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Authors: Lexxie Couper

BOOK: MeltWithYou
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Melt With You



Determined to win a bet, Olympic skier Darci Watson is
racing down a mountain, victory in site, when the snowy earth opens beneath her.
Crashing into a cavernous underground space, she finds herself face-to-face
with a man. Gorgeous. Big. Otherworldly…


For Darci, all bets are off. Being stuck in an ice cavern
has never been so hot.


paranormal erotica
story from Ellora’s Cave


Melt With You

Lexxie Couper


The Cavern


“Are all Aussies crazy or are you the exception?”

Darci grinned at her helicopter pilot, adjusting the
polarized goggles on her face. “Nah, we’re all mad as cut snakes.”

The pilot gave her an incredulous look—either because he
didn’t have a clue what she’d just said or he thought she really was crazy.
Maybe both.

“So tell me again why a pretty little thing like you wants
to jump seven thousand feet from a ’copter onto Mount Saint Elias with nuthin’
but a pair of skis on your feet and two poles to keep you upright?”

Darci’s grin stretched wider and she checked her boots. “A

“A bet?” The pilot raised his eyebrows. “With who?”

Darci tugged the zipper of her jacket closer to her neck.
“Crystal Jamieson.”

“The Olympic silver-medalist skier? From Colorado?”

“The very same.”

The pilot cocked his head and realization flared in his
eyes. “Now I know why you’re familiar!” he said. “You’re Darci Watson. The

medalist,” Darci finished for him, sliding open
the helicopter’s rear door. “From Sydney.” She looped her poles onto her
wrists, gave her gloves one last tug and the pilot a parting smile. “And I hate
losing a bet.”

With that, she flung herself from the ’copter and free-fell
through the air, heading straight for the pristine, untouched snow of Mount
Saint Elias below.

* * * * *

The run was perfect. Powdery-soft, lightly compacted snow,
sky so blue it almost hurt to look at, air so crisp it could cut glass. Darci
was in heaven. Her thighs, calves and butt burned like hell and her breath felt
like shaved ice in her lungs—just the way she loved it.

Whizzing down the slope, trees and craggy outcrops mere
smudges of blurring color in her peripheral vision, she couldn’t help but
laugh, already picturing Crystal’s face. The American would spit chips when
Darci swooshed into—

The slope opened below her, completely and abruptly, and
swallowed Darci whole.


The word had barely left her lips when she smacked
butt-first against something that felt like frozen concrete.

Pain lashed through her body, making her cry out. “Fuck!”
Eyes squeezed shut, she lay still a minute or twelve before planting her hands
on the ground and slowly, hesitantly pushing herself into an upright position,
waiting to be assaulted by fresh agony.

None came. “Oh, thank God!”

Her gushed exclamation bounced around a space that sounded
huge, and Darci opened her eyes.

An ice cavern. She’d dropped into an ice cavern. Damn it.

Releasing her skis, now just two shattered strips of glass
fiber, bamboo and titanium, she rose gingerly to her feet, taking in her
predicament. A thick fog of dread rolled over her. The ice cavern was large,
yet claustrophobia crept through Darci. Frowning, she looked up. The small hole
she’d fallen through was far too high to reach. Her frown deepened. “How the
hell am I going to get out?” she muttered.

“That didn’t look like fun.”

Starting, Darci whipped her head around.

A tall man stood behind her, several feet away, his long
white hair falling around a face of cold beauty, blue eyes so brilliant she
felt her skin tingle. His intense stare locked on her.

It took a few moments before Darci realized he was naked.

In an

He stalked toward her, his towering muscular frame
dominating the space. “Who are you?”

Pulling off her goggles, she stared at him, speechless.
Christ, he was gorgeous! Sculpted muscles coiled and flexed with each slow step
closer. Muscles so big and sublime her breath caught in her throat.

Convinced he was a figment of her imagination, the result of
one minute swooshing down the cliff face and the next tumbling into an icy
abyss, she let her gaze roam. Hell, if she was going to have a psychotic
episode, she may as well enjoy it.

His exposed torso was the stuff of fantasies. It looked rock-hard,
as if carved from granite. On the whole, he looked savage, wild. Exciting.
Darci’s mouth curved into a naughty grin, her eyebrows raising. He looked
bloody fuckable, in fact.

Washboard abs made her mouth dry, as did the faintest trail
of white-blond hair leading from the slight dip of his navel down to a long,
thick cock nestled among curls the color of snow. The cold didn’t seem to
affect her imagined savior one little bit. “Nothing little here at all,” she
murmured softly.

Blue eyes seemed to erupt with primitive fire. “You
shouldn’t be here.”

Darci blinked. “I fell through the snow. In case you didn’t
notice, I’m not exactly prepared to stay. Do you see a knapsack?” For a made-up
hero, this guy was pretty damn intense. Sexy as sin and as virile as all hell,
but intense. Her pussy fluttered slightly. Intense was good. Intensely virile
was even better.

He reached her, invading her personal space with arrogance,
curling his fingers into her upper arms.

“Hey!” Darci yelped, indignant.

He ignored her cry, staring hard into her face, his musky
scent tickling her nose. “You’re not safe here. You need to go.” A low growl
rumbled deep in his chest and Darci blinked again, a twinge of foreboding
niggling at her gut. “Before I…”

“Before you what?”

He yanked her against his body, cerulean stare igniting with
an emotion she couldn’t decipher. “Do something I can’t stop.”

“Stop?” Darci whispered, too aware of how hard, warm and
thrumming with energy this fantasy man was. Very hard. Very warm. A wet lick of
heat stroked between her thighs and she let out a soft gasp. God, she was
turned-on! By an accident-induced hallucination, no less.

The man growled again and a dark blaze of something scary
yet arousing flared in his eyes. “This is what I was trying to avoid. I’m in no
state to be near a female…especially one so lush.” His nostrils flared. “Mmmm.
You smell so good.”

Darci’s pussy fluttered again and she reveled in her
hallucination’s strong grip. She should have fallen into a weird ice cavern
ages ago. “Thank you.”

Those blue eyes of his erupted again, ablaze with…what?
Anger? Lust? Frustration? Resignation? Darci’s heartbeat tripled. She pressed
her palms to his chest—his indeed very hard, very
chest—and stared
up at him. “Who…who…?”

A wave of heat blazed through her, scalding her palms
despite the thickness of her gloves. She gasped and shoved on the man’s chest.
Holy crap, he was—

“Real!” she whispered, her voice sounding choked and tight.
“You’re real. You’re not an—”

Another scorching blast radiated through her body, pinching
her nipples into painful tips, and his blue eyes seemed to glow.

“Of course I’m real.” He yanked her harder against his
towering strength, his voice a deep snarl. “I’m very real. And so are you. Real
and warm and soft and here…” His Adam’s apple jerked up and down in his
muscular throat. “Christ, you shouldn’t be here. I can’t…”

The scalding heat spiraled to the center of her being, tight
and wicked. Her cunt clenched, gripping a phantom cock. She gasped again.
“Can’t what?”

He didn’t answer. Instead, with an aggression that thrilled
her despite her fear and made her pussy gush with liquid rapture, he grabbed
the front of her jacket and tore it open.

Darci shook, the chill of the cave’s air nothing compared to
her icy fear at the man’s hungry stare. She stumbled back a step. Another and
another, her stare locked on his face.

He leapt at her with a speed she knew couldn’t be human.

His hands knotted in the snug neckline of her thermal top,
catching her before she could move any farther. She heard the unmistakable
sound of cotton tearing as his shoulders bunched. “What—!”

Words died on her lips the second he tore her shirt open,
exposing her torso to the bite of the air—and his fierce stare.

His gaze feasted on her, devouring the sight he’d uncovered,
searing the flesh of her breasts even through her bra. Her nipples pinched
harder, and Darci knew it wasn’t from the cold. Raw power and base hunger
radiated from the man. Whoever—whatever—he was, he embodied lust.

A lust that made her gasp and tremble.

His eyes smoldered with undeniable greed. “I pick the most
isolated place on the planet…” he began, pressing his hips to hers. The action
forced her back a step. Her ski boots made her clumsy and her ass slammed into
the ice wall behind her. “And a gorgeous, warm-blooded female falls from the

With frightening speed, he punched the wall on either side
of her head, again ramming his hips to hers, imprisoning her where she stood.
The solid shaft of steel pressing into her belly made Darci whimper. Christ. He
was huge. And she was trapped.

“The rutting cycle is dangerous,” he said, his voice
dropping to a murmur. “Too powerful to ignore. Too intense for a human to
survive.” He lowered his head closer. “But I can’t stop now. Not with your
scent in my nose and your heat on my skin.”

Molten tension flooded Darci’s sex. She stared at her
captor, confused and more aroused than she’d ever been in her life. His heat
invaded her, seeped into her body, made her nipples ache and her pussy
constrict. “Don’t worry. I can take you.”

The comment fell from her lips, bold and brazen even to her
own ears. A challenge. And her captor responded. His eyes widened, his nostrils
flared and he grabbed at her bra, ripping it from her body.

Ice-cold air kissed her fevered flesh, followed immediately
by lips so hot they nearly burned. His mouth closed over her left nipple even
as he sank his fingers into her right breast. She arched into the brutal
caress, the feel of the man’s tongue flicking and twirling over the puckered tip
stealing her breath.

Wet rapture pooled in her cunt. She grabbed a fistful of his
hair and forced his head harder to her breast. Rutting cycle? Human? The words
didn’t make sense, but she knew one thing—he made her ache with an irrational
and entirely intoxicating lust.

Another low growl rumbled in the man’s throat, vibrating
through her body and straight down to her sex. He bit her nipple, rolled it,
tortured it with a savage caress.

She cried out and tugged on his hair, stretching on the toes
of her boots to press her cunt against his cock. “Holy fuck!”

The punishing suction on her nipple abruptly stopped and
blue eyes stared up at her. “There will be nothing holy about this, female.”

Darci writhed against him. “Who are you?” she whimpered.
God, she was burning up. Here, in this surreal tomb of ice, she felt on fire.
“Please, at least tell me that.”

He bared his teeth and squeezed her breast. “The man who
will ruin you for anyone else.” His cock rammed against her pussy, scalding her
sodden nether lips even through her snow pants. He closed his fingers on her
nipple again. “Or perhaps…your biggest fantasy?”

“Hell yeah,” Darci cried out, spreading her thighs, wanting
to feel his cock in her cunt, pounding into her again and again and again.
Stretching her until she screamed, filling her with every inch of its turgid

The frigid temp of the icy wall behind her seeped through
the material of her ski gear. Her flesh pebbled with goose bumps. A rational
part of her mind wondered how she could be cold when she felt so hot. The rest
of her mind—lost to this insane, wild moment—told the rational part to piss

As if connected to the base want surging through her, the
man suddenly yanked her from the wall, fixed her with a smoldering look and
stripped her upper body entirely bare. The cold air grabbed her immediately but
she didn’t care. Not when he curled his fingers around the waistline of her
trousers and yanked them down, crouching to nip the smooth skin high on her
inner thigh with sharp teeth.

She yelped, pain from the bite lancing up into her cunt.
Delicious pain that flooded her sex with desire. She shoved her hips forward,
smelling the musky scent of her pleasure on every ragged breath. Whoever he
was, he made her hornier and wetter than she imagined possible.

His tongue lapped at the junction of her thighs. She could
feel its hot press against the damp crotch of her knickers. Bold fingers dug
into the flesh of her inner thighs and spread her legs as wide as they would
go. It wasn’t wide enough. Not for Darci. And judging by his snarl, clearly not
enough for him either. Her trousers had bunched around her cumbersome ski
boots, preventing his mouth from claiming her sex fully.

Darci stared at him, wondering what he would do. Her heart
hammered. Her breath grew shallow.

With teeth flashing at her in the closest thing she’d seen
to a smile since falling through the snow, he grabbed her hips, spun her about
and threw her to the floor.

She landed on something soft and furry. The texture
surprised her, but before she could digest the fact he’d thrown her onto a
thick pelt of animal fur, he’d released her boots and pulled them from her
feet. “Oh God!”

Brilliant blue eyes bore into her. “I’ve told you, there’s
nothing holy about my kind,” he growled.

“Your ki—” But she didn’t finish. The savage and sudden
penetration of his fingers in her cunt stole her ability to form words.

She bucked, grinding her clit—now a throbbing button of
aching want—against his knuckle. He drove his hand harder, fingers wriggling
deep inside her, seeking and finding the sweetest spot of all. Squirming heat
poured through her. She moaned, closing her eyes and rolling her head from side
to side. She fisted the fur and spread her thighs wider, lifting herself toward
his plundering fingers. He made her feel so…so…

“Alive!” She shouted the word.

He chuckled, twisting his fingers more. “You don’t know what
being alive is, human. But I will show you.” Wet lips closed over her sex,
sucking at her pussy even as he pumped into her with two fingers, three
fingers, four. Now his tongue lashed at her clit, teased it, drew it free of
its fleshy hood. She bucked again, every fiber of her being a thrumming charge
of sexual energy.

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