Moonbeams and magic (21 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

Tags: #Fantasy fiction

BOOK: Moonbeams and magic
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"I'm ready to go," the bearded man replied.

"Have a safe and successful journey," Tochar said.

"We will," Moig boasted with a grin.

Seven deegas later, Starla and Moig transported to a clearing on the snowy surface of Zumali, a small planet on the edge of the Seri Galaxy, far from its solar body. She pointed to the square complex a lengthy distance away, nestled against a white-covered ridge. Gusts of cold wind yanked at their synthetic ftir garments, but protective helmets with visors shielded their faces from the weather and

exposure of their identity. Cypher reported that no life-forms registered amidst the rocks and hills nearby, so they headed toward their target, trudging slowly and gingerly in ankle-deep snow.

Before they reached the structure and used their faked papers and uniforms to obtain entrance from the android guards. Cypher contacted Starla. "A Serian patrol is approaching; arrival in five preons. Abort raid and return to the ship. There is insufficient time to carry out your task and the risks are increasing with haste. Three officers are transporting to the surface; ten leongs from the complex entrance. Departure is crucial."

Starla watched the three Serians materialize, spot them, and shout a warning to surrender or they would attack. She could not slay them and must not allow herself to be taken captive and be exposed to Tochar's spy "Take cover behind that large rock, Moig, fast!" she ordered.

She did the same, then told Cypher, "Lock on to our coordinates and bring us aboard. The preon we're safe, cloak, raise the defense shield, and go to starlight speed." She knew the android could handle only one task at a time, and that the cloaker and shield must be lowered to retrieve them, making her ship vulnerable to destruction during that period. Even with Cypher's intelligence and abilities, the series of actions had to be scheduled just right to prevent perils and would take a few moments to set into motion. She knew if an attack came while the ship's defenses were lowered and she was in transport, her life-force would be lost forever.

Laser weapons were fired at their location, striking and spalling rock and tossing about snow and ice. Moig was hit in the arm by a stun-beam as he tried to return their blasts before Starla could halt him. The patrol carried oblong defense shields before them, so the Icarian's fire was deflected as he was knocked unconscious.

The setting vanished as the Liska's transporter beam res-

cued them just as the protective rock was destroyed. The moment she materiaUzed on the sensor pad on her ship, Starla glanced to her right and saw Moig's frame. "Get us out of here quick, Cypher! Evade them as necessary, but do not fire upon them."

Cypher reported to her as he worked, "Shield up. Cloaker engaged. Patrol firing a broad sweep of beams at our last visible location. Going to starburst speed in one preon." A minute later, he said, "Clear of danger. Course laid in for stargate to Noy. Patrol heading in opposite direction."

"Excellent, Cypher. Moig was stunned, so I'll remain with him until he arouses. You know what to do, and thanks for saving my life again."

"What happened?" Moig asked an horn later in sickbay.

"The Sedan ship was hidden from our monitors by the planet. When it came into view, it was traveling fast; they detected us on their sensors and was told no authorization had been given for a landing. We barely escaped before they shattered that rock we were hiding behind. They attacked my ship, but Cypher got us cloaked and shielded fast. We're on the way to base now; there's no way we can get those drugs with them on alert."

"Tochar will be angry we failed him."

"It wasn't our fault. Somebody gave him incorrect information and it almost got us killed or captured. Surely he wouldn't expect us to hang around and make another attempt with a patrol in the area."

"I guess not, but he'll be riled. He needs those drugs for his buyers. The meeting is already scheduled. He promised them drugs and crystals."

Starla reaUzed Moig was making slips. "He can't blame us; we did our part. I'll play the record of our attack for him so he can grasp our peril and realize we had no choice except to abort the raid. Cypher picked up their communi-

cations; they know two people were involved and one was injured, but they couldn't see our faces through our visors. How's the head, Moig? You struck it hard after you were stunned."

"It hurts like karlee."

"I'll give you something for the pain and to prevent infection. As soon as Cypher can leave the bridge, he'll seal the cut with a latron beam. He has a medical program and he's repaired me many times."

"Thanks, Vedris, for saving my life."

"You're welcome; that's what partners do for each other."

Starla prepared the injector with a clear liquid and infused it in Moig's arm. She chatted with him while the potent chemical took effect. As soon as the Icarian was dazed by the Thorin, she said, "Moig, you will answer my questions with total honesty. Do you understand?"

Controlled by the truth serum, he replied, "Yes."

Starla knew her action was daring and dangerous, but she needed information and this might be the last time she could extract it. With the attack record in her possession to play for Tochar and using another clever ruse to keep Moig disabled, the bearded Icarian could not expose this deed after they reached base. "Where did Auken's team go? What was his target?"

"Moonbeams in Kalfa."

"Are they for Koteas and Terin?"


"When is the meeting with them scheduled?"

"Four deegas after our return to Tochara."

"Is it set to take place near the settlement?"


"Do you know the name of Tochar's contact in Seri?"


"How does Auken know when it's safe to approach a ship carrying moonbeams? Is there a special reason why we use his ship for those raids?"

"Yes. A device is put on the transport vessel. It sends Auken a signal. He has a unit to pick up that signal."

"Is that why no one is allowed on the bridge when we're approaching a target except you, Auken, and Sach?"


"Does Tochar trust Starla Vedris?"


She sighed in relief. "Does Tochar trust Dagan Latu?"


"Do you know the name of Tochar's contact in Kalfa?"


Anticipation and joy flooded her. "What is his name?"


Starla gaped at the dazed man. "The officer in charge of crystal mining and shipments?"


"Why would Syrkin help Tochar steal moonbeams?"

"After Tochar is rich and powerful, Syrkin will join him as a partner and will rule Kalfa."

"Does Tochar have contacts or partners in other places besides Kalfa and Seri?"

"Yes, in Maffei."

Astonished and dismayed, she asked, "Who?"

"I do not know."

Starla did not have the time to ponder who from her world could be a traitor or why. She would leave that investigation up to Thaine. "Is there any way to disarm or destroy Tochar's defense weapons?"


"Do you know that for certain or is that what you were told?"

"That is what I was told, what Tochar was told."

"Why did Tochar divide the team and send us on separate raids?"

"He needed the drugs and crystals fast, soon. The Adika and Liksa were needed to carry out the two raids."

"Why did Tochar send you with Starla instead of one of the others?"

"He thinks Vedris and Latu are attracted to each other and might be distracted by their feeUngs during a trek."

"Is he angry they hke each other?"

"No, he does not care, if it does not distract them from work."

Starla thought hard to make certain there were no other questions she wanted to ask Moig before she placed him in a chemical coma, one from which he could not arouse until given the antidote; that would not be until after her mission was completed. She knew the doctor on Noy would not be able to detect Moig's true condition or to treat it. With Moig out of the way, she reasoned, Tochar could not divide the band again and exclude her from crystal raids. She had not dared use this tactic sooner because there had been no previous occurrence to explain a coma until this incident provided one.

After Cypher joined her, Starla related what she had done and told him everything Moig had said. "Bandage his head but do not seal the wound," she instructed the android. "I want Tochar and the settlement doctor to see it. They should assume he has a severe concussion and possible brain damage. Connect a feeding tube and vital-sign monitors. One villite down and many to go."

"This was a clever move, Bree-Kayah. On the next crystal raid, I will scan for the signal he mentioned and record its frequency"

She smiled at the android. "At long last, my friend, we're making valuable progress. I must report these findings and what I've done to Supreme Commander Sanger. Thaine can have either a Serian or I-GAF unit cloaked and standing by to capture Koteas and Terin after they obtain those moonbeams and leave Noy. I dare not risk exploding another load, if Tochar allows anybody to get near them again. Thaine or Yakir will have to either let Syrkin continue his

ruse for a while or find a way to remove him without anybody learning how Syrkin's treachery was uncovered. We can't risk the wrong person discovering an agent has infiltrated Tochar's band. At least that nQidLnons fiendal doesn't suspect me. What I can't understand is why Tochar has a contact in MafFei, since we don't have a crystal mine."

"Perhaps the Maffeian supplies him with other data and needs."

"You could be right, but that angle worries me. He'll be harder to unmask than the other two, since his motive isn't obvious. I'm glad Tochar didn't send me with the others; we accomplished far more on our trek."

"It is good to see you smile."

"I feel quite wonderful. Cypher, but I do have another hard task ahead: I might have to dupe Dagan again to see if he learned anything during their trek, and you know there's only one way I can ensnare him. First, I might let Yana give it a try; if she fails, it will be up to Starla."

As they approached Noy, Starla contacted Tochar with her bad news.

"I have been informed of the trouble at Zumali," he responded. "I will have the doctor awaiting your shuttle. We will talk after your arrival."

After she landed, Tochar and the doctor came aboard her craft. "I'm sorry, sir, but we were trapped and attacked," Starla explained. "Cypher and I have done all we can for him." She handed Tochar a disk and said, "This is a recording of the communications between the Serian patrol and the complex, and the patrol and their base. You will hear how and why we failed you."

"A patrol was not supposed to be in that sector, so I do not blame you and Moig for what happened. When I was warned of its presence, it was too late to alert you in your

communications blackout. I am glad you were not slain or captured. You did well, Starla, as always."

"Thank you." She turned to the doctor who was examining Moig to ask about his condition, but was told to wait outside. Though the doctor spoke to Tochar in whispers, Starla knew Cypher was picking up their words as the communications switch had been left on in preparation for such an incident. She walked a short distance away so the two men could talk freely, and was stunned when they joined her shortly and reported that Moig had "died from his injury."

"But I got him here as fast as possible and kept him nourished."

"It is sad to lose a longtime friend," Tochar said, "but life makes such demands of us." He motioned for two Enforcers to come forward, then told them to collect Moig's body for burial. "I know you did all you could to keep him alive, but he is gone now," he said to Starla. "When the others return, I will contact you for a meeting. Rest, Starla, this trek was hard on you."

"I'm sorry things went wrong," she said, faking an apology and grief "I'll be on my ship if you need me for anything."

Starla entered her shuttle and returned to the Liska. She hurried to the bridge to join Cypher. "What happened to Moig? His death isn't natural; his injury and condition weren't terminal. What could have happened?"

The android pressed a button to replay the shocking scene.

The doctor's words came first. "His condition is serious, Tochar, and I'm not qualified to treat it. I lack the proper medical facility and means to do anything for him. I do not think he can recover or even live very long, at least not here. Perhaps you could send him to Icaria for treatment. Perhaps they can help him."

"I cannot risk anyone there extracting my secrets," To-

char's words were firm, "and Moig knows most of them. Too, he is delving too deeply into drugs. He is beyond our help and should not be forced to live in this state, so do as I ordered."

"Give him a lethal injection?"

"I have no choice. I cannot allow him to become a threat to me. After it is done, forget it happened. Do you understand me?"

"I understand; I won't tell anyone."

"So," Starla murmured, "they killed Moig to silence him. So much for friendship and loyalty."

"He was a villite, Bree-Kayah. If Tochar had sent him to Icaria and he was diagnosed correctly and was given the antidote, Moig could have betrayed and imiperiled you. His death serves us well, just as his data will serve us well. You are not responsible for his fate."

Two days later, Starla was summoned to Tochar's elevated dwelling. Dagan, Auken, and Sach had returned and were present. Dagan passed his gaze over her as if making certain she was unharmed, but it was Auken who spoke first.

"Tochar told us about the trouble on your raid, Starla. We're all glad you're alive and uninjured."

"Thank you, Auken; it was scary there for a while. I'm sorry about Moig's loss; I know he was a close friend to you three for yings."

"Tochar said you did all you could to save him."

"Obviously it wasn't enough, Auken, or he wouldn't be dead."

"Don't blame yourself; it was that patrol's fault."

"Thank you, Sach, but we were on my ship, so I feel responsible. I just didn't know what to do to help him; Cypher did all his medical program allowed, but he doesn't have the in-depth knowledge that was required." She needed

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