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Modern Girl's Guide to Friends With Benefits (5 page)

BOOK: Modern Girl's Guide to Friends With Benefits
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Megan was liking this idea more and more. Maybe she should do a little hands-on research for her book. It might be just what she needed to get out of this slump. "Do you think Scotland has a ski team?"

Kim turned and shrugged. "I can always ask around."

"Have you decided on a color?" the girl working on her pedicure asked, breaking into the conversation.

Megan glanced at the soft pink she'd selected and frowned. She put it back onto the tray and handed the girl a deep red, labeled
. That seemed about right for what she had planned.



After a hard day on the slopes, Peter ached from head to toe, but he felt good. His head was finally clear. While out with the guys, he had time to think about his issues with Megan. He'd come to an epiphany while on the mountainside. Megan was his friend, plain and simple. Too much time had passed for things to be any different. There might have been a time, years ago, when things could have changed, but she'd made it clear that they could only be friends. And he wasn't about to ruin that because he couldn't keep his dick under control.

"That was great," Simon said, piling into the Escalade with Matt. "Thanks for coming out, Peter. I know it was hard for you to get away. These last few months have been crazy, coordinating the holiday ads with the new staff at the New York office and Julia trying to juggle all the requests she's been getting for her photography. Not to mention all the legal hassle she's had to deal with since her mom died. You've been pulling way more than your share."

"Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss this for the world." Peter looked out the window and sighed. "We're not going to have many more opportunities to do this. Everything's changing. Matt's going to be a dad soon. How crazy is that?"

"You have no idea," Matt laughed. "I go from being excited to nauseated and panicked every few hours. But God, I can't describe how happy I am. And what about you?" Matt turned to Simon and elbowed him. "I see the writing on the wall. I'm surprised you haven't asked Julia to marry you yet."

"I'm actually planning on asking her over Christmas," Simon said with a big grin.

"Congrats, brother." Peter punched him in the arm. "You're one lucky SOB. Julia is great."

"To be honest, I'm nervous," he said. "Julia's determined to make it by herself, without my support. And I'm all for that, but I'm ready to move forward. I'm just not sure if she's ready to say yes. She wouldn't even move in with me. Even though we both hate the two apartments thing. She has a studio space at her place and it's not easy for her to work at my apartment. Hers is so small, there's hardly room for any of my stuff. And don't get me started on that shower. Let's just say it's not ideal."

"Go with your gut," Peter said, trying to be encouraging, but he didn't really know Julia well enough to say one way or the other.

"I agree," Matt said. "You'll know when it's right."

"I'm ready. Hell, I know we're ready. And I think Christmas is the right time to ask," Simon said with surety. "She doesn't have many happy holiday memories. I want this to be one."

Peter noticed the hotel out the Escalade window and he frowned. "I thought we were meeting the girls at the bar?"

"No. Evidently, Megan talked them all into dressing up for tonight. Julia thinks we should join in. She wanted to take some photos," Simon said. "So we're headed back to get dressed for the occasion."

That really piqued his curiosity. Peter remembered what Megan had been wearing before she left and couldn't imagine anything sexier. Luckily, it didn't take them long to get cleaned up. They were usually casual on these trips, but he did have a suit with him. However, as they walked into the martini bar, he suddenly felt underdressed in his white oxford and slacks.

Julia was sitting in a booth with Beth, sipping a tall martini and watching the dance floor. Between the sixties-style hairdos and the vintage clothing, they looked like they'd just walked off the set of "Mad Men." But Megan was missing. Peter scanned the room and spotted her right away. She was on the other side of the room with Kim, holding court.

There were a half-dozen people around her, hanging on her every word. She had an almost fully filled martini glass in one hand and a cigar in the other. Simon pushed around Peter, slapping his back and urging him to the table. He stumbled the few feet but didn't sit down. He was transfixed by the sight of her.

Megan's dark curls were smoothed into a soft cascade framing the side of her face, and tucked behind one ear was a red rose. Her lips were painted the same crimson color and her eyes were outlined in a dark shadow that just brought out the caramel color. She was still wearing the naughty librarian getup that hugged her ample breasts and flared out at the hips, emphasizing her sexy curves, but she'd added mile-high red stilettos.

Megan was beautiful, but tonight she literally stole his breath. A whole troop of Vargas pin-up girls couldn't hold a candle to her.

Megan caught sight of him, and brought the cigar to her lips, smiling seductively. With that gesture, the eroticism of the scene ticked up to a whole new level. Great. Now he was imagining exactly how those red lips would look wrapped around his cock.

"Thirty. Can you believe it?" Simon said and slapped him on the back, bringing him back to reality. "You'd think she'd have grown up by now." He shook his head and sat down with the rest of their party. "Are you going to stand there all night, or are you going to join us?"

Peter was torn. Just this afternoon he'd concluded that in order for them to continue as friends, he needed to keep some distance. Not physical distance, but emotional. She was a grown woman and he needed to respect her choices. But fuck, he was teetering between wanting to throw his jacket over her, and an overwhelming desire to slide a hand up that dress to find out if she'd continued the vintage theme to her underwear. Peter swallowed the lump forming in his throat and sat down.

"What's with the costumes?" he asked.

"It was Meg's idea," Julia said with a smile. "We took some great photos earlier. The owner asked for some prints. Kim and Megan look amazing. I'm not sure I pull off the whole vintage thing."

"You look great. I look like a house," Beth said, laughing.

"You look great, babe," Matt said and leaned in for a kiss.

"I want a photo of you," Simon said to Julia. "If you get all the settings fixed on the camera, I'm sure even Peter could get a couple shots of us tonight."

Peter was too busy watching Meg flirt with the group of guys around her and was only partially paying attention to the conversation around the table. When he saw the blond to her left lean in and brush his lips against her ear, Peter got to his feet. "I going to say hello to Kim," he said. "And Meg."

If they had anything to say about his sudden departure, Peter didn't notice. He crossed the room, wading through the crowd, all the while staring daggers at the asshole who was getting far too personal with Meg. Who did this guy think he was?

"Meg, is there a problem here?" Peter said, trying hard to keep the anger out of his voice.

"There you are," Meg said a little too loudly. "Took you guys long enough. I was beginning to worry you got lost in the woods" Leaning forward, putting those tits on display, she whispered, "But I'm glad you're here now."

The young guy standing next to Meg touched her shoulder and whispered something in her ear. She laughed, but it didn't sound genuine.

"This is Peter," she said. "He's the friend I was telling you about. Peter, this is Jan. He's from Norway."

"Jan," Peter said through clenched teeth.

"It's pronounced Y-aan," he said and held out his hand to shake. "But I don't live in Norway. I actually grew up in Wisconsin, but I ski for the Norwegian team because I was born there."

"What?" Meg said, putting extra drama in the syllable. She turned around, stepping between them before Peter had to shake the guy's hand. "Wisconsin? Really? That's false advertising."

The jerk smiled and slid a hand up her bare arm, leaning too close. "Don't worry, sweetheart, I can still be your Viking."

Meg's smile slipped and she stepped away from him. Peter just glared at the guy. Fuck, he really wanted to punch him in the face.

Juiced-up alpha assholes weren't usually her style, but Peter knew the type well from his years in collegiate sports. These guys were entitled and way too pushy. And from the way the guy kept eyeing her tits, Peter knew things could go south fast. Screw distance. He wanted to get her away from him. But he was going to have to approach this carefully. Meg would react in the worst possible way if he just started yelling at the jerk to get his hands off her.

"Meg, sweetie, I haven't had a chance to properly say hello." He held out his hand for her to take. "Care to dance?"

Without hesitation, she shoved the half-full martini into the chest of the asshole with his hands on her. A smile lit up her face. In a low, sex kitten purr, she said, "I'd love to. See you later, boys." She turned to Kim and asked, "Are you okay by yourself?"

He hadn't even really noticed Kim standing there. She was dressed up like the other women in a slinky red number that hugged her curves and accented her dark skin. Her makeup was done in bright colors like Meg's, but instead of soft waves, her short hair was smoothed down with styled curls around her face, reminiscent of Josephine Baker.

"Don't worry about me." Kim smiled slyly and shot a sideways glance to a brooding hulk of a man behind her. "I'm set for the night."

Satisfied, Megan started toward the dance floor without him. She wasn't more than a few steps away before she wobbled a bit. Quickly, Peter reached out and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her flush against his frame. The music was perfect for a smooth waltz, so he went with it.

"What was that all about?" he asked after their first round of the floor.

Smile still plastered on her face, Meg rolled her eyes. "Some guys, you give them an inch and they think they've bought the whole cow."

"You're starting to mix your metaphors. Exactly how many martinis did you have?"

"Three, four, a half-dozen." She shrugged and let go, spinning gracefully into a turn. "It's my birthday, Peter. I think I'm allowed to have some fun."

"I'm leading," Peter said, catching her hand and pulling her back into the frame. "And that guy with his hands on you? That's how you want to have fun?"

"So what if it is?"

"I don't like this, Meg," Peter said. "You've had too much to drink and this isn't like you. Maybe I should take you back to the cabin."

"For the last time, I'm not drunk. Besides, do you even realize what a sexist douche you sound like? You're telling me you can pick up strangers in a bar, but I can't?" she said, frowning, but not missing a beat. "But don't worry your pretty little head. Jan's not my type. It looks like I'll be going home alone. Again."

Meg, still fighting him for the lead, arched back into a dip and he acquiesced. A series of quick flashes went off.

"Hold that pose," Julia shouted. "How about leaning back a little farther, like he's dipping you back for a kiss. And Peter, pull her closer."

Megan reached up around his neck and pulled him down. "Let's give them a show," she said and kissed him.

Peter was taken completely by surprise. A few more flashes went off as Megan's warm lips moved against his. Her arms locked around his neck, and her full breasts pressed into his chest.

He didn't know how to respond at first. To be honest, he was afraid to move. This wasn't one of her quick pecks that he'd grown used to over the years. He waited. Only, she parted her lips and the tip of her tongue touched him, and he forgot to move with caution.

Peter closed his arms around her waist and dove in, tasting the salty, bitter flavor of the martini still on her lips. His hands slid down her spine to grip her ass, and Meg leaned into his caress. A groan slipped from the back of his throat as she pressed into him. Fuck, he was a goner.

They stood there in the middle of the bar, kissing for what seemed like forever, until Julia coughed. Coming back to his senses, Peter practically dropped Meg, and stepped away, gasping for breath.

"Well, that was unexpected," Julia said nonchalantly and walked to the booth in the back of the bar.

Megan laughed and slapped Peter on the arm. "I hope she caught that. I'm sure they'll be killer photos."

BOOK: Modern Girl's Guide to Friends With Benefits
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