Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel (16 page)

BOOK: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel
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Lana paced at the foot of the bed, anger and jealousy shaking her to the core. She had never been so afflicted by any emotion. Yanking the covers from the bed, she threw them on the floor. Something primal propelled her, made her want to scream.

down. Just calm down.

She forced slow, deep breaths, but that helped minimally. Visions of Drew with that woman drove her insane. She grabbed a pillow, placed it over her mouth, and screamed her frustration. After several good blood-curdling screams, the tension eased a little.

A knock on her door made her jump.
Did someone hear her screams?

“One minute, please.” She glanced at the mess she had made. Embarrassed by the evidence of her tantrum, she scurried to lift the covers from the floor and tossed them on the bed.

There was another knock, louder and more insistent. Suddenly, she recalled she had ordered the delivery of her meal to the room.

“Uh, wait one more moment.” She raced to remake the bed, but didn’t bother with perfection. The servant would deliver her meal and be gone in a matter of a few moments, not long enough to evaluate her bed-making abilities, or lack of abilities.

Taking one more calming breath, she smoothed her skirts and opened the door.

“Egads, peach. What took you so long?”

All of Lana’s anger returned when she discovered Drew in the corridor holding a tray of food. She snatched the slice of apple custard pie and smashed it into his face.

Oh, drat, drat, drat.
She gasped and stumbled back a step. What had she been thinking? She had gone too far this time, assaulting a member of the nobility, and with a pie, no less.

Drew kicked the door closed before placing the tray on a side table. He wiped a dollop of pie from his chin with his index finger. “For the love of God, Lana. I told you I don’t care for apples.” His lopsided grin was contagious, and she chuckled in spite of the horrid circumstances.

“I-I’m sorry, my lord. I don’t know what came over me.” She hurried to the washbasin and saturated a cloth before carrying it to him.

He didn’t accept her offering. “You do it. Hardly seems fair I should have to clean your mess.”

Drew plopped into a chair and pulled Lana to stand between his legs.

“Oh.” She wiggled to remove his hands from her backside but only succeeded in providing a thorough tour of her derriere. “Lord Andrew.”

“Yes, Miss Hillary?”

“Kindly remove your hands from my person.”

Drew dropped his hands to his knees. “My apologies, Miss Hillary. I quite forgot myself.”

Lana’s face heated and she swiped at the pie stuck to his cheek.
forgotten himself. She concentrated on removing all evidence of the sweet from his face, trying her best to ignore the bulge pressing against her thigh.

“There. All clean. You may leave.” She scooted away and dropped the cloth into the basin.

Drew remained seated as if she hadn’t dismissed him. He glanced around the room, taking in the disheveled bedclothes. “You’ve been rumpling the bed without me? Now, that’s not very gracious.”

The scoundrel was back, and the heat in his gaze served as evidence of his desire for her.

“If memory serves, you have never suffered from a lack of willing bed partners.”

Drew frowned and rubbed his chin. “True, Miss Hillary.”

She gritted her teeth. Rage boiled under her surface, ready to explode again.

“Of course, there is only
partner who interests me, but she continually pushes me away. I’ve even offered for her hand, but she refuses me.”

Lana busied herself with straightening the covers. “She sounds like an intelligent young woman.”

“Brilliant, I’d say. ’Tis her suitor who has proven dim-witted.”

Her head shot up.

“And desperate,” he added. “We cannot ignore the fact the gentleman has grown desperate, especially since he and the lady reach London tomorrow. She may be forever out of his reach.”

Gone was all of his teasing and bravado. His eyes locked with hers. Her hands shook and she clasped them together to hide her reaction. “H-how so, my lord?”

Drew raised himself from the chair. “Lana, I simply wanted you to feel jealousy like I experienced when you chose Bollrud over me. I thought perhaps you would realize you desire me if someone else seemed interested.”

Lana sniffed and shook her head slightly. He had no idea how badly she wanted him, but not just for a bed partner. “It is best that our association ends here. An affair would be foolhardy.”

Drew advanced, his movements languid and reminiscent of the leopards prowling the Royal Menagerie. “I don’t propose an affair, my sweet. I wish to marry you.”

Lana stepped back, but her legs butted against the bed. “Y-you don’t have to marry me. Lord Richard should tend to his own affairs.”

Drew caressed her hair. “I don’t give a damn about Rich. I want to be a husband to you, a father to our baby.” His other hand covered her stomach.

Every nerve in her body zinged. She willed herself to be strong even as her knees turned to jelly. “W-we don’t know if there is a baby.”

“Then we could make one.”

His mouth claimed hers, his hot lips searing and delicious. Drew’s essence was wild and intoxicating, and Lana lost her ability to think clearly. She moaned as his tongue delved into her mouth and tangled with her own.

He broke the kiss, still clinging to her, their foreheads pressed together. “Peach, you keep making noises like that, and I won’t last long enough to undress you.”

Her eyes flew open. “Y-you want me to be quiet?”

“Hell, no. It’s highly arousing.” He lightly tossed her on the mattress then flipped her on her belly to loosen the fastenings down the back of her gown. Untying the straps of her chemise, he pushed the garment down as he went. “No corset,” he noted. “Very nice.” His lips burned a trail down her back as he nibbled her exposed skin.

After releasing the last button, Drew worked her skirts over her hips and untied her drawers in a matter of seconds. His warm hands grazed her buttocks and down the backs of her thighs as he removed them.

A cool breeze replaced his heat, and she pushed up to her elbows to look over her shoulder. Drew seemed to be feasting on the view. “Mmm, mmm, mmm,” he muttered, shaking his head. “The most perfect derriere ever.”

Lana gasped and her face blazed at the inappropriate compliment. She buried it in the covers to hide her mortification but gasped a second time when he nipped her cheek. “Drew.”

“Yes, dear?” He kissed her other cheek before turning her to face him.

Drew removed his jacket, cravat, and shirt then towered over her, bare from the waist up. Leaning to caress her thighs, his honed torso rippled with each movement. He epitomized excellence in the male species. Why would he choose to commit to her when he would have women throwing themselves at his feet?

She dropped her eyes and crossed her hands over her chest, but he captured her wrists, holding them gently against the bed.

“No, Lana. Look at me.” His hardness pressed against her core, and her gaze skittered around the room. “Do not push me away. Tell me what’s wrong.”

She shook her head. Drew could have any beautiful woman he wanted, as evidenced by the buxom barmaid earlier, so why would he stay faithful to her?

His guttural growl snapped her out of her contemplative state. “Lana, please don’t do this to me again.”

Her eyes shot to his face and his pained expression almost broke her heart in two. “I don’t mean to push you away. It is just… I don’t understand…”

When she didn’t continue, he took a deep breath then spoke with more patience. “You don’t understand what, love? You can tell me anything.”

She should speak up. Once she made love to him again, she would be completely his. This was her last chance to extricate herself from Drew’s grasp, although the timing was quite horrible. “I don’t understand how a man as exquisite as you could forsake all others for someone like me.”

The strained look slid from his face, and he dropped his head against the pillow of her breasts. His warm breath wafted across her skin as he chuckled.

“Someone like
?” He lifted his head, his blue eyes clouded with passion. “You mean someone with kissable rosebud lips that make me hard just looking at them?” He bent down to kiss her deep and slow, taking her breath away.

His eyes twinkled when he pulled back. What mischief had he planned? Drew released her hands to grab a fistful of her dress and chemise. He dragged the fabric of both garments lower to expose her breasts. The dress and undergarment bunched around her waist. Her nipples puckered as he blew across each of them, and her heart sped to an unnatural rate, thumping hard.

“Or perhaps you mean someone with luscious breasts begging to be lavished with attention?” His tongue lapped at her hardened tip, circling it several times before drawing her flesh into his hot, wet mouth. She arched and moaned as pleasurable heat radiated to her core. She loved it when he did that, delighted in his labored breathing when he touched her.

“They… they are not full,” she disagreed, playfully goading him.

Again he pulled back to view her face with lustful eyes. “Your breasts are exactly how
like them.”

“Oh.” She shuddered as his mouth closed around her other nipple and lightly tugged. He licked and suckled until she throbbed with need.

When he had gotten his fill, he placed kisses down her chest and stomach until he reached the barrier created by her clothes. Growling his displeasure, he yanked her garments over her hips and down her legs, leaving her completely nude.

Drew lifted her ankle to his lips and licked the sensitive flesh.

“And lest I forget, your legs are divine, sweet, so long and shapely.” Lana trembled as he kissed a trail along her calf then inner thigh. She jumped when his lips touched her mound of curls.

“What are you doing?” Uncertainty made her voice high-pitched and loud.

Drew knelt between her legs, slipped his hands under her buttocks, and tugged her to the edge of the bed. “I’m pleasuring you.”

“But… but…
…” She lost all thought as his tongue ran along the ridges of her sex and flicked across her sensitive spot.

Oh, dear Lord in heaven.
Lana allowed him to hook her knees over his shoulders and lift her hips so her heat met his mouth.

She became lost in a whirlwind of sensation unlike anything she had ever experienced. Her body tingled in every imaginable spot. She floated on a cloud of ecstasy higher and higher and higher until she thought she might leave her body entirely.

His loving kisses to her most private place left her writhing against the counterpane. Threading her fingers through his gorgeous locks, she held him tight, fearful he might stop his exquisite torture. Her breath hitched and came harder, faster until she shattered into a million blissful pieces and cried out.

As her muscles released and she dissolved into the bed, Drew’s head popped up. He grinned expectantly and she couldn’t help smiling back.

“That was amazing,” she conceded.

“That is just the beginning.” He stood over her, gazing with adoration.

The dull ache between her legs started again as Drew unfastened his trousers and released his length. She examined him, her eyes rounding, and a shiver shook her limbs. The darkness of the carriage had kept him hidden from view their first time, but the soft glow from the fire in the grate hid nothing; not his chiseled stomach, solid thighs, nor the surprising sight of his enlarged member. Drew was beautiful, unlike anything she had been able to imagine with her limited knowledge of male anatomy.

Standing between her legs, he bumped against her center before guiding himself inside. Lana sighed, her body welcoming the divine feel of him. He caressed her inner thighs, closing his eyes and drawing in a deep breath as he slid in and out with elongated strokes. Over and over, he coaxed sensual sounds from her like a talented musician gliding his bow across the strings of his instrument.

The fiery lust in his eyes beckoned to her and even if she perished in the flames of their desire, she couldn’t resist her fate. Lana surrendered all of herself—her body, soul, and heart.

“Take me,” she whispered.

“Lana.” He grasped her hips and pulled her flush against him, plunging deeper.

Lifting her hips, she met his every thrust. Drew grazed his thumb over her sweet spot while filling her, stoking her passion until she exploded, her body gripping his hardness and encouraging his own release. Drew threw his head back with a lustful moan and ground against her once, twice, three times.

For a long time he gripped her hips, buried deep inside her, staying connected. When he finally withdrew, he climbed on the bed to lie beside her. Gathering her into his embrace, he brushed his lips against her forehead. “How could I want anyone but you, Lana?”


Lana’s lips engrossed Drew as he fed her a slice of pear while they lounged propped up against pillows holding hands. How she could be oblivious to her charms dumbfounded him, but he had learned over the years most women didn’t recognize their allure. They all had something beautiful about them, but rarely did they see themselves as he did when they gazed in the mirror.

He hadn’t falsely flattered Lana when he’d worshiped her body. He had always preferred her body type, slender, long-legged, nice bum, but she possessed more than physical beauty. He loved her quick wit, sincerity, and lack of inhibitions. He loved all of Lana. Drew inclined his head and kissed her jaw before sliding his mouth down her gorgeous neck.

She laughed and angled her head away, only providing better access. “Drew, I thought you wanted me to eat.”

He hauled himself upright and leaned against the headboard. “You’re right, I do. I cannot have you fainting on me.”

Lana smirked. “My, you do think highly of your skills, Andrew.”

“I didn’t hear any complaints.”

“No, I suppose you didn’t.” She squeezed his hand. “I’m not ready to return to London. Could we extend our trip another day?”

He drew her close to lay her cheek against his chest. “Would you like to stay this way forever?”

She nodded, making him smile.

“I think we could arrange something, my sweet.”

Lana placed her hands on his biceps and pushed away. “Oh, I don’t think that is possible, Drew. My family would eventually notice I’m missing.”

Jake Hillary would be furious once he learned of Drew’s courtship of his sister, but damn the man if he thought to get in his way.

He rubbed his hands together in mock delight. “I never considered how riled your brother will be over everything. Even more reason to be happy.”

“You cannot say
to Jake. He can never know.”

“Won’t he be suspicious? Granted, Hillary can be a bit slow, but even he has to know husbands tumble their wives.”

Her eyes grew big and she licked her lips. “Oh, yes… Well, are we back there again?”

“Hmm, I thought I had made that part clear
I had you writhing on the bed with pleasure.”

“The first or second time?”

The wicked twinkle in her eye had him tossing his head back with laughter. He definitely loved this woman.

“Apparently, I didn’t make it as clear as I imagined.” He swung his legs over the side of the bed and walked to her side then tugged her into a seated position. “I have to admit I never pictured doing this, and if I did, I am fairly certain I wasn’t buck naked.” His smile widened. “However, this somewhat resembles a few nightmares I have had, but I can assure you today is more like a favorite fantasy—”

“Will you get to the point?”

Drew dropped to one knee. “Lana Hillary, I would be honored if you would become my wife.”


“Before you say no
, at least hear me out. We are perfect together, as I believe we have demonstrated the last few hours.”

Lana wrinkled her nose, but a smile tugged at her lips.

“I want us to raise our child together.” He placed his hand over her abdomen. Could she truly be carrying his offspring? His chest grew tight. “I want you in my bed every night. I—”


He held up his hand. “Wait.

“If you would be quiet, I could tell you I accept.”

He blinked in surprise. “Truly?”


“But I had sound arguments prepared.” He shrugged and lifted her from the bed. She wrapped her legs around his middle and clung to him, while his hands cupped her bottom. “Rather disappointing you didn’t allow me to present them.”

“No arguments are required. I considered your proposal, and marriage presents the best solution. If I’m with child, it is unfair to expect the babe to be raised without a father.”

He kissed her as he walked her backwards to press her back against the wall. “I had hoped for a less practical reason,” he murmured, feeling himself becoming aroused again, “but if you promise to wrap these gorgeous legs around me every day, I will overlook your lack of romantic sentiment.”

“I give you my promise, sir.”

“I’m having that added to the vows,” he warned before plundering her mouth.


Lana rubbed her gritty eyes as she climbed into the carriage for the last leg of their journey. She couldn’t stop gazing toward Drew and smiling, despite the amusement she detected on his brother’s face.

Before, she would have been horrified if anyone even suspected what they had been doing all night, but Drew had worked some kind of magic on her. His spirit pumped through her blood, and he filled her thoughts. Their lovemaking entwined her with Drew forever. She had no hope of ever breaking away, but no desire either.

Her worries were not gone, however. What if he changed his mind once they returned to London and never offered for her? Lady Audley had warned of his ability to make a woman believe she was special, only to crush her hopes in the end. Lana bit her lower lip and glanced at his profile. Had Drew ever suggested marriage to Lady Audley?

Perhaps sensing she stared, Drew met her intense gaze. His face softened and his eyes lit. She smiled tentatively and he beamed in return. No, he loved her. She could see it in that one glance.

Her anxiety turned to her family, in particular Jake’s reaction. Lana didn’t relish telling her brother she had fallen in love with Drew, not when it might bring Jake pain simply being in his presence. At a minimum, everything would be awkward, at least for a while. How could it not be when her brother held a torch for Drew’s former lover?

She swallowed over the lump forming in her throat. Drew had a lover before her. In fact, he’d had many. It might be awkward wherever they went. Did she really wish to cope with facing the other women?

Of course, as soon as Jake learned of their engagement, he would probably assume Drew compromised her. Surely, her brother wouldn’t challenge Drew. Lana linked her fingers and tapped her hands against her bottom lip. Jake’s leg wouldn’t have healed yet, and he wouldn’t stand a chance in a duel with Drew.

Her heart constricted. Even if he could best Drew, she would lose her love. No, she must find a way to prepare Jake for the inevitable. She would be Andrew Forest’s bride, and her brother would have to live with it. Dying wasn’t an option for either man in her life.

Drew leaned forward slightly and raised a questioning eyebrow. Lana likely presented a worried picture and dropped her hands to her lap, offering a reassuring smile. He drooped against the squabs again.

When they stopped a couple of hours later, Drew offered his arm and took her away from everyone where they could speak in privacy. “What’s going through your mind, Lana?”

“You are sounding more and more like a woman,” she teased and noticed a flush creep up his neck. “I’m thinking about home.”

“Let’s go to your father as soon as we arrive. If my father procures a special license, we can marry immediately.”

Tightness squeezed her chest and her head spun. “I-I think we should wait, just a little while.”

Drew’s lips parted slightly as if contemplating her answer.

“Please, I need time to prepare my brother,” she added. “I’m sure Papa will be delighted with the match, but I fear Jake’s reaction.”

His chin jutted forward and he wrapped her in his embrace “Your brother can go to hell. I can’t be away from you. I want you now.”

Lana’s eyes darted around the area to reassure herself they were alone. “You are behaving like a spoilt child.”

“Don’t toy with me, peach.” His voice held a subtle warning. “If you’re having second thoughts, tell me.”

She met his riveting gaze. When immersed in his adoration, her concerns receded, though they weren’t gone. “I’m… I’m not. I want to be with you, too.”

“Then it’s settled.” His seductive smile left her breathless before he lowered his lips to hers.

Lana lost any remaining willpower the moment his mouth claimed hers. She returned his kiss with passion. Every thought vanished except for how much she loved the man holding her. When Drew released her at last, her head slowly cleared again.

Drew’s body had grown lax under her hands, and his frown had disappeared. “I apologize, Lana. I shouldn’t speak that way about your family. Jake is an honorable chap, but I won’t allow his sense of duty to keep us apart.”

“You… You cannot keep doing that,” she said. “It is unfair to use kisses to muddle my thinking.”

He rewarded her statement with a dimpled grin. “Peach, love and war are all one.”


Lana had insisted the first stop be at the Forests’ town home. Her friend had raised an argument, but her lack of energy translated into a brief debate. Once Lana and Drew were alone, he pulled the drapes then hauled her onto his lap to nuzzle her neck.

“Let’s take a detour,” he suggested.

“And go where?”

He frowned, irritated with his lack of foresight. He had no place to take her aside from his rented rooms, but they were unfit for a lady. He would have to employ men to make repairs to the town house Overton had left him.

“I’m not ready to give you up yet,” he admitted, “but I have nowhere to take you.”

Lana kissed the tip of his nose. “I need to return anyway, Drew.”

He hugged her against him. What if he absconded with her? Closing his eyes, he breathed in her familiar scent. Parting would be a struggle, but he couldn’t ruin her name. There would be damage enough if anyone spotted them together, and he didn’t wish to harm her. He could as easily begin a life with her while following the proper steps, despite the agony of wanting her beside him each night.

Lana cradled his head and met his gaze. “We must speak before we arrive at Hillary House. Please listen and understand.”

Drew frowned, unhappy with her tone, but he wouldn’t deny her if she had need of anything.

“You cannot interrupt or distract me, because this is important.”

He sighed. “Out with it, peach. I’ll wait until you have finished speaking before responding.”

“I love you, Drew,” she said, sincerity shining in her eyes. “And I want to be your wife.”

He liked the direction of the conversation thus far.


His heart stopped beating for a split second before taking off at a gallop. Why must there be a caveat? “Continue.”

“I’m worried for Jake.” She held up her hand to stop his retort. “I realize he can go to the devil as far as you’re concerned, but he is my brother, and
cannot dismiss him as easily.”

“What cause would there be for upset? I intend to court you properly and offer for your hand.” Jake should concentrate on
life. He obviously pined over someone, though Drew didn’t know her identity. The last few times he had been around Jake, the man had become maudlin under the influence of spirits, which generally meant a gent experienced troubles of the heart.

“Jake is serious about his responsibility to me. He views himself as my protector, and… he warned me away from you after the Eldridge ball. He said I would get hurt if I allowed myself to get involved…”

Drew caressed her soft cheek with his knuckles. Her perfume filled him with longing. “Do you believe I want to hurt you?”

She turned her face into his palm. “I know you don’t
to hurt me, although I am afraid it could happen in the end.”

He embraced her and placed a kiss on her hair. “Lana, I’m a different man than I was before Northumberland.”

She giggled. “Oh, come now, you haven’t changed overmuch. Your appetite for lusty pursuits remains unabated.”

“You would ask a leopard to change his spots?” he teased. “If anything, peach, my appetite has increased with you, but you are
I crave. You have nothing to worry about in that realm or any other.”

“Either way, Jake won’t believe in your transformation without proof, which brings me back to my request. Will you please postpone the audience with my father until I have spoken with Jake? I’m terrified he will call you out if he guesses what has transpired between us.” Her voice broke and tears welled in her eyes. “I cannot abide losing either of you.”

No matter how irksome he found Jake, Drew had no cause to harm the man, and he had no doubts Hillary would be on the losing side. But to glimpse the damage that would come to the woman he loved if he injured her brother… How could he deny her request? “Convince him soon, Lana. I won’t wait forever.”

She threw her arms around his neck and hugged fiercely. “Thank you.”

“We shouldn’t wait too long. If there is a baby on the way, we don’t want to be fodder for the gossips.”

Her face transformed with a somber expression. “Indeed.”

Hating to see her dejected, he infused some cheer into his voice. “Enough speculation. Tell me. When will I see you again?”

She licked her lips. “I must resume my usual activities unless I wish to rouse suspicion. You wouldn’t want to begin attending dinner parties and such, would you?”

Drew groaned, loath to rejoin polite society and the mindless conversations that flowed too freely at these gatherings. Yet, if attending such affairs meant seeing Lana, he would brave it. “How will I know which events you plan to attend?”

“My lady’s maid will carry messages between us. But, Drew, you cannot be too familiar when we cross paths. It won’t be like up north. Jake watches me much closer than Mama.”

The carriage pulled up to Hillary House, and Drew took a deep breath. “If I am forbidden from stealing kisses, then you had best give me my fill.” She complied with his request, but he would never get his fill of Lana.

Before she climbed from the carriage, a worry line creased her brow. “Drew, you won’t… You don’t plan to return to
again, do you?”

He would have teased her about not wanting to rouse suspicions, but he feared she might believe him. “I’ll be too busy scheming ways to get you alone, my sweet. I won’t have time for frivolous pursuits.”

Lana’s countenance lit with a beatific smile more valuable than any winnings at the hazard table.

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