Mind (Naughty Wishes #3) (7 page)

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Authors: Joey W. Hill

BOOK: Mind (Naughty Wishes #3)
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Geoff forced himself to release him and stepped back, out of range of Chris’s sight. The hot-as-hell view of him sitting bare-assed on his heels had only gotten better. When he dropped his head forward again, the layers of muscles down his back and in his tight buttocks flexed. Geoff wasn’t sure where to start, because he wanted to start everywhere.

Picking up the belt again, he threaded the tongue through the buckle. As he knelt behind Chris, Chris’s head turned, chin tucked toward his shoulder to watch what Geoff was doing. Geoff slid the loop over one of Chris’s hands, tightened it on his wrist. Then he reached for the other. Chris quivered, one hard shudder that made Geoff pause, his own heart thudding up high in his throat. He carefully closed his hand on the free wrist, brought it behind Chris’s back and worked the belt end around both of them. A belt was a good beginning restraint, because if secured loosely around both wrists, a person could work their way out of it, since it was too thick and rigid to be an unshakable binding. But if someone needed the sense of being restrained to let other things go, it was an optimal choice.

“I’m thinking maybe you did fantasize about us, but you didn’t give yourself pictures. You didn’t shine any light on it. Close your eyes, Chris.”

Chris’s lips set in a firm line as he stared at the wall, his fingers twitching under Geoff’s grip. Geoff tilted his head enough to see his eyes were still open. Submissives were all different. Chris wasn’t at Sam’s level, plus he had some intriguing switch qualities. Yet he had desires and needs that Geoff’s instincts recognized. He reacted accordingly.

“Close them, you hardheaded bastard,” he said, tone as silky as a glide up Chris’s cock, which was still sitting up high and mouthwateringly tight between his legs. “Else I’ll blindfold you with my shirt.”

Chris’s lips twisted, but he complied, eyes shutting. He had thick, long lashes that fanned his tanned cheeks. Geoff gave the belt an extra cinch, putting his other hand flat on Chris’s back so he felt his heart jump. His own did the same.

“So you’re in darkness,” he said, steadying his voice. “Total, pitch darkness. Where you’re not Chris, you’re not really anyone. Just pure need and want, no thought or judgment. You’re on your stomach, the way you normally sleep.” Geoff lowered him into that position, putting him flat, making sure his cock got pressed to the mattress in the right direction. Nothing could break a moment like having your dick at the wrong angle . . . unless the discomfort had erotic purpose. He thought of the sub he’d seen at the warehouse, trussed in pallet wrap and under a coating of heated wax.

He couldn’t let his head get trapped in that space right now. His feelings for the man under his care was a bigger demand than ruminating on future possibilities. Chris’s needs became his own, because every sense was focused on standing
inside Chris, understanding where he was at, taking a journey with him.

As Geoff put him down on the mattress, he kept his hand curled over his shoulder, the other at his side to control the descent. Christ, the boy was heavy. Next time he’d have him lower himself first, then deny him the use of his hands. Good planning resulted in more pleasure for them both. But once he had him there, the view was worth it. The mound of his ass, the valley of his back, the expanse of shoulders, pulled back, arms bound and knuckles resting on the rise of his ass. His cheek was pressed to the pillow, lips set in that tense line, hair falling over his brow. Geoff’s gaze slid down over the powerful columns of his thighs, and muscled calves. His legs were spread enough Geoff could see the ripe plums of his balls. His cock would be like a steel pipe against his belly.

Geoff trailed a hand over his ass, down one thigh. “So you’re in the dark,” he continued, rising to push the door shut and draw the blinds, putting them in darkness in actuality, especially when he pulled the safety light out of the wall. “Even if you open your eyes, you don’t see me anywhere. But you feel me.”

He finished stripping off the rest of his clothes as he spoke, knowing Chris was hearing the zipper come down, the rustle of clothing. He expected his friend had opened his eyes at his implied permission. All he’d be able to see was Geoff’s silhouette. “You know I’m here, and you wonder when I’m going to do something. Whether you should fight, how you can submit. That feels like the wrong thing to do, but it also feels right, too. The good thing is, you don’t have to worry about it, not really. You can’t fight the dark. It simply is. Slips around you, holds you, keeps you as long as it wants to.”

He centered himself, drawing what he wanted and what he could feel from Chris into the same breath, deep into his lungs. Dropping to the mattress, he planted one knee between Chris’s legs as he took a firm grip on his balls. Ah, fucking heaven. Chris’s thighs quivered, his ass making a delectable twitch as Geoff fondled and squeezed.

“You don’t have to worry about anything, because I’m the one making choices. Taking them. I want you, Chris.” Geoff paused. “I’ve wanted you for a long time. But not as a casual fuck. Somehow, I knew when this moment came, it would be like this. As important as what we’ve started with Sam. Not a
Let’s see where this will go
. This is permanent, forever, nobody getting out of it alive. This is it for us. Right?”

Another quiver. He’d wanted Chris to know he wasn’t playing Dom games or just lonely for a piece of ass. He expected Chris knew, but Geoff needed to say it, because he was painfully aware there was one of them in this room who needed that to be clear. “Answer me,” he demanded roughly.

Keeping his hold on Chris’s testicles, he dipped his thumb between his buttocks and found the crinkled opening of his rim. Fine hairs curled around it. As he rubbed, Chris jerked in his grip, letting out a hoarse breath.

“Not hearing anything, Chris. Maybe something’s got your tongue.”

Geoff changed positions, letting go of his balls to grip his hair instead, turning Chris’s face up to his roughly enough to stoke the fire. He stopped an inch from his mouth, teased him with his breath, his other thumb coursing over his lips. He could sense Chris’s gaze on him, like being close to a flame.

“You had fantasies like this, but you ignored them, shoved them down. Because you just weren’t sure what it meant about you. You know me, Chris. You know me down to the soul, and so you know all my corners of dark and light. If you’ve wanted me, if your dick’s gotten hard imagining us like this, then me taking over was part of it.” He curled his hands around the belt and tugged on it, letting Chris feel the binding. “Because you know it’s part of me.”

Chris didn’t respond, but his breath remained uneven, those eyes seeking Geoff’s in the darkness. Geoff came even closer.

“That sweet mouth,” he whispered. “I’ve thought about ramming my dick into it more times than I can count. Putting you on your knees in the kitchen and thrusting until I come so hard it spills out of your mouth.”

“Fuck.” A bare whisper of sound, but Geoff’s lips drew back in dangerous satisfaction. The big shoulder flexed under his hand as Chris tested the bonds in involuntary reaction. “If your hands were free,” he said, low, “you’d try to pull me down, because you wonder what my mouth tastes like. You wonder what a kiss from a man feels like. Or do you? Has any other man ever tasted your mouth, Chris? What bastard had the balls to taste what was mine?”

Chris trembled again, his arms still flexing, straining. He didn’t speak again. Geoff wondered if he could. To have a fantasy—or in Chris’s case maybe it was better to call it a hope, humbling as it was to realize he had considered this moment that way—that lived only in shadows brought to life, even in darkness, might steal words, and leave only a tumble of emotions too strong to contain except through violence or sex. Or violent sex. But this was where being a Dom came in handy. Geoff knew he couldn’t let it go that way.

Easing his hold on Chris’s shoulder, he moved to trace Chris’s face, gentle as a mother’s touch. Geoff thought he could hear the crash of Chris’s heart like thunder. Leaning down, Geoff found Chris’s mouth with his own. Easy, rubbing, caressing, a tracing of the tongue between the parted lips. Chris’s breath touched his flesh, erratic. Geoff curved his hand around his nape, increasing the firmness of the grip as he deepened the kiss.

He slid his other hand down Chris’s shoulder, over the biceps, enjoying the strength and beauty of the powerful arm, then down to release the belt from his wrists. He sat back, out of range. God. He knew how he’d felt when he’d first kissed Sam. Now, when he kissed Chris, he compared those two first kisses to all the others he’d ever had and realized Chris was smarter than he’d ever be. There was no comparison. Quantity could never hold its own against quality that pure.

“Put your arms above your head,” he said.

A long pause, and Chris did it, another shot of pure adrenaline. Geoff rode it, straddling his shoulders, sitting his bare ass between Chris’s shoulder blades as he rebound his hands with the belt. He wished his friend had a bed so he could wrap the tongue around a headboard, but he didn’t need it. Not really. Chris’s arms flexed against the binding, but he didn’t try to get away. Sliding back, Geoff ran his hand over one buttock, giving it a healthy, bruising squeeze. “You could bounce quarters off that thing, man,” he muttered.

Chris let out a strained half chuckle. Geoff moved farther down to sit on his thighs and take a handful of buttock in each hot palm, squeezing, learning every inch of him. Talk about delayed gratification. He had to force himself to focus. This wasn’t just about him.

“So I come to you in the dark. Maybe you don’t even acknowledge it’s me. But you know. You know the touch of my hands, the way I want to use you. Maybe you’ve already had Sam that night, fucked her, spilled yourself inside her. But it’s not enough. You bring her to sweet climax again by licking her cunt and sucking on her pretty nipples. You remember how tight they were after you put your mouth on them? You give her satisfaction but you leave yourself hurting for it. First, because you know she’s exhausted, and you don’t want to be a brute. When you leave her sleeping, you tell yourself you’re done. But you know you aren’t. Not until you’ve been fucked by me. Your second climax belongs to me.”

He pressed his erection against Chris’s ass. “Maybe you haven’t let yourself fantasize about it, Chris, but I have. I’ll loan you that fantasy and about a dozen more until you can think up some on your own. As much as I’ve loved thinking about every inch of your body, I’ve spent as much time thinking about what you say to me, how you respond, how close we’ve gotten—way closer than just fucking. And when I go to bed with those kind of fantasies, I wake up hurting. Needing.”

Chris made a noise, one Geoff wasn’t sure how to interpret, but it wasn’t rejection. More like some of the same kind of primal hunger. He slid down to the backs of Chris’s knees and found the lubricant where he’d left it. “No talking now,” he said in a gruff voice. “You just feel. Feel what I’m doing. How I’m making you ready for me.”


“Yeah, bud?” He curved over him, a hand braced by his shoulder. The position trailed the head of his cock over Chris’s buttocks, the small of his back. Geoff suppressed the desire to push it more firmly against him and rub like a damn cat in heat. Or a male marking territory.

“You meant it, right? I’m not some casual fuck. Not like the others.” Chris tensed. “I’m not being a fucking girl, either. I’m just saying . . .”

“First off, there weren’t that many ‘others,’” Geoff said with a lightness he didn’t feel. “But I get it. You’re saying if I didn’t mean what I just said, that this is something more, I need to get the fuck off of you and get the hell out of your room.

Chris nodded.

“Okay. Pay attention, then, since I thought I made that way clear the first time.”

Geoff gripped his hair and slammed his mouth down on his. This time he unleashed everything that was surging through him below the waist, as well as through his heart and every blood cell.

Chris groaned, and the sound became the rumble of a waking bear. The muscles beneath Geoff bunched, gathered, but before he could counter, Chris tossed him, spinning over in the dark to grab at him.
He had about a second to remember the other thing that first Dom mentor had told him.

Never underestimate a sub’s physical reaction to stimuli.

He’d definitely miscalculated this one’s. With Chris’s hands bound, he had less control over the maneuver. Geoff’s head cracked into the wooden crate Chris used as a side table. Whatever was on it toppled and, when Geoff slid to a stop, half on and half off the mattress, he was pretty sure a couple of books were stabbing him between the shoulder blades. A beer bottle had prevented his head from bouncing off the much more forgiving carpeted floor.

Chris was on his knees over him, breath harsh. “I can’t . . . I’ve got the belt knotted, or something. Are you okay?” He was moving, scrambling away. “Fuck. I’ll get the light . . .”

Summoning a quick snapshot of what was in the room and gauging Chris’s direction, Geoff rolled and caught his ankle and knee in two strong hands. It felled Chris like a tree, vibrating the house on its foundation. However, unlike Geoff’s, Chris’s landing pad was all carpet. Geoff didn’t give him time to recover, scrambling to pin him on his stomach, a knee between his legs and hand on the back of his neck.

“Easy,” he said sharply. “Easy. We’re still in the dark here, Chris. It’s all about what’s happening in the dark. Take a breath.”

But Chris was rigid. “Did I hurt you?”

“Yeah, you did. But it was my fault. Shut up. Just be quiet.” Geoff slid his hands over Chris’s shoulders, down the flat of his back and over the tempting rise of his ass. Then back up to check the the belt. He’d only twisted it in his panic, so Geoff figured it out, loosened the strap and pulled it away to chafe at his friend’s wrists. “Okay on circulation?”

“Yeah. It was fine. It wasn’t too tight. I just couldn’t get it loose.”


“But where did I—”

“Shut up. Keep your hands up by your head.” Geoff adjusted so he was kneeling between Chris’s spread thighs. He slid his palm over the round shape of Chris’s buttock, bent closer and bit.

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