Most Wanted (28 page)

Read Most Wanted Online

Authors: Michele Martinez

Tags: #Mystery & Detective, #Women Lawyers, #New York (N.Y.), #Legal, #General, #Puerto Rican women, #Vargas; Melanie (Fictitious character), #Suspense, #Women Sleuths, #Public Prosecutors, #Large type books, #Fiction

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? Had to be. So who would speak to the eminent Mary that way, like he was her boss? Only Dolan Reed, the managing partner himself, right? Sarah had called the man “dodo” at one point. Dodo? Short for Dolan? Could be—these WASPs had the queerest nicknames. And if the man looked slightly familiar, come to think of it, he resembled the portrait in the reception area, except fatter and balder.

Something occurred to her. She pulled her notebook from her bag and found where she’d jotted down that cell-phone number she’d gotten from Sarah’s caller ID. She dialed it.

“Yeah, hello?” The voice was the same as that of the man on the videotape.

“Dolan Reed?”

“Speaking. Who’s this?”

“I’m calling from Verizon with regard to your cell plan, sir.”

“Oh, for Chrissakes. I’m in the middle of a meeting. Never call this number again!” He hung up.

Well, well. So that was Dolan Reed petting the kitty with Sarah on the tape. And it sounded as if something suspicious was going on at the Reed firm, having to do with a company called Securilex. Melanie remembered that name’s being mentioned in the elevator yesterday. Another lawyer had gotten on and asked Sarah if she was still buried in the Securilex transaction. So Securilex must be a client of the Reed firm. Something was crooked on the Securilex deal, and Sarah van der Vere was nervous about getting caught. Dolan Reed was involved, too, and was trying to frame Jed Benson as the fall guy. Dolan Reed and Sarah were having an affair, which Sarah was secretly taping. Sarah and Jed Benson were also having an affair. Wow, the girl got around. And all in all, sinister enough circumstances to have gotten Jed Benson killed.

Jed Benson killed over a dirty business deal involving the Reed firm. Yes. She liked it. She definitely liked it. The thing she liked most about it was, it had nothing to do with anybody she was close to. If Jed had been killed over a business deal gone bad, then Delvis Diaz was full of hot air when he’d accused Dan and Randall of being dirty. After all, what possible connection could there be between Dan and Randall on the one hand and the tony firm of Reed, Reed and Watson on the other? The very thought was ludicrous.



MELANIE UNPLUGGED THE VCR AND LOCKED THE videocassette in her desk drawer. Time to get back to the hospital and meet up with Dan. She might have new evidence on motive and a new lead on who might’ve hired Slice, but that vermin was still out on the street.

As Melanie picked up her bag to leave, Bernadette barged into her office.

“Melanie Vargas! I must have been on drugs when I assigned you to this case!” Bernadette cried, striding up to Melanie’s desk. “I told you to go easy on the Bensons. Romulado called and said Amanda Benson’s bodyguard had to physically eject you from her room. Did you think I wouldn’t find out?”


“You’re making me look bad, Melanie, and I don’t stand for that. If there’s one thing I expect, it’s obedience to a direct order. If you can’t listen—”

“Bernadette, wait, calm down. Bill Flanagan isn’t telling the whole story.”

Bernadette stopped, mouth half open. “Bill Flanagan? What’s he got to do with this?”

“He’s Amanda’s bodyguard. And he’s misinforming Lieutenant Ramirez about what happened.”

“Oh, Romulado never said it was Bill Flanagan.”


“Huh.” Bernadette sat down in a guest chair. “Well. That’s a different story, then. I can’t believe Romulado didn’t tell me that. God, I hate it when people give me incomplete facts!”

“You know Flanagan?”

“Wild Bill? Sure, everyone from my generation in the office knows him. He’s famous. Infamous, I should say. I had an indictment dismissed once in the middle of a drug trial because he stole the cocaine from the vault. We couldn’t convict without the drugs, so the dealer walked. The only time I ever lost a case.”

“Is that when he got kicked off the force?” Melanie asked.

“No, that was something else entirely. In my case they couldn’t prove it, but everybody knew it was him anyway.”

“I think he’s an alcoholic.”

“Oh, definitely! The man has an IV drip of booze going into his body day and night. I’m surprised he could get through a job interview without drinking. How do you think Nell Benson hooked up with a degenerate like that?”

“I have no idea.”

“I hope Romulado didn’t recommend him. He always feels sorry for those boozer types when they’re down and out. I mean, buy the guy a hot meal or something—don’t give him a security job. Hey, you don’t think Flanagan’s carrying a gun, do you?”

“Yes, I know for a fact he is. He almost pulled it on Dan.”

“Jesus! Can you imagine? Flanagan shoots a federal agent, and it comes out that Romulado got him the job? Oh, God, that better not be how it happened.” She dropped her head into her hands momentarily and kneaded her eyes with her fingers.

It had to be tough for someone like Bernadette to be with a guy who was sort of a fuckup, Melanie thought. Not Bernadette’s style, but Rommie’s dark good looks had obviously won out over her better judgment.
messed you up like that.

Bernadette looked up at Melanie.

“You don’t think Romulado arranged it, do you?” she asked again.

“Gee, I don’t know, Bern. But it’s not too late to do something about it. Speak to Nell Benson. Maybe she’d listen to you. Amanda’s safety can’t be left to that guy.”

“You’re right.”

“You know, I only went to the hospital because of this incident with Slice. To warn Amanda, make sure she was safe. When I got there, her door was wide open. Flanagan was nowhere in sight. I waited at least ten minutes before he returned. She was completely vulnerable to attack during that time.”

“Yes, I heard about what happened at the Auto Show. Let me ask you, did O’Reilly agree it was Slice chasing this Jasmine Cruz?” Bernadette asked skeptically.

“Dan wasn’t even there when it happened. I saw the whole thing, and
convinced it was him. That’s why I’m determined to protect Amanda, don’t you see? First Rosario Sangrador, then Jasmine Cruz. This guy is on a witness-killing spree.”

Bernadette harrumphed. “That’s an exaggeration. One dead witness does not a spree make. Rosario, I accept. She was an eyewitness, about to testify. But Jasmine was Slice’s baby’s mother. It was probably a domestic dispute. Besides, even if it
Slice at the Auto Show, he didn’t push her. She jumped.”

. He chased her out there, and she fell. She had a little girl. She never would’ve jumped.” Melanie flushed with indignation on Jasmine’s behalf.

“You can’t know that. Anyway, you shouldn’t even have been
the Auto Show. Not only did it waste time, but it got you all tangled up in this girl’s death. Can’t you focus on basic leads to track Slice down? You need to keep your eye on the ball.”

Melanie choked back her anger. She needed Bernadette on her side.

“Okay, whatever. But it’s still reasonable to think Amanda is in jeopardy, isn’t it? She is an eyewitness. Won’t you speak to Nell Benson?”

“I don’t know, Melanie. Romulado has really begged me to leave the Bensons alone right now.”

“Bern, not for nothing, but what is he doing in the middle of all this? First he hires Flanagan, then he criticizes me for interviewing Amanda. Now that Amanda is able to talk, she should be interviewed. Period. I know you agree. You’re too good an investigator not to.”

Watching the play of emotions across Bernadette’s face, Melanie actually felt sorry for her. She wished she could ask Bernadette openly whether Rommie was meddling in the case in other ways and, if so, why Bernadette was allowing it. But she didn’t have that kind of relationship with her boss.

Bernadette stood up abruptly. “Here’s the deal: I’ll speak to Romulado about the Amanda Benson situation. He can talk to Nell. Maybe we can make some progress that way. But in the meantime you need to do your legwork. Amanda is hardly your only avenue of inquiry. Look at this desk! Didn’t I tell you to clear it off?”

“Yes, but—”

“No buts! I say clear it off, you clear it off. God knows, you could have Slice’s address sitting here in a subpoena response, and you wouldn’t even know it.” Bernadette looked at her watch. “It’s almost five now. You have half an hour. Then you’re coming with me to a retirement dinner I have to attend. What do you think of this suit, by the way? Too matronly?”

Bernadette wore a cherry red suit with a short-sleeved jacket, bright gold buttons, and a skintight skirt.

“Not at all. But—”

“Normally I like to show a bit of cleavage for evening. If you’ve got it, flaunt it, I always say. But I needed something I could wear to that meeting in D.C. this morning.”

“It’s very sexy,” Melanie said. Inappropriate, but sexy, she thought.

“You think so? Good.” Bernadette looked down at herself, smoothing her skirt.

“But how can I go to a retirement dinner when I have so much work—”

“Look, Romulado will be there. Maybe we can work something out on the Amanda Benson front. Half an hour, be there or be square,” she said, walking out the door, giving Melanie no chance to protest further.




HE DIALED AND LISTENED TO THE PHONE RING at the other end, tapping his fingers.

“FCI-Otisville. How may I direct your call?”

“Extension 6239.”

“One moment, please.”

He lit a cigarette while he waited.

“Inmate Records, Grasso speaking.”

“Sal. Hey, brother, how’s the Harley?”

“Oh, it’s you. What’s up?”

“You got that stuff we talked about?”

“You still at that same number?”


“Call you back in ten minutes from another phone.”





“It’s me,” Grasso said.

“That wasn’t no ten minutes, pal.”

“Hey, I’m doing you a fucking favor here!”

“Not like you’re not getting paid.”

“With what you’re paying me, I’m not risking my job, understand? Now, you want it or not?”

“Depends. Is it anything good? I’m not interested in hearing Diaz jack off for an hour while he talks to some bimbo.”

“Hey, don’t knock it till you try it. You wouldn’t believe some of the shit I hear. Girls moaning and shit, talking dirty. Real graphic. It’s like calling a 900 number, except free.”

“Ah, you’re all fucking perverts up there.”

“Okay, so how’m I gonna get the disk to you? I ain’t e-mailing it ’cause that leaves a trail.”

“Like I said, what is it first?”

“Nah, it’s real good. Diaz called a female prosecutor, I forget her name—”

“Melanie Vargas?”

“Yeah, that’s it. Says he got some hot information about a murder, and she better come visit right away. But get this: ‘The people around you are dirty,’ he says, ‘so watch out.’”

“Huh. He said that?”


He paused, thinking.

“Hello?” Grasso said.

“Yeah, I’m still here. Do we know if she visited him yet?”

“Didn’t get a chance to check the log.”

“Well, do that. Right away. I need to know. It makes a difference.”

“Okay, but there’s gonna be an extra charge for that.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll get compensated. Hey, listen, I got another proposition for you. It requires a little more risk on your part, but the payoff is that much bigger.”

“Like, how much you talking?”

“Substantial. Could go into the five figures, depending on the service performed.”

“Huh, sounds very interesting. You got my full attention.”

“Okay, here it is. What are my options if I want to make this cocksucker Diaz disappear?”




WITH THE AFTERNOON SUN BEHIND HIM, DOLAN Reed stood in front of the picture window, towering over his desk like some enormous statue of a dictator. His face stood out bright red against the glare. Only years of practice prevented Mary Hale from cowering as she approached him.

“What the
is this?” he shouted, throwing a piece of paper across the desk at her. She reached out and took it, forcing herself to move slowly and calmly. She sat down in a chair in front of his desk and settled her reading glasses unhurriedly on her nose. She found it worked best with him never to show fear.

“This is, or would appear to be, a subpoena from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for all documents held by us pertaining to the Securilex transaction,” she stated matter-of-factly.

“I can fucking see that, you moron. Didn’t I tell you to handle this Melanie Vargas person?”

“Served by fax, I would note. Not proper service unless we agree to accept it that way.”

“What are you suggesting? Call her up and say we don’t accept it? That’s idiotic.”

“It would buy us a couple of days to respond while they effect proper service,” Mary pointed out.

“A couple of days to shred, you mean!”

Her placid face betrayed no emotion. She’d have to consider what she’d do if he instructed her to destroy documents called for by a subpoena. Things between them in recent times had not been to her satisfaction. Cleaning up his messes was no longer as rewarding as it had once been, so why subject herself to criminal liability? Her mind flew forward, rapidly making calculations. She had it in her power to incite a coup. But she’d see. She’d see how she felt when the time came.

Dolan Reed knew Mary well enough to perceive the resistance in her neutral gaze.

“Oh, for Chrissakes, don’t go getting all moral on me now.”

“Whatever your ultimate decision, Dodo, we’d be wise to at least appear compliant.”

The intercom buzzed simultaneously with the door flying open.

“Miss van der Vere,” his secretary’s flustered voice announced over the intercom as Sarah bolted in.

“Look at this!” Sarah cried, holding out a piece of paper.

“Our Miss Vargas has been busy,” Mary noted wryly, taking it from Sarah’s hand and perusing it. “Hmm. This one’s a bit different. It calls for testimony before the grand jury pertaining to certain criminal acts. I’m a bit rusty on my criminal-code citations. Securities fraud I recognize, but this other one…hmm.”

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