More Than Blood (8 page)

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Authors: Amanda Vyne

Tags: #Arcane Crossbreads 1

BOOK: More Than Blood
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Gabe frowned as he ran his tongue over the seam of her lips, inhaling her gasp. She tasted so sweet, so right. What would happen when he truly blooded her and she took his blood into her as she was meant to, while their bodies were merged?

His mate should have been chosen by the elders as was the tradition. A suitable mate. A full-blood. Not only was this woman not a full-blood, she was far from traditional. Her hair was short glossy chunks that were given their own way; Sanguen females were forbidden from ever cutting their hair. And she had a body piercing. He watched the path of his fingers as they smoothed across her cheek to touch the glittering diamond on the side of her nose.

How would his father respond to her as his bonded daughter? How would the Ferrar House elders respond? His House was more traditional than most. They abided by the Triumvirate laws that forbade crossbreeding between the beings of the Arcane. Surely it would mean exile. The elders were so consumed with purity of blood they would never accept their bond as natural. Was he willing to risk the consequences? Even if he wasn’t willing, did he have a choice?

His hunger for her was beyond anything in his experience, beyond his control. He could try to put distance between them, but his body was rejecting the blood of other women. Soon he would need to bleed her or he would weaken. And then he would need to bleed her often.

Would she be ready for such a bond?

Would he?

Even now, the heady beat of her blood coursing just beneath her jaw drew him, and he closed his eyes against the lure. He slid his hand into the soft strands of her hair to cup the back of her head in his large palm. With his other hand, he guided her, pressing her deeper into the secluded corner of the small café where the dusty fake foliage gave them a measure of privacy from the waitress smoking a cigarette at the bar while watching some daytime drama on the TV.

He needed a taste, something to quiet the savagery that was rising darkly in him. Gabe slid a hand down to grasp Kel’s thigh and then jerked her knee up to his waist to fit the throbbing flesh of his cock into the heated V of her thighs. He pressed her hard against the wall. Her lips parted on a gasp, and he took advantage and traced her lips with the tip of his tongue. She was so soft and warm he couldn’t help running the smooth front of his lethal canines over the wet flesh. She tasted like the forbidden heat of the sun and the dusky darkness of the night all in one. It was impossible and thrilling.

His cock was so hard, and the throbbing pressure shredded his control. Flexing the thick muscles of his legs and ass, he ground himself into her, pressing her harder into the wall behind them. The contact provided some relief, and he savagely rotated his hips, pressing the hard ridge of his cock more firmly against the damp denim between her legs. The heat of her response thickened around them just as her hot breath fanned against the corner of his mouth. Her eyelids lowered until dark slivers glittered at him beneath the fringe of sooty lashes.

Gabe devoured her with his kiss, gently scoring her full bottom lip with the razor edge of his fangs. Her blood beaded on the pink flesh, and the scent was so sweet and fiery it sent a spike of pleasure shooting through him to his gut.

He gently pulled her lip into his mouth, laving his tongue over the soft flesh for a long moment before it healed. That small taste of blood swelled through his system like the ripples on a pond, not ceasing until it had crashed into every corner of him, further changing him. The drive to mark her became irresistible. It was a craving that nearly matched his need to taste her.

Running his tongue over his canines, he could taste the metallic flavor of his own blood just as he speared his tongue past her lips, pressing his erection harder into her denim-covered pussy. When she gave a soft moan and met the thrust of his tongue with hers, Gabe began to rock his pelvis against her, pushing her higher.

His fingers slid around to wrap firmly over her jaw, holding her back from him.

“Do you feel the hunger, little one?”


IT WAS LIKE lightning ripping through her. So bright. So hot. Her canines dropped with a rush of exquisite pain, a hunger rising up in her that burned through her belly and spread out into her limbs. She could smell the spicy heat of his arousal, taste it on her lips as it radiated away from his flesh in heavy swells. She wanted him on her lips, to feel the thick, hot rush of him across her tongue. He belonged to her.

Kel growled low in her throat at his restraining hand, giving a small jerk of her head but his fingers slid down to wrap around her throat. That little display of control only made the hunger sharper, the pleasure stronger.

“You want to taste me?” His breath was hot against her lips. The sharp sting of his fang sliding over her lip again made her arch her hips harder into his, seeking that pulse of pleasure from the contact. The hot, rough glide of his tongue over her bottom lip sent another pulsing wave of heat through her belly, tightening her scalp with its intensity. She was so close. So hungry.

Eyes boring into his gaze, she felt a low, frustrated rumbling rise up in her chest. It was a feral sound, her beast surging against her control.

The dark blond crescents of his thick lashes lowered as he rotated his hips against her again with a low sound of pleasure.

“Only when you’re screaming my name.” His breath was hot against her cheek. “When I’m balls deep in that hot pussy. Only when you want this as bad as I do.” His lips sealed against hers, then his hot tongue thrust into her mouth. The taste of his blood flashed through her and her body jerked hard against him as a tiny, bright slash of light arced through her body.

It both gave her relief and left her even hungrier. Her breath hissed past her lips; her head arched back under the pressure of his hand against her throat. Those green eyes studied her intently, the gold ring expanding around his enlarged pupils almost mesmerizing her.

Chest heaving from the intensity of the tiny orgasm, Kel’s eyes clashed with his. Challenging him. She knew it. And he knew it. She wanted him. Even hungered for him with a strength that was terrifying. But he could never have her. Not in that way. Never a Ferrar.

It was clear in her eyes, and she knew he could see it. A muscle ticked in his jaw, a tiny flicker of red ringing his pupil for one brief moment.

The phone at her waist jeered at her and she jerked away, her eyes still clinging to his. Confusion and mistrust and desire swirled in their depths in equal parts. The phone jeered again. With a curse she ripped it open. “Sheridan.”

Gabe watched the blood drain from her face as she listened for a moment. Those liquid eyes hardened. He could sense the rising tension in her, and he immediately dropped his hand to his thigh and the blade hidden beneath the long jacket.

“We’re on our way.” Kel inhaled deep and blew her breath out as she replaced her phone. When she turned back to him her eyes were cold. “They found a body.”




Chapter Five



Kel stood about five feet away and stared down at the draped body. It was small. A young girl. The cold, fetid smell of death pervaded the place, still saturated in the scent of the girl’s fear. Her stomach rolled with nausea but she viciously pushed it away. She hated this part of the job. It never got any easier, regardless how many times she had to investigate Arcane murders. She could feel Gabe’s heat radiating behind her and his presence was…soothing.

She glanced over her shoulder at him and met his eyes. Their green depths were cold and reserved, but his body crowded her, close enough for his heat to warm her. Still irritated with him over what happened in the café, she didn’t want to find comfort in that proximity to him. She’d never admit it to him, but his being there helped. When she breathed, it was more than just death that filled her. She could smell him, and the warm spicy scent of him centered her. For once, it wasn’t that hard slam of need she experienced from his scent. The arousal was still there, an ever present burning, but right now his presence gave her a sense of ease.

Taking a deep breath, she started forward and knelt down next to the medical examiner. Gabe followed; she could feel him standing alert behind her.

The medical examiner was a full-blood, unmated female Sanguen. When she darted an appreciative glance up at Gabe as she peeled back the edge of the sheet, Kel felt a tiny stir of irritation eddy through her. Shrugging off the sensation, she nodded her head toward the body. “What do we got?

“Female. Between the ages of twelve and sixteen. I’d say closer to twelve.” The examiner lifted a grayish lip on the girl to reveal her teeth. “Canine development is consistent with a prepubescent Sanguen. Two puncture marks over the external jugular. Would you like Incog’s team to process the body?”

Kel nodded, her eyes riveted to the pale face of the girl. She had dark brown hair that fanned out around her small shoulders. Two ragged holes marred the expanse of her neck. She looked so young. Something inside Kel shifted, tightened. Her claws burned at the tips of her fingers, and she clenched her hands. She would nail this bastard.

Carefully pulling the sheet farther back, she looked down at the girl. Her clothes were no more than rags. Definitely a child from a Triumvirate home. Holding the sheet up with one hand she leaned in closer, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. The smell of death was difficult to discard. It lay heavily over all other scents. Pushing the nausea back she focused on the other smells.

Kel wrinkled her nose. Jimmy’s scent was all over the girl. As well as at least two other distinct smells. One seemed vaguely familiar, a scent she’d come in contact with before. It was acerbic, almost like antiseptic. It sent a chill racing down her spine and a quick flash of memory racing over her; one of crashing, glittering blood red beads scattering across a hardwood floor. Gabe shifted behind her, and she jerked away from the memory.

The ME was looking at her with a strange expression. Kel glanced behind her at Gabe. He’d moved a step closer, that preternatural ring of gold pulsing in his eyes. His hand lowered to the hilt of one of his strange blades as those eyes searched her face. She remembered what Dr. Mahoney had said about emotional telepathy and wondered if he’d picked up on the little pulse of fear that had gone crashing wildly through her at the unknown scent.

It was so familiar, yet her mind shied away from the recognition. But the third scent…that scent was unmistakable. Leaning down she pulled a deep draft of air through her nose again, isolating it. She let the anger burn away the lingering unease from that unknown scent. This third scent she did know. It had been burned into her memory. Literally.

Kel jerked back with a curse. Gabe shifted in agitation behind her, and she cast him a look. His brows were drawn together and his intense green eyes were focused on her. Still searching.

“Gloves,” she snapped to the simpering medical examiner. If Gabe noticed how the unmated female postured for him it didn’t show. His attention was centered completely on Kel. As much as she hated to acknowledge it, it was oddly satisfying.

When the examiner finally pulled her eyes from Gabe, she dropped the gloves into Kel’s outstretched hand. Once Kel pulled them on, she reached down and carefully lifted the girl’s arm, pushing her sleeve back. There were ligature marks around her wrist, evidence that she’d been tied up, but that wasn’t what she was looking for. Pushing the worn sleeve farther up, she found it.

“What the hell?” The examiner gasped as she leaned closer. “Is that a burn?”

Kel closed her eyes. Fury and disgust cartwheeled crazily through her and the air burned through her nose as she struggled to maintain control. If she opened her eyes they would be glittering obsidian. Most of the people working the site were Sanguen, with a few trusted humans. She doubted many of them had ever had much contact with a feral Guardian.

And the feral was riding Kel pretty hard right now. She wanted to just unleash, let the bubble of fury burst, let it stream from her and give her some relief. She wanted to sink her claws into something and feel it reduce to thin ribbons in her hands.

She wanted to believe that no other little girl had been abused this way. But she knew better. Life didn’t work that way. Kel accepted that. She accepted that she could only play a small part. She accepted that. Damn it all!

A large warm hand settled lightly around the back of her neck, and she felt Gabe there with her, piercing the cloying darkness that settled over her, centering her and easing her.

“Yes. It is a burn,” Kel said harshly, feeling her subsiding reaction heating her cheeks. The medical examiner stepped back involuntarily from her. Turning her head slightly back to Gabe she gave him a vague nod to let him know she was in control once again.

“You recognize it.” Gabe’s voice was pitched low. Dangerous. “This is familiar to you.” It wasn’t a question. He knew. He’d felt her shared knowledge.

Carefully resettling the sheet over the girl she turned to look up at him. The centers of his eyes were shot through with red again, writhing. She was beginning to realize they did that when he was very angry. Other than the way his hands caressed those wickedly intriguing blades strapped to his thighs, his eyes were the only indication of it. His face seemed so cool.

“Yeah.” Kel rose to her feet. She knew where their next stop would be. Only one woman she knew left marks like this. There was only one woman who left burns in the perfect shape of a hand.


GABE STOOD NEXT to Kel’s small form, unable to determine any of the emotions roiling through her. She had herself controlled in the time it took to drive to the crumbling brownstone and carefully shut off from him. After only the briefest of hesitations she gave two curt raps on the door and stepped back a step. The hesitation was telling.

Turning his head he threw a glance around the neighborhood, eyes carefully measuring every square foot of space in that brief look. There was loose garbage littering the broken sidewalks, and he could easily see the lines were neatly drawn between the inhabitants. There were only predators and prey here. On this street with its few available resources there was no room for any middle ground. Was this where the Triumvirate set up homes for the crossbreeds they demanded live in segregation?

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