Read Midnight Masquerade Online

Authors: Sunny Andrews

Midnight Masquerade (4 page)

BOOK: Midnight Masquerade
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Smiling at the use of her nickname, a hot cup of tea sounded like heaven even if Alastair
would be
sitting entirely too close to her. Rounding the chair, she poured herself a cup of tea
and topped off the men’s cups before
down with a sigh
closed her eyes
as she enjoyed the strong tea as she inwardly tried to calm her torrid emotions.

“So are you going to tell me why you were crying so early little sister?” Gideon asked bluntly.

Snapping her eyes open, she looked directly at her brother while she felt Alastair’s eyes boring into the side of her. Taking a soothing drink out of her tea, she answered
, “No.”

Raising a brow, Gideon requested, “Then you’ll tell me where the blast you were just coming from alone, so damn early in the morning
in your favorite riding habit.

Giving a loud audible sigh, she looked into her
and admitted, “I went for a ride
There was no hiding things from her brothers, she knew better to lie to them. Gideon didn’t have to ask the question, he had already known the answer.

Rolling his eyes, her brother sat back in his chair and rubbed his face, “Amelia Elizabeth Somerset, you
I do not like you riding alone! I’m going to assume you are crying over a man then, so who is he?”

Jesus this was embarrassing.
Her brother, like usual was spot on.

“Yes Lia, do tell…who is he
and we’ll make sure he doesn’t make you cry anymore?” Alastair asked, sitting down his cup and crossing his arms. His protectiveness was flaring thanks to Gideon.

Shaking her head, she rolled her eyes, “I can assure you, tis
of your concern. I appreciate your inquiry, but you will
be getting a name from me.”

concern most seriously little sister, do not think
for one moment that
I will not find out who is making my little baby sister cry. A brother does not like these things, at all.” Cross
ing his arms just like Alastair had,
Gideon sat back and stared at her, letting her know just how serious he was taking this. Gideon’s words were true, he would find out if he wanted to. There wasn’t much she had ever been able to keep secret from him or Luke.

From behind her, she heard the door open followed by Helena’s sweet voice.

“Good morning my dears, someone is missing his Auntie Lili
this morning
he woke up looking for you my dear.”

Turning around with a giant smile upon her face, she saw Helena holding little Theodore
, only a few months old he was one of her precious little nephews.

up, she held out her hands,
thankful for the distraction,
“Teddy! Auntie Lili missed you too my sweet!” Taking him out of Helena’s arms she lifted him up to her face and kissed his chubby little cheeks and rubbed noses with the littl
e sweet cherub baby as he cooed in delight

Behind her
Gideon got up from his chair and came around to Helena’s side, kissing her sweetly, “Good morning love.”

Holding Teddy, Amelia smiled as she snuggled against her eldest nephew, walking back over to her chair, she
sat down a
to talk to Teddy while Helena and Gideon sat back down.

“Now, what were you two interrogating my sister-in-law about so early in the morning?” Helena asked, pouring herself a cup of tea, looki
ng at both Alastair and Gideon as if they were naughty children about to be scolded.
Helena ran a tight ship, which also meant keeping the men in check.

Smiling at Helena’s approach, she always had an ally in her
brother’s wife.

“She was crying, and riding alone in Hyde
again. She refuses to tell us the name of the man she’s crying about.” Gideon of
fered, looking right back at Amelia

Refusing to look at him or Alastair, she instead pretended she hadn’t heard them and tickled Teddy into a sweet giggle that had her laughing again.

Taking a sip of her tea, Helena offered, “As well as she shouldn’t tell you the man
’s name
. She’s a
Gideon; leave her find her own path in life. How can you expect her to find the right man for a husband if she doesn’t go through a few of the wrong men

“Husband? When did you start looking for a husband Lia
?” Alastair asked immediately. The surp
rise in his voice made her mad, it was if he never thought it a possibility.
Across the desk from her, Gideon and Helena watched the exchange with interest.

Looking up from the baby in her arms, she looked at Gideon and Helena first before turning her head t
o look at Alastair, “I’m twenty-
one Alastair, surely even
have to marry at some point. As much as I love living here, I do want my own family someday.
I can’t have that if I live with my family forever.

Her throat was dry as she locked eyes with h
im and talked about marriage. His
question made it seem like he hadn’t even considered her ready or looking to marry.

“Speaking of impending marriages, Alastair, tell the ladies your news?” Gideon offered, obviously excited for his friend.
Inwardly she was groaning.

Breaking eye contact with Alastair, she put all of her focus
back on Teddy, her heart was pounding
as she waited for him to speak. Her skin crawled thinking of Porsche’s hands on him.
She was a young snob, perfectly shaped and beautiful beyond compare and the vainest person Amelia knew.

Clearing his throat, Alastair spoke, “I have found the widow from Van Allendale’s last night, Porsche VanEtter as it seems.”

“Are you s
ure Alastair?” Helena question, her brow shooting up like it always did when she didn’t believe something someone said.

Looking up
at Helena, and then Alastair, Amelia
could see Helena’s confusion. Keeping her mouth shut, she watched Helena at work.
Helena knew Alastair well, she rightly questioned the duke.

“Why does everyone keep asking that?” Alastair leaned his head back in the chair and sighed.

“I’m sorry Alastair, I just don’t see Porsche being this mysterious woman who
captured your heart weeks ago.
I don’t mean to offend you dear.
She’s young, and from my dealings with her she is
of your caliber.
” Helena genuinely offered from across the desk.

Unable to refrain, Amelia was c
urious as to how Porsche had prayed on him, she couldn’t help but ask, “How did you find out after all this time?
It has been weeks…
” Watching him roll his head towards her he sighed and locked eyes with her.
Looking into his deep blue eyes she could feel his struggle.

“Last night she confessed it was her. Since the only people who know the story of whom I was looking for
is this family, I was shocked when she gave me details of that night.” He off
ered, not quite sounded excited
as he should have been.

Then what seems to be the problem my friend? I feel like you should be far more e
to find your lady love than,” Gideon flourished his hand at Alastair, “what you are acting like right now. You’ve been searching for her for over a damn month, yet you do not appear to be as jovial as one should.”

wasn’t sure how in depth he should go with the ladies in the room, offering a rundown version he answered his friend, “Something is off
, I cannot put my finger on it, but something doesn’t feel exactly right.”

It was a bloody
awkward conversation to be having with Amelia in the room. For years he had watched her dance upon London with jealousy in his heart. Seven years her senior, she was his best mates’ little sister, she had been
off limits to him. The past year had been the most difficult for him, watching men court her
him more than he cared to admit.

He cared for Amelia; there was something between them that always flared. He had known the stunning woman for years, and he had yet to ever test the waters with her.
True, her brothers never vocalized she was off limits to him, it was a rule he had put in place years ago
These past few weeks while searching en
dlessly for the widow
, he had seen very little of Amelia. Normally a steady
at his side throughout the evening
’s events, he realized just n
ow little he had actually talked to the woman the past four weeks.
Now he found out that she was actively looking for a husband, it didn’t sit right with him.

Watching her hold her baby
pulled at his heartstrings, she glowed when she was with her nephews and niece.
Her other brother
happened to be his best
Luke had twins, so when
three babies surrounded Amelia
, she was in pure heaven, it
was clear to see on her face.
It was easy to see how wonderful of a mother she would be; she was a natural with the children.

What irked him was thinking of another man finally claiming one of the most stunning catches of all London, Amelia. Hearing she was looking for a
husband made his stomach flop, he always thought she was happy being single and unattached. He should have known she would marry soon, with both of her brothers wed, he could understand her wanting to start her own family.

Looking at him, she smiled while Theodore grabbed a fist full of her shiny brunette hair, “I’m sure you’ll figure it out Alastair, congratulations
finally finding her
, although
I’m confused, I could have sworn you told Luke the lady you sought
had dark hair
.” Standing up she gave him a weak smile and walked around the desk and handed the baby to Gideon. Giving the child one more kiss on his forehead, she turned around, “I have to get things around for
tonight, I’ll see you all later
tonight I suppose

Nodding to her, he could tell something was seriously upsetting her as he bid her goodbye for now, “Save a dance for me tonight Lia.”

“I will
, but now that you found your Andromeda I’m sure you will be fairly busy keeping the incomparable
Porsche entertained
.” With that, the beauty gracefully exited the library, shutti
ng the door quietly behind her. Her comment about the widow’s hair color bothered him even more, he too had tho
ught about that all night long. The tone in Amelia’s voice had him on edge, she had been treating him differently lately,
and in
, now that he thought about it, he was sure
was all together avoiding him these past weeks. It had been very unlike her.
Had his search for this woman upset her?
Is that why all of sudden she was looking for a husband?

The moment she had closed the library door behind her,
Alastair watched as Gideon looked
at Helena and questioned his lovely blonde wife.
“Do you know who she is having her heart broken by?”
Watching the couple with great interest, he was curious too.

“Of course I do sweetheart, don’t worry, it’ll all work out. I promise.” Helena offered to her husband. Watching the two, his feelings were greatly conflicted.
Both men wanted to press Helena for the name of the man
who was tormenting Lia’s heart, Helena knew the man…and she too refused to give up the name.

Looking directly at him
Helena offered him some sage advice, “Alastair, I would trust your instincts. If you feel like something is off, figure out what it is, the last thing you want to do is be saddled with the wrong wife for the rest of your life.
Also, Lia has a
very good
point. In all your stories you told us of a dark-haired beauty, Porsche is as blonde as they come. She could have been wearing a wig of course, but I don’t think you were nearly that drunk to miss something like
that my friend. Trust your gut, if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. You’re one of the most brilliant detectives and military men in this country, figure it out.

BOOK: Midnight Masquerade
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