Mr. Monk on Patrol

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Authors: Lee Goldberg

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“Can books be better than television? You bet they can—when Lee Goldberg’s writing them.”

—Lee Child

Praise for the

Mr. Monk on the Couch

books are always wonderful fun and this one is no exception.”

Kings River Life Magazine

Mr. Monk on the Road

“This is probably the best
novel that Lee Goldberg has written by far. Plain and simple, it’s flat-out awesome!”

—Gelati’s Scoop

Mr. Monk on the Road
is another laugh-out-loud mystery bound to please the millions of

—Movement Magazine

Mr. Monk Is Cleaned Out

“What’s left to say about Lee Goldberg’s
books? You already know they’re some of the very best TV tie-in books being published today. More than that, they’re some of the very best mystery novels being published today, period.”

—Rough Edges

“For a lighthearted, enjoyable who-done-it with an old friend, read
Mr. Monk Is Cleaned Out
—you’ll thank me later!”

San Francisco Book Review

“The latest hilariously funny and devilishly clever novel about TV’s obsessive-compulsive sleuth Adrian Monk is an impossible-crime lover’s delight.”

Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine

Mr. Monk in Trouble

“Once again, Goldberg expertly sails along the fine line of character quirks that make Monk so infuriating, and yet so endearing.”


“Lee Goldberg knows that the richest humor veers close to pathos, and that is one reason the novel succeeds so well. This is much more than entertainment.”

—Richard S. Wheeler, author of

Mr. Monk and the Dirty Cop

“Sharp character comedy combines with ingenious and fairly clued puzzle-spinning.”

Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine

“Once again Lee Goldberg has brilliantly captured the obsessive-compulsive master detective Adrian Monk.”

Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine

Mr. Monk Is Miserable

“Fans of the show are in for a treat. Goldberg does a stunning job capturing Natalie’s voice.”

—Roundtable Reviews

“Full of snippets of slapstick humor and Monk’s special talents for observation.”

Library Journal

Mr. Monk Goes to Germany

“The story flows so smoothly it’s effortless to read.”

CrimeSpree Magazine

“A great escape. Lee Goldberg has written another wonderful novel.”

Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine

Mr. Monk in Outer Space

“You say you don’t read tie-in novels? You should give the
books a try and find out what you’ve been missing.”

—Bill Crider, author of
Murder in the Air

Mr. Monk and the Two Assistants

“Even if you aren’t familiar with the TV series
, this book is too funny to not be read.”

The Weekly Journal

Mr. Monk and the Blue Flu

“A must read if you enjoy Monk’s mysteries on the tube.”


“A very funny and inventively plotted book.”

Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine

Mr. Monk Goes to Hawaii

“An entertaining and ruefully funny diversion that stars one of television’s best-loved characters.”

Honolulu Star-Bulletin

Mr. Monk Goes to the Firehouse

“It is laugh-out-loud funny from the get-go…totally enjoyable.”

—Robin Burcell, author of
The Bone Chamber

“It’s funny, with some great Monkisms, and tightly plotted; the characters are expanded beyond their TV confines.…How TV tie-ins should be.”

—The Works

“Lee has found the perfect voice for Natalie’s first-person narration—sweet, exhausted, frustrated, exasperated, and sweet again. None of these feelings has to do with the mystery. They’re all reactions to Monk’s standard behavior as he wars with all the ways nature is trying to kill him. Lee Goldberg has managed to concoct a novel that’s as good as any of the
episodes I’ve seen on the tube.”

—Ed Gorman, author of

The Monk Series

Mr. Monk on Patrol

Mr. Monk on the Couch

Mr. Monk on the Road

Mr. Monk Is Cleaned Out

Mr. Monk in Trouble

Mr. Monk and the Dirty Cop

Mr. Monk Is Miserable

Mr. Monk Goes to Germany

Mr. Monk in Outer Space

Mr. Monk and the Two Assistants

Mr. Monk and the Blue Flu

Mr. Monk Goes to Hawaii

Mr. Monk Goes to the Firehouse


A Novel by

Lee Goldberg

Based on the USA Network television series created by

Andy Breckman



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Copyright © 2012
© Universal Network Television LLC. Licensed by NBCUniversal Television Consumer Products Group 2012. All Rights Reserved.

The Edgar
name is a registered service mark of the Mystery Writers of America, Inc.

ISBN: 978-1-101-56585-8

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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To Valerie and Madison


The TV series
was set in San Francisco, shot in Los Angeles, and written in Summit, New Jersey, where my friend Andy Breckman, the creator of the show, actually lives. I also spent some time there over the years, plotting the stories for my
episodes with Andy and his incredibly talented writing staff.

A significant portion of
Mr. Monk on Patrol
is set in a place called Summit, New Jersey…but the town that I’ve depicted, while it bears some passing resemblance to the real place, is entirely fictional. I did this because I’m a lazy writer and wanted to take enormous creative liberties with Summit’s geography and political structure.

And I did.

Any parallels between what I’ve written and any real people, places, or institutions in Summit are entirely unintentional, accidental, and coincidental. I really like Summit and would like to be able to go back and visit Andy without being tarred and feathered.

I’d like to thank Andy and his brother, David, as well as the usual suspects—Kerry Donovan, Gina Maccoby, and Dr. D. P. Lyle—for their support and enthusiasm during the writing of this book.

I look forward to hearing from you online at

Table of Contents

1: Mr. Monk and the Open House

2: Mr. Monk and the Five Stars

3: Mr. Monk and the Big Favor

4: Mr. Monk Goes Through Security

5: Mr. Monk in the Air

6: Mr. Monk Arrives in New Jersey

7: Mr. Monk Is Haunted

8: Mr. Monk Goes to Work

9: Mr. Monk and the Poop

10: Mr. Monk Goes to Hell

11: Mr. Monk and the Burglary

12: Mr. Monk and the Pain

13: Mr. Monk and the Second Room

14: Mr. Monk in the Attic

15: Mr. Monk Proves His Case

16: Mr. Monk Takes a Nap

17: Mr. Monk and the Badge

18: Mr. Monk in Blue

19: Mr. Monk Protects and Serves

20: Mr. Monk Accepts an Invitation

21: Mr. Monk Goes to Dinner

22: Mr. Monk Changes His Mind

23: Mr. Monk and the Knockoff

24: Mr. Monk Reviews the Evidence

25: Mr. Monk in the Big Apple

26: Mr. Monk and the Puzzle

27: Mr. Monk as It Happened

28: Mr. Monk Is Trashed

29: Mr. Monk and the Weak Link

30: Mr. Monk to the Rescue

31: Mr. Monk Makes a Big Decision

Mr. Monk is a Mess


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