heathery ridge just above the sheltered cove of Badcall Bay and stared through smoke-tinged clouds of choking haze at the six many-oared Viking longships, beating swiftly away from the coast and toward the open sea. His men thundered up beside him, each one jerking his steed to a sudden, jarring halt. They were fierce fighters, well armed and battle-proven. But just now they could do no more than rattle their swords and shout their outrage.

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