Moonlit Embrace

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Authors: Lyn Brittan

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Moonlit Embrace
Lyn Brittan
Gryy Brown Press (2014)

When a new werewolf comes to town, shy desk clerk Johanna does everything she can
to fall for him. The cute fool is ruining her life - starting with publicly declaring Johanna his Mate in front of her shocked coworkers, an overbearing sister and anyone else close enough to hear his growl.


The fact that he's a chef won't exactly help her waistline either. The sensible thing is to leave Baron Wyatt alone. He won't make it easy. But when dangerous forces from his past put them both at risk, they must work together to find a murderer, and maybe even true love, along the way.

Moonlit Embrace

Lyn Brittan

Published by Gryy Brown Press, 2014.


Copyright 2014 © Lyn Brittan

All rights reserved.

No part of this eBook or bound book may be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. This eBook/Book may not be sold or given to other people. If you would like to share this story, please purchase additional copies.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Moonlit Embrace

Also by Lyn Brittan

Lightning Catchers

Rafe's Reward

Qiang's Quest

Juan's Journey

Lightning Catchers Paranormal Romance Bundle

Outer Settlement Agency

Solia's Moon

Anja's Star

Quinn's Quasar

Outer Settlement Agency Omnibus

Lana's Comet

The Djinn Series

The Genie's Witch

A Genie's Love


Moonlit Embrace

Watch for more at
Lyn Brittan’s site

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Also By Lyn Brittan


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Click here to get an alert for the next release.

Further Reading: Rafe's Reward

Also By Lyn Brittan

About the Author


To Kathy and Georgie

Chapter One

ou’ve moved into a hovel.”

“Thank you, Kate.”

“I can’t believe we’re related.”

The feeling was beyond mutual. Johanna snapped her laptop shut and waited. It was the only way to deal with her sister. Close your eyes and pray for death or vodka.

Seriously, did Kate have to do this on Johanna’s first night in her own place? At twenty-six, she’d finally moved out of the house. How hard would it have been for Kate to be proud of her? Or show even a little sympathy? Every muscle ached from moving, she was starving and on top of everything else, her wretched boss moved up her project due date. She didn’t need this crap now.

“I’m only saying that you can do better than this. If you would listen to me...” Kate had a weird talent of looking like she owned the place – no matter where she happened to be.

Older by four hours, Kate took those moments as some sort of divine appointment to wield power over her two sisters. Michelle, the youngest triplet, dealt with Kate’s judging ways by living on the road and avoiding the family completely. Johanna, on the other hand, learned to sit and take it.

“If you need money, I can help you out.”

“I don’t. I can do this on my own.”

She rolled her eyes as Kate made a show of running her slender finger across the counter top and flicking off nonexistent dust. “You’ve let yourself go, little sis. In more ways than one. Getting a little thick around the middle,” she said, wiggling that same perfectly manicured finger.

“What does my waistline have to do with the countertop? Why are you here if you’re not going to help?”

Kate knelt to jiggle a cabinet door. “I am helping.”

“In pumps and a suit? Served with a side of snark and vinegar? I’ll pass.”

“Don’t get lippy. Some of us have standards. Mom and Dad emailed from Paris this morning.” She wiped the ledge of the counter before leaning against it. “They asked if you met someone yet. I said no. They asked if you’ve moved back into the family house yet. No again. They asked if you still have that human-infested, crap job. Finally, I could answer in the affirmative.”

“I’m happy with what I have. And, for the billionth time, more than happy with how I look.”

Kate grimaced and turned away. Cups and plates slammed as her sister rummaged through moving boxes. “You’re a wolf with supernatural metabolism. One mile around the block wouldn’t kill you.” Kate nudged the box containing her first set of dishes with a red-soled shoe. “How much did you pay those movers? I think everything in here is broken.”

Wonder why?
“Get out.”

One expertly plucked eyebrow rose heavenward. “Excuse me?”

Johanna considered making an issue out of it, but like always, she backed down. It wasn’t worth it to go toe to toe with Kate. “I mean that I have a lot of stuff to do before going to work tomorrow. That’s all.”

Kate shot her an odd look...and held it.

A challenge?

No. This was Kate’s normal look - permanent bitch face. But for the first time, Johanna didn’t turn away in a show of submissiveness. She wasn’t trying to start something, but she did want Kate gone. And really, where did she get off doing this all the time? Johanna couldn’t control what Kate said, but she’d be damned if she’d be demeaned in her own home.

Her den. Wrong word. Apartment.

Was that it? Did this new freedom do something to her wolf? She loved her parents, but not living under their roof bumped her up in the pack. Even if it was a pack of one.

“Are you kicking me out?”

“I asked you over because you’re my sister, but since you seem incapable of acting like one, then yes, I think it’d be better if you left. I can do this by myself.”

“Since when?”

“I’m a grown woman, Kate. When I tell you to get out of my house...” She stopped in the middle of this tirade as the universe sucked the air right out of her lungs with a single movement: Kate blinked.

Two movements, actually. Kate blinked AND took a step back.

Johanna couldn’t remember that happening.


It occurred to her she’d never yelled back at Kate. Or snarled either. Another freaking glorious first. Something akin to awesomeness tingled through her body.

Kate’s jaw went down as she grabbed her designer bag and headed for the door.

Oh boy. Maybe she should apologize. “Kate, I—”


“It’s just...I mean—”

“Didn’t know you had it in you. I approve.”

“I don’t need your approval.”

“Okay, Ms. Thing. I’m gone.” Kate winked and held open the door with her right foot. “We may be able to make a decent wolf out of you yet.”


Chapter Two

ven with the blooming plants, sidewalk food vendors and perfumed women walking around him, Baron Wyatt could smell her from a block away. The world asked a lot for him not to tilt his nose to the air and follow her scent with his tongue hanging out.

He’d had a string of good luck recently, including finding an empty restaurant in this small upstate New York town. Now the place delivered a sweet smelling wolf. Good. He’d earned a little enjoyment in his life.

Baron sniffed again and grinned. The she-wolf’s scent lay in the direction of the county clerk’s office.

the clerk’s office. 

He stepped through the doors and took in the heat of an ovulating female of the wolven variety. If he wasn’t careful, he’d half shift and have his tail wagging beneath his business suit.

That of course led to thoughts of her graceful tail.



Up and down. Damn, who was this mystery woman? He needed a face to complete the vision. For now, all he could make of her was the top of her head with dark brown hair off to the side in a demure bun.

He knew the exact moment she caught his scent. The she-wolf behind the counter stopped talking and her head snapped up, eyes locking on him. Beautiful eyes.

He winked.

She went back to work.

What the hell?

He happened to know he was the most charming thing on the planet. A friggin’ legend. Wolves, humans, pixies, you name it and they tripped over themselves to land in his bed. He’d be damned if he didn’t leave this place with the business license he’d come for and that woman’s phone number.

Some lady tapped his shoulder. He shrugged her off. Or tried to.

“Is there something I can help you with?” The speaker batted her eyes. A cougar...and not the shifter kind. Baron tried sidestepping her, but the blonde wasn’t having it, placing a hand on his arm.

His she-wolf looked up, frowned and served her next client. No, no, no! Who ignores

The cougar tried again. “Sir?”

“I’m here to see her,” he said, pointing to the dark-haired one with golden eyes.

The blonde, Belinda by her nametag, replaced her tight smile with a grimace. “Whatever you need Johanna for, I can help. I’m her supervisor.”

He could get used to screaming that.


“Right. Sorry. I’m here for licensing a new restaurant.”

“I see. Looks and you can cook. Total package.” He didn’t miss her eyes flickering down in the Wedding Band Snoop. He rubbed the area where a wedding ring would be and this Belinda person cleared her throat. “Lost your ring? Or are you getting married? If your wife owns half the business, we’ll need—”

“I really need to speak to Johanna.”

Thin lips froze into a straight line. “Well, you’re not marrying

He had two ways to play this. One had him leaving without that license. “Actually, she sent for me. She told me to register the business straight away. I wasn’t sure if I needed—”

“Did she? Interesting. She’s only in training to handle those sorts of things. Right now, she’s just a cashier. Have a seat in my office,” she said and gestured for him to follow.

‘Office,’ was being a mite generous. It was more a set of carefully arranged cubicles that laughed at the promise of privacy. While he handed over his tablet with documentation, she pursed her lips and giggled at the things he was fairly sure weren’t jokes.

Like the weather.

Or the differences between LLCs and INCs.

Or the weather...again...


There was a time for flirting and it wasn’t when he sat on the other side of the desk...unless you were a she-wolf named Johanna.

He let down his barriers, projecting his annoyance to anyone with the ability to sense it. He didn’t want his little Johanna thinking that first bit of desire was for anyone other than her.

“Mr. Wyatt? Here’s what you need to do for...”

He settled back into the conversation, accepting the conditional approval in hand at the end of a mind numbingly annoying conversation.

He thanked Belinda, shoved the paperwork into his briefcase and walked straight to the counter. There was plenty of time to note guys in business suits, construction workers, and all the rest of the people he one day hoped to serve in his restaurant.

What could he feed Johanna? How would she...take it?

Her honey gold skin appeared natural and not from a bottle or blue lights. Shapely hips begged to be kneaded and slapped and pinched and...

Johanna’s head jerked up again.

He winked again.

And this time, she did smile.


He waved two people to go ahead of him until Johanna was finally free of her last customer, then went straight in for the kill. “Hello. I’m persistent.”

“I see that. You’re also not fit to be in public.”

“Because I’m too hot?”

She stood up on her tiptoes and leaned over. “Because you’re tenting.”


ohanna’s hand flew to her mouth in a triple-stupid attempt to shove the words back in. Where did that come from?

Still, she gave herself a small break - she’d never smelled a man like him before. Or seen one so beautiful. The man had a nose any Roman sculpture would be envious of and a wide smile cemented his hotness. The muscles were just unfair. No one should be this attractive.

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