Men of Anderas II: Dak the Protector (27 page)

Read Men of Anderas II: Dak the Protector Online

Authors: Cheryl Johnson

Tags: #futuristic, #slave, #futuristic romance, #slave auction, #captive, #auction, #sci fi romance, #alpha male, #dak, #anderas

BOOK: Men of Anderas II: Dak the Protector
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Rolling her to her back, Dak wiggled out of
his pants before gathering Kierin’s limp body close. “Any
complaints so far, baby?” He whispered against her throat before
nipping her shoulder.

“I think I’m dead.” She mumbled when she
could finally draw a breath.

He chuckled, settling between her quivering
legs. She was so wet from her release he struggled for control. Her
hands, stroking his face and shoulders still shook with gentle

“You’re so beautiful and I’m drunk on the
taste of you.”

A deep blush climbed from her chest to her
hairline but she never broke eye contact. “You didn’t … show me how
to ….”

Dak placed a fingertip against her lush
mouth. “We’re just getting started, baby. I told you I wanted to
love you all night long. The only way I’ll stop is if you tell me
to stop. If you’re sore or too tired, just tell me.” It wouldn’t be
the first time he had to ignore a raging hard-on but he’d do it
without complaint if she called a halt to their loving.

“Kiss me, Dak.” She whispered, pulling him
down to her.

He worshiped her mouth with his, tasting
every surface of her mouth, telling her with his lips how much he
loved her. When her hips flexed against his stomach, he shifted
just enough to slide into the welcoming heat of her body.

“Yesssss.” She moaned, closing her eyes and
arching her back to take more of him.

Every muscle in his body shook with the
effort it took to hold back his release. He wanted Kierin to
explode for him again.

“Look at me, my love.” He waited until she
focused on him again. He eased almost out, locking his jaw when her
inner muscles gripped him. “Wrap your legs around my waist, baby.”
When she lifted her legs, he slid deep. Buried to the hilt in her
heat with her muscles pulsing around him, he struggled for

“I’m not going to last long, Little Witch.
It’s been too long and you feel so damn good but I’m afraid I’ll
hurt you.”

“You worry too much.” She whispered
thrusting her hips up with enough force to lift his heavier body.
“I won’t break, Dak, so give me all you’ve got.”

Her breathless demand broke his fragile
control. With a savage growl, he pounded into her, fighting the
increased pressure--the demand--his body made for release. Kierin’s
body convulsing in release, pulled him over. His shout echoed long
and loud through the chamber before he collapsed against her. Aware
of his weight, he wrapped her in his arms and rolled to his side.
When he could move again he reached for the blanket to cover them.
A gentle kiss against her hair and he drifted into sleep.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“Tell me again why I can’t go to market?”
Kierin demanded. She and Dak had this same argument at least once a
day for the week he’d been back.

“Why do we have to do this again? I’ve
explained why--which I’m not accustomed to doing, by the way. I
never got this much attitude from my men.”

She stood with her hands fisted at her hips,
glaring at the stubborn man. She knew if she waited long enough
he’d repeat his reasons. He was right about the trip but she
refused to give in gracefully. He already controlled her body in
their bed, and anywhere else his mood hit him. He shouldn’t be
allowed to control her entire life--at least not without putting
some effort into it.

Throwing his hands in the air, Dak shook his
head. “Fine. One--you’re pregnant.” He counted off on his

“Pregnant women travel all the time.” She
pointed out.

“TWO--,” he raised his voice above hers,
“you’re too sore from our sexual marathons. You cringe every time
you sit down on a padded chair. Do you honestly think you can sit
on that stiff leather saddle?”

She could feel the blush heat her face. Her
Anderan had amazing stamina and nothing about him was
She would use her time alone to apply an herbal ointment for the
soreness. By the time he returned, her body would no longer cause
her discomfort from his size. She loved what his touch did to her
but she wanted to be the one to seduce

“Three--Draagon and his hired thugs are
still searching for you.”

“He hasn’t found me yet.” Focused on her
thoughts of Dak, she almost missed what he was saying. Since he
said the same things every time, she didn’t need to pay close
attention to know what to respond.

“DAMMIT!” He yelled, sweeping her up in a
fierce hug that lifted her feet off the floor. “Do you have any
idea what it would do to me if I lost you? I can’t believe how
empty my life was before I met you.”

Kierin buried her face against his neck,
breathing in the unique fragrance that was his alone. Lifting her
head, she looked into his eyes. The torment there melted her anger.
Placing her hand against his cheek, she smiled softly.

“It’s the same for me, Dak. Draagon isn’t
the biggest threat to us. If the Warlords locate me, they
kill me, you, the baby--anyone in contact with my
father or his family. I made the decision a long time ago to live
my life for

Pushing out of his embrace, she pulled her
order book from the pocket on the side of her skirt and handed it
to him. “If you’re determined to do this alone, you need to know
who gets what.”

For two days Dak studied her lists. The
Medi-Tech Center on Anderas was a lot faster but not as personal.
For Kierin to be genetically programmed to know all of this was
amazing. He was so proud of her but her generous heart could get
her killed.

Sunrise saw him mounted and riding toward
the first village on Kierin’s route. If everything sold today, he’d
be back home and in his own bed by midnight. If not, the plan was
for him to stay at an inn and complete the transactions

* * * *

By noon, Dak was ready to strangle half the
population of this nameless cluster of buildings. The only thing to
qualify this settlement as an organized village was the wooden wall
built to protect the residents from the blowing sand. The people
were mostly miners and farmers--although he couldn’t imagine how
they managed that in the middle of this desert--but they were as
rude and arrogant as any peer of the realm.

If these
didn’t complain that
he wasn’t Kierin, they griped about the prices he quoted. He didn’t
just pick a price out of his ass! Kierin had everything clearly

“I specifically asked for two measures of
that breathing salve and I shouldn’t have to pay for the second
because you’ve caused me to be late for my other appointments.” The
stout matron stood toe-to-toe with him.

Dak pulled Kierin’s order book from his
pocket and flipped to the page for this village. “You are ….”

am Mistress Flagg, the butcher’s

“Here it is.” Dak pointed to the entry.
“Salve for difficulty breathing, one measure for the baker. There’s
a note beside the order that says
she always tries to get
something for free so don’t let her bully you.
Sorry, I think
that was for my benefit.”

“Well, of all the nerve. How dare she impugn
my character? I won’t stand for it. She has seen the last of my

“That is your choice, Mistress Flagg. I’m
sure you can find another crystal witch to provide you with
whatever you need. Of course, I’ve travelled extensively and I’ve
never heard of a crystal witch before coming to this section of the
galaxy. Your shopping expeditions may become somewhat lengthy.”

“Ha! He gotcha, ya ol’ bat.” The man selling
chickens and eggs in the booth next to Dak slapped his knee,
laughing. “Kierin’s the only one we got an’ ya know fer a fact that
she don’ overcharge. Don’ know why ya try that stunt every time.
Now pay the man and get on back where ya came from.”

She threw her coin into the basket before
grabbing the jar of ointment and stomping off into the crowd.

“Thanks, man.” Dak nodded to the farmer
beside him. “I don’t know how Kierin deals with all of this.” He
waved his hand around the market square and the hundreds of people
milling around. The stench of unwashed bodies alone would send him
running for the open desert.

,” he sneered, “likes ta
think she’s the richest biddy in the henhouse. Don’ pay her no
mind. Name’s Digger.” He reached across the crates of chickens
stacked waist high and offered his hand.

“Dak. Nice to meet you.”

“Things around here will slow down now fer a
coupla hours while folks get a bite of food. Afternoon crowd is a
mite bigger and tend to spend more coin. They done seen whatever is
here fer sale and know where the bigger bargains can be had.
Mostly, they jus’ wanna head on home. This yur first market.”

“Is it that obvious?” Dak chuckled when
Digger nodded. “Kierin wasn’t feeling well enough to travel this
time so that left me. Not something I’ve been trained to do and,
frankly, I hope I never have to do it again.”

“It don’ take brains to see ya ain’t a miner
or a farmer. Don’ look nothin’ like a crystal witch, so whatcha
doin’ with Lady Kierin?”

“Long story and not mine to tell. I will
tell you that she’s my whole world. I’ll be whatever she needs or
wants me to be.”

“Good enough fer me. She’s a sweetheart.
Never a cross word to nobody but she don’ let none of ‘em get the
better of her. Grab a seat an’ take a load off.”

Dak and Digger shared lunch and conversation
for over an hour before they noticed a difference in the market
place. Furtive glances between several groups of men and whispered
conversations set Dak’s instincts on full alert.

“Something’s happened.” Dak whispered to

“I got a bad feelin’ ‘bout this. Let me see
what I can find out. Yur a stranger to ‘em so they might not talk
with you around. Be right back.”

Dak watched the man scamper toward a group
of farmers across the square from where he stood. When Digger
headed back at a hard run, cold fear skittered up Dak’s back.

“It’s bad. It’s real bad.” Digger panted
from his run. “Phantom Riders done sealed the whole town. Got the
gates blocked an’ goin’ door-to-door lookin’ for somebody. Can’t
find a single man what knows who they be after.”

Dak drew a deep, calming breath. He knew who
they were after. They came for him. He had to find a way to escape.
Kierin was alone and unprotected. She would sacrifice herself for
him. He couldn’t let that happen.

“Digger, I need a favor.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Kierin, my love, I need you to listen very
closely. Draagon is here looking for you. I don’t think he realizes
that you’re not here and the longer I can keep that little secret
the better chance I’ll have to escape. I’m working on a way out.
Please, Little Witch, go to the vault room and stay there. I don’t
want you knowing what I may have to do to escape. Try not to worry.
I was trained for this, remember? I love you, baby. Please stay

Dak’s whispered message chilled her to the
. She couldn’t go to the vault and leave Dak
completely alone. She might not be able to help him but she could
offer silent support--as long as he didn’t know she was there.

He was a warrior but he had no weapons. The
laser gun Talon left was under their bed. All he had was his
strength and his intelligence. As formidable as those were he
couldn’t deflect a laser gun blast or a sword. There were compounds
in the materials he took to market that would be deadly if
combined. He could use them
he could get close enough to
Draagon and
he would follow her instructions. She had to
try. Eliminating Draagon was the only chance they had for a life

Dak. Go down the list of powders and find

Dak’s voice stopped her cold.
I destroyed
everything that was left and covered any trace of being here. Go to
the vault room. I’ve got a plan.

If you die on me, Dak
I’m going
to be so angry with you.

His chuckle warmed her heart.

“Goddess Jovena, please keep him safe.”

Waiting was the hard part so Kierin jumped
into action. She didn’t know what the next few hours or days would
bring, but she would be as ready as she could be for whatever
happened. The animals needed extra food and water in case she had
to leave or couldn’t get to the barn for some reason. She had to
prepare for
contingency she could imagine.

After cleaning the stalls and adding extra
hay on the floor, she filled the feed dishes to capacity and
brought in extra buckets of water. Still worried that her animals
would suffer if neglected, she opened the back doors so they could
get to the corral if necessary.

“Listen, Rocky,” she whispered to her horse,
rubbing her soft brown hide. “I don’t have time to name Dak’s other
horses so you be extra nice to them. We don’t want them thinking
they’re not part of the family, do we?” The mare shook her head as
if she understood the instructions and that made Kierin smile.

When she was satisfied that everything was
covered for the animals she headed back inside. Fresh water came
from underground springs and there was plenty of food thanks to
what Dak brought with him. Most of her medicinal items went with
Dak to market but the ingredients were all here. She spent the
remainder of the day mixing what she might need if Dak came back
wounded. She truly believed no one could detect her security field
but if they did and attempted to force her surrender, she could
hold out for weeks. She and Dak had the only two crystal keys that
would open the security field but Draagon was resourceful and
determined. If Draagon did find a way in Dak
find a
way to rescue her, she had no doubt of that.

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