Moments In Time: A Collection of Short Fiction (15 page)

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Authors: Dominic K. Alexander,Kahlen Aymes,Daryl Banner,C.C. Brown,Chelsea Camaron,Karina Halle,Lisa M. Harley,Nicole Jacquelyn,Sophie Monroe,Amber Lynn Natusch

BOOK: Moments In Time: A Collection of Short Fiction
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It was now or never, and she knew if she said no now, Grey would absolutely lose his mind. So she leaned forward, breathing in his alpha male scent, a damn heady thing to a female, and .
 . . Oh God, it was good.

Feeling dizzy and suddenly needy as hell, her tongue shot out, licking him, tasting him, until she needed more of him. Then, wrapping her hand around him, she took as much as she could into her mouth.

His hips punched forward, faster, harder, forcing her to take him deeper and deeper. Claws raked through her hair, digging painfully into her scalp, grabbing hold and setting the pace he wanted. With a feral roar of satisfaction, he came hard in her mouth, then collapsed to his knees in front of her, still partially shifted, and still hard.

“Swallow it,” he growled, gripping her throat. “All of it.”

Her eyes locked with his, and she did as he asked.

Taking hold of her thighs, he pulled her over top of him, and his hands were everywhere, squeezing, gripping her breasts, running up and down her arms, clawing her backside. And then he pushed her backward, his cock nudging at her entrance, and in one stretching thrust, he seated himself inside her.

“Hold on to me,” he demanded.

She did as he commanded, locked her ankles at the small of his back and wrapped her arms around his neck. He retreated and thrust. Retreated and thrust. And then, as if a dam had broken, he began to hammer into her with such force he had to hold her off the floor with one hand and brace himself with the other, so they didn’t go flying across the room. He lasted maybe thirty seconds longer than he had from his blow job.

Wolves in peak physical condition could go all day if they wanted. And Grey obviously wanted. Oh, he so wanted.

Her bed replaced the floor and his mouth replaced his hands, and he licked and sucked and bit until she was thrashing beneath him, begging for more. Never before had she felt such need, even during mating heat. It was almost unbearable. The more he took her, the more she wanted him, a double-edged sword. She was so screwed.

“Who am I?” he growled, rubbing what she wanted so desperately across her sex.

“Don’t!” she cried, bucking beneath him. “I won’t say it!”

His hot mouth closed over a nipple and he inhaled her breast, filling his mouth with as much flesh as he could, sucking hard, sending her straight to the edge she needed but not quite over.

“Grey!” she screamed as tears filled her eyes. “Please!”

“Who am I?” he growled. “Who the fuck am I?”

She sobbed even as she panted. “No, please, no.”

“Say it,” he whispered. “Tell me who I am.”

“My alpha, you stupid piece of shit! You’re my alpha!”

He slammed inside her and she instantly shattered around him.

“Who are you?” he asked, his voice rough from exertion.

“I hate you,” she whispered.

“I don’t give a shit,” he rasped. “Now, who the fuck are you?”

“Your mate,” she cried softly, feeling both the shame and satisfaction those words caused.

“Good,” he growled. “Good little bitch.”

She didn’t sleep that night; Grey couldn’t stop touching her. They came together in every possible position, on every counter, in the shower, over the sink, on the couch, over the back of the couch, up against each window, against the walls, on the floors, while they ate, while they watched a movie, and still . . . when the sun rose and set and rose again and she was dozing facedown on her throw rug, her muscles aching and her body spent, he was still inside her. And it still wasn’t enough.

• • •

Grey picked up his sleeping mate and laid her in bed. He should take her again, just once more before he left. Even after three days he was still hard; he’d always be hard around her.

Settling himself between her thighs, he pushed slowly inside. He watched her face as her lips parted, then split into a lazy smile, yet she never woke. He took her slowly, leisurely, watching as he disappeared inside her, watching her full breasts jiggle with his movements.

He wasn’t letting her get away from him. But he had to play it right. He’d bitten her several times during their fuck fest and she would no more obey him than she had before. Fear had really been what had made her obey in her youth. She’d known nothing but pack life back then.

Trussing her up and stealing her away was no longer an option. She’d fight him tooth and nail no matter what; he knew that now.

Shayanne was more human than bitch, so if he wanted to keep her, he needed to treat her like a human male would treat a human female he wanted.

But before he could do that, he had to find a human male and ask him what the hell he was supposed to do.

After scribbling a quick note, Grey fucked her one more time, this time on her belly, with his fangs sank deep into her shoulder.

“My alpha,” she whimpered in her sleep, and he grinned against her skin as he grunted through his finish inside her, hoping like hell his semen would override the birth control he’d seen in her bathroom.

Then he took her spare key off the counter and left without saying good-bye.

He found Dase and Reme standing out in front of her building, waiting for him.

“You smell like bitch, boss,” Reme said, grinning. “Satisfied bitch.”

He didn’t respond, just shoved the wolf out of his way and climbed in the Hummer.

“Back to the hotel?” Dase asked.

“Home,” he grunted.

His beta raised his brows and shared a look with Reme. “Did you kill her?”

He snarled at him. “No.”

Both wolves looked confused. “You’re letting her stay here?”

“For now,” Grey hissed. “Now shut the fuck up and get us home.”

• • •

For the next month Shayanne was a trembling, neurotic mess, just going through the motions as she waited for the next full moon. She reread Grey’s note as often as possible, where he described in explicit detail exactly what he was going to do to her during mating heat, and she blushed furiously each time she read it. How could a simple note make her feel like a teenager with a crush?

It was all so confusing. Three days of sex was hardly foreign to her, but the feelings these particular three days had stirred up inside her were. And then there was the guilt, or the lack of guilt in this case. Nothing about what she’d done with Grey made her feel guilty or dirty like she had each time during the full moon for the past eight years.

The more time that passed since he’d left, the more she found herself less focused on her life in the city, her job, and her friends. She declined all social invitations, preferring to be alone, spending her nights and weekends dreaming of what was to come when Grey finally returned to her.

To think she’d once been worried about such paltry things, like Nic and the consequences of sleeping with him. She was so consumed with thoughts of Grey, she could hardly manage to do her job, let alone find time to be embarrassed by a lone weekend spent with a human who meant nothing to her.

And while Nic seemed to be unable to get past the fact that she wanted nothing more to do with him, always brooding silently in her presence, she was no longer embarrassed by it. In fact, if anything, it was laughable.

Poor Nic wasn’t even a blip on her radar.

It was all about Grey.

And the more she thought about Grey, she began to miss him, and the more she missed him, the more she found herself wondering what he was doing. As she wondered, she envisioned him living his life in his pack, and she found herself wishing she were there with him. By his side, in his bed, running through the woods. As more time passed, and her feelings, her yearnings worsened, she found herself thinking of pups. Often she would place her hands on her flat stomach, imagining it swollen with her children. It was a fearsome thought, yet strangely erotic, and even . . . somewhat fulfilling.

She’d never thought to be a mother. For so long she’d been solely focused on making a successful human life for herself. But now, since Grey had come back into her life, everything was changing. For better or worse, she didn’t yet know.

When the first stirrings of mating heat began she was at her desk at work, clenching her thighs together, hoping, praying that Grey was going to make good on his note. She no longer wanted a human male, could no longer stomach the thought of a human in her bed. Her wolf wanted a wolf and ever since Grey, she seemed to only want what her wolf wanted. Eight years of repression had been ruined by one weekend of sex with her wolf husband that she hardly knew. She should care about that.

But she didn’t.

She wanted Grey.


Glancing up from her computer, she found Nic standing in her office doorway, looking none too happy. “Yes?” she asked, still distracted by her thoughts.

“There’s a man in reception asking for you.”

Shayanne’s heart leaped at the same time her body did. Her chair fell backward and she rushed past Nic and loped into the hallway, skidding to a stop when she found Grey in the reception area. Leaning back against a wall, his arms folded over his chest, Grey trained his yellow eyes on her. Seeing her excitement, no doubt smelling her arousal, his nostrils began to flare, and the corner of his ruined mouth turned up.

Yay! Mating time!

“Lil,” Nic hissed in her ear. “Who is that guy? He looks like he just escaped from prison!”

Yes, yes, yes.
He did. So yummy.

Trying to maintain her composure, something that was growing infinitely harder with each step taken in Grey’s direction, she waved halfheartedly at the woman behind the reception desk. “See you tomorrow,” she yelled, grabbing Grey’s arm. “Have a great night!”

“It’s only noon! Lil? Lillian!”

She ignored the shouting and once outside, jumped into Grey’s arms and buried her face in his neck. Growling, Grey wrapped his arms around her and carried her quickly down the sidewalk. The next thing she knew, she was being tossed inside his Hummer.

Aside from the two of them, the vehicle was empty. “Where’s your entourage?” Shayanne asked breathlessly as Grey pushed her backward onto the floor of the vehicle and yanked off her dress pants.

“Not here,” he growled.

They both groaned as he swiftly entered her.

“Shayanne,” he mumbled, burying his face in her neck.

Breath shuddered from her lungs. “Say it again,” she whispered.

He lifted his head, just enough to look down at her. “What?”

“My name,” she said, her voice cracking. “Say my real name again.”

His features lit with understanding and his mouth curved into a warm smile.

“Shayanne,” he said softly, almost reverently.

She couldn’t help herself, hearing her name—her real name—while in the arms of a wolf, her wolf, she fell apart and burst into tears.


• • •

Several hours later, back at Shayanne’s apartment, they were seated on the couch, sharing a pizza. Or rather, Grey was sitting on her couch, and she was sitting on his cock and feeding him pizza.

“Not what I had in mind when I asked you to dinner,” he rasped as she rocked back and forth over top of him.

Why did he want to go out to dinner? This was mating heat. Dinner was optional.

“It’s mating heat,” she whispered. “I need as much of you as possible before I have to go without.”

The thought of him leaving, of going another month without him, had her panicking. And once she started to panic and her panic combined with mating heat, she began to shift.

Seeing this, Grey’s eyes went instantly yellow and the bones beneath his skin rippled as they cracked and re-formed.

Shayanne’s breath caught. He was so powerful, not just physically but overall. He was a born alpha, a wolf through and through.

“You’re incredible,” she said breathlessly. And he really was. His scars, she decided in that instant, were sexy as hell. Without them, he’d be just another good-looking wolf with an ego the size of the Rockies. With them, he wasn’t just an alpha, he was an alpha who deserved the title.

“Who am I, Shayanne?” he growled softly, his voice thick as he continued shifting.

“My alpha,” she panted.

“Good girl,” he growled, and his praise as her alpha rippled over her skin like a soft caress, causing her to whine in response, wanting more.

He leaned forward, grabbing her arms, holding her still as he nuzzled her cheek with his scarred one.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“Your mate,” she breathed, feeling a foreign excitement growing inside her belly. Something was happening to her, something that had nothing to do with sex or mating heat, but she knew instinctively had everything to do with the wolf inside her, the wolf who over the last month had been making herself known in all facets of Shayanne’s life.

“My mate,” he repeated, his chest heaving, his eyes gleaming.

My God, something was happening, something she couldn’t control, nor did she want to.

“Yes,” she cried softly, grinding her hips over his. “I’m your mate.”

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