Miss Taken (4 page)

Read Miss Taken Online

Authors: Milly Taiden

Tags: #Romance, #Multicultural, #Paranormal, #Romantic Comedy, #Fantasy, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Miss Taken
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Kira glanced at the bowl of stew and rolls. Everything smelled so good. She cleared her throat and picked up a roll, taking a bite. It melted in her mouth.

She moaned, chewing on the bread and loving how buttery it was. “Did you make this?”

He sat on the edge of the bed. “You sound surprised at the idea a man could make something edible.”

She snorted, picking up her lemonade. It was sweet and tart and perfect. “No. But come on, how many men do you know who can cook and do it well?”

He shrugged. “All of my friends know how to cook.”

Her jaw fell open and her eyes widened. “All of them?”

He nodded. “Why? Is that uncommon?”

She spooned in her first taste of stew. It was good. It was damn good. And he was hot? There had to be something wrong with him. Her shoulders dropped. He probably had a small penis. “Yes. I’ve yet to meet a man who didn’t expect a woman to cook for him.” She licked the spoon and went for a second scoop. “Those who think they know? They don’t know shit. They will make you a sandwich, dirty every plate, and then expect you to clean up after them.”

“What kind of men have you had in your life?” he asked, his voice a rough growl.

“A bunch of narcissistic pricks. Does that answer your question?” She picked up the second roll and went back to eating.

“Why were you interested in finding the owners of Raging Falls?”

She licked her lips and continued eating. “A business proposition. Peter, the current person in charge of Rakida,” she said, hating the words but had to use them since Peter was in charge, “wants Raging Falls. The dickhead won’t leave me alone until I find out who owns it and get him the information.”

“It doesn’t matter who owns it,” he growled. She wondered what kind of shifter he was. The angrier he got, the more she wanted to find out. His eyes changed from the ice blue she’d been captivated with to a bright gold. It reminded her of her mother’s engagement ring in a beautiful canary diamond. “The owners won’t sell.”

She nodded, more excited with his features than the words coming out of his mouth. She’d never seen a shifter…well, shift. Not even close. In fact, she’d never even met one. Oh, sure, she knew they existed, but she led such a workaholic life with little time to socialize, that she’d never gone out to meet shifters. That was sad. Her lack of a life had kept her from seeing what Luke was doing before.

“It’s just a business offer,” she mumbled, placing the tray on the night table and sipping more of the lemonade. “If they don’t want it, they can just say no.”

He clenched his jaw and leaned forward. Instead of being worried, she put her glass down and sat up straighter. There was an invisible pull from Luke. She found herself leaning forward and staring deep into his eyes. “They’ve rejected the offers before. Your boss doesn’t know when to leave well enough alone.”

Her breaths started coming faster. Even her heart sped up. She licked her lips. Her attention focused on his face. His features had changed. There was a wild fire in his eyes. She raised a hand to touch his cheek. “This is amazing.”

He stopped. The anger she’d seen in his eyes fled, replaced by a new light. Hunger. Need. Lust.

Oh, my.

“Do you know what’s amazing?” he asked quietly.

Something told her not to ask, but fuck it. “What?”

“That you’re in my bed, so wet and hot and I’m still hanging on to my control.” He glanced at her lips. “Barely.”

She gasped. “I’m not wet.”

His lips lifted into a know-it-all grin. “Oh, you’re soaked, darling.” He slid on top of the bed, prowling towards her. “Your pussy’s slick and desperately begging for my cock.”

Shiiiiit. He was a mind reader. She had no idea shifters could do that. “You’re,” she inhaled sharply, grasping clumps of the sheet at her sides, “confused.”

He placed a hand to either side of her legs, continuing to move closer. He sucked in air and a low rumble sounded from his chest. The sound so raw and primal, she pressed her legs together to keep from drenching the sheets. “I’m not confused.” He sat on his heels in front of her. “I know what you want and I know what I want.”

She blinked at the harshness of his features. His lips caught her attention. They formed a full straight line. Determination and ownership filled his gaze. “What, um, what do you want?”


He hooked a hand behind her neck at the same time he leaned forward and kissed her. His lips met hers. He swept his tongue into her mouth, licking and igniting her most basic urges. She let go of the sheet. Gliding her hands over his powerful arms, she hitched a breath into the mind-muddling kiss. His skin was so hot. Every muscle felt hard as stone. She ran her nails around the back of his head, digging her fingers into his short hair.

Her pussy throbbed in need. God. How could she think clearly when he was slipping his tongue in and out of her mouth, curling it over hers? Soft growling and heavy breathing filled the room. She leaned back. His body draped over hers with his clothes and the thin sheet as the most annoying barrier between them.







Fuck, she was easy. She’d never wanted to get naked this bad in her life. She widened her legs, allowing his big body to rest there, his erection pressing at the heart of her need.

She wasn’t a woman driven by desires. Nope. But this man was making her crazy. She’d had a handful of hours under his roof and she was more attracted to him than any of her ex-fiancés.

This was too much. Too fast. She yanked away from their kiss. He didn’t stop. He kissed his way to her collarbone, sucking lightly at the curve of her neck. Fiery lust shot through her system. She lost her breath with the sizzles going from her nipples to her pussy.

“Luke,” she moaned. God. Even his name sounded sexy.

“Say it again,” he growled, tugging at the shirt she had on and snapping buttons open. “Say my name like you can’t wait for my cock to be inside you.”

“Jesus, Luke,” she breathed brokenly.

“There. I like that sound.” He rocked his hips, and his stiff erection pushed at her panties, rubbing the thin material on her clit.

She moaned. A shudder weaved through her. “
Oh, my

The shirt came open. He tugged the material away from her chest, pushing her tits into the open. He latched on to her nipple, licking and sucking and flicking his tongue on the sensitive bud. He enslaved her with his tongue. Lapping circles over her flesh. Then he bit her hard. She swore she felt his fangs puncture her skin.

Pleasure scored every pore on her body. She couldn’t get enough air into her lungs. Too many sensations. All of them driving her crazy with lust. He captured her other nipple with his lips, grazing his teeth over the mound of her breast. Another bite. Tug. Lick. Her body went up in flames.

She pressed him to her chest, wanting more of his mouth on her. All over her. He snarled. The sound sent a vibration to her clit. She wiggled her hips. A soft gasp rolled from the back of her throat. He thrust his erection against her pussy, the material of her panties once again rubbing on her clit.

“Luke,” she groaned. How could her brain tell her they shouldn’t be doing this now? Her body disagreed. His cock inside her sounded damn good. But she didn’t know this guy. So what, he was a shifter? She hadn’t had more than five minutes of conversation with him. Most of those five minutes, she’d been the one talking. “We can’t.”

The words had just left her mouth when he stopped. He glanced up at her face. She didn’t know what he saw, but he pulled away, running a hand through his hair and growling unintelligibly.

“I’m sorry,” he finally said in a voice she could understand.

She rushed to sit up and cover her breasts. Her nipples were still wet from where he’d licked her. Fuck. She crossed and uncrossed her legs, wishing she could make the ache in her pussy go away.

“It’s okay.” She cleared her throat.

“It’s not. I let myself lose control.” He sounded so pained saying the words. Like they were torn from him. “I can’t promise it won’t happen again.”

“Relax, big guy. It takes two to tango and I guess my body really likes you,” she tried to smile. “Luke, listen. I don’t react this way.” She glanced into his intense eyes and cleared her throat. “I mean, I don’t just let a man I don’t know do…what you did.”

He gave a curt nod. “I understand.”

She shook her head. “No you don’t, because I don’t.” She shrugged. “It’s clear we have something going here. Some crazy sexual attraction, but I’ve never given in to that. I have always been able to control my body.” She winced. “Until now.”

He stood so rigid she wasn’t sure what he was thinking. Most of the time she didn’t really worry how she came across to a man, but Luke had made her belly do cartwheels. The man had to be special for that to happen.

He picked up the tray on the night table and walked out without another word.

Fuck! Stupid common sense and logic. Why did it decide to remind her that she wasn’t a one-night stand kind of woman? Because she wasn’t. She’d end up hurt if she did something with Luke. Kira didn’t know how not to get emotional with a man she had sex with. It was natural for her to be in a relationship when she had sex. This whole day had been unnatural.

She glanced down at herself and groaned. She could still feel him pressing his body over hers, pushing her into the mattress. Hell, she could feel his raspy tongue dancing on her nipple. Lord. His erection made her panties brush over her clit. It was so fucking sexy.

So why now? Having his body pressed against hers felt natural. She bit her lip. Maybe common sense was not the way to go right now. Her instinct never steered her wrong. Her body told her Luke was different. That sex upon first meeting didn’t matter with him because he wasn’t like other men.

How true could that be? Did she want to chance it? Yes, she nodded. She did. She was willing to push aside her beliefs to feel Luke’s skin against hers. She’d gladly ignore all thoughts of not knowing him well to explore the sensations he brought out in her. If she got the chance again, she’d do it. She’d get herself a taste of the big, sexy man and fuck what her brain said.

She limped to the en suite bathroom and stripped off the shirt. The longer she wore it, the more she kept thinking of Luke ripping it off. Stupid lust and all it brought. Now she’d be thinking of Luke licking and sucking her tits. Luke kissing her like she belonged to him. Fucking hell! Luke sliding his cock into her. Something he didn’t get to do.

She carefully removed the bandage on her ankle and winced. It was covered in a dark purple bruise that felt incredibly tender to the touch. She turned on the shower and used his unscented body wash to bathe.

She needed a damn phone. Even if Peter didn’t give a shit, Carly would be worried sick at her disappearance. When she finished showering, she searched through his bathroom looking for a brush. She found a comb. Ah, well. Beggars couldn’t be choosy.

If only she had her handbag. She always carried toothpaste, a brush and deodorant. She’d been stranded in airports too many times without her luggage. She never went anywhere without that and an extra set of clean underwear.

“Are you expecting to lose the ones you have on?” Carly had laughed.

It had nothing to do with losing the ones she had. As a child, Kira’s mother had always said, “
Mi hija
, always wear a nice pair of undies in case you end up in a hospital, and carry a spare.”








When she’d been a kid, she wondered what the hell nice undies had to do with being in the hospital in an emergency, but as she grew up she didn’t question and just did it.

How she missed her mom. She’d have been so good about giving her advice. Thinking of how she’d lost her mother so suddenly to cancer brought back painful memories.

She dried herself with one of the clean towels she found folded in a cabinet and wrapped it around her body.

The first thing she noticed when she got out was her handbag on the bed, along with her cleaned clothes. She limped to the bed and searched her bag for the zippy containing her clean undies, brush, toothpaste, and toothbrush.

She slipped on the panties and thanked her common sense for always carrying deodorant. Body odor was so not her thing. She put on the cotton pants and her wrap around sweater. No way could she slide her foot into her fuzzy boots because it was still swollen so she rewrapped it and put on her socks.

There was always something though. She’d been unable to wear her bra again. It was sweaty and she chose to hand wash it and lay it to dry in the bathroom. She’d officially taken over Luke’s bedroom, it seemed.

“Ah, what the hell?” She’d never waltzed around without a bra and it felt all kinds of sensual but wrong.

She left the bedroom and once again listened but didn’t hear anything. This man had a tendency of disappearing on her. She sighed and sat on the massive rug facing the fireplace. She could have sat on the sofas, but the plush carpet looked so much more inviting.

Her body was wound so tight, she could barely find it in her to relax. How in the hell was she supposed to when her pussy ached like it was on fire? She bit on her lip and caressed her inner thigh. Something was wrong with her. Very wrong. She’d never been this horny in her life. It was like a light switch had been turned on and she only got worse with time.

She curled back on the rug, taking an almost fetal position. There, watching the fire burn, she fell into a restless sleep. She woke when she felt a hand crawl up her leg, caressing her softly and spreading her thighs. She didn’t pull away. Instead, she softened. There was a distinct scent filling her nose. Luke. How she knew it was him touching her? It was more than just deducing. She knew from his touch, from the sound of his breathing.

“Luke,” she moaned, feeling him yank her pants down. She lifted her ass giving in so easily. There was no fight in her. In the past, she would’ve given every excuse under the sun, but right now, all she wanted was him to shove his cock into her and pound her so hard she’d see stars.

“I can’t stay away from you,” he groaned, his lips taking hers in a desperate kiss. Her clothes flew off her body, each piece tugged with an urgency she’d never felt before.

Then he was spreading her large thighs open, pushing her legs back and grunting. She looked at him from under lowered lashes. His nostrils flared. She shouldn’t like the wild, feral look on him so much, but she did. There was something seriously wrong with her. He stared at her folds.

“So wet. So slick,” he grunted.

Yes. She sensed her body growing ready for him to take her. How was it possible? He’d barely touched her. He slid his hand between her wet pussy lips, fondling and caressing. The urge to have him touch her grew. She wanted him kissing her. Licking her. “You have to do something.”

“What do you want,” he said, his churned gravel voice making her already tight nipples hurt.

She reached up, grabbing his arms and tugging him down. “Lick me. Fuck me. Do something.”

“I’ll lick you first,” he lowered his head to breathe over her exposed clit. That alone sent shudders racing up her spine. She watched him inhale. “Then I’ll fuck you. I’m growing desperate to feel your pussy hugging my cock.”

He continued to glide his fingers over her folds, slipping them just barely into her pussy and then pulling them back. The delicious torture drew a moan from her. “Please. God. Please just lick my pussy.”

She let go of his head and cupped her breasts, the ache in her nipples screaming for her to tug and tweak.

“You’ve come at the perfect time, Kira,” he nuzzled her pussy. She choked on a moan, lifting her hips to push her clit over his mouth. “I couldn’t survive my highest time of desire without you.”

She had no fucking clue what that meant, but she’d never wanted a man this badly. Never. She pinched her nipples, fire shooting from her tiny aroused buds to her clit.

He ran his tongue through her folds and up to her clit. A breath hissed from her lips. She arched her back, pushing her hips closer to his mouth. His tongue flattened against her pussy, greedily lapping at her sex like he’d been starved for a taste.

“Yes. Oh god, Luke,” she moaned, dropping a hand to clutch at his short hair while using the other to fondle her tits.

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