Read Maya's Triple Dare Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Maya's Triple Dare (15 page)

BOOK: Maya's Triple Dare
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Kendall and Richard both fisted their cocks as they watched. He liked this position because it allowed them to observe as his cock slid in and out of her creaming pussy. They’d see the ecstasy on her beautiful face when she came hard for him. He parted her pussy lips and enjoyed the lust the sight inspired in their eyes. She was amazing as she held tightly to his neck and shoulders and allowed him to take her in the manner of his choosing.

He withdrew slightly and began thrusting against her G-spot, having located it based on her responses earlier, and pressed his fingers against her clit so it was against the underside of his cock with each stroke.

Maya sobbed once and let out an eardrum-piercing shriek loud enough to wake the dead. She clutched at his shoulders and jerked in his grasp, grinding against his cock and his fingers. He groaned in satisfaction as her pussy flooded with her cum. He threw off his control, gave three mighty thrusts, and his release exploded from his cock in searing jets. The pleasure was so intense he felt light-headed for a few seconds.

He was vaguely aware of deep groans of pleasure as Richard and Kendall came as well.

His arms shook slightly as he held Maya and tilted his head down to kiss her temple. She leaned her head against his damp chest and smiled up at him blissfully. Her lips were warm and tender as she kissed him, and his heart lurched at the love in her eyes.

In the matter of a few days, Maya had managed to make him fall head over sappy heels in love with her. The thought couldn’t have pleased him more.



* * * *



Maya doubted she’d ever felt this sexy in her entire life. Boone had allayed all her worries and systematically stripped her of any sexual inhibition she had left.


Maya loved sex, had always enjoyed it with Morgan, then with Richard and Kendall. What Boone did with her went beyond sex. It fulfilled other needs she had, most obviously the fact that she’d loved the way he’d fucked her while Kendall and Richard watched. The way she’d felt put on display and the sounds they’d made together as they came were incredibly erotic.

The sight of Kendall and Richard stroking their cocks until they came as they watched her and Boone had been a huge turn-on. She looked forward eagerly to the day they’d all make love to her together.

Her pussy tingled and quivered as he withdrew from her, helped her lie down, then continued to hold her.

“You all right, baby?”

“Big understatement, Boone.”


“Trust me. I loved it.”

She lay there listening to them breathe and sighed with pleasure as Boone kissed her shoulder and slid his warm, work-roughened hand over her torso. His light touch raised goose bumps on her skin and tickled slightly. She smiled and released another happy sigh. She must’ve drifted in a light sleep for a few minutes but opened her eyes when Boone climbed from the bed and disposed of the condom.

She heard the sound of running water and realized at some point Kendall had gotten up and must be in the bathroom filling the big tub.

Kendall returned to the bed and caressed her hip. “Babydoll, would you like a nice, hot soak?”

Maya turned onto her back and stretched luxuriantly.
Have I died
and gone to heaven?
With the way these men served her, she’d be spoiled in no time.

“I’d love it.” Richard scooped her up and carried her into the redolent bathroom, stealing a gentle kiss along the way. She could hear Kendall chuckling at her surprised squeal from the other room.


Richard lowered her carefully into the bath and she sniffed the air.

“Is that lavender? I didn’t bring any bath salts or bubble bath with me.”

“Boone and I went shopping for you and bought some things we thought you might need while you were here,” Richard murmured as he squatted down at her side.

She placed a bubble-covered hand on his cheek and replied,

“Thank you for doing that.”

“You’re welcome. How do you feel?”

“Wonderful. Well-loved and relaxed.”

Richard smiled and whispered, “Good. Need me to scrub your back?”

“There’s room, if you’d care to join me.”

Richard debated for a second before joining her.

Boone poked his head inside and said, “Damn. Beat me to it.” But he didn’t look upset. She appreciated that they allowed each other access and didn’t hoard time with her, whether they were sitting in front of the television or doing things like this. To her, it felt easy. She hoped that was genuinely the case.

Leaning against the doorframe for a moment, Boone said, “I know what Maya would like in the new master suite. A bathtub big enough for four people.”

Maya snickered and said, “I like the way you men think, Boone.

Spank my fanny and spoil me rotten.”

Boone laughed warmly. “Enjoy your bath,” he murmured before he returned to the bedroom.

She sighed with pleasure as Richard stroked the muscles in her thighs, and she drew closer to him and climbed in his lap. She lay against him as he poured water from his big hands over her shoulders.

His beard tickled against her shoulder as he kissed her there. A sleepy languor stole over her, and she sighed happily.

In the quiet of the bathroom, Richard whispered, “I love you, Maya.”


His declaration stole her breath from her, and in a heartbeat her eyes were brimming with tears. She lifted her head to look in his eyes.

His heart was there and in his touch as he caressed her shoulder and her back.

He seemed to want to say more, but merely added, “You are precious to me.”

She burrowed against him, wrapped her other arm around his neck, and kissed his muscular chest. “I love you, Richard. You make me very happy.”

They stayed in the tub, wrapped in each other’s arms, until the water cooled. He lifted her out and set her carefully on the bath mat, and they both dried off before returning to the bed.

Kendall reached for her as she climbed in amongst them and said,

“Feel good?”

She sighed happily. “Perfect. And a little pruney, too.”


Chapter Thirteen

Maya slept light that night, enthralled by the men who surrounded her with their masculine heat and strength. One of them left the bed, and Maya knew by his silhouette and height that it was Richard. He’d been restless all night, and she wondered if he’d slept much.

He went down the hall to the other bedroom, and then she heard him slip out the back door. She lay there wondering if the men would mind if she joined him in case he wanted someone to talk to. Boone and Kendall seemed surprised that he talked as much as he did with her. She liked that he trusted her and felt he could open up to her.

Careful to not disturb them, she climbed from the bed and pulled on one of Kendall’s work shirts. Grinning, she cuffed up the sleeves that hung way past her wrists. The shirt reached to her knees. She buttoned it up and tiptoed to the back door and looked out the window.

He was on the porch glider, and his big frame seemed tense as he sat with elbows on knees and his head down. He’d had time to think and process since they’d settled down to sleep, and she’d wondered if he was coming to grips with letting Michelle go. She felt like a voyeur, getting such a clear glimpse of his struggle.

She opened the back door quietly and approached the glider. He looked up at her and patted the glider beside him. She perched on the edge and faced him.

“Having trouble sleeping?” she asked softly.

“Yeah. I can’t get my mind to shut off. Just thinking.” The rough, vulnerable timbre of his voice cried out to her heart.

“Thinking about Michelle?”


“Sort of. How about you?” Getting over Michelle’s loss was going to be like peeling an onion. It had to be done one layer at a time.

“Morgan’s challenging words to me, to dare to live, keep me moving forward, but I still feel the grief. Sometimes…I don’t think I’ll ever get over losing Morgan. Not really. He was very good to me.” Her voice broke, and her quivering lips made it hard to continue speaking. She paused, trying to get a grip on her emotions as she looked at her hands twisting in her lap.

She’d never felt this way when she’d dated, before Kendall had come to get her. This felt like she was letting Morgan go and it hurt.

In a deep, husky voice, Richard said, “I missed her so much at times, Maya. I thought it would kill me.”

All Maya could do was nod because she knew the feeling. They reached out to each other at the same moment and were united in their grief. He lifted her into his lap and she pressed her forehead to his bowed neck.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and whispered, “I don’t expect you to forget her, Richard. I don’t want you to. I couldn’t forget Morgan. But I love you, too.” Those words, spoken aloud, released the dam she’d been struggling to keep intact, and she broke down in his arms. In that brief moment it felt like Morgan released her.

Richard’s arms tightened around her, and his big body vibrated with tension as he struggled with his own feelings. Maya felt wiped out by the spectrum of emotions she had experienced in the last few days. She cried for Richard, Michelle, Morgan, and herself.

Richard cupped her face in his palms and stared deeply into her eyes. Her pain was reflected in his pale eyes. “It hit me hard.

Sometimes it’s like that. I’ll go for weeks and be fine then something will trigger it. I feel…” He pressed his forehead gently against hers and closed his eyelids. The muscles in his arms were tense as he held her. “I feel like I’m letting her go.”

“Yes. It hurts,” she whispered as he held her tightly.


They grieved together in the quiet, interrupted only by the occasional bird call and other night sounds. When the storm of emotion finally receded, Maya realized Richard was rocking them both on the glider. The smooth back and forth fluidity of the motion soothed her as he held her close.

“I’m glad we’re moving on, Maya. I love you.”



* * * *



Sunday morning, Maya and Richard sat looking at the screen on her laptop computer. She’d just pulled up her online e-mail account for the first time in five days and chuckled in surprise when she saw the number of e-mails in her inbox.

“Wow, someone’s been trying to get in touch with you. Do you normally have that many?”

“Not even close.”

She frowned when she saw they were almost all from Frank Reeves.

Richard shifted beside her and growled when he saw the same thing. “Is he usually this high maintenance? Are those business e-mails? He was your husband’s partner, right?”

“Yes, but this is my private address. He’s not even supposed to have it. And he shouldn’t need me for any business dealings. I sold our share to another broker.” She clicked on the first message.

Irritation welled up in her at his overly-assumptive tone.

when you’re ready to come back from this escapade you’re on
with that redneck, I might be willing

Glancing at Richard’s darkening countenance, Maya clicked on the next one, which was written later in the same day. The e-mails started the day she’d left and continued through last night. The tone


was the same in all of them, perhaps more annoying as they wore on, but all with the same high-handed manner.

“Well, that answers your question about flying home alone, doesn’t it?” There was no arguing the point, given the serious tone Richard used. If the situation wasn’t so troubling she might have found his territorial display endearing. Where did Frank get off harassing her like this when she’d made it clear she was through dating him? The tone of his e-mails sounded like he thought she was playing hard-to-get. Perhaps she hadn’t been clear enough when she talked to him.

“He’s pushy, but I hardly think—”

“Even if it was okay with me, which it’s
, Boone and Kendall will never allow it. We’ll go with you and help you pack up and make arrangements. One of us will drive your car back, too, so you have your own transportation.”

Pick your battles, Maya.
“I understand. I just didn’t want to take you away from work.”

“You don’t need to worry about that. Chance and Clayton are both big on family and will understand. There are plenty of guys who can pick up the slack for us. We’re going on an overnight cattle haul with them soon.”

“I know. Boone mentioned it this morning,” Maya said as she selected all of Frank’s e-mails and deleted them with a click of the mouse. “I’m not sure what to do about Frank.”

“You let us worry about him. Your hand looks much better,” he said as he stroked the healing bruise surrounding the bite marks on her hand then kissed her knuckle.

Nice try, big boy.
It was a decent effort at changing the subject.

“It’s better every day. What are you going to do about Frank?”

“Nothing, unless he shows up while we’re in San Marcos. He’ll get the picture soon enough.”

“I love when you go all protective He-Man on me, Richard. It’s sweet.”


Richard smiled at her, but she still detected a trace of unease in his posture.

“I don’t have any idea why Frank is so ‘into’ me. I never encouraged him or led him on. I was trying to be ‘just friends’ with him until he got pushy.”

“Sending you all those e-mails and the text messages you told us about seems like stalking behavior to me. You won’t have anything to worry about with the three of us with you. If you’re done here, why don’t you go put on that little bikini I saw you unpacking earlier?”

The heat in Richard’s eyes told her he wanted to see her in it, as well as out of it. She was fine with that.



BOOK: Maya's Triple Dare
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