Matt & Brooklyn: A Standalone in the "Again for the First Time" Family Saga (AFTFT Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: Matt & Brooklyn: A Standalone in the "Again for the First Time" Family Saga (AFTFT Book 2)
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A soft moan filled her throat, vibrating through her chest and mine. She tasted so good, so sweet. The feel of her full lips against mine,
mine, against my tongue, had me gripping her tighter. When her hands came to rest at either side of my face, the kiss slowed and deepened. Her touch was restrained at first, but then her fingertips wandered toward my hairline, and eventually, she got up the nerve to fill her hands with it, my hair, pulling just a little.

The tension that’d been pinned up inside her, the anger, the frustration, seemed to melt away. She relaxed against me and in that moment, I realized this could’ve gone very differently. Brook could’ve easily snatched away when I initiated the kiss, but she hadn’t. Instead, she was mirroring the same emotion, the same intensity that I was.

“We can’t do this, Matt. We have to stop,” she said in a breathless whisper, but then contradicted herself the very next second when warm moisture from her mouth coated my bottom lip. She slowly pulled it between her own, sucking and tugging at the flesh, sending every drop of blood in my body rushing in one direction—
, making me want more from her,
more; I wanted everything.

Despite these feelings, I tried to restrain myself, tried to hold back. If she really wanted to slow things down, I’d rather do
than have her regret what we’d done later. So, gathering every ounce of strength in my body, I stopped kissing her.

Her eyes watched my lips intently when I spoke, but despite having her full attention on them, I wasn’t sure she was really listening. She seemed dazed. “We won’t do this if you don’t want to,” I stated, giving her a chance to back out before things heated up further. Already, it seemed like a dream, touching her like this, but I didn’t want to be left with a nightmare when it was all over. So, if she wanted to stop, I would.

Brook wet her lips and blinked a few times when she finally met my gaze. I searched her eyes for uncertainty, for any inkling that she didn’t intend to follow through. Her words and actions weren’t quite lining up, so I was admittedly confused. For that reason, I backed off a little. The last thing I wanted was for her to feel like I didn’t give her a choice in all this. However, when she made the distance between us disappear again, when she brought me closer and pressed another kiss to my mouth, that all changed. Although, she didn’t say a word, I heard her loud and clear.

My hands roamed over every inch of her that I could reach. Touching her was foreign and familiar all at the same time. There was the parallel of us knowing one another for years, but not knowing each other like
As friends, our conversations had never taken the turn toward sex. It never came up and maybe we’d even avoided the subject on purpose. So, for that reason, I was coming into this blind with no advantage. The one bit of information I
have was that she’d been celibate for a few years, I believed mostly because she was so focused during school that she didn’t have time to think about it. So, for all intents and purposes, physically,
we may as well have been strangers.

A soft whimper made my ears perk when I turned our bodies, sandwiching hers between mine and the wall. The grip she had on my hair tightened as she used it to bring my face closer to hers when she finally tore her lips away. Now, we stood there, cheek-to-cheek, panting like we’d done much more than just kiss. I felt her heart beating through the thin t-shirt she wore and I had the primal urge to make it beat even faster, make it thunder inside her chest while I had my way with her.

My eyes eased closed when those pill0w-soft lips grazed my neck. There were clear signs of hesitancy, but she pushed past the doubt and did it again. The sensation nearly turned me inside out. My hands crawled up her torso, admiring the smooth skin I found beneath her shirt, only stopping when my fingertips discovered the lace-covered underwire of her bra, one that I now knew clasped in the front. I toyed with that hook, imagining the sight of her tits bobbing free, imagining what they’d feel like in my hands. I was coming undone just thinking about it.

The warmth of her mouth moved across my throat and I tilted my head for her. One kiss. Two. Then she tasted my skin with her tongue. She was becoming more bold with every second that passed, which meant the fear was leaving, too. That was what I wanted—for her to stop
so much and just
for a change
She was safe with me.

My hands still lingered in the spot they’d wandered to on their own, on top of her ribcage. However, a faintly whispered, “Take it off,” spoken against my neck brought my fingers to life again, instantly fumbling with the small latch where her cleavage stopped.

A sharp breath left her nostrils when I freed her breasts from the material, finally gaining access to more sensitive parts of her body. I didn’t go for them right away, though. Instead, I eased my hands up her torso again, feeling the prickle of goosebumps rising there as I moved up and then back down again. This time when I made the motion, I passed my thumbs over her tight nipples, resisting the urge to massage them with my fingers.

For a brief moment, I came out of the fantasy and let it sink in that we were actually about to do this. And on top of that, Brook had owned up to feelings she’d been denying since day one. So much was happening all at once, almost too much to process, but I chose to analyze later. For now, I had a smoking hot girl’s bare breasts in my hands and I didn’t care a whole lot how they got there. The hardened flesh of her nipples pressed into the centers of both my palms as I squeezed. They felt great in my hands, but I was sure they’d feel even better in my mouth.

Purely on impulse, I lifted her shirt to expose her body, still feeling her lips on me for a moment, but then she was forced to pull back when I craned my neck to taste her. One nipple and then the other grazed over my tongue as I slowly dragged my mouth away, leaving them moist and hardening even more in the cool air around us. I stole a look at her from here, right before my mouth took her in again. Several words came to mind to describe the body I couldn’t seem to stop touching, but then they all ran together and the only thing I wanted was to be inside her.

When I stood straight again, Brook’s eyes were set on mine. She kept them trained on me even as I pushed my sweats halfway down my thighs, as I lifted her legs to my waist and pressed her back firm to the wall, as I pulled the crotch of her shorts to the side, discovering that she wasn’t wearing panties underneath them.

As much as I wanted to just follow my instincts, I hesitated at the last possible second. It wasn’t my own feelings I was taking into consideration; it was Brook’s. We were about to cross the point of no return and I needed to be sure that
was sure. So, praying that I didn’t kick myself for this later, I asked her one more time. “Tell me you want this, too, Brook. Tell me you’re ready.”

The question left my mouth with a ragged, impatient breath, but I managed to get it out. I was literally aching to be inside her, but I needed her answer before we went any further.

A soft hand gripped the side of my neck and Brook’s gaze was deadlocked on mine. My body and my thoughts were both on hold while I waited.

“Please, Matt.” Her voice was soft, pleading, but she still hadn’t answered my question.

Breathing in her air, I shook my head. “No, I need to hear you say it.”

Her lips dragged across my mouth, mixing her taste with mine. I wanted her, but I was still waiting for my answer. And then it came; making me wild at the sound of that one, sweet word.


I entered her with a rough, long overdue thrust that brought a cry of pleasure to her throat. She wanted it so bad her juices had already began to leak. Without hesitation, I sank inside again, meeting more resistance than I expected, but the wetness compensated. She was tight, tight like she’d never done this before, and the look on her face was a pained one, but with her lip clamped between her teeth I knew she enjoyed the burn.

I could feel everything, every rush of fluid between her legs, her swollen clit grazing the base of my shaft when I drove deep, her muscles clenching and releasing in rhythm. With my forehead pressed to hers, every sweet breath that left her lips rushed over my face—the sound of it hypnotic, maddening. My lids opened just a bit, wanting to see her. Her mouth was flushed and her lips were plump with need just like the lower set I was purposefully moving in and out of. Focusing on that particular sensation, my eyes slammed shut again.

“Come for me, Brook,” I begged, barely able to speak. At the sound of my words, she moaned. It was a high-pitched sound that made it clear she wasn’t in control anymore. Sweat from her face and mine mingled where our skin touched and her lashes fluttered against my cheek.

“Come for me,” I said again, imagining the feel of it coating me, the stickiness of it. Her breaths became quick and rough and I slipped in and out of her faster, feeling her walls caressing my tip with each thrust. There was nothing else in the world that could rival that sensation.


Breath left her and her fingernails bit into the skin on both my biceps. I drove my hips faster, deeper, moving her up the wall a few inches with every movement, making sure to give her as much intensity as possible while she came, her inner-muscles tightening and releasing until I joined her.

Liquid heat left my body and filled hers. A loud groan through clenched teeth at the end of my release disrupted the quiet, but I couldn’t help it. All that could be heard after that was heavy breathing. I savored the scent of her in the air, mellow, feminine, addictive. Slowly, I lowered her feet to the carpet and her hands eased down my arms. Strands of her hair had fallen into her face and soft waves were returning along her hairline where beads of sweat had dampened it.

It was over quickly because we were both already wound so tight before we even started. Years of quenched feelings and bottled up sexual tension made it impossible for either one of us to hold off long, but that didn’t cheapen it. There was still so much raw energy between us; we couldn’t seem to move away from one another. What we’d done was…
abandoning our inhibitions to fill a very basic need that we just couldn’t overlook tonight.

Brook touched her fingertips to the sensitive skin on her lips, smiling a bit when she did. My eyes left her face and found her exposed breasts, now getting a more sober look at them—evenly toned, brown flesh with dark, perky nipples. Without thinking twice, I put my mouth on them again, their stiffness and texture exciting me all over again. This girl… she was like a drug.

There was a hint of a smile on her lips as she ran a hand through my hair. I stood tall before her again. When I did, she kissed my chest once and then placed her hand over my heart.

“I should um… I should go freshen up,” she said, looking me up and down with lust still heavy in her eyes and I wondered what was going on inside that pretty little head of hers.

I watched her lower her top over her chest. Afterward, she surprisingly sought after a kiss and I had to force myself not to latch onto her when she did. Her eyes drifted down as I concealed myself, leaving my sweats low on my hips.

“Go,” I finally replied. “But come back when you’re done.”

She smiled and I didn’t take my eyes off her until she disappeared in the bathroom across the hall. Still feeling the electricity in my veins, I ran both hands through my hair with a heavy sigh.

That woman is so damn beautiful…

I stood there a moment wondering what the hell had just happened. How had her confession and somewhat of an argument, led to…

I stepped into the bathroom attached to my room and cleaned myself up before relaxing on top of my comforter. From here, I could hear the shower running in Brook’s bathroom and my next thought was of what she might be thinking. While on the one hand I felt we had a breakthrough emotionally tonight, it was like I said before; Brook’s hard to break down and I knew for a fact that there was more to her resisting me all this time. Regardless of what she said, it went beyond her not wanting to ruin our friendship. Because of this, she could very easily decide to cast the same old walls right back up. Only time would tell.



Hot water beaded down my shoulders and my hand went to my mouth. Feeling a faint smile there, my eyes closed.

I can’t believe I just…

How did…

What now?

When I went to him tonight, it hadn’t been for…
. I had my mind made up to tell him how I felt and why that meant I couldn’t stay here now. While, yes, I admit there were feelings that needed to be addressed, I was terrified of this very thing happening and of the possibility of tainting our friendship.

I’d seen it happen before. Hell… it’s happened to
before. That was a part of my past I hadn’t shared with Matt or anyone else, but because I’d been down this road before, I knew how bad things could get between friends who didn’t keep their feelings in check. While sex with Matt was… incredible, it wasn’t worth losing everything else we built as friends. Not to me. And had he been thinking clearly, he would’ve agreed.

BOOK: Matt & Brooklyn: A Standalone in the "Again for the First Time" Family Saga (AFTFT Book 2)
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