Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (57 page)

Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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Joe’s eyes were so impossibly dark she couldn’t tell if it was
because his pupils were dilated or if he was that angry. His breathing was
erratic and his sweatpants completely distended. She whispered, “Tell me what
you want Joe?”


Joe responded by removing his sweats and boxers and indicating
for her to sit up so he could get on the bike behind her. She leaned back into
the solid wall of sweaty muscle and inhaled Joe’s intoxicating scent. “You smell
good bossman. So tell me…”


Rachel waited patiently. She knew Joe was fighting for control
and she let him have his moment. She felt him take a deep breath and then in a
low voice thick with desire he told her, “I have never seen anything so
beautiful or memorable in my entire life as you naked on my bike. I could come
just from looking at you it makes me so hot.” Rachel could feel the steel like
erection digging into her back and smiled knowing she had the power to do this
to him. “Put your feet back on the handle bars baby and drop your knees wide.”
Joe reached around Rachel palming her breasts and lightly caressing the
sensitive underside of each one. She purred with pleasure then hissed when he
pinched each hard nipple. “Touch your self baby. I want to see your hands busy
down there while I keep mine occupied up here.” His breath was warm in her ear
and he nipped her ear lobe shooting white hot lust straight to her groin. “Make
yourself come for me, Rachel.”


The crude instructions made Rachel writhe with need. She
plunged a finger through her wet pussy lips and rubbed the nub of nerves that
craved her attention. Her clit was so swollen and she was so slick it wasn’t
long before she felt the first tingle of her impending orgasm. She slipped two
fingers of her left hand deep into her pussy and rocked against them while
continuing to rub her clit with the other hand. Not one to remain silent
through sex, the moans and noises grew more frantic as Joe increased the
pressure on her nipples driving her wild. He bent his head and started sucking
on the spots along her neck that drove her crazy and when he lightly bit her
shoulder she jolted off the seat coming hard around her own hand.


“Oh my god, oh my god.” Rachel was rigid against Joe’s chest;
her own upper body heaving from the massive impact of her climax. Joe had a
strong arm around her waist holding them both in place and she could feel the
bunch of his muscles and his rock hard cock against her lower back and arse.


“That was beautiful baby.” Joe whispered into her hair. Rachel
was still coming down from her orgasm which although amazing was not nearly
satisfying enough. She had always enjoyed making herself come but Joe was so
much better at it, it left her wanting more. This scenario was turning her into
a wanton woman and she had no idea what it was about the garage that did this
to her but bloody hell it was fantastic.


She tapped his arm to get him to release her then she sat up
adjusting her position so that her hands instead of her feet were holding on to
the bike handles. Placing her knees on the leather seat she wriggled her behind
suggestively at her man and threw him a seductive look over her shoulder. “Move
a little closer big man – I want to go for a ride on your Harley.” Joe
snorted and Rachel giggled. It was cheesy but incredibly enticing nonetheless.


Joe manoeuvred himself closer to Rachel’s behind and grasped
the base of his shaft in one hand. “Hop on darlin’” he croaked and they both
sniggered until Rachel sank down on to Joe’s ready cock impaling herself to the
hilt turning the sniggers into moans. Joe held Rachel in place by locking his
hands around her waist. “Jesus fucking Christ – don’t fucking move or I’m
not going to fucking last.” He rested his forehead on her shoulder trying to
ground himself.


“That’s a lot of fucking in one sentence Joe – how about
we actually do it rather than just talk about it.” She tried to lift her self
up but Joe just whimpered behind her keeping her firmly planted on his
throbbing cock. It was making er crazy. “Did you just whimper? Oh my god…Mighty
Joe Mason reduced to a pitiful whimper.” Rachel laughed until Joe slid a finger
over her clit then she just jerked and cursed at him.


“Dirty mouth…” Joe grumbled. Then loosened his vice like grip
and told her, “Ride me baby…”


That’s all the direction Rachel needed, “oh thank god” she
blurted and tightened her grip on the handlebars giving her the support she
needed to rock against him. Joe’s grunts from behind spurred her on and soon
they were both bucking and gasping their way to a mutually explosive orgasm on
top of Joe’s beloved Harley Davison. Still joined together, Rachel kissed one
of Joe’s biceps telling him, “I think this ride was better than the last one.
In fact I think I’m starting to see the attraction and I might quite enjoy this
hunk of metal a lot more in future…”


She felt Joe smile then announce, “We’re getting rid of that
piece of shit weights bench. It’s too short for me anyway.”




And so Rachel reflected that the past 5 months had been mostly
amazing. There had been plenty of hiccups along the way but making up was so
epic it was almost worth it. The garage was reserved for special moments
– they had yet to work out how to fuck in the Veyron – Joe was so
huge he barely fitted in it to drive let alone move, but Rachel had a few ideas
about the bonnet that she was working on. It was hilarious that with everything
at their disposal, her garage was the most alluring.


They continued to work hard spending long hours at the office
but the results were worth it. Genesis was really taking off with the full
support of the senior team at Gyles Bishop backed by Joe. Although he still had
some reservations it was more important to him to see Rachel happy than to
worry about a small financial loss once in a while. He was also fast moving up
the ranks of top players in the corporate legal circles and Rachel was
extremely proud of him. Naturally, he had aced his exams and was now a major
player wielding much influence in the boardroom and in court. Joe’s charisma
and Hollywood looks had attracted quite a lot of media attention at first but
once they realised he was a one-woman man – they soon lost interest. He
never gave interviews and only ever made comments to the press that were work


For Rachel however, life with Joe Mason was like riding a magical
rollercoaster – he’d taken her on weekend trips to Rome and Barcelona and
Edinburgh, tactfully avoiding Paris. They always flew first class and stayed in
the best hotels. When Rachel complained to Joe that it was all far too
extravagant he made it quite clear that while he was happy to compromise in
certain areas, her happiness and comfort was his main priority. He had more
money than he needed and therefore wanted to spend it on her. Joe explained
that although he had hardly slummed it in the past he rarely spent a lot of
money on a regular basis. Of course he kept his kids and he had bought his
Bugatti and his Harley but other than that nothing that would make much of a
dent in his fortune. His financial advisor had invested his savings profitably
and now Joe was an extremely wealthy man. Having no desire to buy art or heap
loads of property, Joe’s greatest pleasure was indulging Rachel. No matter how
many times she argued with him and told him it embarrassed her, he paid no
attention. The more she whinged, the more expensive his gifts became so she
learned to shut up and give in to his desires. Now she was getting used to five
star treatment and secretly really enjoyed it.


They’d seen all the latest shows although Joe wasn’t that crazy
about the theatre - he found it very uncomfortable trying to crease his
enormous frame into the tiny seats for hours at a time, but he suffered because
he knew Rachel enjoyed the experience. She tried to explain what she found so
appealing about live entertainment; the costumes; the drama; feeling part of
the story etc. Joe always smiled and nodded but actually didn’t really get it
and spent most of the time watching her. He loved to see how her expressions
mirrored the story on stage; how she would suddenly sit forward at crucial
moments and her breath would quicken as the drama unfolded. The many
contradictory aspects of Rachel’s personality fascinated Joe and he was
enjoying getting to know each one.


Whilst the week was a constant whirlwind of work and play, the
weekends when they weren’t travelling were mostly quiet; reserved for home time
and lovemaking. They were slowly starting to build a life together. It was very
different than Rachel’s life with Nate and although Joe was a novice when it
came to relationships she wasn’t about to deny herself a second chance of
happiness just because he got a bit overwhelming at times.


Joe was learning to trust that Rachel wasn’t going to leave him
every time he got moody, and truly believed he had finally found his soul mate.
When he was with her, he relaxed and above all she was his friend. She didn’t
let him get away with any bullshit and Rachel made it clear that Joe had to be
honest and uninhibited in their free time – she broke down his barriers
and wrapped herself around his heart.


No one who observed Joe at work would have suspected he was a
changed man. He upheld his arrogant persona with ease, but around Rachel he had
mellowed distinctly and it was this mesh of personalities that never failed to
turn her on. Joe meanwhile, had discovered peace and companionship alongside
the hottest piece of ass he’d ever had. What more could he wish for? The only
blot on the horizon was his separation from Ethan and Olivia. He had hoped they
would come for Christmas but their mother had made alternative arrangements
with his parents. He was furious with them all for ignoring his wishes
especially as they knew how much he missed his children. Ethan and Olivia were
also disappointed but he promised to make it up to them and fly them over in
the New Year. Once he had them in the UK he planned to call their mother and
tell her in no uncertain terms that he would cut off her allowance if she ever
denied him access to their children again. Considering money was the greatest
love of her life, he was confident she’d obey him.


Lost in thought and trying not to let his melancholy spoil the
day; he was soon roused by Rachel’s husky tones calling him again. Rachel was
losing her patience; today of all days was not the time to be sleeping in. He
knew it was an important day for her; everyone coming together under her roof
once more.


“Joe!” she shrieked, trying to instil a sense of urgency into
her yells. Hearing his deep rumble of laughter was not helping although the
sexy sound did make her mouth twitch.


“I’m coming. Hold up woman!” and there he was filling up her
kitchen doorway with his big beautiful body.


Rachel groaned at his gorgeousness wondering if she’d ever not
notice how bloody sexy he was. “Put a shirt on big man – its bloody
freezing not to mention distracting and we have a lot of work to do.”


“I’m not cold. And I like distracting you.” Joe sauntered over
to Rachel who was faffing about in the kitchen. He grabbed her around the waist
and hauled her up to meet his mouth planting a big wet kiss on her lips. Rachel
wound her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist and allowed
herself a few minutes of Yummy Joe. He was indeed extremely warm and smelled
delicious as usual. She nuzzled his neck and ran her jaw along his chin seeking
out his mouth for a good morning kiss. Predictably, where Joe was concerned,
one kiss was never going to be enough and it turned into a full on make out
session up against her kitchen counter until she begged him to stop.
Regrettably there was too much to do and this first Christmas get together with
her friends, family and Joe, was vitally important to Rachel.


Joe pouted; he was used to getting his own way in most things
and Rachel denying him was definitely not Joe getting his own way. Well, she
was about to get a lot more than she bargained for.


“Merry Christmas baby. I have a present for you.” Joe was
always buying Rachel gifts; he spoiled her with jewellery and perfume and
designer bags. It was such a satisfying indulgence for him.


“Oh wait, wait. Let me give you yours first.” Rachel wriggled
out of his grasp and opened a drawer behind her. She retrieved an envelope and
placed it in his hands. Joe cocked his head frowning in wonder at what she
could have possible arranged. He wasn’t an easy man to buy for – he had
everything he needed. Tearing open the envelope Joe unfolded the stack of paper
inside to find an email confirmation for two first class flights to New York
the next day. He was speechless; she had floored him. Rachel had done this for Joe
for no other reason than to bring him happiness and it made his heart swell. He
was a very lucky guy.


“Rachel…” he croaked. “Baby. Are you coming with me?”


“Of course. I’m not letting you go back alone – I wish
you would get it through your beautiful but thick head that we’re together Joe.
Not just for the easy stuff love. And I’m dying to meet your kids. I can’t wait
any longer, so I organised it with Ben who has freed up your calendar and we’re
away for 2 weeks from tomorrow.”


Joe shook his head; his steely grey eyes had darkened and were
sparkling with joy. “I love you Rachel.”


“I know Joe – I love you too bossman.” She took his head
in her hands and kissed him affectionately all over his face, nuzzling his
beard and breathing in his scent. She thought her heart would burst when she
saw the look of wonder on his face.

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