More Than Words: Stories of Hope (21 page)

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Authors: Diana Palmer,Kasey Michaels,Catherine Mann

BOOK: More Than Words: Stories of Hope
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Dear Reader,

I am honored to have had the chance to work with Harlequin’s More Than Words program, and I appreciate the serendipity to have been paired with the Seedlings Braille Books for Children project in particular, as it’s a subject very near to my heart. My youngest sister, Beth, suffered an accident at the age of six that left her partially blind. Due to therapy in conjunction with one of her many surgeries, she spent a summer completely blind. I was her “seeing-eye sister,” helping her find her way around the world, reading to her for hours on end.

So you can imagine my heart swelled all the more when I heard from Seedlings founder Debra Bonde about the amazing tribute she has built in honor of her daughter Anna. After Anna died in an accident on her way to New Orleans to tutor disadvantaged children, Debra began the Book Angel Project, which donates at least ten free Seedlings books a week. I knew right away I would want to name the heroine in my story after this awesome young woman.

To learn more about Seedlings Braille Books for Children, check out their fabulous Web site, I hope
you will consider purchasing a book to donate to your local library or making a donation directly to Seedlings to help fund their efforts to bring the gift of words to all. The quote on their Web site says it best: “By the touch of a finger behold the world.”


Many thanks,

ISBN: 978-1-4268-4974-9


Copyright © 2010 by Harlequin Books S.A.

Diana Palmer is acknowledged as the author of
The Greatest Gift
Kasey Michaels is acknowledged as the author of
Here Come the Heroes
Catherine Mann is acknowledged as the author of
Touched by Love

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