Mind Play (Bennett Sisters Book 3) (11 page)

BOOK: Mind Play (Bennett Sisters Book 3)
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“Of course I did
I even brought a few more
if you need them.”

Well, y
got your work cut out for you
I need you to give me a
full makeover

air, nails,
, the works. That
should do the trick for what
I need.”

They both
just stood there staring at Claire like she had grown a horn on her head, but
started pulling out clothes
and her makeup
from the
bag, getting ready
to perform
the transform
ation. Vivian might not be a doctor getting ready for surgery, but the hairdresser had skills all of her own.
Claire needed this to be extreme for her
to pull of this charade.
She wanted to look like a completely different person, one that
the neighbors on the street wouldn’t recognize.

“Have a seat and let’s get started

Vivian said as she walked to the vanity.

Claire had never seen a woman with so much makeup in her life. She had
eye shadows and brushes in
every color of
the rainbow. She opened her bag
and glanced
up at Claire through the mirror
. “What type of look
do you want
?” Vivian asked.

I need to look like I fit in at a biker bar
.” Claire
raised her gaze in the mirror to her sister

s to see a smirk on her face.

“What on earth for?” Emma asked

Biting her lip with unease
she reached for her pearls and twisted
still gazing at Emma in the mirror.
got a tip that someone
tried to cash one of my fundraiser checks, and the guy hangs out at a biker bar
across town
If I go dressed in my slacks and pearls,
he’ll run before we
even have a chance to
question him.

Emma crossed her arms
her chest and raised an eyebrow
he look was one
Claire had
given to her sisters
many times,
this was
the first time Emma had given it to her
. “
isn’t going to let you go with him. I’m not sure why you’re bothering with

Emma said as her hand motioned to the clothing and the makeup.

Vivian was one of the few friends that knew their
Emma had spilled the beans so to speak almost a year
when she’d been worried about Vivian’s abusive ex-boyfriend. So Claire decided to
her the
since there would be no
her secret coming out
. “
It’s simple really.
He needs
he just doesn’t know it yet. If the guy decides not to talk, I can always
poke at
his mind to find the truth.”

Vivian started pulling out her makeup and got right down t
o work while Claire debated the plan
with Emma. “I still can’t see him letting you go
. I
t could be too dangerous
. Y
ou’ve never been to a place like that

you of all people know that I can take care of myself. Besides
Butch does
much of
a choice. When I set my mind to do something, there i
s no changing it. I promise I’ll be careful
and I’ll
even carry my gun.”

Emma glanced
to Vivian
“Do whatever you need to do
to make sure she looks like she fits in.

Emma placed her hands on Claire’s shoulder
narrowed her eyes at Claire’s reflection
in the mirror
. “Keep your phone on vibrate. If I start to get any feelings whatsoever
or if Momma Mae tell
me you’re in trouble
, I want you out of there. At the first feelings I g
et that something is wrong and you don’t answer
, I’m send
ing in the troops to get you
and trust me, you don’t want that

Emma looked as though she meant business, and Claire wouldn’t put it pas
her sister to send Jake, Mike
and Briggs to the rescue. Emma seemed to be making her own stand on the issue and wa
sn’t giving Claire the option. Claire smiled up at Emma and gave a curt nod
. “Agreed.”

The transformation
from head to toe
took two hours before everything was said and done. T
hey had been interrupted
once by
Jake. When Emma had told him Claire’s plan all
he could do was shake his head and
before mumbling something about Butch as he
retreated back through the door

stood looking in
the full
length mirror a
ttached to the back of the door, admiring Vivian’s handiwork.
She wasn’t sure what Vivian had done, but she definitely didn’t look like herself.
dress wasn’t bad. It wasn’t something she’d pick out, but she guessed that was the point. The short red dress clung to her curves like a glove.
leaned over to battle
with the hemline,
when she looked up
, she saw
her breast
almost spilling out
of the top
. She straightened up quickly, making sure the girls didn’t escape

Vivian threw her arm around Claire’s shoulders.
“It’s sup
posed to be that short
. Q
uit fidgeting
. The wome
n that frequent that bar want to be seen and to have a good time
while they’re at it

“I’m just not use
to it is all.
” Claire tilted her head to the side. “
I’ve never worn anything so…short.”
It wasn’
t so much
uncomfortable, but Claire felt naked.
Aside from her bathing suits, s
he hadn’t revealed this much skin in a long time
up bra hidden beneath the red shiny dress made her breast
look like D’s and not the small
C’s she was accustomed to.
Claire felt the need to keep tugging down at the hemline and up at the neckline. Uncomfortable didn’t begin to describe how she felt in this dress, but she could do it for
one night.
Thank god for small favors
the 3
inch heels weren’t going to
be a
. S
’d been use
to wearing
high heels
her fundraisers.
had been
sure there would be two layers
of makeup
caked on her face
and she’d look like a clown
, but Vivian
’s handiwork was
false eyelashes were long
and coated with mascara
, and her
smoky eyes would fit in at a club
. E
ven her fingernails had been
fire engine red
to match the dress

Emma walked up to the other side of her and let her gaze run from Claire’s toes to her head. “Claire, you look hot. I’m not sure Butch is going to be able to handle this.”

Claire shrugged
her shoulder
This was not a look Claire had ever
She didn’t feel like thirty
nine while she was wearing it.
It wasn’t
skanky as
she’d expected;
it was sexy.
It didn’t scream biker babe, but then again, what did she know
about how they dressed
She never frequented those types of bars.

d get a lot of looks in this outfit

maybe she
should say, lack of outfit

and maybe
she could
use it to her advantage
. She
’d be mortified if
she r
n into any of her fundraiser friends
. S
he wasn’t sure how she
explain her “new” look
to them

BOOK: Mind Play (Bennett Sisters Book 3)
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