McDonald_TWT_GENVers_Feb2014 (11 page)

Read McDonald_TWT_GENVers_Feb2014 Online

Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #Contemporary Romance, Humor, Holidays

BOOK: McDonald_TWT_GENVers_Feb2014
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Laughter almost choked him on its way out, but his hands were busy finding their way under the full skirt. “
Nou No Ka `I`ini.”

“Ha—I know what that means and I don’t even speak Hawaiian,” Sabine declared, standing on her toes so he wouldn’t have to bend down so far.

With her skirt finally out of the way, Koka pressed himself against the heat of the woman he found under it. Her soft body was the most erotic thing he could remember lusting for in his entire life. “I desire you, Sabine Blakeman. That’s what I said.”

Sabine heard the words, but Koka’s voice seemed very far away. What he was doing with his hands as he molded her lower half to his was seriously distracting. He was just so sure in his actions, so insistent in expressing what he felt in any moment.

“I desire you too,” Sabine parroted back, but realized she would have said most anything to prolong her drowning in the sensual ocean Koka was creating around her.

“Do you want to have dessert first? Or after?” It killed him to ask and offer any choice at all, but Sabine had gone to so much trouble to cook for him.

“I want it right now,” Sabine said, reaching up to link an arm around his neck. It was quite a stretch, but well worth it when Koka let her pull his head down. Her mouth sought his and found it hot and waiting for her. When she finally let him go, she swept a hand down his neck and over one massive shoulder. “I have high standards for dessert though.”

“Sabine—consider yourself warned,” Koka declared, his voice low.

To her shock, he scooped her substantial form up in his arms and started down the hall with her. She had never been carried before and the experience was startling.

“Which room?” he demanded.

“The big one,” she squeaked, hanging onto him as best she could.

Yet being carried was nothing compared to landing on her mattress with a rock solid male heavily on top of her. His mouth devoured hers while his hands divested her of everything under her dress and went exploring. Finding the answer he was looking for, he groaned and cupped her possessively.

Unwilling to passively accept her fate, Sabine unbuckled and unzipped until she could work her hands down inside his clothes to a backside that felt like molded bronze under her fingers. There was nowhere soft on the man. “I can’t get pregnant and there hasn’t been anyone since I divorced. I just wanted you to know.”

Koka’s answer to her—if you could call it that—was to hold her thighs in his hands while he wiggled his pants off his legs. For a big man, he had some amazing moves. Right after she heard his pants hit the carpet, his hands ran up the inside of her thighs as he separated them.

“In case you have any doubts left about anything at all, I want this and the answer is yes,” Sabine said.

'O Ku'u Aloha No 'Oe
,” Koka whispered, beginning the journey inside her.

Sabine let her body sink into the mattress and give under the pressure of him sliding into her.

“Your language is so beautiful,” she whispered.

“I have wanted to do this with you since you stood up at the auction. Will you let me love you now?” Koka asked, the words strangled as he completed their joining. Her head nod against the pillow was accompanied by rapid panting. He went a little crazy. “
Na'u `oe.

Whatever Koka whispered to her in his native language acted like a trigger. Sabine groaned and arched her body, amazed to feel such a sense of rightness with a man she had known for such a short amount of time.

“I have no words nearly as poetic as yours, but I want you too. This is even better than your rum fried bananas. Can we do this a little faster?”

“Not yet. It is too much and yet not enough,” Koka declared, rolling them over until she sat astride him.

While a groaning Sabine unbuttoned his shirt, he reached behind her and unzipped the beautiful red dress until the zipper stopped at her waist. There was no way to free her from it completely. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to yet.

Lying back down, he used his hands to ease the dress off her shoulders and away from the front of her, delighted at the sheer red lace bra Sabine wore under it.

“Beautiful,” he said. Bound in lace cups, even his large hands covered only part of her breasts. Loose—they would spill around his fingers, lush and soft. He shivered beneath her rocking weight, suddenly fearing that Sabine’s pleasure would be lost in his prolonged sensual exploration.

,” Sabine said hoarsely, feeling the first orgasm in two years hitting her hard. A muffled scream erupted when she found herself buried again under a plunging male body that seemed bent on maximizing her pleasure as he plunged slowly with each shiver.

“Beautiful Sabine,” Koka whispered, his body shuddering in pleasure as it found perfect sanctuary in the groaning woman beneath him. Heart thudding after he’d spent the last of his energy, he tried to spare her his full weight without separating himself from the quiet joy of her sated body.

Finally, he eased away to lie beside her. He closed his eyes so he wouldn’t have to see the sexy blonde hair splayed across the pillow. If he looked too long in her eyes, he was going to tell her the depth of his feelings no matter how much instinct warned him otherwise.

But when he gave in and opened them anyway, it was to look once more at her red lace covered breasts above a sex-crumpled dress that he was going make Sabine wear every year on their anniversary.

He quivered under her exploring hand as she rose above him and leaned over to stare into his face.

,” Sabine declared, “
was the best dessert ever

Koka laughed at her teasing and reached out his hand to brush back her hair. “That was not our real dessert,” he teased. To his delight, Sabine giggled.

“It wasn’t?” she asked.

Koka shook his head. “No. That was an experiment that went very well. When it becomes our real dessert, you will know. Such perfection will make you feel like singing.”

Sabine sighed and laid her head on his chest, rock hard muscles smooth under her cheek. “I’m humming now. That’s pretty close to singing. Can I ask why your name is Whitman? Or is that bad pillow talk?”

He stroked her hair as he gazed into her expressive face. It was one of the things he liked best about her.

“Pekala married someone from the mainland. His name was Whitman. They had two sons, both of whom followed the goddess and accepted Pekala’s genes for the face they presented to the world. My father and his brother both married island women, but the mainland name carried on. Some believed the job I took in Seattle was due to my dead grandfather’s influence. Really, it was because I wanted enough money to take care of Pekala and save for my restaurant at the same time.”

Sabine sighed over his story. “Do you miss your homeland?”

“The islands are part of me—so yes. However, Pekala says she is content here. And my daughter is mainland-minded. Pekala says Halia has my grandfather’s true mainland spirit. I think she is right. Halia does not plan to live on the islands. For now, I like being on the mainland and nearer to her.”

“Halia is your daughter?” Sabine asked.

Koka nodded. “Yes. She looks Hawaiian and favors her mother. She is turning out to be a good person. That makes me feel successful as a parent, since I was still a child myself when she was born.”

“I know what you mean about that making you feel successful. My children are turning out to be good people too. I feel very blessed until they buy me a
Food Porn Star
apron. Then I start to wonder where I’ve gone wrong,” Sabine said.

Koka smiled at her teasing. She just couldn’t seem to help herself. “Would you like to have your other dessert now?”

Sabine giggled. “Are you talking about cold, soggy glazed pears with melted whipped topping or something hot and fresh from the cook’s talented hands?”

Koka chuckled at her innuendo and harder as she ran a hand over his twitching interest. “You are a demanding woman, Sabine Blakeman. Perhaps I should be less surprised than I am.”

Sabine stopped her exploration to reach up and tap his cheek, putting some genuine force behind it. “Hey now,
Submissive women don’t outbid evil bitches just to save a guy’s pretty ass.”

Laughing at her passionate and colorful declaration, Koka grabbed her wrist mid-tap the second time. He used his hold to push Sabine off his chest and to her back. It was so much fun to see her mild shock at his show of strength that he trapped the other wrist too. He pinned her to the mattress thinking of future sensual torture while she glared at him.

“Maybe submissive women get a hot dessert more often,” he said softly, diving into her mouth to taste her resistance to him teasing back. But surprising him once more, she arched her soft body and rose up to meet his mouth again. Kissing Sabine to subdue her quickly turned into a passionate exploration of tongues and teeth. A few minutes of it and his erection was straining against her again.

“I am not sure who just seduced who,” he marveled.

“Now be honest. Do you really want me to be submissive in bed?” Sabine asked.

Koka shook his head as he slowly released her wrists. “No. If you were submissive, what would I have to conquer? Ancient warrior blood runs through my veins. The truth is—I just want your desire—whatever that may be.”

Sabine stared at his serious eyes. “I think I started desiring you the first time you laughed at my teasing. However, for this sex thing to work out in your favor, you need to accept the fact that I like being on top as well as the bottom. I don’t know what kind of blood runs in your veins, but what you did—the whole flipping me over with perfect timing—that was incredible. So conquer away if you want to keep doing that.”

Koka hid his face in her neck as he smiled about Sabine’s cloaked praise. “I want you again, Sabine Blakeman.”

Sabine laughed at his semi-amazed tone. “Oh, is that what’s going on with that piece of iron poking my stomach? Wow, you had me worried there for a minute. I didn’t know what that was.”

Her belly laughter echoed off the walls as Koka tickled her to get revenge, but it was her thrashing legs that gave him access to what he really wanted. She melted and molded around him again as he slid inside her. His rough whispered words made his ancient warrior claim seem almost real to her. Oh the fantasies she was going to have about seducing this man.

Na'u `oe, Ku`u Lei. No Keia La, No Keia Po, A Mau Loa.

Sabine let her hands roam the bronze hardness of Koka’s shoulders and arms as she closed her eyes in pleasure of each stroke. “Right now, the hell I suffered for the last two years of my failing marriage seems like a small price to have paid for my freedom to do this with you. Does that make me a bad woman?”

Koka went still as Sabine’s eyes closed in bliss. His throat was clogged with declarations that demanded to be said, but he would make the choice hers. “Do you want to know what I just said to you in my language?”

Sabine opened her eyes at the seriousness in his voice, staring into his gaze as he rocked smoothly and steadily into her. “If I tell you I can’t make up my mind about hearing how you feel, will you be hurt or upset?”

Despite the fear in Sabine’s question, love still flooded his heart with hope. “No, I will not be angry,” Koka whispered. “I will be patient and wait for my sunshine to come out from behind her clouds.”

Beneath him, Sabine snickered at his poetic promise even as she dug her fingernails into his back while he pushed into her. Hissing at the passionate pain, Koka kissed her fiercely and had his way with her until she screamed.

Chapter 11

Blanche stared at what Sabine was sighing over and shook her head. “If you didn’t take on so many social losers for clients, you wouldn’t be holed up in here sighing over plans gone wrong to make them publicly presentable. At least your taste in men is improving. Speaking of men, drop what you’re doing. Anthony wants to see us both in his office.”

Sabine pulled her readers down to glare at Blanche over them. “I know you’re technically my boss, and Anthony’s technically yours, but lately you’ve both been crossing every imaginable employer-employee harassment line with me. Is this a trend I need to be concerned about in this company?”

Blanche laughed at the complaining. “Maybe I’m cranky and jealous of your new boyfriend. Now move your
Sexy Chef
charming ass because the company president wants to see us both as soon as we can get there.”

Sighing, Sabine pulled her readers off her nose and tossed them on top of her desk as she stood. “Oh . . . well, since the company president wants to see us both about my social life outside the company, we’d better go right away.”

Sabine felt at least a little satisfied when Blanche huffed as she choked on her shock.

“You were always sassy, but what is with your total snarkitude lately? You do one guest spot on a small, local TV show and now you’re too special to talk with Anthony?”

Sabine made a growling sound as she joined her boss and they headed down the hall. “Every conversation I’ve had with Anthony lately has started with ‘
So how’s Todd doing?
’ Well, I’m tired of answering that question. Todd doesn’t work for him. I do. He hasn’t asked me how I’m doing lately. No one has.”

Blanche shrugged. “That’s because we all know how you’re doing, Sabine. We hear you humming in your office all day. Sound carries well down the hall here.”

Sabine shook her head. “If I’m humming, it’s because my ex finally got the last of his belongings from the garage over the weekend. Now I don’t have to see him or his new wife’s fake breasts again until one of our kids graduates college. Hey, Anthony should ask me about Clarissa’s breasts. Technically, the retirement he gave me paid for them. He might want to know if he got his money’s worth.”

Beside her Blanche laughed as her eyes got huge.

“Sabine, that is an excellent deflection. I remember teaching you how to change the subject and you are now quite the master. But wake up and smell the PR goldmine of your situation, darling. You’re dating the most sought-after bachelor in Seattle. Inquiring minds—especially those in our company—want to know all they can about it. It’s okay to be jealous of the other women chasing him for his hot body, but you really need to get used to your boyfriend’s popularity. Unless Todd Lake loses those muscles of his or forgets how to cook, I don’t see that waning too much.”

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