Mikala's Passion (Pulse Series Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Mikala's Passion (Pulse Series Book 2)
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“Did you know Mason had Charlie’s footprints tattooed on his chest?” Mikala asked, waiting for Eden to react with shock or surprise.

“Yes…Yes I did,” Eden confessed.

Mikala’s head tilted to the side and she waited for clarification.

“I went with him. Actually I gave him the birth certificate so he could have it done,” Eden said, taking the bottle from Mikala and screwing on the cap before setting it back under the bar. “When he told me what he wanted to do I had to help him, Mik. Look, what happened was devastating it changed all of our lives forever, but it should have never torn you two apart. I get that you’re hurting but Mason’s hurting too and yeah he was wrong to leave but he realizes just how wrong he was. Talk to him Mik, tell him how you feel, how you felt, what it did to you and then listen to him, make him talk to you. Go to him.”

“I don’t think I’m ready,” Mikala said.

“For God’s sake give your head a shake girl!” Eden stepped forward, grasping Mikala by the arm. “Go wait for him at the loft, he has to go home sometime, be there waiting for him and talk, tell him how you feel. It won’t kill you to talk will it?”

Mikala took a deep breath.

Once she had deliberated Eden words, let them sink into her grey matter and soak in properly, she yanked Eden into her chest for a bear style hug, snatched her purse from the bar and ran out the door.

Eden smoothed the lapel of her suit jacket and grinned, quite pleased with herself and hoping that her words had somehow gotten through her friends thick skull. She hated the idea that Mikala and Mason were apart, they were such a perfect match. Both tough asses and head strong, both broken with painful histories, they had managed to see past the pain to find something special. They had loved each other enough to make a baby, they had created a life and although Charlie was taken far too soon, they were emotionally bound together forever.

And if it killed Eden, she was going to see to it that they found each other again.


Undoubtedly Eden was going to tear Mikala a new one, once she found out Mikala chose to return to the motel room rather than Mason’s loft. She found herself sprawled out on the bed with her phone clutched to her chest contemplating whether to send a text or phone him. She rose from the bed and walked over to the table and sat. She pulled back the heavy drape looking out at the almost vacant lot and, watching the traffic drive past in the distance, she thought of what to say.

She was not ready to deal with Mason after all the bullshit that had plagued her for the past eight months. Between Mason’s discarding her like a used rag, the psycho tormenting her every day with threats and letters and the fire practically destroying her life with the light of a single match, she was hanging precariously from an extremely thin thread. She wasn’t sure if its snapping would be a blessing, or another calamity to add to the growing shit pile she trudged through each day.

Life seemed to plough on in spite of everything, just as sure as the sun and the moon rose each morning and set each night. Mikala was worn down and exhausted from the fight, ready to give in, however surrendering wasn’t an option at this point.

She closed her eyes and sucked in a long deep breath as she brought her phone to life and typed a text. Hearing his voice would prove too difficult to resist as his needy rasp rummaged from her ear to her heart.

I don’t want 2 talk. I’m doing just fine without u.

It wasn’t but a few seconds later when Mikala’s phone announced a reply.

I deserve that. I wanted 2 know u r safe.

Mikala decided no further reply was necessary as she switched her phone off and threw it onto the bed.

She gathered her things and went for a shower before settling into the terribly uncomfortable bed. Lumpy was an understatement for the bowling ball sized wads of batting and sharp snaking coils held within the mattress. The strong smell of bleach was beginning to nauseate her, but the thought of opening a window to let in fresh air was a less than advantageous idea, seeing as it was not a favorable area of town.

After spraying her pillow with perfume, she got back into bed and switched the TV on with the remote. In pursuit of something to help her fall asleep, she flicked through an endless number of white noise channels, before an episode of ‘Duck Dynasty’ filtered through the blur on the screen, that was the last straw, off went the TV as she reached for her phone and turned it on.

Once the phone played a tone announcing it was ready, she checked the messages and found six texts from Mason and one scary ass message from Eden, she figured getting that one over with first was best.

“You rotten bitch, did you think I wouldn’t find out? You so owe me an explanation, I think you’ve finally lost your mind. Don’t you ignore me! I expect a call by morning,”
Eden said quietly into the phone, evidently trying not to be heard by Chase, who would give her shit for interfering.

Mikala laughed, sitting up against the wooden headboard and adjusting her pillow behind her back. The first four texts Mason sent pleaded with her to respond, when he finally took the hint that she had no such intentions, he blasted her.

Disappearing like a spoiled child won’t keep me away, think again.

She studied his words and then rolled her eyes before reading the last.

Sugar, wherever u r I will find u let there b no doubt. I’m gonna do whatever it takes 2 get u back so prepare yourself.

Laughing, she put her head back and closed her eyes.

Mikala was in a dreamlike state when she heard heavy knuckles hammering against the hollow wooden door. Before she could open her eyes, the familiar voice calling out her name forced them open wide.

“Mikala, open this fucking door, I’m not going away until you do, or the cops arrive!” Mason yelled.

Although most rooms in the motel seemed unoccupied, she couldn’t be sure and rushed to the door before someone called the cops. The less than impressed look on Mason’s face told her there was no fucking with him in the mood he was in, standing off to the side of the door she waved him in as he stormed past.

Feeling like he just got a swift kick to the face, he looked around the grungy room drawing in a displeased breath, “You’re so desperate to get away from me that this is what you resort to, sleeping in this dump?” he shook his head in disbelief, “I knew you hated me but I never dreamed it was this bad.”

“I don’t hate you,” Mikala quickly replied, “I…needed distance.” She fumbled over her words.

Her heart sunk when she caught sight of Mason rubbing his hand across the stubble covering his jaw, his sad eyes meeting hers. “You know, it’s a big fucking loft with plenty of room to escape from me,” he declared, “I’ll move out, you can have the place, there’s no fucking way I’m letting you stay here another night.” He stood defiant with his arms crossed over his chest staring her down.

“Don’t talk crazy,” Mikala said, closing the door and sitting on the wobbly chair, “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“You’re sure as fuck not staying here, get your shit together we’re leaving,” he ordered, “Don’t give me a reason to drag you out of here kicking and screaming.

Dropping her eyes to the floor she said, “No, I’m staying,” and then watched through her lashes as Mason moved around the room like a cyclone, grabbing up her belongings and tossing them into her bag.

“Don’t play with me Mikala,” he growled, reaching for the back of the chair and spinning it round to face him.

“Now, you can go dressed as you are, but I suggest you put something a bit less revealing on,” he said as his eyes trailed over her tiny white t-shirt and baby blue, lace trimmed boy-short panties.

At this point she had no alternative but to do as he said and retreated to the washroom where she threw on sweats and a hoodie and scooped her toiletries into her purse. Mason was leaning with his hips against the dresser and turned when she came out of the washroom. He pushed off the dresser and closed the distance between them.

“Next decision,” he posed. “You walk out of here on your own two feet or over my shoulder, which will it be?”

As much as the idea of being dragged off into the night by a hunky gorgeous man appealed to her, she tipped her head and scowled, “Fuck off!” and walked out the door.

“Smart mouth,” Mason said, with a burning glare.

Twenty minutes later, Mason pulled into the roundabout at the very same hotel he had dropped her off at the night they had left Eden and Chase’s, not too long ago. Looking over at him surprised, she watched him jump out of the truck and come around to her side. He opened the door, helped her out and then took her bag from the rear seat.

“Let’s get a move on,” he ordered, taking her hand. Bossy as fuck, this was the Mason that always managed to crawl under her skin and send shivers to her core and at this moment she was as wet as he had ever made her. If Mason only knew the effect he was having on her.

They spoke not a word while he handed over his credit card to the overly made-up buxom blond behind the desk and booked Mikala a two night stay. Even the ride up to her room was a silent one, but once the room door closed, it was an entirely different situation.

“Not a fucking word,” he said, as she opened her mouth to speak. “The room is paid for and will continue to be paid for until the apartment is ready, no arguments.”

“I’ll pay you back,”

“You’ll pay fuck all,” he said. He would go broke first to ensure she was safe and secure. “I’ll make sure your car is dropped off before morning, you’ll find the keys at the front desk.”

“You’re not going to stay?” she asked, before she realized the words had crossed her lips and nervously looked away.

“Do you want me to stay?” he asked, confused.

Thinking quickly she replied, “I mean…you trust me to stay here alone?”

“I’m trusting that you’ll think twice before you go bolting off next time,” he softened his tone. “In two days I’ll ask you again to reconsider and come stay at the loft, that’s two days to think, sugar.”

“I don’t need two days Mason,” Mikala said, sitting on the foot of the bed, “I won’t be changing my mind.”

“We’ll see,” he said, sitting beside her, “Sugar, why are you being so difficult?”

His knee was making full contact distracting her from her thoughts. The only barrier between them was a few layers of bulky material, it could have been a cement block and she would have still felt his heat. She jumped to her feet sidetracking herself with emptying her bag.

“Am I being difficult?” she asked, playing the fool.

“Mik, what happened to you since last night, I thought we were making head way. I thought…”

“You thought wrong,” Mikala snapped, “I need to get some sleep and you need to go.”

Mason tongued the inside of his cheek looking at his watch. “Yeah, it’s late,” he agreed walking to the door and handing her the keycard. “See you tomorrow, I mean today, sometime,”

“I guess.”

“Goodnight, sugar.”


Mason left the room and never looked back. The door closed with a harsh click.


Unfortunately for Mikala, Chase was too busy to meet with her at the club and since he said it was of utmost importance, she found herself riding the claustrophobic elevator to his office, which had to be on one of the top floors of the twenty five story glass and steel office tower.

“Hey, Jessica, I’m here to see Chase,” Mikala announced, to Chase’s receptionist.

“Mr. Dean’s expecting you, go right in,” Jessica said, pointing in the direction of his office with her sharpened pencil, never taking her eyes off the computer screen. It amazed Mikala how Jessica rarely made eye contact yet knew immediately who she was addressing and where to send them.

The impressively gold branded glass door to Chase’s office slid to the side before her knuckles made contact and Chase stood glaring. Waving her by, she made tracks for one of the large comfy leather chairs by his desk and sat. Chase sat in his sexy executive chair with his chin on his clasped hands and his elbows on his desk still staring.

“What?” she asked, uneasily.

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