Miranda And The Ranch Hand (Domestic Discipline Romance) (12 page)

Read Miranda And The Ranch Hand (Domestic Discipline Romance) Online

Authors: Coleen Singer

Tags: #Domestic Discipline, #Historical, #Western, #Romance, #Forever Love, #Single Woman, #Bachelor, #Adult, #Erotic, #Spanking, #Anal Play, #Victorian, #19th Century, #BDSM, #Short Story, #Older Brothers, #Finishing School, #Veterinary School, #Austin, #Texas, #Ranchers, #Livestock, #Undercover, #Law Enforcement, #Ranch Hand, #Rustling Cattle, #Part Owner, #Headstrong

BOOK: Miranda And The Ranch Hand (Domestic Discipline Romance)
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“I know. It’s just that we’ve got to deal with what happened to John. Marcus, we can’t tell anyone, especially not his father that he was behind this. Please—it would kill his family, and the scandal would ruin them.”

“I don’t care—he tried to kill you!” Dylan shouted.

“No, Dylan, no! He saved my life—he was furious when that one bandit kidnapped me and brought me here.”

Marcus put a hand on Dylan’s shoulder and spoke with a voice of reason, “I believe that, Dylan, whatever else was behind all this, John was almost like another brother to Mandy. Our families have always been close. Hell, I wouldn’t have made it through, raising Mandy and David and running the ranch after our parents died without them.” The he turned to Miranda. “But Mandy, how are going to explain his presence here—I’m not sure how we can around this.”

“Just say he was kidnapped, like me. That was his scheme all along, to pretend to be kidnapped and blackmail his dad into supporting statehood. I’m pretty sure those hoodlums already delivered a ransom note to John, Sr. They’re all dead, right? Nobody has to know John’s real role. Please, Dylan?”

Dylan stood up and turned away from Miranda. But not before she saw the conflict in his face. He knew John’s family would have enough anguish over his death, without the added pain of what he’d done. But it went against everything he believed and stood for as a Ranger to cover up the truth.

“Get her back to the ranch!” he said gruffly to Marcus. “I need some time to sort this all out.” And he marched out of the cabin to confer with his partners and find out what they had seen.

“Oh God, what a mess! What have I done, asking Dylan to compromise his integrity?” Miranda wanted to run after him, but she didn’t have the strength, and Marcus was now holding her down, his strong hands giving comfort on her slender shoulders.

“He’ll work it out, and do the right thing, Mandy. Now let’s get you back to the ranch, and see to a doctor. Jenna’s beside herself with worry, and we need to let her know you’re all right.” Marcus scooped her up into his arms and carried her out to his horse. He handed her off to David while he mounted, and then David carefully handed her up to him. He settled her in front of him and then they started back.

Two weeks later it was another brilliant fall sunset. Miranda and Dylan were out watching on their new front porch, his arms around her, she leaning back into his chest. It had been a difficult time, mixed with sadness and joy. Just a week ago John, Jr. had been buried. As hard as it was for Dylan, he realized that Miranda was right. No good would come from letting the truth about John’s involvement with the bandits get out. Since none of his partners had seen what happened inside the cabin, there was only Miranda’s account, which was supported by the ransom note John, Sr. had received. The Townsends were able to put their son to rest, thinking he was a hero, not a misguided defender of a cause they didn’t believe in.

Miranda and Dylan had moved into their new home just a couple days ago. There was still work to be done, but there was a roof over their heads, and a kitchen and bedroom—so they figured they’d get more done if they actually lived there. Dylan and her brothers had not been too happy with her, when they found out she had been coming here late nights working by herself while they were gone, especially when they learned that’s how she ended up tangling with the renegades in the first place. Dylan had warned her that there was a sound paddling in her future, once the doctor gave her a clean bill of health!

“So, Mandy what did the doctor say when he came by today?”

“Good as new! No lingering affects of that bump on my hard head, and my arm is completely healed.”

“Well, wife, I hate to ruin this moment—but that means you have a date across my knee, young lady.”

She turned to face him, but instead of her usual pout before she was spanked, she smiled. “Actually, I think you’re going to have to delay that, cowboy.”

“Oh, and just what excuse do you have this time that won’t work. You know good and well your delaying tactics only lead to a worse spanking than you would have gotten in the first place.” Dylan said sternly.

She was still smiling. “I think you’re going to have to wait about eight months, husband. We wouldn’t want to hurt the baby.”

Dylan was speechless.

“Well, it looks like I’ve finally found a way to get the last word on this subject. Now, kiss me, Daddy!”

And as the last few brilliant rays of autumn sun fell below the horizon, he did just that—with all the emotion and passion that he felt for this woman who had just given him the second greatest gift of his life—second only to her love.



The End.




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