Meadow's Keep (The Gatekeepers Series) (41 page)

BOOK: Meadow's Keep (The Gatekeepers Series)
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“I took care of that,” Jenn pointed to the front steps where Jasmine’s bag sat upright.

Jasmine had visions of two weeks of jeans and sweaters, given Jenn’s propensity toward
that particular uniform.

As if reading her mind, Jenn supplied, “I actually think I did a good job. I know what you wear.”

Jasmine smiled and handed her the bag with the desserts inside. “I guess I won’t be needing these.”

Jenn opened the bag and smiled. “I think I can take care of these just fine.” She wiggled her brows at Jasmine.

“With my help,” Lily injected.

Jasmine reached for her
luggage and was grateful to see the makeup bag behind it. With the two bags in hand, she moved back to the vehicle. “I gather you’re taking me to the airport.”

Jenn dangled keys and handed Lily the goody bag. “No cheating. Wait until I get back.”

“I can’t go?”

“I need someone here to look after things while I’m out.”

Lily wasn’t buying it.

“Scoot,” Jenn ordered with a laugh.

Jenn drove and Jasmine filled her in on Lily’s father, warning her of Lily’s possibly misjudged prognosis. Jenn promised to bring Dr. Browne up to speed. After a moment of silence, Jasmine told her she’d seen Rob. Jenn stared at her so long, she almost drove off the road.

“I’m fine. Really. Actually, I’m better than fine. Poor Rob isn’t, however.”

“Poor Rob!” There was another erratic movement of the wheel.

“Should we table this until you aren’t driving?”

“I’m fine and we’re almost there anyway. I can’t believe you found sympathy for Rob.”

“You didn’t see him, Jenn.
The only thing left of the man is his physics, his books.” When Jenn didn’t respond, she added. “You’d have to see him.”

“Well, that’s not going to happen,” Jenn stated.

They pulled up to the private jet Bask had waiting for her. After handing the attendant Jasmine’s bags, Jenn hugged her. “Eryk’s meeting you there. Give Morgan and Dorian my love and, for God’s sake, take pictures.”

“Will do. You take care of Lily.”

Jasmine sat back in the soft leather seat. She was the only passenger and alone in the large cabin. No matter how they timed it, it would be a good three hours before she’d be there. The twins would probably not arrive before she got there, but one never knew. Not that she was absolutely necessary for the birth, she reminded herself—but given Jenn’s mania earlier, for a moment, she wasn’t sure. She smiled. Jenn was a trip and a half, no matter what the circumstances. The woman’s energy and life force never failed to amaze Jasmine. She felt lucky to count her as a friend.

Jasmine held her breath through the takeoff and settled back a
s the attendant arrived with a ginger ale over ice, her favorite. Leave it to Bask to make sure she was comfortable. There really was no need for an attendant, except, she mused, it gave someone a job, and since jobs were scarce, she liked that idea.

Jasmine realized she’d have to talk with him. Maybe Morgan and Dorian could give her some idea of how to handle that conversation.
Hey, Bask, now that Eryk and I have slept together
… She winced. Well, hopefully, she could put that off for a little while. Or, at least as long as she and Eryk were needed in Ruthorford.

What she and Eryk were needed for was to ensure nothing came through the portal while Morgan was incapacitated. She and Dorian were determined to have those babies
in the same bed Morgan had been born in, above The Shoppe of Spells. She and Eryk would camp out in the cottage.

Then what? Who knew?


When the town car pulled in front of The Shoppe of Spells, Eryk was standing out front
. He stepped over and opened the door, offering her his hand. The moment their fingers touched, the current surged through them, seeking and finding a rhythm, an equilibrium. Jasmine looked into the vibrant green eyes for a moment before they shifted and looked to the rear of the car, where the driver was unloading her suitcases.

Not quite the welcome Jasmine had expected, but the circumstances weren’t exactly normal either.
She refused to let it bother her. This wasn’t her time, it was Morgan’s and Dorian’s, and she hoped she would get to see them before the big event.

Morgan doing?” she asked.

“Walking the floor upstairs. Has been for hours. I’m a nervous wreck.”
Eryk’s voice quivered.

Jasmine let the laughter bubbl
e up. “Then imagine what Dorian’s going through.”

Eryk slowly s
hook his head as he held the door open for her. As she stepped inside, the whistle of a teakettle went off.

“Boiling water? Really?”

“There’s my girl.” Teresa’s voice preceded her from the kitchen. Taking Jasmine into a tight hug, she laughed. “I was making tea.”

held the hug a few seconds longer, inhaling the wonderful scent that was Teresa. She wasn’t sure, but thought Teresa felt lighter. She stepped back and looked at her cousin/mother. Her face glowed with the good health she’d always had, wisps of blonde, now streaked with silver, framing her face. Although Teresa had complained about its unruliness for years, Jasmine has always loved the fringe of soft curls.

“Can I?” Jasmine nodded her head toward the stairs.

“I don’t see why not. I don’t think anything’s going to happen for another couple of hours.”

Jasmine glanced over at Eryk, who was looking a little distracted. “You go ahead,” he said, “I’ll get some tea read

Teresa offered Jasmine a knowing smile and guided Eryk toward the kitchen while Jasmine made her way up the st

“Why don’t you go help Teresa?” Jasmine could hear Morgan moan through gritted teeth.

“I’m not leaving you,” she heard Dorian respond.

She approached the bedroom to find Morgan holding her oversized belly and plodding across the floor, Dorian in her wake. From the look on Morgan’s face, Dorian was not helping. From the look on Dorian’s, he was at a complete loss
and in a damned near panic.

“Hey guys,” Jasmine stepped into the room.

Morgan gave a visible sigh of relief.

“Why don’t I stay with Morgan for a few moments and you go down and get some tea,” she offered.

“No. I don’t want to leave her,” Dorian snapped out.

“Please, Dorian
,” Morgan moaned. “Leave me.” Seeing the dejection in his face, she quickly added. “Just for a few moments.”

“If you’re sure?”

Jasmine took his arm and led him to the door, planting a kiss on his bedraggled face. “Eryk doesn’t look so good. Maybe you can ease his mind.”

The two women listened for his footfalls on the stairs.

“Thank you,” Morgan mouthed.

Jasmine gave her a
hug and felt the belly tighten and Morgan lean into her. “Are we timing those?”

“Teresa says it’ll be a couple more hours, yet. She sent Mike over to the clinic.
Brenda cut herself and says only Mike can do the stitches.”

“I bet she wouldn’t
have said that if she’d known you were in labor,” Jasmine raised a brow, knowing how the postmistress loved being the first to know whatever was going on in Ruthorford.

Yes,” Morgan said and started pacing again. “If word got out, every person in town would be downstairs. I’m not sure I’m ready for that.”

“Where are your parents?”

“They’re out in the cottage, getting it ready for you and Eryk.”

Jasmine felt her face redden.

“Oh, come on,” Morgan moaned. “They had their trial by fire with us. Mom is so happy you and Eryk and going to be in the cottage…just in case. She wants you guys to be comfortable. Besides, if you think Dorian was bad, you haven’t seen my Dad.” Her steps faltered a little as the pain gripped her and she grabbed Jasmine’s arm.

Flashes of
their less than auspicious beginning wriggled into her memories as she led Morgan around the large Victorian bedroom. How she’d inadvertently hit Morgan eyes with wasp spray and Dorian didn’t believe it was an accident. How she’d flirted with Rob at the Abbott Bed & Breakfast, thinking Morgan was playing one guy against the other. Finally, how she’d try to convince Rob, when he’d gone mad and kidnapped her, that she was like Morgan and he didn’t need Morgan.

“Don’t go there,” Morgan said softly
and squeezed Jasmine’s arm. “We have become much more than the sum of our parts.”

“Thank you.
” Jasmine placed her hand over Morgan’s and gave a little push of energy, hoping to give her a little strength.

Morgan tried to smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes.
“I think I better lie down. And…,” she hesitated as she hoisted herself up on the tester bed, still a struggle, even with the step, “I think you might use your ability to tell Eryk to send Dorian up. I’d do it, but I’m afraid he’d go into cardiac arrest.”

Jasmine laughed. “Give me a moment, I’m still learning the craft.”

Morgan smiled. “If all else fails, you can yell over the banister.”

“There’s that, too.

“I think it worked,” Morgan squeaked at the sound of the
cavalry storming up the stairs.

Jasmine was startled by the similarity of the two men. Except for the green eyes of one and the
haggard look of the other, she was looking at identical men—at least in appearance. Then she saw the smile Dorian offered his wife and her heart melted.

“You might let the Briscoes know it’s almost time
,” Jasmine said, stopped, and added, “wait, I’ll come with you.”

Jasmine turned back to Morgan
, placed her hand gently on Morgan hard stomach. “Make it easy on your momma. I’ll see you soon.” Then she leaned over and kissed Morgan on the forehead. “Love you. I’ll be downstairs.”

“Love you, too.” She squeezed Jasmine’s hand. “Is Mike downstairs?”

Eryk answered. “He just got here.” He could hear the good doctor talking softly to Teresa, affection in his voice.

Jasmine led the way.
She stopped at the bottom of the steps and watched as Mike stood talking quietly to Teresa, his hand resting familiarly on her back as they stood facing the counter. “Morgan asked if you would come up now,” she tried to keep any hint of judgment from her tone.

Teresa turned, looked straight
into Jasmine’s eyes, and smiled. “I’ll go get the Briscoes.” She didn’t wait for a response, looked back at Mike, then walked out the back door. Jasmine moved over to the door and watched her cousin walk through the still lush garden to the Victorian cottage in the far back. Within seconds, she was holding the door open for Morgan’s parents as they rushed past, their expressions a combination of anxiety, pride, and love.

contemplated going out to the cottage. This was not the time. This was Dorian and Morgan’s time. She turned and joined Eryk in the kitchen. He set a mug of tea in front of her and sat down across from her.

“You’re looking good
,” she said.

He took a drink from his mug, not meeting her eyes.

He was acting strange. No
. He was acting like a stranger. Which was odd, since they were mated. He could never be a stranger. Even if he wanted it, it wasn’t going to happen. Maybe he’d had second thoughts and was trying to back off.

Teresa stepped back into the kitchen, made her own tea, and joined them at the table.

The silence lengthened.

Eryk cocked his head. “There’s one,” he said, continuing to listen intently.

They all seemed to hold their breaths. “And two,” he smiled from ear to ear. The sound of wails drifted down from upstairs.

“We can all hear that,” Jasmine commented
, a twinkle in her eyes.

The three of them moved
to the stairs but didn’t go any further. Both Teresa and Jasmine watched Eryk, knowing he could hear what was going on upstairs. “Almost,” he whispered.

if by command, Dorian leaned over the mahogany railing, a grin splitting his face.

They rushed up the steps,
stopping outside the door. Eryk and Jasmine stepped back, letting Teresa go first. They moved in behind her and stood at the foot of the bed.

For someone who’d just given birth, not to one, but two babies, Morgan lo
oked radiant. A bit sweaty, but glowing. In each arm was nestled a red-faced baby, one swaddled in pink, one in blue. “May I present Melissa and Thomas Drake,” Dorian announced. At the sound of his voice, the babies opened their eyes. Both had the emerald green eyes of their mother.

Jasmine looked over at Eryk
. “Looks like you are no longer unique.”

Morgan’s parents stood on one side of the bed, their eyes red from tears. Talbot had his arm around Becky as they looked lovingly down
at their grandchildren.

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