Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies (25 page)

BOOK: Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies
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Celeste would say that having your first book published is as exciting as not only
Theo Christmas, but having him show up at your house for dinner (hopefully Aunt Doreen won’t be there to embarrass you). I’d say that it’s ten million times that cool.
There are many, many people who helped me along the way. So I’d like to thank . . .
My parents, for their never-ending support, enthusiasm, and patience, and for always encouraging me to follow my dream. And for (sometimes) letting me get away with reading at the dinner table and with a flashlight under the covers.
My sister, Lindsay, for her support, joy, humor . . . and for a lifetime of good stories.
My grandmothers: Nina, for her love of laughter, and Mem, for her gift of words.
My agent, Sally Harding—personal cheerleader, voice of reason, and Champion of Celeste. You made my dream come true.
My Awesome Editor at Dial Books, Alisha Niehaus, for loving Celeste as much as I do and giving her story life. I could not have asked for a more talented, passionate partner in this endeavor. This book is a zillion times better because of your insight and skill.
My writer’s group—Gary, Paul, Heather, Phoebe, Ruthbea, Sy, and Megan—who has been with Celeste from the beginning. Thank you for never letting me cut corners, pushing me to write better, and helping draft after draft after draft of this book take shape.
My cousin Susan, for providing the inspirational bridesmaid dress.
Dann Russo (
), for letting Theo Christmas sing his songs.
Wendy French and the Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference, for encouraging me to take Celeste from short story to novel.
January Gill O’Neil, for being a wonderful friend, phenomenal poet, partner in literary endeavors, and inspirational Poet Mom.
The PEN/New England Children’s Book Caucus, for choosing an early incarnation of
as one of its 2006 Susan P. Bloom Discovery Night Award winners. And special thanks to Leslie Sills, who pulled Celeste from the pile, starting me on this journey.
The teachers who developed my love of reading and writing—especially Evelyn DeBaerstrand, Celia Baron, Pamela Painter, and Elizabeth Graver. And to Bonnie Rudner and Lisa Jahn-Clough, who rekindled my love of children’s literature.
The friends and family who have cheered me on, including Dianne, Scott, Anne, Katie, Shelagh, Sarah, Kerri, Amy, J-Sav, Joe, and Ma and Dad C.
My husband, Frank, whose unwavering faith, love, and confidence in me gives me the freedom and courage to tell stories. I could never thank you enough.

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