More Than a Feeling (Curves for the Rock Star 3 - A BBW Rockstar Erotic Romance) (3 page)

Read More Than a Feeling (Curves for the Rock Star 3 - A BBW Rockstar Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Clare Cole

Tags: #rubenesque, #big girls, #bbw erotica, #curvy women, #bbw erotic romance, #rockstar erotica, #curvy girls, #rockstar erotic romance, #rock star erotic romance

BOOK: More Than a Feeling (Curves for the Rock Star 3 - A BBW Rockstar Erotic Romance)
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Rick looked at me without saying
a word. He didn't need to. I saw the anger, the panic, the hope and
the fear in his eyes. I wrapped my hand around his and squeezed it
tightly. "Don't worry," I whispered. "We going to get Luke back. I
just know it."

I was lying, of course. I didn't
have a clue what was going to happen. Part of me wanted to run for
the hills back to that boring little life I had while the rest of
me wanted to stay by Rick’s side forever, being there for him both
at times like this and
just because
. That's what love does,
I guess. When you're staring down into a bottomless chasm,
suspended by only the thinnest of wires, love makes you do the
unthinkable. If cutting your cord would save the person you love,
you'd do it. As irrational and crazy as that may seem, I had been
ready to jump into the abyss with Rick a long time ago. No matter
what happened, we were in this together – feet first and everything
else behind.

"We're here."

One of the police officers who
had escorted us from Julia and Michael's house turned to inform us
that the location Luke was being held at was simply yards away. The
journey there had gone in a blur, notable only for its deafening
silence. It was like one of those moments where you drive home from
somewhere and can't remember how you got there, like your entire
body and mind is on autopilot. I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline –
or was it fear? – as we came to a stop. This was real.

This was happening. Now.

A bank of monitors flickered on
as the police attempted to pin down exactly where Luke was being
held. Obscured from the warehouse, agents with heat sensing cameras
were closing in on the structure and relaying the images back to

"It's a thin brick building," an
officer operating a computer stated. "With any luck our guys won't
have to get too close before we can get a position on the boy and
whoever else might be in there."

Rick took a deep breath. "What
if he isn't in there?"

The officer smiled. "Oh, he's in
there. Don't worry. We're picking up the signal from that router
right now. Somebody has sent emails from it in the last few
minutes. The network is active. There's people in that

Suddenly, Rick's phone rang. We
all jumped and turned to look at him.

"Shit," he said, raising his
eyebrows. "It's Sean."

I blinked in disbelief. "Sean?
What the hell is he ringing you for? What in Christ’s name is going

"I guess we'd better find out."
Rick placed a finger to his lips and we all fell silent, the police
officers turning down their radios immediately. "Hello?"

"Rick!" Sean's panicked voice
spoke in a whisper over the phone's loudspeaker. "Rick, you've got
to believe me man, I never meant for any of this to happen. This is
nuts. We’ve got to stop this, we’ve got to stop this now! That poor
kid…" He started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Sean, calm down. Take it easy,
okay? Just calm down for a second. What's going on? Where's

"He's here," Sean cried. "I
grabbed the kid while the other two weren't looking and made a run
for it. I'm shitting bricks, Rick. They've got guns, dude. Fucking
huge guns!"

For the first time, Rick looked
genuinely worried. "Sean, you've got to tell me where you are. Are
you in the paint factory?"

"No, I'm in a building further
down. We’re trapped in here, man. I can hear them walking around,
looking for us. Shit, dude…this is scary…"

"Which building? Sean, there are
Police everywhere. Tell me where you are and we’ll come and get you

Sean's voice grew even quieter.
"Fuck, they're really close. There was a sign on the
outside…something 'brass'. Rick, I'm going to have to go. This is
too dangerous now."

The line went dead and Rick
started to jump out of the back of the van. "Rick!" I yelled. "What
the hell are you doing?"

"Stay here, Amy. I'm going to
find Martin."

Rick disappeared down the street
at breakneck speed and I toyed with whether to run after him or
jump back into the van. The air crackled with the sound of radios
buzzing with orders and directions.

"Miss, get in! We're on the

My heart began beating out of my
chest as we hurtled towards our next destination. The calm of
analysing monitors and looking for traces of where Luke might be
had suddenly gone out the window, replaced in a split-second with
reactionary panic. Disembodied voices barked orders over police
radios, frantically attempting to coordinate what had become an
even more deadly situation than the one we had all expected.

"Old Brass Works, at the Western
end, over."

A staggering urge to throw up
suddenly came over me. Not because I was being thrown around the
inside of a police van, although that didn't help. It was the
feeling you get when you run out of energy, when you hit the wall
in a marathon. No amount of trying to breathe steadily worked. My
heart rate was through the roof, my breathing fast and panicky.
Beads of sweat began to run down my back and forehead. I
desperately, overwhelmingly felt like vomiting, right there and
then on the floor of that vehicle.

But nothing came.

Instead, we screeched to another
halt and I was horrified at the sight I saw through the front
windscreen. What seemed like dozens upon dozens of heavily armed
and protected police officers, some with huge SWAT symbols on their
backs, swarmed everywhere in front of us. The buzz of helicopters
above grew deafening and, in the midst of it all, I saw Rick
running towards the warehouse Sean had told us about before
disappearing inside.

In a blind panic I began to make
my way towards the back of the van to get out until I stopped in
horror at the voice calling over the police radio.

"Shots fired! I repeat, shots
fired. Man down!”

I tried to scream but no voice
came. Instead, tears rolled down my face uncontrollably as I felt
like someone had punched me in the stomach with a sledgehammer. I
mouthed the name I wanted to call. "Rick…"

"Suspects in custody. I repeat,
suspects in custody. Urgent paramedics required. Man down, I
repeat, man down. No vital signs. Urgent assistance required. I
repeat, no vital signs, over."

My legs were like jelly as I
made my way through the throngs of officers towards the building.
The second he had ran from the police van, I knew he was doomed.
His intentions would have been so clear in his head.

Got to save Luke. Got to get him
back. Got to save my son.

I knew Rick was dead. My heart
ached for him, like a sibling knows when something has happened to
their brother or sister. Everything around me was muffled and
eerily silent, despite the chaos that was unfolding. But I knew
they were talking about Rick on the intercom. Every inch of me,
every fibre of my being, wanted to believe he was okay. I
desperately wanted to believe the unbelievable. But I saw him go
through that entrance. I heard the sounds of panicked officers
saying shots had been fired immediately after. There was no one
else who could have been hit. I braced myself, knowing he was

All those things we wanted to do
but we never got to. All the things I'd wished I'd said that didn't
get the chance to. All the moments we would have had, wiped out in
the pull of a trigger.

The love of my life was dead.
Those beautiful eyes, that cheeky smile and those awful jokes.
Fiercely protective, wonderfully creative. The most beautiful man I
had ever met.

"Please," I said in a whimper to
the officers crowding around the doorway. "Please let me through.
Please let me see him."

Rick sat against an inner wall,
covered in blood.

But not his.

In one arm, he held Luke,
cowering into his chest. In the other, Sean lay against him, two
bullet wounds soaking his clothes. There was no life in him, just a
limp body, but Rick refused to let go.

"Rick…" I tried to contain my
relief, wanting to throw my arms around him and tell him how much I
loved him. But now wasn't the time. His son had been saved but his
friend had been killed.

He looked up at me slowly. "He
saved us both. They were about to shoot Luke and him. He threw Luke
to me then jumped in front of us. He saved our lives. He saved both
our lives…"

As medics and police began to
attend to the three of them, a quiet realisation washed over

Any doubts or reservations I'd
had about my new life were gone. I would be with this man forever,
whatever life threw at us.


Chapter Five


It was over a week before things
returned to any semblance of normality. Between the media circus
and the aftermath of Sean's death, our lives would never quite be
the same again. Luke was obviously deeply traumatised and Julia and
Michael would need support for an awful long time to come to terms
with what had happened. Security at their house had been
significantly upgraded and Rick had decided to take no chances,
paying for a full-time set of security guards to discreetly patrol
the property until further notice.

We had decided to head back to
Rick's home in France for a little while. He had cancelled all
further interviews and engagements and had decided to put plans for
his follow-up solo album on ice. Ironically, sales of his current
record had exploded again. The public loved a good hostage crisis,
it seemed, and it was further proof that no publicity is ever bad

I sank into beautiful Egyptian
cotton sheets as Rick climbed on top of me and kissed gently at my
neck. It was the first time we had made love since that fateful
morning when we had rushed through to Julia and Michael's house
with soaking wet hair in busy LA traffic.

Does this mean the stress
has lifted?” I smiled. He pressed his body against me and I felt
the tell-tale bulge of arousal against my pubic bone.

What do you think?” he
grinned. “Man's gotta relieve some tension...”

I ran my hands down his back,
exploring the swoops and valleys of his muscles as we kissed. A
warm, wet rush made me tingle between my legs and I whispered into
Rick's ear.

Take my panties

He kissed my body at inch-long
intervals as he made his way down to my wetness; his tongue
flicking at my skin between my breasts, down my stomach and
lingering above my neatly-trimmed patch of pubic hair. He pulled my
underwear slowly away, exposing my sex, and I raised my legs high
into the air to ease removal of my soaking thong. After tossing
them aside, Rick kissed and caressed my calves and thighs before
turning his attention to my glistening folds.

This,” he murmured, “is
going to be delicious.”

I caught my breath as his tongue
moved slowly up my drenched opening, his lips kissing and teasing
at the sensitive skin before settling on my swollen clit. I was so
desperate for sex, so eager to have him inside me that I almost
exploded right then and there. I gasped as he tortured me
beautifully with the tip of his tongue, my stomach tightening as I
screwed my eyes shut in what seemed to be the beginnings of an

Shit...” I gasped. “I
can't take it...”

Before I had chance to think,
Rick had suddenly brought his face to meet mine and, with expert
precision, penetrated me. I gasped out, almost squealing, as inch
after rock-hard inch filled me completely, the tip of him meeting
my cervix before retracting fully then slamming into me again.

Taste your pussy,” he
moaned as we kissed. His lips were sweet with my juices, our
tongues dancing between our moans.

Make love to me,” I
sighed. “I've missed you inside me so much.”

He looked at me with a
mischievous glint in his eye. “Let me remind you how it feels.”

His thrusts became slow but
forceful, making me cry out in pleasure at each stroke. He would
retract all the way back to my soaked entrance, making me believe
he would fall out, before quickly driving himself fully back into
me. My copious juices made his movements effortless, rushing over
his shaft and making me unable to grip him inside. Instead, his
sheer size and steel-like hardness ensured he was going nowhere
except deep, deeper and deeper again.

My orgasm wasn't just inevitable
– it was violent. For a split-second, I felt like I would pass out.
Instead, I tried to cry out but no sounds came, my body tightening
both inside and out; my nipples hard and sensitive against his
ripped chest. My head swam and my stomach clenched as I gasped for
air; Rick was pulsating between my legs and what little
consciousness remained managed to register the thick, creamy liquid
that flowed inside me, warming me to unspeakable temperatures
before I came down from my exquisite natural high.

We both began to slow our
breathing, the pounding of our hearts reverberating simultaneously
through the pressing together of each other's chests. “I love you,”
I gasped, barely able to speak.

I love you too,” he
smiled, stroking gently at the side of my breast as he kissed me. I
instinctively snatched his hand away, giggling like a girl half my

Stop it! I can't take
it...I'm too sensitive.”

As Rick rolled onto his back, I
started to think about Luke again. I still had that nagging feeling
that he looked nothing like Julia. Maybe I was being ridiculous or
just naturally suspicious after all the shit that had happened

I'm going to jump in the
shower. I'll put a pot of coffee on first, though.”

Yes please,” I replied.
“Rick, there's something I've been meaning to ask

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