Micah (6 page)

Read Micah Online

Authors: Kathi S Barton

Tags: #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #erotic romance, #panther, #panther shifter

BOOK: Micah
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Keith shuddered. Nessie wanted to hug
his brother to him, but knew that the man would not allow it.
Neither of them would allow a person to touch them unless it was
strictly necessary. Never would they enjoy or invite the touch of
another human being unless it was during their sexual release, and
only then if it was with a crop or whip.

I have built up the walls
with the block as we talked about the last time. There are now
loops in the floors and walls so that she will not be able to get
free. I do not want the same thing to happen again. But I don’t
think it will. She is different from the other issues I’ve had.
Much different.” His brother nodded. “I’m hoping that unlike the
last few times, she will settle quickly. I hate it when I have to
tie them up for so long. You know how spirited she is.”

I do. Speaking of which,
I saw that she’s working with another male. Did you want me to go
there and take care of him for you? I wouldn’t mind. I could use
another healthy specimen for my own work.” His brother would too,
go in and take the man out for him; but not yet, he told him.
“Whenever you decide, let me know. I have the equipment to subdue
him nicely.”

His brother had been a surgeon in his
younger days, a very good one that had been exalted as one of the
greatest in the world. But then something had happened to him, to
both of them really. Their mother had died.

She’d been a strong person in their
lives; not necessarily in a good way, but she’d been all they had.
When they’d been living with her—both of them up until the day
she’d died several years ago—they had not been able to experiment
with things. She’d put a stop to all their play and study every
time she could see they were happy. And being forty-six years old
and living with their mother had not done much for their social
lives, either.

There had been no television in their
home; no computers either. The phone that they had was a working
rotary phone that still hung on the wall of the house, so far as he
knew. A car was a luxury that no one had seen fit to need, new
clothing was never theirs to have, and if they wanted a treat, she
would give them a tablespoon of sugar and watch over them so that
they didn’t eat it too quickly.

Mavis Curtis didn’t believe in doctors
either. Nessie supposed that was the reason their father, a man
he’d never known, had died so young. A gunshot wound to the belly
had taken him, or so they’d been told all their lives. Keith and
he, twins—with Keith being the older by twenty minutes—were their
only children.

Now he and his brother lived their
lives as quietly as they could, forever looking for a woman to care
for them. Each of them was preparing their home for that certain
girl that would come in and cook and clean for them, taking care of
their homes and being there when they needed them. So far, neither
of them had had any luck. It wasn’t that they had wanted a
replacement for their mother. Oh no, never that. But they did want
someone that they could call their own. So far…well, they were
hoping—at least Nessie was hoping—that things were about to change
in that direction.

I have been seeing
someone.” Nessie nodded. His brother, like him, would not ever
touch a woman with sex. They had been made very afraid of that
ordeal. “She’s very pretty. Young like your girlfriend is. I think
she will work out.”

Have you been preparing
for her?” Keith nodded and smiled. “How long have you been looking
to bring her in? If you should need my help, you need only

I have her.” Nessie was
shocked, but was happy for his brother. “I took her last evening to
my house, and she has been working out splendidly since. No screams
or yelling. But I might have to keep her below grounds for a few
more days. I’m worried, you see. I might have been

Nessie didn’t move. He was afraid to
for fear of someone lurking about his home coming for him. His tea
cup, one of his mother’s, was nearly to his mouth when his brother
had spoken. Now it stayed there, the steam billowing up to his nose
and making it burn. Setting it down on the saucer, he noticed that
it trembled slightly, but Keith didn’t seem to notice. Keith
watched him but didn’t speak as Nessie leaned back on the couch,
not even carrying that the spring had made itself known to his

When do you think someone
saw you?” He thought his voice was calm sounding, but Keith was
getting upset, his uncertainty apparent on his smooth face. So he
tried again. “Keith, you know what will happen if either of us are
seen. They will know us both. We are not unalike.”

In fact they were identical, right
down to the way they spoke. If he was seen and they came to him, a
known felon, he would lose it all. If they took him in…well, Nessie
did not want to think about being in prison again. His brother
would not survive the ways of a prison. He was not…adaptable as
Nessie was. Nessie knew that on the first night of his sentence
that Keith would be killed.

I took care of the
issue.” It wasn’t enough and he seemed to know it. “I saw the man
when I was putting her in my van. He came to help me or her, I’m
not sure which, and when he started making noises that he wasn’t
happy with my plan, I hit him. Today I plan to take him to the farm
and make use of your kiln. I should like to have you go with

I was just there a few
days ago.” Nessie had things to do here. Time, he knew for some
reason, was running short on bringing his love to him. And there
were the pictures he’d yet to cut out. The ones that he’d been
working on when Keith had shown up was still laying upon his desk
with the scissors still on them. “Where is the issue and your van

In the front of the house
a street over. He is wrapped up in an old rug. No one can see in,
and I was careful where I parked. There is nothing out of the
ordinary about the van either. White with a few dents and marks on
it. The door to the back opens easily enough, but the door on the
side is broken. And the plates are up to date. Nothing to bring
attention to me.” Nessie started to point out that there was the
issue, but said nothing as Keith continued. “I have used tires too,
four of them that are nearly too bald to drive on but will not
leave a mark to trace in the dirt.”

You’ve been learning.
Some of the things on your list are things I’d never thought of.”
And he would from now on too. “I’ll go with you to show you how to
use it, but in the future, you must go on your own. I have things
to prepare myself. My love will need to be here soon as

He locked his bedroom door, slipping
the key into the little pocket he’d put on the inside of his shoe.
It was painful if he had to go far, but today wouldn’t be so bad.
As he pulled on his coat and hat, he looked around. Nessie wondered
what his true love would think of the home he’d built for


He was simply too heavy for her.
Reggie had taken her brother down to the dock so that he could see
the water again. Boyd loved the water as much as she did; more so
now that he had so little to entertain himself. Boyd wouldn’t have
known if she’d taken him to the pet store and let him see the
aquariums, but she would. And it was her time off to spend with him
and after her morning, she needed a little time to be with him as
well. Sitting down next to his chair, she smiled when he flopped
his hand onto her head.

I love you too.” She
wiped at the tears of frustration before speaking again. “I need to
lift more weights or something. Maybe you’ve got a rock under that
blanket. Is that it?”

The doctors told her that he didn’t
understand her. Not a word she spoke to him. Reggie no more
believed them than she did that her brother didn’t know her from
them. He loved her and that was enough for her.

Hello.” Reggie stood up
so fast that she nearly tripped over his chair. Shielding him with
her body as best she could, she eyed the stranger. His smile did
nothing to soothe her. “I saw you struggling and I thought I’d

I’m just fine.” Reggie
looked around and realized how late it was getting. She still had
to get Boyd back to the home before nine. “You can go now, we’re
just fine.”

You can’t get him up the
hill any more than I can leave the two of you here. Don’t be
stubborn because you have your panties in a twist.” She wanted to
hit him. That feeling was coming over her a lot lately, and she
didn’t care for it. “I’m going to show you my badge and then you
can see that you can trust me.”

If you reach into your
pocket, I will shoot you.” She lifted her shirt just enough for him
to see her gun. “I’m not shitting you. You leave us alone and we’ll
all live to breathe another day. I can take care of him

My name is Detective
Micah Bentley. I work at the fifty-third precinct. And I’m not
leaving you. You’re in trouble. I saw you struggle with getting him
up the hill and I am going to help you.” He looked up the hill when
someone said his name. As the other man got closer, she could see
she knew him. “This is my brother, Joey Bentley. He’s a

Figures.” The man, Joey,
had been in the restaurant the other day. He grinned at her when he
saw her. “You two aren’t going to do anything but get yourself in
trouble. I don’t want your help. I would have thought you’d
understand after me socking you in the nose yesterday that I can
and will take care of myself.”

They looked at each other, then at
her. Before she could think to react, like hitting both of them,
Joey had her wrapped up in his arms and the cop was pulling her
brother and his wheelchair up the long hill she’d been stupid to go
down. When Boyd and Micah were at the top, she was let go. Before
she could swing around and hit Joey again, he ducked, putting his
shoulder into her belly, and then he lifted her. Reggie was too
shocked to scream.

When Joey set her down near Boyd, she
knelt down to make sure he was all right before confronting the two
men. Plus she needed a minute. Reggie was so furious that she could
hardly breathe around it. When she turned around, she caught them
staring at her ass. Neither of them looked very sorry about it

I’m thankful for your
help, but if you touch either of us again, I will bring you both up
on charges. I told you that I didn’t need your help, and I meant
it.” Micah laughed, and Joey snickered. “What is wrong with you?
Didn’t your mother raise you to be nice to handicapped people and

She did at that. The
reason we helped you. And you met her. You know that our mother
does not let us get by with harming anyone for any reason.” Micah
made the word “help” sound like he might need to explain the
meaning of it to her later. “You should have more help with him.
He’s too heavy for a single woman to take around.”

It was all she could do not to draw
her gun and shoot him in the fucking head. The amount of anger in
her body made her dizzy, and she grabbed onto Boyd’s chair before
she fell. Micah grabbed her up and sat her on the ground before she
could let out the pent up anger.

Tears flooded her eyes. Here she was
having a fit and her brother needed to get home. When he wouldn’t
let her up, holding her head down between her legs, Reggie cried
harder. It wasn’t until she was lifted and pressed against a strong
body that she realized how badly she needed to be held.

When he wrapped his arms around her
and lifted her to his body more, she felt his cock. It was thick
and hard and getting harder. When she looked at him, her face more
than likely wet and blotchy, she could see something in his face
that made her lick her lips. He watched her tongue like it was a
fast moving car.

You shouldn’t tease a man
like that.” She wasn’t sure what he meant but his voice, low now
and full of promise, made her think of all sort of things she’d
like to tease him with. But he started to lower his head then and
all thoughts of teasing him flew out of her head. A kiss, just a
single kiss, would be amazing.

Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah.”
The sound behind her, the only noise her brother made, had her
stiffen. When she struggled to be free of Micah’s arms, he let her
go. But as soon as she was free, all she could think about was
going back. She turned instead to see what Boyd needed. “Bah,

All right, buddy. I’ll
take you home now.” Without looking at either man, she rolled him
to her car. When they were on the passenger side, she opened the
door and locked up his chair. Lifting him this way, straight up
from the chair and setting him in her car, was the simplest way to
do it but, it was also the most dangerous. If he shifted in her
arms or decided to let his body go, she would drop him, and both of
them would be hurt again. Before she could do more than stand in
front of Boyd, Micah moved her out of the way and did it for her.
He lifted him up as if he weighed nothing and put him in the car.
When he was buckled in, she turned to deal with the chair and saw
that Joey had put it into her trunk. Reggie had no idea what to do

Does he live with you?”
She shook her head, still trying to figure out when she’d lost
control of this. “Will someone help you get him out of the car when
you get him to where he lives?”

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