McDonald_TWT_GENVers_Feb2014 (3 page)

Read McDonald_TWT_GENVers_Feb2014 Online

Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #Contemporary Romance, Humor, Holidays

BOOK: McDonald_TWT_GENVers_Feb2014
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“Are you are fucking crazy?” the woman shouted.

Sabine shrugged and smiled at her competition.

“The bid is now at
six thousand
. . . Going once . . . Going twice. Mr. Lake will be cooking dinner for . . . hold up your fan for me again, lady in the gold shirt. He’ll be cooking for Ms. Sabine Kendall. Congratulations, Ms. Kendall. You have the winning bid for bachelor number five.”

The applause that broke out was the most deafening yet. Sabine laughed at the sheer amount of happy female energy in the room now directed at her. Feeling righteous and heroic, she shouldered her large purse again and headed for the back of the room.

“You’re an idiot for spending that kind of money on Todd Lake. He’s so not worth it, lady. I was only going to make him pay for treating me like shit when we dated,” the woman yelled as she passed.

“Maybe I am an idiot, but at least I’m the winning one this evening. And I think I just rescued a decent man from your evil bitchiness, which is the best thing I could have done at this meat show tonight. Do yourself a favor. Get help and stop hating the world,” Sabine ordered, smiling in triumph as the woman gave her the finger.

She knew her smile would disappear the moment she signed over the remaining contents of her savings to some charity she had yet to identify, but what the hell? Rundgren was obviously supporting it too. That would look favorable for her. She would just split the difference of the money with Joe. It had been worth her half to put that bitchy woman in her place. She felt ten feet tall and thin at the moment. Those extra thirty pounds she was packing were wiped away in her triumphant female moment.

Behind her, she heard bachelor number six being brought forward. It made her cringe. Despite the momentary rush she’d gotten bidding on Joe’s Todd, the whole auction business was still distasteful to her. Once again she shook her head at her stupidity for getting involved.

“Joe, you owe me.”

Chapter 3

Sabine was sighing over her checkbook when an out-of-breath Joe finally ran in and skidded to a stop beside her.

“Did you win?” he demanded.

“Of course I won,” Sabine declared. “And my now empty bank account can attest to that fact.”

She handed the check over to a giggling woman who congratulated her on her win.

“And just how much did you have to pay for his rescue?” Joe asked.

“Six thousand, hotshot. There was some crazy woman bidding on your
diamond in the rough
that ran his price up to four thousand in like a minute. She was a real piece of work, let me tell you. It felt so good to outbid her that I’ve decided to split the difference with you, so you only owe me three thousand. Plus I really enjoyed rescuing him. You were right—it was the most fun I’ve had in ages.”

“Six thousand?
You paid six thousand dollars for Todd?”
Joe exclaimed.

Sabine laughed at his genuine disbelief. “Yes. Apparently, every woman in the place saw the same diamond quality in him that you did. Now come on. I’ve got to go get my picture taken with your stud who’s waiting for me in the winner’s circle.”

“I can’t believe they got through nine bachelors so quickly,” Joe commented as they walked.

“It was only five. Todd was bachelor number five—not number nine,” Sabine corrected.

“No, Todd was going to be number nine. I got a text about ten minutes ago confirming his place in the auction line-up.”

Sabine snorted. “Simply not possible, Joe. The auctioneer said
Todd Lake
and the room erupted in bid fans going up in the air. I bid on your Todd—trust me.”

Todd Lake?
Sabine . . .
oh my God
. That’s who you bid on and won? For
six thousand
?” Joe bent from the waist as he laughed. When he straightened, he turned and started back toward the sign-up table. “I’m going to have to go bid on Todd myself. This is too funny. Wait until I tell him.”

“Joe, what the hell are you talking about? Come back here. This is not the time for a joke.”

Joe stopped, laughing as he turned to look at Sabine’s blank face again. “Sweetie, do you have any idea who you won tonight?”

“Yes. I won Todd Lake,” Sabine said. “It has to be your Todd. There couldn’t have been two Todds in the auction. You said so yourself.”

Joe laughed. “What are the odds of two Todds? Sounds like a riddle, doesn’t it? Now I wish I could stick around to meet
The Sexy Chef
in person, but I need to go save
my Todd
. Have fun with

Sabine stomped her foot. It was childish. Plus it didn’t help. “I already did save him. He’s waiting on me to take a freaking picture with him, Joe. Now stop fooling around and come with me. I don’t want to do this alone.”

“Sabine, you bid on the wrong man. But don’t worry, I’m sure you’re going to have a wonderful time tomorrow on your expensive date.
Todd Lake
is a Polynesian chef and you love pineapple. I’m sure it will be fine. Oh, and I think he’s a bit younger than you. See how great this has worked out? Win-win and you didn’t have to hit a single bar.”

Shocked at Joe’s revelation—and assumption—Sabine remained frozen in place, staring after him. Todd Lake was a real chef? What the hell? She didn’t watch cooking shows.

“Oh dear God—now what am I going to do?” she asked aloud as she watched Joe walk away.

“Sabine Kendall?”

A deep masculine voice followed by a laugh had her spinning to face the speaker. Up close, Todd Lake was even larger and more impressive than he had looked on stage. His athletic cut suit fit him perfectly. The shaggy black hair and day’s growth of beard didn’t do the suit any favors, but social defiance somehow suited those piercing chocolate eyes of his. He looked very real as he grinned at her shock.

Her sigh of resignation over what he must have heard was long and loud. Sabine ignored her face heating and sought for the composure she normally exhibited in uncomfortable situations. As a public relations specialist, she had handled some funky clients in her career, and certainly had her share of embarrassing moments. She just didn’t usually cause them for herself.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to hear all that, Mr. Lake. My error is not in any way your fault nor a judgment of your appeal. I’m sure you’re worth every penny I paid—for the charity donation, I mean.”

“So if I heard your friend correctly, you rescued me thinking I was
someone else
?” Koka asked.

“Well—yes, but it wasn’t as bad as it sounded. I promised a friend that I’d rescue a guy he’s . . . no let’s skip Joe’s story. It’s too complicated to get into. Plus I’m still not convinced the other guy even exists. Long story made short—apparently I bid on the wrong bachelor named
,” Sabine said. “I hope you’re not too offended.”

Koka smiled—really smiled. The movement was so real and genuine for once that his face actually hurt. He put a hand up to rub the stiffness from his bristly jaw as he answered. “On the contrary, I am happy for the first time this evening—maybe this year. Thank you for rescuing me—whatever the circumstances.”

Sabine sighed in relief as she smiled back. She put out her hand. “That’s very nice of you to be so understanding. I’m Sabine Blakeman by the way, not Kendall any longer. They took my name off my driver’s license and checkbook. I just haven’t changed it legally yet.”

His hand engulfed hers and Sabine wondered how those large hands could possible manage in a kitchen. His fingers were long and the skin on his hands meticulously soft and clean.

“They have a saying where I’m from, Ms. Blakeman.
Mahalo E Ke Akua No Keia La
,” Koka said.

Sabine smiled. “That’s certainly a beautiful mouthful. Is it Polynesian?”

“It’s the Hawaiian way of saying
thank the goddess
such a pleasant woman won me,” Koka explained.

When she laughed at his compliment, the ruggedly handsome behemoth towering over her tugged her hand gently until she just sort of naturally fell into step beside him. “Well, at least the mean woman in the back didn’t get you.”

“Never. Not even when we dated briefly. I think she may still be angry about my refusal,” Koka said.

,” Sabine replied, the single word encompassing her total understanding. The woman had insinuated as much, but she didn’t like to jump to conclusions. Then thinking about the sexually frustrated woman bidding four thousand for another shot at him, she snorted in evil laughter herself and felt triumphant all over again. “As good looking as you are, you can do a lot better than someone like her.”

“My grandmother didn’t like her either,” Koka said, shrugging off his narrow escape. “So . . . shall we take the obligatory picture for the paper?”

Sabine sighed and nodded. She might as well have something to show for her zero bank balance. Why not get a picture taken with her six thousand dollar wrong Valentine?

“Sure. Why not? Otherwise tomorrow this is just going to seem like every other nightmare I’ve ever had and woken up from relieved to still be alive. I thought some of those women might murder me before I managed to write the check.”

Koka laughed and the sound coming from his chest surprised him. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had sparked humor in his soul. He took a closer look at her.

“I am suddenly very glad you won me, Sabine Blakeman. Tomorrow I will make you the best dinner you have ever had. I heard your friend say that you like pineapple. Not one of my usual ingredients, but I’ll see what I can do.”

Sabine groaned at his sarcasm and felt a blush climbing her face again. “I am so sorry. My friend Joe has an extremely big mouth. Make anything you want and I’ll eat it. Promise. I’m not picky at all when it comes to food, but then I guess that shows, doesn’t it? And for the record, I do like pineapple.”

“You’re very accommodating. It is a wonderful trait in a beautiful woman,” Koka said, smiling again.

“Wow, if that’s flirting, Mr. Lake, you’re really good at it. My accommodating nature is because I’m feeling a bit unbalanced. You’re going to be my first actual
with a bachelor in twenty years,” Sabine said, quote marking the dreaded “d” word in the air with bent fingers.

The photographer motioned them in front of a blue screen. They were asked to hold a large paper that had his bachelor number, the winning bid amount, and both their names.

Sabine sighed. “You wouldn’t happen to have a black marker in your pocket would you? I’d love to change my name on this paper.”

Koka ignored her teasing question to ask what he really wanted to know. “Twenty years is a long time to not date. Are you freshly divorced?” Koka asked.

“More like irrevocably divorced. My ex has already re-married,” Sabine said.

Koka smiled. “Well, I’ll try to make the evening memorable enough for your first real date in twenty years.”

“Oh, I think that’s guaranteed by our odd circumstances,” Sabine said. “Where do you want to meet tomorrow?”

Koka had been going to take the winner to the
Seattle Live
stage kitchen, which he considered neutral territory. He was going to ask Edwina to come by and take network photos and chaperone in case it was awkward. His plan had been to let fame be the woman’s payment for her contribution to the auction. Now he wanted something more—he wanted time to get to know Sabine Blakeman.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like you to come to my house. My grandmother’s health is not good. I don’t like to be away from her for any longer than I have to,” he said.

Sabine nodded. “Sure. I don’t mind that at all. She’s welcome to join us for dinner.”

“After spending all that money, I find it interesting that you are willing to share my attention with other people,” Koka said, frowning at her open expression. Would the woman really not mind sharing his company? And why did that idea bother him? She was being nice.

“Why would I mind if she ate with us? It would be rude to exclude your family. Besides, the dinner is a charity event. It’s not like tomorrow is a real date.”

“But what if it was? Would you still feel the same?” Koka demanded.

Sabine frowned. “Well, it’s not a real date, so that’s a rhetorical question not in need of a definitive answer.”

Koka laughed at her sharp response. His pride was stung a little, thinking Sabine Blakeman didn’t want to be alone with him. What a strange response to a woman who was only being kind.

His gaze traveled over her blonde hair and lush womanly figure covered in sparkling gold. Her sheer comfort with herself made her more alluring than any woman he’d seen screaming his name tonight. Evidently, his grandmother’s prayers to the goddess had been answered in his rescuer.

“Since you told me your real name, I suppose it is only fair that I should tell you mine. I will ask you to please not reveal it to the world. My real name is Koka Whitman. Todd Lake is my TV show name,” he whispered.

Sabine smiled up at him as the photographer made lens adjustments. “
That’s a very different kind of name.”

Koka waited, grinned, and then let it drop. “Yes. It’s Hawaiian for

Her rolling belly laugh had him smiling down into her open face again. The camera snapped and for once he didn’t care. All he cared about was making the woman beside him belly laugh again until her eyes danced.

“You made that up because you heard Joe say that I bid on the wrong person,” Sabine declared. “Just because I’m a natural blonde doesn’t mean I’m gullible and stupid—unless you count letting a friend talk me into this stupid auction—wait, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I’m not unhappy to have won you.”

Koka laughed hard as Sabine bit her lip and stared a little fearfully at him. He was both charmed and offended by her honesty. The camera snapped again. Remarkably, he still didn’t care. He had even forgotten to count. Now he would have to guess at how many photos had been taken.

“Could we please try for one normal picture?” the photographer asked.

Sabine felt a blush climbing her face again as she looked forward at the camera. “Oh God—I’m really sorry. Of course . . .
. . .” She stumbled a little when Koka’s arm came around her and pulled her closer to him behind the paper they held between them. Good thing she’d worn the flats and not stupid stripper shoes like so many of the bidders had been wearing.

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