Moonwalking With Einstein (33 page)

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Authors: Joshua Foer

Tags: #Mnemonics, #Psychology, #Cognitive Psychology, #Science, #Memory, #Life Sciences, #Personal Memoirs, #Self-Help, #Biography & Autobiography, #Neuroscience, #Personal Growth, #Memory Improvement

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Ambrose, Saint

See also specific people


distant memories retained by



Amsüss, Lukas

Anderssen, Adolf

Andersson, Daniel.
Tammet, Daniel

Apache Indians

Aquinas, Thomas


art of memory.
memory palace(s)/art of memory

Art of Memory, The

Asperger’s syndrome

Augustine, Saint


Azoulai, Shai

Bacon, Francis

Bacon, Roger

Baker/baker paradox

Balmer, Bruce

Bannister, Roger

Baron-Cohen, Simon


Bedford, Edward

Bell, Andi

Bell, Gordon


Bidder, George Packer


history of

memorization of

as memory aids

on memory training.
See also specific titles

Borges, Jorge Luis

Born on a Blue Day

Bradwardine, Thomas

Brain and Mind



capacity of

of chess masters

computer and, seamless connection between

as energetically expensive

experimenting on

of Kim Peek

of London cabdrivers

of mental athletes

mysteries of

neuroplasticity of

part used while memorizing

physical structure of

random-access indexing system of

temporary turn off of

brain training software

Bruno, Giordano


Buzan, Tony

appearance of

author’s interview with

awakening to art of memory

BBC series of

on education

home of

on intelligence

on memory

Mind Mapping

skills and talents of

travel schedule of

World Memory Championships and

writings of


calendar calculating

Cambridge Autism Research Center

Camillo, Giulio

speed cards

Carroll, Lewis

Carruthers, Mary

Carvello, Creighton


Chase, Bill

chess masters

chicken sexers



Clemens, Samuel L.

Clemons, Alonzo

cochlear implants


and brain, seamless connection between


speech recognition



Cooke, Ed

as author’s coach

birthday party of

career plans of

classroom demonstration of

family life of

home of

intellectual pursuits of

memorization projects of

memorizing techniques of

personality of

on remembering experiences

speed cards and

Tony Buzan and

at World Memory Championships

Cooke, Rod

Cooke, Teen

corpus callosum

creativity, memory and


cultural literacy

Cyrus, King

Darnton, Robert

Dead Reckoning: Calculating Without Instruments

Dean, John, memory of

deliberate practice

De Oratore

Dewey, John

digital information, externalization of memory and

digit span





Doerfler, Ronald

Dottino, Tony

“Double Deck’r Bust”

Down, John Langdon

Draschl, Corinna



Du Bois, W. E. B.

early humans, memories of

Ebbinghaus, Hermann


purposes of

Tony Buzan on

eidetic memory

Eisenstein, Sergei

Eliot, T. S.

Elizabeth (case study)

Émile: Or, On Education

EP (case study)

cause of amnesia

daily life of

emotions and thoughts of

eternal present of

HM compared with

nondeclarative memory of

unconscious remembering by

Ericsson, K. Anders

author, study of

Daniel Tammet and

expertise, study of

erudition, notion of

Essay on the Origin of Languages

“Exceptional Memorizers: Made, Not Born” (Ericsson)

See also specific types of experts

backsliding of


failing, role in

memories of

study of

Extraordinary People

faculty psychology

Fellows, G. S.

“First Steps Toward a History of Reading” (Darnton)

Fischer, Bobby

Fitts, Paul

Foley, John

See also

art of

curve of

as essence of humanity

Francis I, king of France

Franklin, Benjamin

Frascino, Jen

Freud, Sigmund

FTD (frontotemporal dementia)

“Funes the Memorious” (Borges)

Galton, Francis

Great Mental Calculators

Greek literature, birth of

Greek number system

Greek texts

Greenstein, Joe “The Mighty Atom”

Groot, Adriaan de

Gutenberg, Johannes

habit learning

Hagwood, Scott

Haraguchi, Akira

Harty, T. Michael

Havelock, Eric



number system

Hereditary Genius


Hirsch, E. D., Jr.

HM (case study)

cause of amnesia

EP compared with

study of



Howells, William Dean

“How to Make History Dates Stick” (Clemens)

Hughes, Ted

Hugh of St. Victor

Human Performance Lab

Idea of the Theater, The



Illich, Ivan

images for un-imaginable

immediate feedback

“Immortal Game”


Institutio Oratoria



memory and

Tony Buzan on


“Jabberwocky” (Carroll)

James, William


journalist, author as

Journal of Neuroscience, The

journey method.
memory palace(s)/art of memory

Kanner, Leo

Karsten, Gunther

poetry memorizing and

at World Memory Championships

Keene, Raymond

Kieseritzky, Lionel

Kirk, Sean


Kolli, Ram

Kruk, Ron

Landy, John


song as structuring device for

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