Mine for Eternity [Council Enforcers] (Siren Publishing Classic) (13 page)

BOOK: Mine for Eternity [Council Enforcers] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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As he lay panting, Mitch reached out and fingered a drop of cum hanging from one of her nipples. He rubbed it into the tight, rosy nub, marking her with his scent. The caveman in him wanted her to smell like him, letting everyone know she was taken. Tessa moaned and pressed her breast further into his finger as he watched her own finger snake down her stomach and disappear into her cunt.

There was no way he could resist getting a better view of that show. Tessa squeaked when Mitch moved quickly and tossed her to the bed on her back. “Let me see you play with that pretty pussy of yours. Show me how you get yourself off.” The growl he could hear in his own voice let him know that his lion was enjoying the show as well.

Tessa seemed hesitant at first, but then she just smiled that same wicked smile she had woken him up with and parted her legs. Her wet cunt was flushed pink. Moisture glistened on her swollen lips, and Mitch had to fight for control to not dive right in and lick that moisture away with his tongue. His urge to see his mate make herself come won out, and he sat back on his heels to watch.

She started by running her fingers through his cum on her chest then licked it. Tessa moaned and arched her back as the other hand worried one of her nipples. She pinched and pulled the nub until it was drawn up and standing at attention. Her attention to it had turned the nipple red almost like a ripe raspberry. He wanted to suck it into his mouth to see if it tasted just as sweet.

The hand not fondling her breast trailed down her chest and stomach, dragging his fluid with it. Tessa stopped when she got to her mound. Mitch snapped his eyes up to hers. “What’s wrong, baby? Why did you stop?”

Tessa swallowed before answering. “Just wanted to make sure I had your full attention.”

The tease! She was just torturing him, but Mitch wasn’t complaining. He waited on pins and needles for her to continue. His mate didn’t disappoint. She circled her clit with two fingers and threw her head back and moaned. She pinched, pulled, and tugged the bud until it flushed just as red as her nipple.

“Fuck yourself with your fingers. Imagine it’s my cock in you stroking you deep and long.” Hell, he was definitely imagining it.

Tessa complied and let go of her nipple. She used one hand to massage her clit while she used the other to thrust two fingers deep into her pussy with no hesitation. The wet sound of her juices as she pumped her fingers in and out of her cunt had Mitch’s mouth watering. His mate was enjoying her display just as much as she was by the sounds of it.

“I’m close, Mitch.” Tessa panted.

Her hand sped up, and she pinched her clit between her forefinger and thumb. He watched as Tessa’s back bowed and a scream bubbled up from her throat as she climaxed. Mitch couldn’t hold off any longer. His cock had grown so hard watching Tessa’s show that he had pre-cum dribbling down the tip. He snatched his mate’s hands away and sank himself balls deep into her tight pussy. Mitch groaned when he felt Tessa’s cunt still fluttering from her orgasm. The muscles in her channel clenching and releasing his shaft.

Tessa mewled and locked her legs around his waist, doing her best to hold him in place, but Mitch used his strength to pull out slowly before slamming back inside her. He did it several times until the pleasure threatened to cross his eyes. When he couldn’t hold off anymore, Mitch reached back and pulled Tessa’s legs from his waist. He placed them over his shoulders, opening her further to him. His cock sank deep, drawing a moan from the both of them. Without any other thought, Mitch began powering into Tessa over and over again until he felt sweat dripping down his face. Tessa had given up trying to hold on to him and instead balled the sheet in her fists.

Her screams urged him on, and with each pump of his hips he felt his orgasm growing closer and closer. He needed Tessa to come before he could let himself go. Mitch reached down and pinched her clit just like she had done, and his mate went off like a rocket.

“Yes, Mitch. Yes!”

Mitch joined Tessa’s screams as he came. He held himself in place as his cum pulsed deep inside her pussy, marking her on the inside as he had already done on the outside. He finally gathered up enough strength to fling himself on the bed next to his mate.

“That was freaking awesome.” Mitch panted for breath before continuing, “I’ve never felt something that intense before. Thank you, baby.”

“I’m the one who should be thanking you. I’ve never touched myself like that in front of someone before. It made me feel daring, and the way you looked at me while I was doing it made me feel sexy.” Tessa giggled and buried her face in his chest.

“Baby, if all of our naps end like that, you can wake me up anytime you want.”

Let’s take a nap right now.

“Why do I get the feeling there are going to be a lot of naps in our future?”

Mitch laughed at Tessa’s question. She already knew him and his lion well.

Chapter 10


Mitch rubbed his faced in frustration as he listened to the phone ringing in his ear. It had been two weeks since he had gotten home from cleaning up the mess in Chicago. Two long, frustrating weeks and he was bone tired. He was growing more and more in love with Tessa each day, and Nico had managed to wrap everyone around his little finger, but it was his mate’s damn rogue that was the problem.

The man had managed to somehow find a way onto Mitch’s territory every single day, normally when they were sleeping, and then escaped before anyone could catch him. The man was a damn magician with how he seemed to disappear so fast. He had everyone, even Nico, ready to tear his head off. Mitch wanted to go further and rip his arms off and beat him with them before ripping out his throat.
That would at least stop his damn howling.
Mitch agreed.


Tessa’s rogue was a problem that Mitch couldn’t fix at the moment, but hopefully, the man answering the other line had good news. “Please tell me you have something, Councilman Percival.”

“Well, hello to you, too, Enforcer Ericson. I’m doing well, how about you?”

Mitch couldn’t stand the arrogant prick. All the councilmen seemed to be the same pompous jerks, but Councilman Percival seemed to be the worst of the bunch. He was the oldest at three hundred and twenty-seven and set in his ways, but so far, he was the only one that seemed to be on the same page as Mitch and the rest of his friends. Plus, the enforcer they had found dead in Chicago had been his grandson. The councilman had a reason to see the situation through to the end as well.

“Forgive me, sir. I’m just a little tired right now. I wasn’t thinking very clearly.” It ate at Mitch to apologize to the man, but he did it anyway. “Are you closer to figuring out if there is a traitor in the council?”

“I’m afraid my news isn’t good. It seems the entire council has decided to go public.”

Mitch’s blood ran cold at the news. “What do you mean go public?”

“I mean there are a certain few on the council who believe that we are superior to humans and should no longer have to hide from them. Those few have convinced the less-than-willing councilmen to join their cause.”

“If all of the council is in on it, how come you didn’t know anything about it?” Something wasn’t adding up for Mitch. He didn’t miss the hint of irritation in Councilman Percival’s voice when he answered.

“Unfortunately, I have been away for quite some time and have neglected my duties. The council has taken advantage of my absence, but I can assure you, I mean to never let this happen again.”

“So what’s our next move?” Mitch wasn’t satisfied with the man’s answer, but he moved on.

“I’m afraid I only see one solution.” He paused. “You and your enforcers must eliminate the members of the council.”

Dread ran through Mitch. “That will start a war.”

“Not if it’s done quietly. Kill them and find a way to blame it on the rogue problem. We take out the council member creating rogues, squash an uprising before it begins, and keep our secret safe from the humans. I know it sounds harsh, but it’s really the best solution for us all in the end.”

“I will talk it over with my enforcers and get back with you.”

“Don’t take too long, Enforcer Ericson. I don’t have to tell you how time sensitive this issue is.”

Mitch made the appropriate agreement noises before hanging up the phone. His gut was screaming at him that nothing was right anymore. The whole situation was fucked, and somehow he had managed to find himself right in the middle of it. He took a moment to collect himself before turning around to face the three men that had entered the room during the call.

“That guy is fucked in the head if he expected us to believe all of that bullshit he was spouting.”

Mitch laughed and so did the others. Leave it to Ben to lighten the mood with a wisecrack. He was correct though. “So I’m not the only one who sees that none of this is adding up?”

The three men all shook their heads. “It’s a setup,” Ken spoke.

The man rarely spoke, usually content to let Ryan do all the talking, so when he said something, everyone listened. “I was thinking the same thing,” Mitch confirmed. “Send in a few enforcers to do the dirty work for you, and poof, you are the sole member of the council standing.”

“Yeah,” Ben chimed in, “then you blame it all on the lowly enforcers who just suddenly snapped because their jobs became too overwhelming.”

“Damn, it all makes sense.” Ryan sat forward in his chair. “Haven’t you wondered why Percival was the only councilman that we could get in contact with and that was because he contacted us distraught over his grandson’s death? I bet if we could speak to another council member, they would point the finger at Percival as the one with the grand ideas of ruling the world.”

Mitch just wanted it all to end. He wanted to be able to enjoy his mating and not have it marred by rogue killings and traitors with their sights set on taking over the world. Unfortunately, in order to do that, he had to take care of the councilman.

“We need a plan. I don’t want Councilman Percival to know that we suspect he isn’t being truthful. I want him to keep thinking we’re working for him.”

“Do you think he is working with the other council members, or is he working alone?” Ben questioned.

Mitch wondered that himself. “He claimed he had been away, and I have a feeling I know exactly what he has been away doing. The question is, how was he able to make so many shifters go rogue?”

The group was silent. Mitch’s lion paced back and forth ready to kill someone.
Councilman Percival sounds like the perfect person to kill. Can you believe he insulted our intelligence? As if we would fall for his schemes.
Mitch let out a snort, but he was far from amused.

“Okay, guys. I have no plans to take the fall for this guy. I plan on spending a long and happy life with my mate.” Mitch sat up in his chair ready to take action. “The first thing we need to do is gather all the information about the councilman that we can. He said he was away. Ben, find out where he’s been. See if we can tie him to any property in Chicago. Maybe we can find out where the rogues are staying. Ryan and Ken, I need you guys tracking down the other council members. Track their movements and see if you can figure out if any of them are in on this plot.”

“What will you be doing?” Ry asked him.

“I will stay in contact with the asshole, Percival, to keep him distracted and thinking we are doing exactly what he wants us to. In the meantime, I plan to set a trap for this damn jackass that keeps tormenting my mate and keeping me up at night.
Yeah, and I haven’t had a nice, long nap in the sun in forever.

Their meeting broke up after that, and Mitch headed straight for his mate. He found Tessa lying on the floor playing with Nico. He had a feeling they both were suffering from a little cabin fever. He hadn’t let either of them go further than the front porch since they heard the first howl.

“Hey, baby.” Mitch put a smile on his face so he wouldn’t worry her. He lay on the floor and laughed when he was immediately attacked by Nico.

Mitch had finally marked the cub a few days before by sedating him. It had been Ken’s idea to put him to sleep, and it worked perfectly. Nico had no idea that he had been bitten while he was asleep. He shoulder was sore for a few days, but once his healing kicked in, that had quickly gone away. Now, he was acting like a typical cub. He was full of playful aggression and willing to take it out on anyone who was willing to get on the floor with him.
The growling is cute. With my help, he may have a mighty roar like mine someday.

Ignoring his lion, Mitch lifted the cub off his back and sat him back on the floor. “Why don’t you go find Uncle Ry and Uncle Ken and help them pack?”

Once Nico was out of the room, he leaned over and kissed his mate who had been smiling at the two of them. “I need to talk to you.” What he was about to ask her went against every protective instinct he had for his mate, but for his plan to work, he needed to have Tessa on board. “I have a plan to catch this rogue, but I need your help.”

“You know I’ll do whatever I can.”

“I have a feeling that keeping you locked up is not going to bring the rogue any closer for us to be able to catch him. We need to lure him out, and the only way to do that—”

Tessa cut him off, “Is to use me as bait.”

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