Read Mistletoe Bachelors Online

Authors: Jennifer Snow

Mistletoe Bachelors (2 page)

BOOK: Mistletoe Bachelors
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Cole hit the button on the pole at the crosswalk for a walk signal and paced back and forth
on the crowded sidewalk to keep warm. A light snow fell and melted as it hit the ground,
creating dirty slush puddles on the street. The sky was overcast and dark and the crisp air pierced
through his clothing, but even the unfavorable weather couldn’t destroy his good mood.

The light turned to walk, and he hummed as he crossed the busy street. He couldn’t believe
his luck. This Christmas season had gotten considerably more appealing.
Women’s World
was one of the fastest growing women’s magazines in the state, and a six-page photo
spread in its holiday edition would do wonders for his career. The two-week long travel
assignment to document the holiday traditions of some of New York’s finest men would be a
great kick-start to the season. Of course, taking pictures of five dudes while they celebrated the
holidays wasn’t top on his list of things to photograph, but at least, he knew two of them.
Bachelor number one, Scott Thompson and number three Blake Ford had only agreed to the
assignment because of his persuasion. He grinned. Having the editor-in-chief of
Women’s World
owe him a favor was a great position to be in. Add a generous expense account and a
sexy as hell travel companion, and this would be a great trip.

He paused at the next set of lights and shoved his hands in his pockets. The corner of a
business card poked his finger and he pulled it out as he crossed the street.
Madison Grey
. The woman was exactly as everyone had warned. Tough, stubborn and determined. And
incredibly beautiful. He’d met her before, briefly, at the New York Times award dinner three
years before. At the time, she’d been married to some lawyer in Manhattan. Rumor had it, the
guy had a wandering eye and the marriage lasted less than three years. Cole shook his head.
anyone could stray from Madison Grey’s sexy legs, he’d never understand

He chuckled at the memory of her pretty features, as she’d read his submission. The story,
written by his young niece for an elementary school homework assignment, had been meant as a
joke. However, when she’d taken it seriously, he’d played along. He wanted to meet her before
their meeting with Damian, but it had soon become clear, she had no idea who he was or about
the assignment she was being given. An assignment, he suspected she wasn’t thrilled about.
She’d remained silent throughout the meeting and her face had paled when the bachelor list was
presented. Her reaction surprised him. Most women he knew would have jumped at the
opportunity to interview these handsome, successful men. He wondered why Madison was the

Cole pushed open the door to the
on the corner. The smell of fresh-brewed coffee
and cinnamon spiced scones made his stomach growl. He loosened his borrowed tie and
unbuttoned his shirt as he waited in line. He hated wearing a tie. He didn’t know how those
corporate guys, like his brother-in-law, wore one every day.

His cell phone rang, and he reached into his pocket.
Women’s World Quarterly
flashed on
the display screen.
She missed him already
? He grinned and cocked his head to the side as he
accepted the call. “Hello?”

“Cole Harris?”
The voice was not Madison’s.
“That’s me.” He covered the receiver as he reached the counter. A pretty, petite redhead

waited to take his order.

Her smile was coy, as she twirled a piece of hair around her finger. “What can I get started
for you?”
“A gingerbread latte please.” He said with a wink, reaching into his back pocket for his
The young barista blushed and dashed off to make the latte.
Cole turned his attention back to the call.
“Mr. Harris, this is Ashley from
Women’s World.
We have your travel itinerary confirmed.
We can email you a copy if that’s more convenient,” she paused before adding, “or you could
stop by…”
Cole smiled. The young receptionist had flirted with him twice that day. She was cute.
Maybe he’d bring her a latte. Maybe convince her to help him with something—like Madison’s
He gestured to the barista. “Make that two…to go.” Then into the phone, “I’ll stop by to
pick it up.”
“Great.” The girl purred. “See you soon, Mr. Harris.”
Cole disconnected the call and paid for the lattes, tossing the change into the tip jar on the
counter. “Thanks.” He waved as he left the store.
The girl smiled and tossed her red curls over her shoulder as she turned her attention to the
next customer in line.
Outside, Cole shivered and brought one of the steaming cups to his lips. Red lipstick on the
side caught his attention. “Britney-475-5693”. He grinned.
If only they were all that easy.

Chapter Two

“Madison, that’s your fourth cosmopolitan in an hour, you may want to—never mind.”
Samantha said, as a waiter arrived with two more drinks for Madison.
Mulhalley’s Pub
, the popular after work grill and pub had become their favorite Friday night
girls spot. Tonight was Tuesday, and Madison never drank during the week.
Madison drained the contents of the glass in her hand and reached for another.
Samantha moved it out of reach. “Just start from the beginning, and tell me what happened.
It can’t be that bad.”
Madison refused to talk about her new assignment all afternoon, locking herself in her office
under a pile of work. She’d emailed Samantha to meet her at
after work, skipping
their usual Tuesday night yoga class.
“Come on, Madison. Did you not receive the writing assignment?” A worried expression
crossed Samantha’s face. She leaned forward, across the table in the booth, to be heard above the
noise in the pub.
Loud Christmas music played from a speaker above their heads.
Jeez, Christmas music
It was only the first of December. The festivities seemed to start earlier every year.
Madison frowned. “Oh, I got the assignment.” She nodded.
“That’s great—isn’t it?” Confusion spread across Samantha’s petite features. “This
you wanted, right?”
Madison nodded, and then shook her head. Her shoulders sagged as she took another sip of
her cosmopolitan. She wanted a writing assignment, just not
“Yes? No? I’m confused. Madison what’s wrong?” Exasperation filled Samantha’s voice.
She couldn’t leave her friend in suspense any longer. She took a deep breath. “Cole Harris
for one thing.” She slumped forward in her seat. “He’s so arrogant, and he thinks that sexy smile
of his can get him anything he wants.”
“Besides the obvious fact that it can. What does Cole Harris’s smile have to do with your
assignment?” Samantha picked up her wine glass and took a sip.
“It’s a travel assignment interviewing five of New York’s finest bachelors on their holiday
traditions…” She explained, rolling her eyes. As if women cared about how five of the most
arrogant, unattainable men in New York would be spending their holidays.
Okay, maybe some
women cared.
“So, you have to interview him.” Samantha shrugged. “Twenty minutes alone with him
won’t kill you. In fact, I’d spend twenty minutes alone with him any day.”
Madison shot her an annoyed look.
“What? He’s hot.”
Madison shook her head. “Anyway, that’s not it. He’s traveling with me to photograph the
“Madison, forgive me for saying this, but there are far worse fates in life than to have to
travel with a gorgeous, successful man during one of the most romantic times of year. You’re
overreacting.” Samantha sat back in her chair and relaxed.
“You haven’t heard the worst part yet.” Madison rested her head on her arm on the table.
Samantha reached across and picked up her forehead, forcing her friend to look at her.
“Well, what is it? And if you say you have an unlimited expense account, I’m out of here.”
“Kurt.” Madison dropped her head back against the table with a thud.
“Your ex-husband? What does he have to do with—oh no!” Samantha clasped a hand over
her mouth.
Madison nodded in confirmation.
“You have to interview him?”
Madison nodded again.
“Oh, Madison.” Samantha pushed the drinks in Madison’s direction as she listened.
“I know—ironic, isn’t it? I finally land the assignment I’ve been asking for, and it turns out
to be the assignment from hell. I don’t enjoy the Christmas season or spending time in
Manhattan, and I’m definitely not excited about seeing Kurt again.” She shuddered. Even the
sound of her ex-husband’s name made her cringe.
“Why did you accept the assignment?” Samantha looked at her with concern.
“How could I refuse? I have begged Damian for a writing assignment for months.” She shook
her head. “I had to accept. Besides, it wasn’t as if I had a choice. You should have seen the two
of them.” Madison’s tone grew angry. “They planned the entire itinerary without once consulting
me.” It wasn’t the exact truth. They had asked her input, but she’d been too stunned by the whole
thing to do more than nod in agreement.
“When do you start?” Samantha flagged the waiter for their bill.
thing tomorrow
morning on
ferry to
Manhattan.” Madison looked distressed, holding her head in her hands. On such short notice, she
hadn’t even had time to process the whole thing yet.
“Seven o’clock ferry? Ouch, that’s early.” Samantha said, looking at the empty glasses in
front of her friend.
Madison followed her gaze. She wasn’t a morning person, add a hangover, and she would
feel awful.
Why had she drank so much?
This wasn’t her usual way of dealing with her stress.
She should have gone to their usual yoga class. Though she suspected no amount of deep
breathing would help ease the tension seeping through her neck and shoulders.
“Let’s get you some coffee and get you home. I have a feeling tomorrow morning will be
here faster than you’re going to like.”

* * * *

The sound of
Jingle Bell Rock
filled Madison’s room early the next morning.
She opened one sleepy eye and peered at the alarm clock on the bedside table. “Five thirty?
Are you kidding me?” She groaned, burying her head under the pillow.
Why hadn’t she insisted
on a later ferry to Manhattan?
They weren’t interviewing the first bachelor until the following
day. She frowned. Of course, Cole Harris had suggested the extra day for preparation. She
remembered he’d mentioned something about picking up supplies from his studio in the city.
“Hmph.” She fumbled with the alarm clock until she found the
button and slammed it twice.

The smell of coffee filled her room.
Had she set the maker last night?
She sat up
straight, pushing the pillow aside.
. She smiled.
Thank God for her friend
. Madison
yawned as she made her way to the bathroom. She smiled when she saw her favorite red sweater
and charcoal dress pants lying over her chaise in the corner of the room.
What would she do
without her friend?
She climbed into the shower, and as the hot water trickled down her back,
she forced herself to think of the next three weeks as a stepping stone in her career and not an
experience that might kill her. Her long awaited opportunity to prove herself in the world of
journalism. Sure, it was just for the holiday edition, but she was confident once Damian saw her
potential, writing assignments would be a regular thing. With the new changes occurring in the
New Year, she hoped to move away from the editing department for good.

As she finished flat ironing her long dark hair, the doorbell rang.
Her landlord coming to
collect her rent check?
Grabbing her purse, she opened the door.
Cole Harris stood on the other side.
Her mouth fell open as her gaze met his. “What are you doing here?” Annoyance filled her
“I thought we could drive to the ferry together.” He smiled. “And good morning to you too.”
He handed her a cup of coffee.
“How did you get in here?” Madison scanned the hallways. This was a secure building.
Someone must have broken the rule set by the strata committee against allowing unregistered
guests into the building.
“Moving guys outside let me in. I helped them carry a couch.” Cole said with a shrug.
Madison shook her head. “That’s fantastic.” She took a deep breath and cleared her throat.
“Anyway, I was planning to take a taxi…” She explained, accepting the coffee cup with
reluctance. It smelled too wonderful to resist, even if it would be cup number four so far that
“Now you don’t have to.” Cole said. “Are you ready to go or can I come in?” He tucked a
hand into his jeans pocket.
“I’ll just be a minute.” Madison stepped back to let him in. “Wait a second, how did you get
my address?” She blocked the entrance to her apartment.
“I stopped by reception at the magazine office yesterday afternoon, and they gave it to me.”
He sipped his own coffee and peered at her over the rim.
“What? We have a policy against giving out personal private information. Who did you talk
to?” She could guess.
“Alisha? Petite blonde at reception.” He shrugged.
. She didn’t bother to correct him. “That explains it.” No doubt his charm
hadn’t gone unnoticed or unappreciated by the young blonde receptionist. “I’m sure she sang like
a canary the moment you flashed that sexy…” She stopped and turned away, grabbing her jacket
from the hook behind the door.
Cole grinned and cocked his head to the side. “You think I have a sexy something? What is
it?” He reached to help her with her coat.
She moved away. “Nothing.” She pushed him through the open door and closed it behind
“I bet it’s my butt.” He grinned, leaning against the wall in the hallway.
She locked her apartment door.
“Am I right? I saw you checking me out in your office yesterday.” He took a sip of his
“I definitely was not.” Madison let out a deep breath. “I just meant, some people might give
in to your charm, that’s all.” She struggled with the large suitcase, dragging it down the hall.
He took it from her. “But, not you?”
“Not me.” She shook her head.
“Are you sure?” He paused.
“Without a doubt.” She snatched back the handle of the suitcase and continued down the
His laughter followed her. “This is going to be fun.”
She didn’t dare question what he meant.

BOOK: Mistletoe Bachelors
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