Moonlight Kin: A Wolf's Tale (7 page)

BOOK: Moonlight Kin: A Wolf's Tale
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Maybe he wasn’t as charming as he’d thought.



Chapter Seven


The waitress paused at their table, delivering a pint of beer to Sarah and a mug of cocoa to Madie, who wondered if she’d left town to get their drinks given the time it had taken her.

The woman leered over Damon for a few minutes, doing everything to catch his eye. When it became obvious that he wasn’t interested, the waitress took his wine order and walked away.

“Hope you’re not thirsty,” Madie muttered.

Damon laughed.

“So, how long have you been a model?” Sarah lifted her pint and sipped the foam off the top of the drink.

“Not long,” he said. “Modeling is only one of my many interests. How long have you ladies studied art?”

Sarah swallowed the beer and delicately patted the side of her mouth with a paper napkin. “A couple of years. We graduate next Saturday, then it’s back to the real world. Right, Madie?”

“Right.” Madie brushed a loose strand of hair from her face, trying to keep her discomfort from showing as she attempted to ignore the fact that Damon’s strong thigh continued to touch hers. The warmth was so distracting she barely kept track of the conversation. “I’m sure Mr. Laroche isn’t interested in our big plans for the future.”

He inclined his head. “On the contrary, I’d love to hear more. I have a strong interest in art,” he paused, his voice lowering an octave, “among other things.” His eyes flicked to hers.

An odd tingle skittered through Madie’s belly and she gripped her mug of cocoa tight. Damon was playing with her. She didn’t understand why, since he’d made it blatantly clear that he was interested in Sarah. Maybe he wanted to make her friend jealous or maybe he had dreams of a ménage. Either way, he needn’t have bothered.

Sarah tucked one leg under her. “So tell us about your other interests.”

Damon’s heated gaze locked onto Sarah’s face. Her eyes widened. For a moment, she appeared rattled, then Sarah gave him a secretive smile that Madie could’ve done without seeing.

The waitress delivered Damon’s glass of wine in record time. Figures. He lifted the glass to Madie and Sarah in mock salute before taking a sip. He swallowed the wine and set his drink on the table. “As I mentioned, I have many interests, but mainly I deal in priceless art.”

“You’re an art dealer?” Madie asked, incredulity filling her voice. She couldn’t help it. She hadn’t expected him to say that.

“Collector and dealer, yes.”

“That’s wonderful,” Sarah said. “Isn’t it Madie?” She kicked her under the table.

Madie rubbed her shin. He had to be lying. No way was Damon Laroche an art collector. She’d have heard of him before. Madie had made a point of researching all the serious dealers and collectors in the area. “You don’t have a gallery in New Salford, so where do you keep your pieces?”

Damon cocked an eyebrow.

Madie back peddled. “If it’s not too personal a question.”

“Mainly in my home.” He gave her a sexy smile that would’ve made any woman’s panties wet. “Would you be interested in seeing them?”

“Me?” Madie pointed to herself to make sure she understood him correctly. She would give anything to see his private collection, but knew that going to Damon’s home was a bad idea…for many reasons. Not that she could think of any right now, but those reasons would come to her eventually.

His earlier nakedness flitted through her mind. They were discussing art, not sex. Madie grimaced, shaking her head. She couldn’t even handle sitting next to him, much less spending time alone with him. Of course, he hadn’t said that they’d
alone. Maybe he was referring to them both? Asking for clarification would only emphasize her lack of sophistication. When in doubt, decline.

 “Sorry, I can’t,” Madie said. “Thanks for the offer though.”

Damon shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

“I’d love to see your collection,” Sarah said.

It was Madie’s turn to kick Sarah under the table. Her friend yelped, then scowled at her.

“Drop by anytime.” Damon pulled out a business card and handed it to Sarah.

“Oh my god!” Sarah’s eyes goggled. “You own the Mathis Collection?”

“Yes,” he said modestly.

Madie’s eyes widened in shock. Like all serious art students, she’d seen the Mathis Collection in books. It was famous because it contained all five paintings by Zachariah Colbert Harley Mathis, a nineteenth century impressionist, who’d been inspired by Monet’s works. The collection never toured and had only been glimpsed by a select group of art historians. To get invited for a private viewing was tantamount to receiving an invitation to visit the President of the United States.

“He’s Madie’s favorite artist,” Sarah said. “Isn’t he, Madie?”

“I wouldn’t call Zachariah Mathis my
, but his work is very nice.” Okay, so he was her favorite. Had been for years. Madie had no idea that the collection was housed in New Salford. Until a minute ago, the town’s biggest attraction and claim to fame had been a giant clamshell.

Madie mentally kicked herself. She should’ve said yes, when Damon offered to let her see his art. Now she was going to miss out on being one of the few people in the world privileged enough to view the collection.

She tried not to sulk over the fact that Sarah was going to get to see it without her.
You’re the one who told him no,
the little voice inside her taunted.
It was probably for the best
, she told herself.

Damon was out of her depth both personally and
. She’d had her doubts when he posed nude in class, but his announcement about the collection alleviated them all. She was a newbie to the world of art and in life, eventually he’d figure that out and not want anything to do with her.

Despite his down to earth persona, Damon was cultured, wealthy, and sophisticated. He was the type of man who’d eventually expect
. Perhaps not as a condition for seeing his collection, but definitely later. Things that Sarah was well versed in and that Madie only knew in theory. As long as she stepped back now, there was a chance she’d save face.




There was no mistaking the longing in Madie’s eyes, when Sarah mentioned his collection. Damon had seen in clearly. Had he been in doubt at all, it was confirmed when he caught whiff of her scent. Madie brimmed with the sharply citrus aroma of excitement. The Mathis Collection was her favorite. She wanted to see the art, but pride prevented her from saying so.

He considered inviting her again, but decided against it. Damon didn’t think it would take much to change her mind, but it was too soon to push the idea. He’d give Madie time to come around. Perhaps he’d drop into Berta’s Diner tomorrow. It would give her a night to think about it. Dwell on the fact.

If that didn’t work, he could always plant the idea in Sarah’s mind. It was so open and pliable that it would take nothing to manipulate her thoughts. It didn’t hurt that she was willing to do just about anything to please him.

He and Sarah talked personably for the next hour, exchanging bits of information about themselves. Madie added a few words here and there, but severely limited what she shared. Given her history, he wasn’t surprised.

By the time Sarah finished chatting, Damon knew all about the gallery that Madie planned to someday open. The news surprised him, even with what he knew about her family. Had Gaston Valois changed that much over the years? He thought about his brother, Jacque. Not a chance. Madie was dreaming if she thought she could escape her destiny that easily.

Madie yawned dramatically and pushed back her third cup of cocoa. “I better get going.” She glanced at her watch, and then at Sarah. “Are you coming?”

Sarah looked at Damon. “No, I think I’ll stay here.”

Madie snatched her purse off the bench seat with unchecked fervor. “If you’ll excuse me,” she said, not making eye contact with him.

“I’d better go, too. It’s getting late and I have an early start tomorrow.” Damon slid out of the booth and stood, his body blocking her exit. If she wanted to go by, she’d have to touch him to do so.

His gaze caressed her as she tried to slip past him. Though she’d done her best to keep the connection to a minimum, Madie’s breath caught on contact and her body heated.

Why did she have to smell so yummy? Vanilla and spice mixed with a swirl of something feminine and musky. Even breathing through his mouth didn’t help. Damon’s body tightened and his hands fisted to keep from reaching out to feel her softness.

If she weren’t human and the Hunter, Madeleine would be his ideal Moonlight Kin bondmate. Damon scoffed at the ridiculousness of the thought. The chances of a human female bearing him a child and turning into a werewolf were about as good as him sprouting wings and becoming a fruit bat. It just didn’t happen, not without wolf blood being somewhere in the family tree.

Still, her ghostly beauty and ample curves embodied his dream of an alpha female.

Not that it mattered, since dreams and preferences wouldn’t even come into play when it came time to choose a bondmate. A werewolf’s
decided who the wolf would bond with. No amount of thinking or dreaming could change that fact.

Shocked again by the sudden direction his thoughts had taken, Damon paused to collect himself. Madeleine was the enemy. Sure she was naïve, innocent, and insecure, too, but he couldn’t allow himself to be distracted by her soft features and lushness.

His sex stirred of its own volition. Images of Madeleine naked, on her hands and knees, her moist flesh quivering in anticipation flashed through his mind in quick succession. Damon saw himself moving behind her. He watched as he sank his cock in deep, his hips cradled by her round bottom.

With each thrust, he claimed and retreated, hurtling them both to the ultimate release. The scene quickly morphed to something far more raw and heated. Damon’s rising need devoured his sense of self until only the primal part of his mind remained.

He shook his head to disburse the fantasy and shoved his hands in his pockets to hide the obvious bulge.

Damon wasn’t sure exactly when he’d decided to have Madeleine, perhaps last night in the alley or maybe when he’d first received her photo, but tonight had eliminated any lingering doubts. He wanted to fuck her so bad that he could taste it. The need to do so was nearly overwhelming. He’d never wanted a woman this much.

Too bad the sexual interlude would end with him taking her life.

“May I escort you home?” he asked.




Madie hesitated, then said, “No thanks.”

He gave a casual shrug of his wide shoulders. “I don’t mind. I’m going that way anyhow.”

Madie’s brow furrowed. “How do you know where I live?” She didn’t bother to hide the sudden wariness that had crept into her voice. Safety and security had been drilled into her at a very early age. It wasn’t something you just forgot because of a handsome face.

“I don’t.” Damon ran his fingers through his hair, then shoved his hand back into his pocket. “I assumed because you’re a student, you live in or near student housing by the older part of town.”

“Good guess,” Madie said, but suspicion lingered in her mind.

“He’s just being nice,” Sarah said. “Lighten up, Madie.”

Damon’s eyes sparked. “Forgive my impertinence, but it’s not safe for two beautiful women to wander the streets at night. You never know what is lurking in the shadows.”

Madie shuddered as she replayed her ghostly encounter from the previous night.

Damon’s expression turned serious. “I should walk you both home.”

Sarah jumped up, purse in hand. “Great.”

Damon acknowledged Sarah with a quick nod and swept his hand out for them to precede him. They left the pub and headed down the street. Sarah happily gave Damon her address when he asked, the longing in her eyes sending out an unmistakable invitation. He politely deflected it with a quick smile, then asked Madie where she lived.

The relief Madie felt that Sarah and Damon wouldn’t be hooking up tonight was undeniable, but she was still reluctant to hand over such personal information. “It’s really not necessary. I walk these streets alone all the time.”

“Humor me. I’d feel better if I escorted
.” Damon’s voice dropped, his persuasive tone left no room for argument.

“Honestly, I’ll be fine,” she countered. Madie watched his expression subtly change to annoyance. She was giving him the perfect opportunity. He should be happy that she was stepping aside.

“I really must insist,” Damon said in a clipped tone that said he was anything but happy.

His smoldering eyes seemed to reach through the darkness and pierce Madie’s soul. She felt strangely compelled to accept his offer. A minute later, she surrendered her address. Why had she done that? There’d been no thought, no reasoning, like a moron she’s simply complied.

More like caved
, her mind taunted.

It had nothing to do with the fact that she
Damon to walk her home. She was doing this for Sarah.

Yeah, right.
Even Madie didn’t buy that one.

Her muddied thoughts cleared the second he looked away. Later, she’d wonder again why she’d ever said yes.


Chapter Eight


They ambled down the desolate streets, their footsteps echoing off the cobblestones. The brightly lit stores had closed hours ago, leaving nothing but darkened brick buildings in their stead. The night was crisp, despite the promise of spring. The inescapable odor of ocean and fish permeated the area.

Sarah managed to hook her arm around Damon’s while they strolled. Madie tried to ignore the stab of discomfort she felt from the not so innocent action. She should be happy her friend was taking him off her hands. Not that she had him on her hands, but still...

Madie made sure she stayed a few steps behind. She already felt like a third wheel. She sighed. Maybe once she made it through graduation and her initiation, she’d be able to find someone who could overlook her family’s past long enough to fall in love with her.

BOOK: Moonlight Kin: A Wolf's Tale
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