Mine to Tarnish (11 page)

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Authors: Janeal Falor

BOOK: Mine to Tarnish
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They both stand. “I'll take care of it. Thank you for bringing her in.”

Just doing my duty. I'm ready for some strapping grandsons.”

My insides hurt. I fold my arms across my stomach as they head out, but it doesn't help with the pain. I move to follow.

Mother touches my elbow. The touch startles me to a stop and she lets go. “I remember when I was chosen by your Father. It was a troublesome time, but you can do it. You're strong and your sisters need your example.”

I close my eyes and shake my head before opening them again. “I don't think I'm that type of strong.”

Mother sighs. “Maybe not, but you still have to go through it, society expects it. You'll have a new owner soon.”

She's right. A warlock could ask to buy me at any time. There's nothing I can do about it. I follow mother from the room, bowing my head with the hope that it will keep further attention from me. But it's too late to hope. I will always be owned.




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When I finish a book and think of those who have helped me, I'm amazed and inspired by those so willing to share their talents. These are some of the most incredible people I know. They keep me going when things get tough and cheer me on when things are good. I'm more grateful to them than words can express.


RaeChell Garrett has a great eye for what my story needs and helps me take it there. I feel so lucky that she shares her skills with me. Loralie Hall is always (always!) so awesome and supportive, especially when in the pursuit of rambling. She had a lot of great thoughts on Kat's story. Not only that, but made me feel I was right to believe in her story.  C.M.'s comments made me smile and want to keep going. Plus, she caught some really good whoopsies! Thank goodness I have critique partners that save me from embarrassing myself any more than I have to.


A big thanks to Michelle Pasket. She gets my writing and what I'm trying to say, then helps me say it better. I'm a better writer because of her. Also a big thanks to Alyssa Sherlock for offering a 1
chapter critique from her blog
I am a Writer… Hear Me Roar
! Great advice and thoughts!


Beta readers Naomi Bawden and Sarah Canning were awesome enough to offer to read through my muck and had some great thoughts. These two ladies helped save me from myself and swooned in all the right places. Naomi also deserves extra cool points for being wonderful when I kept throwing question after questions at her and having insightful answers.


The amazing Kathie Middlemiss at
Kat's Eye Editing
has a real knack for details. I'm so grateful to have found her. Sometimes new people make me crazy happy. For this book, I was so excited to work with
Yesenia Varga
s from the first sample edit she gave me. I am looking forward to working together again!


A huge shout out to book bloggers! You guys rock my world! I've been impressed by the awesome community and support that you give. If I could, I'd meet you all in person and give you all the signed books!


A girl could never have a better sister that Karen C. Eddington. Not only does she make me laugh when I need it the most, but her thoughts and support are invaluable. My wish is that everyone could have someone as awe-inspiring as her in their lives.


My husband is the swoon-worthiest, most supportive, most amazing person I know. Without him, my characters would forever be stuck in my head and never make it further. Even more important, life would be bland and sad without him. Also, I'd be a complete loss the moment something broke on the computer. Love you forever, Erik.

About the Author



mazon best-selling author Janeal Falor lives in Utah with her husband and three children. In her non-writing time she teaches her kids to make silly faces, cooks whatever strikes her fancy, and attempts to cultivate a garden even when half the things she plants die. When it's time for a break she can be found taking a scenic drive with her family or drinking hot chocolate.

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