Much Ado About Highlanders (The Scottish Relic Trilogy) (17 page)

BOOK: Much Ado About Highlanders (The Scottish Relic Trilogy)
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“Well, lass, this is a first,” he said under his breath.

She never pushed him away, but bent her knees, which only made matters worse.

“A first what?”

“I don’t think this is a discussion we should be having.”

Even in the dim light, he saw the look change in her eyes, and the fire surged in his loins.

He jumped up before his brain ceased to function. Moving away from her, he piled the stacks up again and climbed to the top.

“You’re in such a hurry to get out of here. Fine, help me up.”

She started scaling the side of his body, using him like a ladder before he was ready to lift her.

He lifted her up. And a sharp knee bone dug into his shoulder. Skirts draped around his head. Another push, and somewhere under those layers of cloth, he touched the silkiest skin he’d ever encountered. And then she was out through the window.

Her blond head appeared. “Stay there, until I come for you.”

“Do you see the bar? Hand it to me.”

“Wait. I have to hide. Someone’s coming.”

Chapter 20

Man is a giddy thing, and this is my conclusion.

The dinner Alexander arranged for his wife was not as grand as something from the kitchens of Benmore or Castle Varrich, but it was the best his cook could prepare, considering the short notice and limited supplies.

Sitting across from Kenna and watching her eye the platters with little interest, Alexander decided the limited selection was not the source of her discontent. She’d had the same expression on her face since coming out of the smaller cabin wearing a green dress that she’d covered with a large blanket. With the bloody thing draped over her shoulder, she’d hidden every bit of herself, from neck to knee.

He knew better to ask what was going on with her. Whatever problem was banging about in that beautiful head of hers, it would surface soon enough, and she’d let him have it.

And when he’d weathered that storm, whatever it was, he’d lure her to bed.

Alexander started eating. He was going to need all of his strength, if there was any justice in the universe.

One savory piece of mutton and a half cup of wine later, and she couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“Well, aren’t you going to ask me?”

He looked up innocently into the flashing eyes and immediately became hard at the recollection of what they’d been doing in that tiny cabin such a short time ago.

Down, wanton, he told himself. Too soon. Too fast. Focus on something else, man.

She’d braided her hair into a single rope that draped over one shoulder. And if Kenna thought that he wouldn’t find that appealing, he’d show her a few ways to use that braid to his advantage when they made love. And that would be soon, very soon. He smiled.

“Ask me,” she ordered, stabbing some mutton with her knife and depositing it on her trencher.

“Ask you what?” He should have removed all sharp objects from her reach.

“Ask me why I am wearing this blanket.”

“Because you’re cold?”

“Nay, I’m not cold.”

“Because you were cold?”

“I wasn’t cold.”

“Because you plan to be cold?”

“Stop with the cold. It’s July!” she snapped. The meat was on her plate, but the knife was waving about dangerously. “The cold has nothing to do with why I’m wearing this.”

“Very well. Let me see. You were embarrassed.”

“About what?”

“Isn’t it obvious?’ He cocked his head toward the other cabin. “I open that door and find you standing there naked as a sea nymph, intent on luring me in, attacking me, and making what some might call brazen sexual demands. Now you’re a wee bit embarrassed, so you’re overreacting with this horse blanket.”

The colors in her face would have put a bonfire to shame. She opened her mouth a couple of times before the words spilled out. “You . . . are . . . a . . . I never . . . I didn’t—”

“Didn’t enjoy it, wife?” he asked, reaching under the table, touching her knee. She immediately moved out of his reach.

“Don’t distract me.”

“Did you or didn’t you?”

“You’re changing the subject entirely.”

He sat back in the chair, goblet in hand. “If you’re annoyed because our lovemaking was too short . . .”

“It wasn’t too short.”

“But I didn’t please you.”

“You . . . you . . .” Still holding the knife, she shoved to her feet with such force that the chair tumbled back and the blanket fell from her shoulder.

Alexander’s gaze was immediately drawn to the neckline of the dress. The bodice was tight, and her breasts were nearly spilling. Ah, yes. Thank you, Lord. There is justice.

The pouch Kenna wore around her neck was now hanging from a ribbon at her waist. He put the cup of wine on the table. He wanted his hands free.

She came around the table and he pushed back his chair, watching her with a great deal of interest. If today was any indication of what their future life would be, Alexander knew he may have found heaven on earth.

“I’m angry with you and you’re smiling.”

“I can’t help it. You entertain me.” He took hold of the hand with the knife as she reached him. “Let go of this, love.”

“Why? I have designs on using it.”

“Nay, you don’t. We both know how you feel about me. So as soon as you’d stab me, then you’d have to heal me. And since we’re starting the next stage in our journey in the morning, I think we can find far better use for the night hours.”

She paused for a moment, her eyes spitting fire. Pulling her hand out of his grasp, she tossed the knife onto the table.

“Now, words, Kenna. Not temper. Words.”

Hands on her hips, she exploded. “A trunk full of women’s clothes, you artless measle. You, a married man and yet you have enough clothes in there to dress ten mistresses. And don’t try to tell me that they belong to Diarmad.”

“I really don’t think they’d look as good on him as this one does on you.”

“And then,” she sailed on, ignoring him, “you’re tickle-brained enough to expect me to wear one of them. How in the devil’s name could a beast sink so low—”

“My mother’s,” he said calmly. “And Tess’s.”

“What?” She stopped.

“Aye, lass. I’m not the only Macpherson that uses this ship. Colin spends more time in command of this vessel than I do. And more often than not, Tess is with him. And my parents still travel, you know. That dress belongs to Fiona or Tess, though I’ll be damned if I know which one.”


Alexander held her gaze. “And as for mistresses, when I said I haven’t been with another woman since we exchanged our marriage vows, I meant it.”

Her blush ran to an even deeper hue than before, and it spread nicely down the neckline of her creamy skin. He wanted to follow it with his mouth, and he felt the stirrings of sex.

“Speechless for the second time in a matter of minutes.” He smiled, taking hold of her hips and drawing her between his legs.

“You should have told me.”

“You should have asked me.”

“I thought . . . I assumed the worst.” She was staring at his shoulder, avoiding his eyes.

He ran his hands up her sides, using his thumbs to trace the curves beneath her breasts, admiring the fullness. He felt the intake of breath, the expansion of her ribs.

“You, my wee, knife-wielding warrior. What am I going to do with you?”

“Keep me, perhaps?” She leaned into him. “And somehow put up with my bursts of temper?”

Alexander raised her chin until their gazes locked. “I will, but maybe you don’t need to be pointing a dagger at me anytime you don’t have the answer to a question.”

“I can’t stop being who I am. I was raised by men, and I have a mind of my own. I’ll be a complete embarrassment to you.”

“I very much doubt that.” He brought her closer and brushed his lips across the skin beneath her ear, on her neck, placing soft kisses on top of each breast. “And I cherish this wild side of you. You’re a Highland lass, born and bred, and I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

“I’ll remind you of that the next time you’re chewing my head off because of something I’ve done.”

“No fear, Kenna. I never lose my temper.”

“Alexander?” she drawled. “We’re speaking honestly now.”

“Just so.” He pulled her closer, unable to stop himself. “But you see, I’ve decided never to be angry with you. You’re all passion and fire. This is who you are.”

“I’m going to have you say that before witnesses.”

“I’ll sign it in blood, if you like.”

She looked into his eyes. “I see. Now I know why you’re talking so sweetly to me.”

“Do you, now. And why is that?”

“You’re determined that I be carrying your child before we reach Benmore.”

Alexander’s throat tightened at the thought of their children romping through the halls at Benmore Castle. He wondered if she said it because she wanted it, too.

“Well, wife, making love to you is a noble pursuit.” He kissed her smiling lips, but gently, knowing that if he pressed her too much right now, she’d fight him.

Instead, she leaned into his touch as he fondled her breast, and her breath caught as he stroked the nipple.

“But right now, I’d like to take my time.”

She edged closer into the angle of his legs, pushing against the cloth of his kilt until his hardening cock pressed against her thigh.

“Impossible,” she whispered. “Every time we make love, it’s faster and more powerful than the time before. We’re like a spark to dry wood. The flame bursts upward, consuming us instantly. How much time can we possibly have?”

“Are you doubting me?”

“I’m questioning myself. You touch me . . . and I come apart.” She pressed her lips into his hair as he pulled at the laces that held her gown together.

“Well, that’s a high praise, but tonight I intend to feast repeatedly on your body. Unlike our first time, no one will interrupt us.”

“And if they do?”

“They will have short shrift before going overboard. And I made that clear.”

“So, of the two of us, you’re the only one feasting tonight?”

She took a sharp breath as Alexander’s fingers pulled open the dress. She sank against him as his lips found the curves above the neckline of the silk shift.

“Aye,” he growled. “I’m the

Slowly, ever so slowly, he peeled the dress down her shoulders, worked it over her hips, and let it pool at her feet. He pushed it away with a boot.

The thin linen cloth molded to her body. Her breasts strained to break free of the tight confines.

“Everything I tried was too small. I’m larger than your mother and Tess.”

She tried to cover herself but Alexander took hold of her hands and pulled them away. He gazed in rapt admiration at the creation before him.

“You’re perfect, a goddess,” he whispered, his voice husky with desire.

Alexander’s thumbs crossed her ribs, and he felt her shiver as he gently caressed the subtle curves of her belly.

“I look forward to our bairn growing inside you.” He stopped, cursing himself. He’d forbidden himself from mentioning it, but his mouth ran ahead of his resolution.

He felt her grow tense in his grasp.

“It’s difficult to think of such things with so much danger haunting me. We must think about Evers and Maxwell.”

He reached up and pressed a finger to her lips. “They’ll be taken care of. I promise you that. They’ll not be haunting you for long.”

She kissed his finger and nodded. “If the time ever comes that we have a bairn, both our clans will be celebrating for days.”

“And what about you?” He searched her face. “Will you be happy, too?”

She bit her lip. The blush was back again, blooming in her cheeks. Alexander didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath until he saw her nod.

“I believe I will. But I want a child only after we’ve put an end to the evil dogging our steps.”

“I swear that I will keep you and our bairn safe and out of harm’s reach.”

“And I swear I’ll cherish motherhood when I have tamed you enough that you submit to all of my fantasies, to every one of my hidden wishes.”

Fantasies? Hidden wishes? It was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on words when she stood before him, a seductress. She would win any battle with him negotiating in such state of undress.

“Tell me about these . . . these hidden wishes.”

One of the shoulder straps fell on her arm, revealing the milky-white flesh of her breast.

“You will obey all of my commands.”

“You know we’ll have summer flowers in winter before such day comes.” Alexander pulled both of the straps down her arms and drew her onto his lap, holding her captive.


“But before you pull your dirk on me again, know that failing to obey commands has always been a quality I take pride in. I follow my own path.”

She punched him in the chest. “Even the most beef-witted of men can do that.”

“But I will respect you, my wife.” He placed a kiss on her exposed shoulders, tasting her soft flesh. Kenna didn’t try to resist. “Now tell me about these fantasies of yours.”

“The list is long.”

“We have all night. Tell me.”

“In a moment. But first, before we reach Benmore Castle, I want you to tell me everything there is to know about your family. Your parents, your brothers, their likes and dislikes. I want the absolute truth and no tomfoolery. I want to make a good impression on them. I’ve put myself at a disadvantage already.”

“To hell with all of them. You’ve married me. Not them.”

“Alexander?” She pulled open the front of his shirt and paused with her lips hovering over his skin. “I thought you were going to be agreeable.”

“Very well. I’ll tell you everything you need to know.”

She kissed him and then laid her head on his shoulder. He traced the edge of her gown where the tops of her breasts rose and fell alluringly.

“And I want to go home to Castle Varrich for a time.”

“Nay, lass. That’s impossible.”

“I need to make peace with my father.”

“He’ll be coming to Benmore. I’ve already sent a message to him.”

“It’s been too long since I’ve seen my brothers.”

“I’ll make arrangements for them to come to you, too.”

She looked into his eyes. “You’re being disagreeable.”

He pulled the chemise down below her breasts. He ached with desire for her. “I want to hear about the fantasies, whatever that means.”

She pulled the silky fabric back up. “I’ve been sharing my wishes with you.”

“So far, they’ve all been orders.”


“Then perhaps you should throw in a fantasy here and there to keep my attention.”

Her fingers stroked the soft wool of Alexander’s kilt, moving from his knee toward his groin.

“Will you be agreeable to going north to Castle Varrich if I go along with this game of yours?”

“Nay, lass. I’ll listen to your arguments, but that’s the end of it.”

“Not enough,” she snorted. “You need to learn to compromise.”

Alexander looked into her flushed face, working hard to ignore the heavenly pleasure of her hand on his thigh. She wasn’t giving up. Finally, he nodded.

“We’ll both compromise.” He kissed her lips. “Now, it’s time for a fantasy.”

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