Men Still at Work: Professionals Over Sixty and on the Job (32 page)

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24. Adapted from Economic Policy Institute, “Unemployment Rate, by Education, Race and Ethnicity, 2000–2011,”
The State of Working America
12th ed. (Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute, 2012). Retrieved February 11, 2013, from

25. Jennifer Medina, “Long-Term Jobless Regroup to Fight the Odds,”
New York Times
August 17, 2012, A1, A3.

26. Chelsey Dulaney, “Older Workers Face a Tougher Road,”
Charlotte Observer
, August 21, 2012. Retrieved September 12, 2012, from

27. Megan Woolhouse, “Retirees Lend Their Expertise,”
Boston Globe
, January 31, 2013, B5, B7.

28. Catherine Rampell, “A Sharp Drop in Job Growth Sows Concern,”
New York Times
, April 6, 2013, A1, A3.

29. Sara E. Rix, “The Employment Situation, January 2013: Jobs Added to the Economy but Unemployment for Older Workers Holds Fast,” AARP Public Policy Institute, Fact Sheet 277. Washington, DC (February 2013). Retrieved February 28, 2013, from

30. Gary Koenig and Lina Walker, “The New Reality: Important Facts about America’s Seniors.” AARP Public Policy Institute, Fact Sheet 230. Washington, DC (June 2011). Retrieved February 28, 2013, from

31. US Census Bureau News, “Older Americans Month: May 2013.” CB13-FF.07. Washington, DC (March 7, 2013). Retrieved March 18, 2013, from

32. Catherine Rampell, “Big Income Losses Hit Those near Retirement,”
New York Times
, August 24, 2012, B1–B2.

33. Annie Lowery and Catherine Rampell, “Jobless, and Hopeless, in America,”
New York Times
, November 2, 2012, B1, B2.

34. Megan Woolhouse, “Time Is Not in Their Side,”
Boston Globe
, March 25, 2013, A1, A10.

35. Woolhouse, “Time Is Not in Their Side,” A1, A10.

36. Sara E. Rix, “The Employment Situation, January 2013: Jobs Added to the Economy but Unemployment for Older Workers Holds Fast,” AARP Public Policy Institute, Fact Sheet 277, Washington, DC (February 2013), page 3. Retrieved February 28, 2013, from

37. Helen Dennis, “The Older Entrepreneur,” Sloan Center on Aging and Work. AGEnda, Aging and Work Blog. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College (November 14, 2012).

Chapter 5

1. Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics, “Older Americans 2012: Key Indicators of Well-Being.” Retrieved March 18, 2013, from

2. US Department of Education, National Center for Educational Statistics, 2012. Retrieved March 14, 2013, from

3. Jennifer C. Day, “Health Data from the Census Bureau: People,” US Department of Commerce, State Data Center Annual Meeting, October 17, 2012.

4. Affordable Care Act.

5. Personal income from work does not include Social Security benefits a man may be receiving.

6. Gary Burtless, “The Impact of Population Aging and Delayed Retirement on Workforce Productivity.” Table 4 (Earned income measured in constant 2010 dollars). (Chestnut Hill, MA: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, 2013). Retrieved July 8, 2013, from

7. According to the Social Security Administration, median annual income for married couples and nonmarried persons age sixty-five or older
increased markedly
between 1962 and 2010. After adjusting for inflation, median income for married couples in 2010 was $44,718, which was 115 percent greater than in 1962 when it was $20,759. For nonmarried persons, the increase was 112 percent ($17,261 in 2010 compared with $8,159 in 1962). At the other extreme are poor Americans. Overall, 9 percent of Americans sixty-five or older are poor (having income
the poverty line) and nearly 6 percent are
poor (having income greater than or equal to the poverty line and less than 125 percent of the poverty line). Married persons are much better off—4.2 percent are poor and 3.1 percent are near poor. Nonmarried women and minorities had the highest poverty rates in 2010, ranging from 15.8 percent to 18 percent. Social Security Administration, “Fast Facts and Figures about Social Security, 2012.” SSA Publication No. 13-11785 (Washington, DC: Social Security Administration, August 2012).

8. Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, “Report: US Health Care System Wastes $750 Billion a Year.” Associated Press, September 6, 2012. Retrieved September 6, 2012, from
/fdb50296-b1c3 -43dd-9cff-d8.

9. As reported by the AAUW, a woman working full time earns on average 82 percent of what a man earns, and an unexplained pay gap of 7 percent exists even when women and men have the same level of education and the same occupation. Retrieved March 15, 2013, from
-to -a-pay-gap.

10. Renee Davidson, “Graduating to a Pay Gap,”
AAUW Outlook
(Winter 2013): 8–11. AAUW acknowledges that women tend to choose lower-paying career fields than men (education and social sciences versus
engineering and computer science). After AAUW controlled for factors that affect earnings, such as type of university, grades, major, hours worked, career field, type of job, job sector, a pay gap remains. (Italics added.)

11. Anne-Marie Slaughter, “Yes, You Can.”
New York Times Sunday Book Review
, March 7, 2013. Retrieved March 28, 2013, from

12. James Allworth, “It’s Not Women Who Should Lean In; It’s Men Who Should Step Back.”
Blog Network (April 8, 2013).

13. The US Census Bureau defines current dollars as income (unadjusted for inflation) in the year in which a person, household, or family receives it.

14. George E. Vaillant,
Aging Well: Surprising Guideposts to a Happier Life from the Landmark Harvard Study of Adult Development
(Boston: Little, Brown, 2002), 25.

15. Vaillant,
Aging Well
, 305–6.

16. Vaillant,
Aging Well
, 291.

Chapter 6

1. US Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Highlights” (December 2010). Retrieved March 21, 2013, from

2. US Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Highlights.”

3. US Census Bureau News, “Older Americans Month: May 2013.” CB13-FF.07. Washington, DC (March 7, 2013). Retrieved March 18, 2013, from

4. Steven Greenhouse, “The Job You Make: Older Workers Mine Their Skills and Connections to Go Their Own Way,”
New York Times
, March 4, 2010, Retirement Section, F1, F8.

5. Sylvania was an electronics manufacturer that became GTE Sylvania and later merged with Verizon.

6. Norbert Wiener was a brilliant American mathematician and professor at MIT. Wiener is regarded as the originator of
, which he defined as the study of control and communication in the animal and the machine, a formalization of the notion of feedback, with many implications for engineering, systems control, computer science, biology, philosophy, and the organization of society.

7. Steven Greenhouse, “In and Out, Off and On,”
New York Times
, March 13, 2013, Retirement Section, F1–F2.

8. Greenhouse, “In and Out, Off and On,” F1–F2.

Chapter 7

1. Society for Human Resource Management, “2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees Are Dealing with Uncertainty” (Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management, 2012). Retrieved March 25, 2013, from

2. Jane Kramer, “A Fork of One’s Own,”
New Yorker
, March 18, 2013, 74–80.

3. Sunhwa Lee and Lois Shaw,
Gender and Economic Security in Retirement
(Washington, DC: Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 2003), D456.

4. Society for Human Resource Management, “2012 Employee Benefits” (Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management, 2012). Retrieved March 18, 2013, from

Chapter 8

1. Bahá’is embrace certain fundamental principles. They include the elimination of all forms of prejudice; full equality between the sexes; recognition of the essential oneness of the world’s great religions; the elimination of extremes of poverty and wealth; universal education; the harmony of science and religion; a sustainable balance between nature and technology; and the establishment of a world federal system, based on collective security and the oneness of humanity. See

2. Completed and dedicated in the early 1950s, the graceful temple is capped by a dome rising twenty stories above beautifully landscaped grounds.

3. Ram Dass, “Conscious Connections and Aging” excerpt from
Still Here: Embracing Aging, Changing, and Dying
(2013). Retrieved April 21, 2013, from

Chapter 9

1. US Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Volunteering in the United States: 2012.” Economic News Release USDL-13-0285. Washington, DC, February 22, 2013.

2. Jennn Fusion, “What Is the Target Market for Fitness Gyms?” 2010. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from -3354.html

3. Theresa M. Harrison, Sandra Weintraub, M.-Marsel Mesulam, and Emily Rogalski, “Superior Memory and Higher Cortical Volumes in Unusually Successful Cognitive Aging,”
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
18, no. 6 (November 2012): 1081–85.

Chapter 10

1. Mitra Toossi, “Employment Outlook: 2008–18: Labor Force Projections to 2018: Older Workers Staying More Active,” US Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Monthly Labor Review
(November 2009).

2. Sindya Bhanoo, “Ants Become Job-Hoppers as They Age,”
New York Times
, April 30, 2013, D6.

3. Rachel Reilly, “You Aren’t the Only One to Think about Switching Careers . . . Ants Change Jobs as They Grow Older,” April 19, 2013. Retrieved May 3, 2013, from

4. John Gray,
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
(New York: Harper, 1992).

5. Gary E. Kessler,
Voices of Wisdom
, 7th ed. (Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning, 2010).


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