Morning Star: Book III of the Red Rising Trilogy (76 page)

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Authors: Pierce Brown

Tags: #Hard Science Fiction, #Dystopian, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Galactic Empire, #Colonization, #United States, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Morning Star: Book III of the Red Rising Trilogy
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The most profound thanks must go to my editor, Mike “au Telemanus” Braff. If he didn’t fully understand the extent of my neurosis before this book, he sure as hell does now. Few authors are as lucky as I am to have an editor like Mike. He’s humble, patient, and diligent, even when I’m not. That this book was brought to you only a year after
Golden Son
is a miracle of his making. I doff my cap to you, my goodman.

And to each and every reader, thank you. Your passion and excitement have allowed me to live my

life on my own terms, and for that I am ever grateful and humbled. Your creativity, humor, and support come through in every message, tweet, and comment. Getting to meet you and hear your stories at conventions and signings is one of the perks of being an author. Thank you, Howlers, for all that you do. Hopefully we’ll have a chance to howl together soon.

Once I thought that writing this book would be impossible. It was a skyscraper, massive and complete and unbearably far off. It taunted me from the horizon. But do we ever look at such buildings and assume they sprung up overnight? No. We’ve seen the traffic congestion that attends them. The skeleton of beams and girders. The swarm of builders and the rattle of cranes…

Everything grand is made from a series of ugly little moments. Everything worthwhile by hours of

self-doubt and days of drudgery. All the works by people you and I admire sit atop a foundation of failures.

So whatever your project, whatever your struggle, whatever your dream, keep toiling, because the

world needs your skyscraper.

Per aspera, ad astra!

—Pierce Brown


Red Rising

Golden Son

Morning Star


New York Times
bestselling author of
Red Rising, Golden Son,
Morning Star.
While trying to make it as a writer, Brown worked as a manager of social media at a start-up tech company, toiled as a peon on the Disney lot at ABC Studios, did his

time as an NBC page, and gave sleep deprivation a new meaning during his stint as an aide

on a U.S. Senate campaign. He lives in Los Angeles, where he is at work on his next novel.



To inquire about booking Pierce Brown for a speaking engagement, please contact the

Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau at
[email protected].

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Table of Contents

Title Page




The Story So Far...

Dramatis Personae


Part I: Thorns

Chapter 1: Only the Dark

Chapter 2: Prisoner L17L6363

Chapter 3: Snakebite

Chapter 4: Cell 2187

Chapter 5: Plan C

Chapter 6: Victims

Chapter 7: Bumblebees

Chapter 8: Home

Chapter 9: The City of Ares

Chapter 10: The War

Chapter 11: My People

Chapter 12: The Julii

Part II: Rage

Chapter 13: Howlers

Chapter 14: The Vampire Moon

Chapter 15: The Hunt

Chapter 16: Paramour

Chapter 17: Killing Golds

Chapter 18: Abyss

Chapter 19: Pressure

Chapter 20: Dissent

Chapter 21: Quicksilver

Chapter 22: The Weight of Ares

Chapter 23: The Tide

Chapter 24: Hic Sunt Leones

Chapter 25: Exodus

Chapter 26: The Ice

Chapter 27: Bay of Laughter

Chapter 28: Feast

Chapter 29: Hunters

Chapter 30: The Quiet

Chapter 31: The Pale Queen

Chapter 32: No Man’s Land

Chapter 33: Gods and Men

Chapter 34: Godkillers

Part III: Glory

Chapter 35: The Light

Chapter 36: Swill

Chapter 37: The Last Eagle

Chapter 38: The Bill

Chapter 39: The Heart

Chapter 40: Yellow Sea

Chapter 41: The Moon Lord

Chapter 42: The Poet

Chapter 43: Here Again

Chapter 44: The Lucky Ones

Chapter 45: The Battle of Ilium

Chapter 46: Helldiver

Chapter 47: Hell

Chapter 48: Imperator

Chapter 49: Colossus

Part IV: Stars

Chapter 50: Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 51: Pandora

Chapter 52: Teeth

Chapter 53: Silence

Chapter 54: The Goblin and the Gold

Chapter 55: The Ignoble House Barca

Chapter 56: In Time

Chapter 57: Luna

Chapter 58: Fading Light

Chapter 59: The Lion of Mars

Chapter 60: Dragon’s Maw

Chapter 61: The Red

Chapter 62: Omnis Vir Lupus

Chapter 63: Silence

Chapter 64: Hail

Chapter 65: The Vale




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