Read Misha: Lanning's Leap Online

Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Misha: Lanning's Leap (11 page)

BOOK: Misha: Lanning's Leap
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Maybe, but you did it for me. Even at the cost of a bloodied nose.” He put his hand on his nose and laughed. “You ever want to wrestle with me, just don’t hit me in the nose. It’s my best feature I think.”

s mate slapped him gently on the arm and hugged Hannah to her. “You gave us our son. He would have died had you not been brave enough to save him. Then to have taken on that human when he was bent on….” She turned her face into James’s chest and sobbed before she continued. “He would be a trophy on his wall had you not fought so bravely to keep him safe for us.”

Jimmy looked at Misha
, who nodded once and watched as the little boy launched himself at Hannah. He held her so tightly that there wasn’t a person in the room that couldn’t see how happy he was. Jimmy got down and stood nearby as his father lifted her arm up and looked at the mark that was still there.

“I wish to add my mark to that of my son. So that
whenever you are in need of me or my pack, you need only to think of me and we’ll drop everything and come to you.” Misha put his hands on Hannah’s shoulders when she started to back away. “I will never harm you, and so long as I live, no harm will ever come to you.”

“You want to bite me?”
She sounded so calm when she asked that Misha was proud of her. He alone could feel the turmoil that was dancing in her stiff frame. “And we, you and I, will be able to talk like Mr. Lanning…Misha and I can?”

“Yes. Not on the same level as the
two of you but close. You will be able to speak to my mate, Ruby, as well.” James laid his hand on her swollen belly. “And our child not yet born, too.”

“I don’t
want to make a big deal of this.” James nodded and held onto her hand. “I also don’t…will it hurt?”

“No.” James pulled her hand to his
mouth and licked her wrist. “You’ll not feel a thing. I promise.”

It was quick. His teeth sank deep into her
skin, and he was pulling away almost as soon as he’d done it. Within seconds, less it seemed, Han had a scar on her arm that looked like the one on her shoulder that Misha had given her. And the one on his neck she’d given him. A few minutes later, the wolf pack left and his family sat around, staring at her.

I’m not a freak.” Carter laughed, and then the rest of them joined in when she snapped at them. His mom stood up and hugged her just before she announced that it was time they all left. Each of his brothers hugged her to them, and Rider kissed her cheek then stepped back when it was his turn.

“Welcome to the family, Han.
I’m very happy that you’re going to tame my brother.” Han looked at Misha, and he could see her confusion. He’d really have to have a talk with his family about her. They were not helping him.

After they left, Jackson told them that he would have dinner ready in two hours.
He suggested that Han take him out into the yard and show him where the fence was broken down. They were nearing the woods when she turned to him.

“You were there. So why is he getting rid of us?”
Misha laughed and led her deeper into the woods. “I don’t understand anything that just happened. That little boy was hurt; you would have done the same thing.”

“I would have. But I knew he was a little boy and you did not.”
She didn’t say anything as she moved over the fallen logs. He wanted to pick her up and carry her, but watched her move ahead of him instead.

“James said that he was confused by me being only partly human. I don’t know what he meant by that.” Misha started to explain
, but she continued before he could. “You bit me the other night, and I bit you. The doctor said I would heal faster. Now this thing with the wolf. Are you changing me into what you are?”

“I honestly don’t know.” She stopped moving and turned to look at him. He was caught staring at her ass and
flushed when she glared at him. “You cannot blame me for looking. I think you have the nicest bottom I’ve never seen.”

“You shouldn’t be thinking of that sort of thing. It
’s daylight.” He looked up at the sky then back down at her when she started moving again. He put his hand on her shoulder to turn her around. There was no way she believed that sex should be only done at night. More than likely in the bedroom as well.

“I want you right now.” She shook her head and backed up a step. He caught her up when she started to trip.
“I would like nothing more than to strip you down and eat your pussy while you hung onto that tree. Then I’d like to bend you over it, and take you hard from behind.”

“No. Y
ou can’t want to do that. It’s not…I don’t want it.” She had lied and they both knew it. As he flared his nostrils to get more of her scent, he moved her closer to the tree. “You’re really going to do this? Now?”

Yes. Yes I am.” He heard her heart rate pick up, her breathing turning into a hard pant. “You want me to as well. You’d come in my mouth if I dropped to my knees and suckled your clit into my mouth while you rode my fingers. I’d drink you down, swallowing you as fast as you flooded my mouth.”

“I don’t think this is a good
place to do this.” He lifted her shirt over her head and never took his eyes from her face. She watched him, too, as her fingers curled around his cloth-covered cock and pressed against him. “You make me want things that I’ve never wanted before. I don’t understand this.”

neither.” Her bra came off next, and he lifted her breasts in his hands as he toyed with her nipples with his thumbs. “Can I eat you, Hannah? Can I feast on your pussy then fuck you?”

I want that, but…. Yes.” He dropped to his knees, pulling her pants down as he moved his mouth over her naked belly. “Please. I want…can you hurry, please?”

Her panties were soaking wet.
Misha licked a path from her right hip to the left one before he had her naked. Looking up at her, she’d stretched her hands up and held onto the branch above her head. Lifting her leg up, he rested it on his shoulder as he buried his face in her heat.

She was
dripping with juices. They ran down her creamy thighs, and he lapped up as much as he could before he suckled her clit into his mouth. When she cried out, her release gave him so much more of her that he knew that his cock would slide into her without any difficulty. Misha spread her wider for him and fucked her with his tongue.

Hannah came four times before she started to beg him to let her
down. Misha stood up and pulled his cock free. When she reached for him, wrapped her hot hands around him, he moaned. She was going to make him come if she kept it up and he told her so.

“I’ve never tasted a man before.” His cat snarled along his skin
, and she jerked back. “He doesn’t like me, does he?”

n the contrary, he loves you as much as I do. And he wants you, too.” She stepped back and his cat snarled at him. “He wants to mark you. Taste you as well, but he needs to mark you. He can smell the wolf on you.”

Taste me how?”

He shifted.
Misha knew that he’d scared her a little, but she didn’t run, for which he was both happy and sad. When his cat moved to her thigh, he thought he was simply going to bite her and be done with it, but he buried his muzzle into her pussy and nipped.

Hannah screamed
, not from pain but from the climax that tore from her. When she came a second time, the cat bit deep into her thigh and she screamed again. As she fell to the ground, he never let her go even as Misha begged him to. At some point, he realized that Hannah had fainted, and still his cat held her in his powerful jaws.

couldn’t get him to back off, couldn’t control the cat, and no matter how hard he tried, he wouldn’t stop biting her. Then, as suddenly as he’d bitten her, he let her and him go. Misha shifted and picked her up. Christ, she was as cold as ice. Carrying her to the house, his only thought was that he’d killed her. Then when he got her to the bed, it was all he could do not to panic. Calling his mom was the only thing he could think to do, and she laughed at him.

He’s changed her.
She’ll be fine in about ten hours. In the meantime, if I were you, I’d think of something really nice to give her. Hannah is not going to be happy with either one of you.

Christ, she really was going to be pissed.

Chapter 11


Bella was tired of living in the house she’d found. There were no mirrors to start with, and her clothing was getting dirty from all the nasty stuff that was floating in the air. She glared at the bed she had made herself and wondered if that was why she was itching all the time. She was positive that it had fleas and had given them to her. And she was hungry.

The last time she’d had a proper meal was three days ago. And that hadn’t been all that good. But the man she’d blown in the alley hadn’t said he’d buy her a steak dinner
, only that he’d feed her. She’d eaten the cold burger and fries as he drove away. The motherfucker hadn’t even given her a napkin.

Bella had to find herself someone to fuck. Not that she wanted sex, far from it
, but men paid lots of money to fuck someone like her. She knew this and was trying to figure out a way to capitalize on it when she noticed her picture on one of the newspapers she’d stolen. Pulling it out, she tried to read what it said and could only get about five words into the article when she realized that she needed help.

Taking the paper with her, she
went to the lower level where she knew two homeless men lived. She’d tried her best to avoid them, but today she needed their help. As soon as she stepped into what they had told her was their property, the bigger of the two of them stood up.

“You got no reason to come down here spouting off your rules. We
ain’t touched nothing of yours.” The younger man snickered and she glared at him as the big man continued. “You go on out of here. You got your own place.”

“I need help reading this.” She showed them the paper with her picture on it. “I left my glasses somewhere and I
can’t see what this here says about me. Can either of you see it?”

We can read. But before we do that for you, whatcha going to give us in return?” The younger man rubbed his cock. “You give me head and I’ll read it to you.”

What about me? I got needs, too.” The big man simply pulled down his pants and rubbed his cock up and down. “You come here and give me something and I’ll read you the whole thing front to back.”

“Do you both?” The younger man nodded
, and Bella rolled her eyes. “I’ll do you both at the same time to save me some time. I don’t care who I blow, but the other one is going to have to settle for a fuck. That way you can read it to me quicker.”

“You’ll let me fuck your ass?”
The big man moved toward her. “I’d love me some ass. Donnie here, his ass ain’t fit for my cock no more. I’d like to have me something with a pussy.”

She eyed the big man and realized his cock was small in comparison. If he fucked her in the ass, she’d not have to worry about any
diseases. Everyone knew that the only way to catch anything was in your pussy. She told him yes.

sat down on the wire holder that seemed to be in great abundance in this building. She had one that she used as a table. He was apparently going to use his as a bed. He’d already taken his pants off and was fondling himself as he watched her undress. When he held his cock for her, she leaned over and took him as deep as she could and he cried out. The sooner this was over the better.

The man a
t her ass played with her for a bit. She didn’t really care. Maybe if he got enough fingering her pussy, he’d give up on her ass. But she realized too late that he was lubing her up, and he slammed his cock into her ass before she was ready. She screamed out, wondering what the hell he’d stuck in her because he was tearing her apart.

He held her hips in his meaty paws as he fucked her.
Every time he pulled back and slammed forward, she felt as if he were at her throat. Something slid down her leg, and she knew it was blood. The man was bigger than anything she’d had shoved in her before, and he was hurting her. When he leaned over her, biting at her shoulder, she felt as if she were going to die. Then Donnie told her he was coming and lifted her head up from him. His cock was in her pussy before she could say a word. The two of them were buried so deep inside of her that she knew that she’d be lucky if she could walk after this.

“You’re going to stand real still while we finish.” She didn’t say anything
, and Donnie slapped her. “Answer me, bitch. You gonna give us any trouble now that we’re fucking your holes?”

“No.” He slapped her again
, and she cried. “Please, not my face. It’s all I gots.” He laughed, and she felt Donnie move out as big man moved forward. They were moving in and out of her so quickly now that she had to hold on to one of them as they enjoyed themselves.

“Oh baby
, you got more than your face. You have a tight hole for us and you’re going to let us have it.” She didn’t understand but couldn’t ask him as he’d put his hand over her mouth. When he bit into her breast hard enough to draw blood, she screamed again and felt her knees weaken. “Oh no you don’t. We ain’t nearly done with you yet.”

They fucked her back and forth for what seemed like hours.
As soon as one pulled nearly out, the other would slam forward. Bella had been bitten by them so many times that she hurt everywhere. When the big man, Bill, Donnie called him, squeezed her nipple hard enough that she was sure he’d pinched it off, she sobbed again when Donnie suckled from it while Bill held it to his mouth. Then Bill started pounding harder, not waiting for Donnie to pull back.

“I’m coming. Christ, I’m coming.” Bill pounded while Donnie
encouraged him. When he finished, Donnie lifted her legs up while Bill held her shoulders up off the floor, and he fucked her while she was held between them. As soon as he came, Donnie yelled out his own release. She then felt a cock rammed into her mouth, and Bill came down her throat while Donnie laughed.

She was laid out on the wire holder
, and they both stood over her. Neither of them looked like they were finished, as they were both still as hard as stone. It was then that she got a good look at Bill’s cock. Christ, it was as thick as her wrist and nearly as long as her arm from wrist to elbow.

“I got me a nice one, huh?” He rubbed it over her
bloodied nipple, then leaned down and sucked hard on it. “I’m going to enjoy this more than you can imagine. A nice ass you have, but I need to have me some of that pussy.”

Donnie laughed as he moved her around on the table.
“Yeah, I’m going to have me some pussy, too, but I’m going to eat it. I’m not much of an ass man myself. Unless it’s Bill’s here. His cock can fill me like none other.”

“You’re going to rape me?” The men looked at each other
, then burst out laughing. “You can’t be taking what I’m not offering you. That’s against the law. I’ll call the cops.”

, you won’t, Belladonna Oliver.” She looked at them, wondering how they knew her name. “We done seen the paper with your picture in it. Read all about how you killed some bastard when you bashed his head in with a tire iron. When you kill a man, you shouldn’t leave behind your spit. Gave you away right away. All over his dick, my friend said it was. You sucked him good, then killed him. So we figured we’d go on up and get us some of what you’re offering. And then there you were, coming to us. We’re going to make you our sex slave for a bit.”

“No.” Donnie slammed his cock into her pussy and
smiled at her even as she tried to get away. But Bill held her down while he played with her pussy and Donnie’s cock as he slid in and out of her. Bella started to scream, but Bill simply put his cock in her mouth when he got up on the table and mounted her.

That’s it, baby. Suck me off.” He rode her like a dog would, and she felt her pussy being licked by him. As soon as he sucked her clit into his mouth, something incredible happened: Bella came. The two men were raping her, and she was fucking enjoying it.

Come again.” The command took her off guard, but she did it. Her body screamed out a release that nearly took her head off. As Donnie yelled he was coming, Bill filled her mouth and throat with his cum and she came again. Bella had never enjoyed sex this much in her life.

“You’re going to love this next part.” She shook her head
, thinking she was satisfied enough for one night, but Bill lay down on the floor and told her to get on him. She didn’t hesitate as she staggered over to him and lowered herself over his thickening cock and rode him.

stood in front of her with his cock in his hand, and she didn’t even think but opened her mouth for him. His cock fucked her mouth so deeply that several times she thought for sure she was going to strangle. But then Bill sat up and bit her again, and her pussy tightened around him in another climax. Bella came twice more before either man came again.

They’d had sex in every position they could think of
by the time they declared they were finished for tonight. And some positions she was sure they were making up. Her entire body hurt, and she’d never been so relaxed in her life. As she lay between the two of them on the two mattresses they had, she felt a cock nudge her in the ass and knew it was Donnie. When he slowly moved in and out of her, Bill turned and played with her pussy.

“Tomorrow we’re going to have us some more fun.” She nodded as she felt her climax build up. “Then we might have a few friends over to have some fun
, too. You’ll love Jack; his cock is bigger than mine but not as long. And the things he could do with it will have you begging like a bitch in heat.”

Bella could hardly wait. She saw the newspaper
lying where she’d dropped it and started to ask one of them to read it, but she really didn’t care right now. When Donnie came a few minutes later, she wrapped her arms around Bill and closed her eyes. She might have to buy herself a house and keep these guys around for a while. Smiling, she fell asleep.


Hannah woke up and lay there for several seconds while she tried to think why she felt so strange. Doing a quick inventory of everything, she felt better than good, she felt great. Opening one eye to see if she was alone, she looked at the man staring at her. She sat up just enough to make him out.

“Rider Lanning?”
He saluted her but said nothing. She started to sit up and realized she was naked. “Where’s Misha?”

“In the shower. He was smelling pretty bad
, so we told him we weren’t going to bring him up any more food until he cleaned up. He’s been in here with you for three days.” She looked around the room and didn’t recognize it. “This is Misha’s room. You’ve been recuperating for a few days.”

Recuperating from what?” Rider just smiled. She was beginning to dislike this man. “Are you going to tell me or do I need to find Misha?”

“I’m not telling you. Not because you don’t need to know
. It’s just that we’re taking bets on whether or not you murder him, castrate him, or simply leave him. All of which have good odds. My mother thinks you’re a sensible girl and will be fine.” She wondered what he was talking about, but knew asking wasn’t going to get her anywhere. He was enjoying this too much.

He’d bitten her.
Misha’s cat had…he’d hurt her, and he’d bitten her hard. Things came to her slowly and then she remembered something that Carter had told her. She knew then what had happened. She was a leopard.

“I’m going to get up and find him. I’m assuming that he’s in the bathroom here.”
Rider nodded. “And you might know or not that I’m naked. When I get up, you’re either going to be gone or get an eyeful.”

Rider stood up.
“Have you figured it out?”

Is everything…did it work?” He shrugged. “Any suggestions on how to turn into a cat? I’d like to see if it worked before I freak out.”

“Summon her.
She’s right there. You just have to think of her and call her to you.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I lost a hundred bucks. I thought you’d want to murder him.”

“I still might. But I can do more damage as a cat than as me, right?”
He laughed as he left the room, and she said his name. Turning back, she looked at him. “Is your family pissed off?”

“On the contrary
, they’re very happy for you both.” She nodded, and he smiled. “It’s really too bad you aren’t going to at least hurt him. But you should know, Hannah, that he does love you.”

He moved out of the room, shutting the door behind him.
Han felt her energy levels soar at the thought of changing and closed her eyes. The cat, huge and beautiful, sat there staring at her, as if she knew that it was time.

“You ready for this?” The cat stretched out and then yawned. Han laughed.
“Come to me. Take me.”

It was almost like she
moved over her. She felt her arms stretch out, her fingers ached a little, and then she was down on the floor. She looked at the bathroom door and realized that she should have checked that first, but found the door opened enough she could get her paw in. He was indeed in the shower.

She had no idea what to do. Looking at the counter
, she leapt up onto it and sat down. It really wasn’t big enough for her, but she was determined to make sure he saw her when he came out. Turning her head slightly, she saw herself.

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