Microsoft Word - Seven Nights of Sin (9 page)

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Then his mouth dropped to her neck and his hands to her skirt. Blush’s music made the whole closet vibrate, but the main thing Brenna could hear was her own labored breathing as Damon pushed up under the leather to find her panties. One rip and her thong dropped, a whoosh of air cooling her pussy.

He breathed heavy now, too, and they both worked hurriedly at his belt and pants. Part of her couldn’t believe she was letting this happen, yet it was beyond her to stop.

And when his zipper parted and Damon pushed his underwear down, too, Brenna went weak at the sight of his cock. Oh God, it was big! So thick and long and rock solid—for her.

She wrapped her hand full around it, making him moan. She wasn’t usually so aggressive, but she also wasn’t usually in a closet making out with Damon Andros.

Gazing down at his erection empowered her, and the very way it felt in her fist—silk over steel—had her pulling it toward her, closer, closer, needing it inside her more than she could understand.

“Wait,” Damon whispered, and a hint of panic paralyzed her—please don’t let him be  stopping!—until he yanked his wallet from his back pocket and pulled out a square foil  packet.

“Oh,” she sighed in relief. Then, “Hurry.”

She held his enormous cock upright between them as he rolled the condom snugly down over it.

The next thing she knew, his hands were closing on her bare ass, she was wrapping one leg around his waist, and he was thrusting himself deep into her hungry cunt.

“Unh!” she cried at the impact, and their eyes met as he began to move in her.

She’d never done anything so animalistic in her life, but that’s what she felt like right now—an animal, out of control, reckless with heat. She’d also never been with anyone so large before, and the fullness was almost overwhelming, especially standing up.

“So wet,” he growled—and she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tight as

he pumped into her welcoming flesh.

“All day,” she admitted between breaths. “And last night. Oh God!” she cried as he filled

her again, again. “Fuck me,” she whispered in his ear.

She never said things like that during sex—but again, she’d never been with Damon

Andros. He clearly drove her to new heights—or maybe depths.

“Fuck me,” she said again. “Fuck me.”

“I’m fucking you, babe,” he assured her. “I’m fucking you hard.”

They moved together, firm strokes that echoed through every inch of her body, and she met them, pressing down, her moves rubbing her clit against him in front.

“So big,” she breathed. “So big in me.”

“Ah, baby—yeah,” he said, his voice filled with a dirty arrogance she felt to her soul. And  then he thrust even deeper, and she knew he wanted her to feel every hard inch, wanted  her to know exactly how big he was.

Intense pleasure reverberated through the small of her back and down her thighs, and weakness threatened to make her collapse. Damon kissed her roughly, and their ragged breathing nearly drowned out the echo of music through the door.

“Let me see your tits,” he demanded, the words darting jaggedly through her. He couldn’t  reach them himself since he had to hold on to her with both hands to keep their bodies  interlocked—and she never could have dreamed she’d find such a command hot, but she  did. She hurried to yank at the buttons of her blouse, then reached up to shove both bra  straps off her shoulders. The cups dropped and her breasts tumbled free, and she  instantly loved having revealed herself to him.

He let out a groan as his eyes dropped to her chest, and she found herself arching involuntarily forward. “Suck them,” she said.

Another rough growl left him as he bent to take one turgid nipple into his mouth, pulling on it hard.

“Oh God,” she murmured. “Oh God, yes.”

She was getting closer, closer—she was going to come.

“Fuck me,” she pleaded again. “Fuck me.”

He continued driving his cock deep and suckling her breast as she moved against him in the hot, tight circles that brought her the most pleasure.

“Oh…” she moaned, lost to the sensations, eyes shut now. She forgot they were in a  closet half undressed, forgot she barely knew him, forgot this was the most illicit sex she’d  ever even come close to having—and exploded in orgasm. She cried out as it rushed  through her, pulsing outward from her cunt all the way to her fingers and toes. “Yes, yes,  yes,” she sobbed until finally the waves began to calm and total weakness pervaded her  body.

Opening her eyes, she caught a glimpse of the bare light bulb above her, another of her pointed nipples below, glistening from his ministrations—and felt like someone else. Until she met his gaze, her arms resting around his neck, and then she felt like no one but herself, living out the naughtiest of fantasies—naughtier, in fact, than any she’d ever even had. “Oh God,” she breathed.

“Good?” he asked, those sexy brown eyes still filled with saturating heat.

“Mmm,” she sighed with one slow, well-pleasured nod. “Now…fuck me some more. Fuck  me ’til you come.” Brenna hadn’t been herself since arriving in Sin City, and she saw no  reason to change that now.

With their gazes still locked, he tightened his grasp on her bottom, his fingers digging in slightly. Then, teeth clenched, he drove into her—once, twice, again, again—slow, hard thrusts that reached her very core. Her body jolted with each, her breasts jiggling. At moments, her head dropped back, her eyes shutting, but when she opened them again,  Damon’s gaze always met hers, and such stark intimacy enhanced every sensation. And it was only when he said, “God, God—now,” that his eyes fell shut in ecstasy.

Brenna watched the climax take him, transform him, watched the pleasure and pain steal over his expression, and almost thought she could come again from the severe joy of

having delivered him there.

But it was when he opened his eyes and she knew the sex was over that she began to feel just as she had upon coming into the club tonight—a little adrift, unsure. “Good?” she asked, as he’d asked her.


And then…nothing. She had no idea what to say, how things would be now.

Gently, he pulled out of her, leaving her to stand on her own. God, her legs were wobbly.  And her body suddenly empty. Struggling to stay on her feet, she instinctively reached to put her bra back in place.

“Shit,” he said, then, “Sorry.”

She balked slightly. “Sorry?”

“It’s a bad idea to fuck someone you work with.”

“Oh. Yeah. I had the same thought.” She buttoned her blouse, watching as he removed his

condom to drop it in an empty wastebasket resting conveniently on the floor behind him.

This was starting to feel a little surreal. She’d just done it with Damon Andros.

But no, wait—it had already felt surreal. This was more than that. Un real. Dizzying.

“Although,” she added, thinking aloud, “it’s not as if this is the first time you’ve had sex with

someone you worked with.” Singers, she meant.

the way.” A small, cynical smile took him. “All completely consensual, without contract promises, by

“I believe you,” she said softly. And she did. She couldn’t imagine Damon would have to

make promises to get any woman into bed.

“And…a habit I was trying to break.”

She bit her lip. “Then what went wrong?”

He zipped his pants, met her gaze. “You’re too damn hot.”

It probably indicated some flaw in her character that, even as she stood totally absorbed by this man and what she’d just done with him, she could also mentally step back and take wild pleasure in the fact that the Damon Andros truly thought she was too hot. But as a girl who’d always felt very middle-of-the-road and pretty-on-her-good-days, it thrilled Brenna to the tips of her toes to feel, for once in her life, as if she was truly that attractive and exciting.

“Maybe we should call it a night,” he suggested.

“What about the band?”

“What’s your take? If you were here without me, would you be prepared to offer a


She didn’t hesitate to nod. “Yes.”

“Good. Because that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. On the way out, we’ll introduce  ourselves and set up a meeting.” He grabbed the doorknob, but stopped to look back.  “Ready?”

She gave herself a quick once-over and realized her panties lay looped around the ankle of one boot. “Except for those.”

A fresh sultriness invaded his gaze as he stooped to remove them, dropping them in the waste basket, and before rising, he peered up her skirt to murmur, “Mmm—nice, babe.”

It was enough to get her hot all over again, that fast.

So when he reached back for the doorknob a few seconds later, she closed her hand around his wrist, wondering aloud, “Damon, about what just happened…”


“Since we both agree it was a mistake, does that mean…”

“That we won’t do it again?” He gave his head a sexy tilt and flashed those bedroom eyes.  “Look, babe—we could say we won’t, and torture ourselves the next few days. But you  know what they say.”

“What’s that?”

“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” He concluded with a seductive wink.

“Oh,” she said, her voice a little too soft.

Kelly had said the exact same thing when they’d discussed the then-impossible-seeming notion of Brenna having sex with Damon. And so he was saying he wanted to fool around with her while they were here, but forget it had happened once they returned to L.A. And maybe something about that would have offended old Brenna, but in new Brenna’s world, it seemed like a perfectly acceptable idea as still more of Kelly’s words came back to her.  No fuss, no muss, no long or messy attachment.

Of course, the truth was that it would probably be impossible for her to work with him on a long-term basis after this. Because every time she looked at him, she’d remember fucking

him. And she’d want to do it again.

losing his job. But she probably didn’t have to worry about that. Because he was probably going to be

A thought that made her stomach churn for a whole different reason—her deception.

Yet she simply couldn’t think about that now. There was no good answer or solution, so what was the point? She had no intention of letting Jenkins’ underhanded ways ruin the best sex of her life with the hottest guy she’d ever encountered.

And given her precarious situation, enjoying this now and cutting it off at week’s end sounded…well, like the perfect plan.


Damon led Brenna up the hall, hand in hand, as Blush’s lead singer’s smoky voice resonated over the club’s loudspeakers. “We’re gonna take a little break, but don’t go anywhere ’cause we’re just gettin’ started.” He headed toward the stage, wanting to intercept the band and get out of there.

Damn, Brenna had gotten him hot, fast. So much for not fucking the girl he was training.  Hell, he guessed that was just the kind of guy he was—he thought life was too short not to indulge in pleasure so long as it didn’t hurt anybody. And even if this seemed like a bad idea, maybe it wasn’t. Since she wasn’t a potential Blue Night artist, surely no harm would come to him or anyone else if they had some dirty fun together.

Fortunately, he came face-to-face with the Blush singer as she descended the few steps at the side of the stage. He held out his hand. “Hi, I’m Damon Andros of Blue Night Records.”

The saucy blonde, so slick and cool up to now, suddenly looked like she would faint, her eyes widening and jaw dropping. “Oh God. You are .”

“This is my associate, Brenna Cayton, and we’ve been enjoying the show tonight.”So

much that we just did each other in a closet.

Damon knew the mood the band set was only part of what had drawn him to Brenna tonight, but he also couldn’t deny that Blush’s particular style of entertainment had pushed their mutual attraction along at a breakneck pace.

As the singer, Candy Lark, introduced herself and the rest of the band, Damon watched all the girls’ eyes light up, then wasted no time telling them he wanted to sign them. A few of the band members jumped up and down, squealing their excitement, while Candy Lark did her best to act professional and thank him for coming to see them. Passing her a business card on which he’d already written his room number at the Venetian, he set up a breakfast meeting the next morning in the suite.

He still loved that part of the job—giving someone a chance to make their dreams come true. He’d been trained—and he had to train Brenna, as well—to remember this was a business, about money and profits, but he thought it was important to keep your heart in the job, too.

Five minutes later, he slid into a cab next to Brenna, glad to be alone with her again, although he wasn’t sure why. Granted, there’d been no time for pillow talk after their frantic coupling, but he wasn’t especially a pillow talk sort of guy. Maybe it was the sexy little smile she wore in the dark confines of the taxi that made him enjoy just being with her.

“Why the smile?” he asked as the cab sped away from Fetish. “Excited about offering the

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