Medusa: A Tiger by the Tail (27 page)

Read Medusa: A Tiger by the Tail Online

Authors: Jack L. Chalker

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction - Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Science Fiction - General, #General, #Science Fiction; American, #American

BOOK: Medusa: A Tiger by the Tail
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I counted six half-bird, half-human bodies down there, which meant at least one other besides me had gotten away—but I had no real way of telling who. I was pretty certain, though, that Ching had been hit, and that was my main concern. I liked Hono and most of the others, but they had brought this upon themselves despite my best efforts and were in any event impossible to save. The only hope I had was that, after a while, perhaps near darkness, the aliens would relax enough so that I might try a dive-snatch-and-grab operation on Ching. I had no idea if she or any of the others were dead or alive, but I had to assume that they survived until evidence proved otherwise. My only practical question was how long I could maintain this form and this energy level.

Quick dips in and out of the clouds revealed to me that some, at least, were alive. They moved occasionally, and were quickly slapped down by fast tentacles or pushed back by one of the four scissorlike appendages growing from the trunk.

If one were alive that raised my hopes that all might be. With the great self-repair abilities we all had, almost any survival was as good as not being injured at all.

The aliens were very professional and very methodical about the whole thing, but- they were, I thought, pretty casual with people who could change into something else, perhaps even into aliens. That would be what
would do if it were me down there. But over the next hour or two, the most any of the captives, now totally restored to human form, did was sit up. These weren’t like my fifty-five sheep back in the sewers, so it stood to reason that if they didn’t change and try and fight their way out they couldn’t. If the Warden organism was, as I suspected, an extension of some alien computer, then obviously the connection between the computer and the captives had either been switched off or turned way down. The real question was what the aliens were waiting for. If they were just going to kill the captives, they could have done that long before and been gone to wherever they were most comfortable. But if they meant to take the crew prisoners, for some sort of questioning, they showed no inclination either to bring up transport or move them to safer and more secure quarters. They seemed, in fact, to be waiting for something. As sentinels they were also pros, their weapons and stations positioned so I could make out Ching in the group below. But I had no prayer of reaching her and getting back out without being shot myself.

Still, I waited, just out of their sight, I hoped just out of their reach, unwilling to abandon Ching unless I was certain there was no chance I could help her. If she was the price of all this discovery, I told myself sincerely, then the price was too high.

Finally, what they were waiting for arrived, and it was not at all what I expected. A large transport copter, specially outfitted for extreme-cold-weather use, came rushing out of the south, green and red running lights blinking and two large headlights slanting down on the ice itself. With growing apprehension, I watched the vehicle approach. Then I saw TMS markings on its side. It set down near the group, hovering just a few centimeters above the surface that could not have supported its dead weight. Carefully, one at a time, four TMS monitors climbed out onto the ice, laser pistols in hand. They gave hardly a glance or nod at the alien sentries, but went straight to the prisoners who, one by one, were taken to the copter and rudely pushed inside.

Although the copter was large enough to hold all that weight, it would certainly have a far slower return than it did coming out from wherever it was. I hoped that I could either follow it or get a good idea of its destination before my energy gave out. The copter rose slowly from the alien camp, hovered at about forty meters, and, staying below the thick clouds, started off. I followed as cautiously as I could, but it quickly became clear that I could never really keep up or even catch them. At one point just before they applied full power, I managed to get close enough to read the base city’s name around the TMS shield on both doors.


I had never been to Centrum, nor met anyone who had, but I had heard the stories about it. The map in my head showed that it was far to the south, almost on the equator itself, and on the west coast—a distance of more than ten thousand kilometers. It was ridiculous even to
that the copter had come from there—it would have taken days at its average speed—but Gray Basin was close indeed, by air, perhaps three hundred and fifty or four hundred kilometers south, or about two hours’ copter time with a full load.

Wearily, I turned and headed for Gray Basin, heading first due south so I could pick up some map landmarks. It would take me considerably longer than two hours to make the city, even with cooperative air currents and good weather, neither of which was a certainty. I still had no idea how much longer I could last.

A shape joined me in the darkness. I was already bone-tired and totally depressed, just going on sheer automatics, or I would have noticed it before it came close. When it did level out next to me, I was too weary even to take evasive measures, but, fortunately, it wasn’t necessary.


‘That you, Quarl?”

“Yeah. Uh—dammit, I’m sorry, Tari.”

“We’re all sorry. I’m sorry, you’re sorry, the rest of ‘em are
sorry, it doesn’t make any difference. What is, is, Quarl. We go on from there.”

“We’ll never catch them, you know.”

I sighed. “I know. But I think I know where they’re going, and that’ll have to do. At least it’s a city I know backward and forward, so I may be able to slip in and out of it without much trouble.”

“You mean
I’m going, too. They’re my friends, too, Tari.”

“No, Quart. It wouldn’t work. They’d pick you up in a second no matter what your powers. It’s a whole different world in there, a world that’s built to keep everybody in, to see what everybody’s doing all the time. I know that world, and I know how it works. You don’t. They’d have you in ten minutes.”

“Then I will make them pay dearly for those ten minutes!” she spat, “but I am going in.”

“I’d kill you first, Quarl, if I could, for the sake of the others.”


‘They wouldn’t kill you. They’d knock you out, knock you down like they did the others back there on the ice. Then they’d take you to a place that is truly hell, where men can steal your mind and soul and learn everything you know.”

“I can not be tortured so easily!”

I sighed. How do you explain a psych complex to a stone-age woman? “There’s no torture. No pain at all. You just can’t know what they can do. And when they get you, they’ll find out that I’m there and then they’ll get me. It’s no good, Quarl. I have to do this alone.”

“You sound strange. Tari. Not like a brave one going after his own, but more like one who has lost all hope.”

“No, I haven’t gone that far, Quarl, but you’re right First of all, I’m tired. I’m on my last energy reserves, and the dawn and the landmarks tell me that I’ve got at least two more hours to go. And, yes, I would rather go home.”

“But you go anyway. You do not seem surprised.”

“I’m not. Somehow, I knew that it would eventually end, that it would come down to this, a final chase, a final hunt. Just when I found what I really wanted and was ready to give it all up.” I chuckled dryly to myself. “It just wasn’t meant to be, Quarl. I could
happiness, hold it in my hands, “but I could not realize that I had what I wanted most in the world until it was no longer there.”

“Among my people, the Kuzmas, there is a strong belief in fate and destiny for all people,” Quarl told me. “Each of us is born to that destiny, but knows not what it is. So I can understand your feelings, my friend from the stars. But perhaps you will win, hey? Anything worth your life’s devotion is worth risking death for.”

Perhaps she was right, I thought. Those fifty-five back in the sewers—play revolutionaries, children daring the fire and kidding themselves—came down to their moment of truth. But the cause was proven not worth their miserable lives, even though they would suffer horribly. No risk, no gain.

But I
apparently impressed Quarl enough that she endangered the whole mission. “What do you wish me to do, Tari?” she asked.

“Go back to the citadel. Tell them what happened. Tell them that the demons are not demons but beings from the stars who work with the city people and have great weapons. Warn them of that. And tell them exactly what happened to all of us as far as you know it. Leave nothing out, make nothing look better or worse than it is. See Angi and Bura. Tell them—tell them that I love them both very much, and that if there is any way to do so I will return to them. See that they and my children are cared for.”

“Until you return.”

“Yes,” I responded in a litanous monotone, “until I return.”

Quarl saw me almost to Gray Basin, then flew off to the south and west. I saw the city in the distance, looking ugly in the late summer when no snow or ice covered it, leaving only that brutal gray roof and the stacks peering from it. It stretched out as far as the eye could see, and I hated every square meter of it.

Still, I settled down directly on that roof and found a place that didn’t look
uncomfortable. I let myself relax for the first time, allowing my skin, bones, every cell of my body, to revert to my old form. I was too damned tired to do anything, but I forced myself to sit and think for a moment.

The copter was from Centrum, yet it was undeniably headed here. Why? Why a Centrum copter, anyway—and what was it doing this far north? Medusan government business, most likely—unless they had a Centrum copter near all major cities to differentiate national from local authorities.

And if that was the case, then all of the prisoners would be in the hands of the central government, not the local TMS office. They would probably be shifted to Centrum for disposition. That made sense. They knew a lot about a lot of things, including the sacred mountain, the malleability trick and its possibilities. They also had experience with the aliens at close hand. These wouldn’t be things that Ypsir’s people would like a regional psych office or the usual TMS monitors to come across. Too many might get ideas of their own, and there’d be somebody around who would be from Outside as well, somebody who would equate those demons with alien creatures and draw some interesting conclusions. No, the prisoners would be taken directly to party headquarters at Centrum, a bastion of protection, and handled by people who already knew the terrible secrets these prisoners could spill.

How would they get them there? The train was out—too long and too public. And air traffic seemed limited to local practical vehicles like the copters, which would be too slow. That brought Gray Basin back into focus, for it had one thing several other cities and towns of relatively equal importance and distance did not have.

It had a spaceport.

I stood up wearily. I was just barely atop the city, and when I entered it, I would have to do so from below. The access points from the roof were among the most heavily monitored places of all, and I knew it. Still, I wasn’t so far gone that I couldn’t use the vantage point to some advantage. I climbed up a ladder atop a large and dormant stack and looked out in the direction of the spaceport. I could just barely see it, off in the distance: a small cluster of warehouses and a tiny terminal in an ovoid pattern around the landing pad that was otherwise in the middle of nothingness.

There definitely was no ship in.

How long I had I didn’t know, but I realized it would be better to lose them through sleeping than to lose them by rushing in as tired as I was. Ironically, I was going from the stone age back to my most nasty and sophisticated technological self for this mission, and, even then, I’d be taking risk after unacceptable risk. I had to rest and renew myself, so I went back and lay down as the sun rose high over the sealed city beneath and was soon asleep.

I hated going in yet again. I hated risking all, with the odds so totally stacked against me, knowing that even if I got away with anything myself the odds of saving Ching were very slim indeed.

But damn my filthy hide, I just couldn’t resist the challenge.



Into the Lion’s Den


I didn’t sleep nearly as long as I needed, but it was a good, solid sleep and just what I needed to restore my confidence and get my brain working again.

Entering the city wasn’t much of a problem, but once in, I wasn’t at all sure what I could do. The only thing certain was that my theory of breaking the system by transformation was about to get a real test. The trouble was, I would have to be slow and careful to have any reasonable chance, and I just didn’t have the. time for that.

Having served in the city in Transportation proved invaluable. Of course, to enter I simply waited for a train to come up and stop, then I walked in with the train when they turned off the energy barriers to admit it. Once inside the entry tunnel, though, I was in the yards for the trains and had to make my way carefully to the passenger section. Having worked the station, I knew where the monitor cameras were located and where the inevitable “dead” zones were, although they were hardly conveniently located for my purposes. At this point, naked and hairless, I was an easy mark for a monitor and a sure flag, so getting into position without being observed was time-consuming.

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