Minstrel's Serenade (32 page)

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Authors: Aubrie Dionne

Tags: #978-1-61650-550-9, #fantasy, #romance, #castle, #princess, #dragons, #swords, #and, #sorcery, #magic, #epic, #necromancer, #music

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She couldn’t have picked a more worthy man to be king. Danika smiled. “I am more than content.”

“Good. I always thought you and Bron--”

A knock sounded.

Muriel whirled around with annoyance. “Who could it be at this hour? Everyone should be setting up the courtyard and taking their seats.”

Had Nip lost the rings?

Danika adopted her formal tone. “Come in.”

Ariella stepped in and bowed. “There is someone here to see you, my lady.”

Muriel put her hands on her hips. “Who would interrupt the princess’s preparations for her wedding?”

The young handmaiden winced. “She wouldn’t say. She had the messenger’s seal so I let her in.”

Danika’s chest tightened. Had the wyverns returned? Or the army of Sill? “Let the messenger in.”

Ariella bit her lip and glanced at Muriel. “She wishes to speak with the princess alone.”

Muriel shook her head adamantly. “I do not like the sound of this. Right before the wedding? Could it be an assassin from the House of Song come to take revenge for rejecting Valorian’s hand?”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Danika stood and turned to the servant girl. “You did well, Ariella.” The princess glanced at her sword resting against the side of her bed. She’d learned from Bron to sleep with her weapons like loyal lovers. If she moved toward the blade, she’d only upset Muriel more. Besides, she could reach the other side of the room in seconds if she had to.

Danika took Muriel’s arm. “Go now. Leave me with my visitor.” She nodded to Ariella. “Admit the messenger.”

“I will stand outside this door.” Muriel straightened as if she’d had as much practice with hand-to-hand combat as she had with embroidery. “If I hear one strange sound, I’m bursting in.”

Danika raised her pointer finger. “You will do nothing of the sort. One of us has to live to rule the kingdom.”

Muriel’s face dropped and her mouth opened in shock.

Danika squeezed her arm. “I’m only jesting. Now, see to the final preparations. Make sure Bron hasn’t changed his mind.”

Muriel sighed. “He’d sooner stab his heart with his dagger.” She gave Danika a hard stare. “You know where to find me.”

“Indeed.” Danika waved her away. “Off with you!”

As Muriel left, a hooded figure wearing a torn black robe entered. The smell of pine and cherrywood blossoms drove Danika to step back in shock.

The messenger threw back her hood. Graying, white-blond hair spread from her mother’s face in a wild tangle. Sybil smiled. “I received your invitation.”

Danika had sent the messenger pigeon with mixed feelings and little hope. “I didn’t think you’d come.”

“And miss my own daughter’s wedding? For that I’ll endure a thousand gossiping tongues.”

Danika suppressed a wince. Her mother might have to if so much as one person recognized the former queen. “You should keep your hood on.” Although spoken out of love, Danika’s words came out with a dagger tongue. She wished she could find the compassion in her heart to be kinder to her mother, but the anger still worked its way in from time to time.

She’d stayed behind for Danika.
Sybil smiled as though her daughter’s acid tongue dealt no pain. “I intend to, only if the hood doesn’t restrict my view of my gorgeous daughter.” She walked around Danika in a circle, admiring her gown. “You look lovely.”

“’Tis your wedding gown.”

“I remember.” Amusement flashed in Sybil’s eyes. “However, I have reason to believe you are a lot happier wearing the white silk than I was.” She squeezed Danika’s arm. “You chose wisely, my dear.”

Relief came upon Danika in a downpour. Knowing her mother favored her choice meant more to her than she thought it would. She hadn’t confided in anyone, not even Muriel, about her choice and what it meant to reject the hand of the Prince of Song. Only her mother would understand. “’Tis not the best decision for Ebonvale.”

“A content queen with a peaceful, open mind to rule is more precious to Ebonvale than a ruler with unrest in her heart.”

“I certainly hope so.” Danika had a sudden flash of herself as her mother, running away from the House of Song back to Bron. How disastrous that would have been for kingdom relations.

“I speak only truth.” Her mother leaned over and kissed Danika’s cheek. “I’m proud of you, daughter. Your actions have eased so many wrongs in my blighted heart.”

Tears brimmed in Danika’s eyes. Her mother’s visit had rekindled so much of her love, but the pain held her words back. Her mother turned to leave, and Danika’s chance of expressing gratitude slipped away. Could she bring herself to fully forgive?

As Sybil reached the door, Danika stepped forward and blurted, “Mother, wait.”

The old woman turned around and raised an eyebrow. Interest flashed in her good eye. “Yes?”

“I could use an advisor. Someone who has gained wisdom from experience.” Danika opened her heart to hope. “How about you stay a while.”




Aubrie Dionne


Aubrie Dionne has been a fantasy lover all of her life. She wrote her first poem in elementary school about how she’ll never get to see a unicorn. But, that doesn’t stop her from dreaming and writing about every fantasy creature she can conjure up. A fan of Lord of the Rings, she dreams about visiting the elves in Rivendell and having Legolas teach her how to wield a bow.


When she’s not writing, Aubrie teaches flute and plays in orchestras, making up stories to go along with the music. You can find her on the web at http://authoraubrie.blogspot.com and www.authoraubrie.net.



Also by Aubrie Dionne


Nebula’s Music

Messenger In the Mist




Lyrical Press books are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018


Copyright © 2014 Aubrie Dionne


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.


Lyrical Press and the L logo are trademarks of Kensington Publishing Corp.


First Electronic Edition: July 2014


ISBN-13: 978-1-61650-550-9

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